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Pakistan's National Identity, My thoughts and opinions on Pakistan's problems.

Guys you are getting just_chillin wrong - he is not anti-Pak to say the least. He is like many of us here a proud Pakistani of Pakhtun heritage. Everyone needs to take the temperature down.

But we hate him for his white skin, his superior combat ability, and dancing in circles for hours without getting dizzy. It is what it is.
She was 14
And kidnapped I think

How in the world does he label this halal?

What the ****
Pashtuns don't like others speaking Pashto at all, or getting involved in the culture, unless you live in that area.

Tbh it's kinda begging it if you go out of your way to do all of that

Non-Pashtun speaking Pashto sounds rètardèd

That’s a retarded statement as I know punjabis that can speak better pashto in Peshawar than overseas pashtuns.
This applies to all countries. The people will get upset if you do stupid things or harm its citizens. I am not sure why some PDF members are trying to light fire to the situation. In AJK some people from Abbtobad came and raped a minor, they were arrested but massive protests took place against outsiders coming and perving on local school girls. I dont blame them. We cannot stop this except give justice to the victims, the people will get upset and feel the pain.

In Pakistan Urdu should be the National language but its also beautiful to have regional languages. We use Urdu to communicate with others but it doesn't mean we try to destroy local languages. People use negativity in all situations.
People need to realize that the Punjabi-Pakhtun linkages in the form of migrations, and settlement (in Punjab), inter-marriages, economic links and associations is a tie that binds us into the Country of Pakistan. A break in this tie, will be catastrophic to Pakistan and something our enemies have been trying for years. Dont fall for this trap on both sides.
That’s a retarded statement as I know punjabis that can speak better pashto in Peshawar than overseas pashtuns.
"Unless you live in that area"

I added that specifically for this 😬
This applies to all countries. The people will get upset if you do stupid things or harm its citizens. I am not sure why some PDF members are trying to light fire to the situation. In AJK some people from Abbtobad came and raped a minor, they were arrested but massive protests took place against outsiders coming and perving on local school girls. I dont blame them. We cannot stop this except give justice to the victims, the people will get upset and feel the pain.

In Pakistan Urdu should be the National language but its also beautiful to have regional languages. We use Urdu to communicate with others but it doesn't mean we try to destroy local languages. People use negativity in all situations.

All languages other than English or Chinese are useless unless used for literary purposes. Please tell me the word for computer in punjabi, pashto, Urdu.

It’s compootaar. :lol:

"Unless you live in that area"

I added that specifically for this 😬

People that are traders that come from Punjab can speak pashto pretty well too. And Pashtuns definitely speak punjabi or try to when they come to punjab.
If Pakistanis want Turkish people to visit their country to increase people to people contact then improve your security, government, tourism. Nobody will visit when security threats are high. Pakistan needs to get its house in order, promote culture, and history. We ourselves don't bother with it but then dreaming of others to come. Turkey is full of its history, they preserve their culture, Art and history.

All languages other than English or Chinese are useless unless used for literary purposes. Please tell me the word for computer in punjabi, pashto, Urdu.

It’s compootaar. :lol:

People that are traders that come from Punjab can speak pashto pretty well too. And Pashtuns definitely speak punjabi or try to when they come to punjab.
Where is Pakistan Urdu language department? Why not translate English words to Urdu. When everyone is working for safarish then this is what happens.
It seems online Pakistanis are feeling inferior to others. At first they were unsettled by Indian comments, then Bangalis, then Iranian, Afghan and now Turkish lol. I ate food with Turkish brothers, attended gatherings in their homes, Turkish brothers held my feet and legs in Madina when I struggled to get off this cliff. I didn't see any hatred. Why not become people of respect, values and role model for others. They will respect you don't worry 😉
Here we go again --- 1st we had to hear Indians bitching about us stealing and marrying there females and now the Turks.
It's hard being a Pakistani, you do a halal action you get bitched at.

That girl is 13 and the guy is around 26. Thats just weird.
If Pakistanis want Turkish people to visit their country to increase people to people contact then improve your security, government, tourism. Nobody will visit when security threats are high. Pakistan needs to get its house in order, promote culture, and history. We ourselves don't bother with it but then dreaming of others to come. Turkey is full of its history, they preserve their culture, Art and history.

Where is Pakistan Urdu language department? Why not translate English words to Urdu. When everyone is working for safarish then this is what happens.

The world has moved on. It’s too late. It’s better to develop from an existing prototype than starting from scratch.
Because they speak the same language

An average Punjabi cannot even speak Pashto, so I don't know they would listen to the music or know the singers.

Plus I don't think they would want to, because the Afghan brethren are going to go crazy on the other side 😭😭

Then it disproves the notion Pakistanis are "one".

Plus I don't think they would want to, because the Afghan brethren are going to go crazy on the other side

Who cares what they say? They are irrelevant.
Sexual Harassment is a huge issue in Pakistan either way. If some pendus think recording women in public is fine and pulling stuff like this:

Then Turks have a right to be angry.
She looks really young. I dont blame them for being peed off. Turkish are proud people, secular or not.
Guys you are getting just_chillin wrong - he is not anti-Pak to say the least. He is like many of us here a proud Pakistani of Pakhtun heritage. Everyone needs to take the temperature down.

Rora you know that I am from Quetta and I have spoken extensively to people and diaspora from my area, ex-FATA, and rest of Balochistan.

There is a quiet attitude and some views that regard that the Pakistani mainstream tends to leave us out of the conversations. Couple this with some Pakistani diaspora frankly not knowing anything about certain provinces along with some Pashtun/Baloch diaspora kids not being able to understand or speak Urdu. You get a rift that is getting bigger post Imran Khan removal. I mean seriously, most Pakistani kids I met have no idea about kuchi dresses, peran tumban, or attan.

I want to point out this rift and this quiet resentment so at least we can have solution. Unfortunately, I think we are politically and intellectually immature so that I get called Indian or some hidden Afghan refugee, when I am trying to point out a solution and this problem.

Dera Manana.

She looks really young. I dont blame them for being peed off. Turkish are proud people, secular or not.

They saying the Turkish news reported her as missing or kidnapped which makes it even more weird.
Then it disproves the notion Pakistanis are "one".
One in what sense? I don't think anyone can deny the ethnic, linguistic, cultural divide

A Punjabi will obviously listen to Punjabi music

There's a language barrier which makes it much harder to listen to Pashto music because they'll have know clue what is being said

Plus telling a Punjabi not to listen to Punjabi music orginating from India or not to interact with them is like telling a Pashtun not to do the same with Afghan Pashtuns

It's not realistic
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