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Wahhabism & its Connections with Terrorism..!!!

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Wahhabism has become the bullseye that everyone throw every bad thing at, an imaginary boogeyman. Like saying all terrorist are automatically Wahhabi, and Wahhabis are automatically terrorists, it is not us, it is them, look at them.

It is quite sickening and ignorant and stomachache inducing. Al-Qaeda are terrorists thus they are Wahhabi, Taliban are terrorists thus they are Wahhabi, some other group will come out of no where and they will be called that too, and I am pretty sure MOST people in those groups never even heard of the term. It is the same with Iranians , everyone who hates us is automatically Wahhabi. And the most funny of this WHOLE thing is that there is NO SUCH THING AS WAHHABI TO BEGIN WITH IN THIS UNIVERSE.
Now you brought out of the context communal riots. By the way, this Deobandi Barelvi exist only among the Urdu speaking Muslims of North India.
Most Sunni follows barelvi school of thought in Gujarat , and Deobands don't make an equal amount their so competition is impossible , but it is necessary to debate this topic on every context , otherwise passing your insane judgement itself proved false.
Mate ! Behaviour of Foji Bhai is reflecting that they have really tasted a sour grapes , Still Instead of reviewing their policey they are just containing it and continuing repeating that same mistake in all fronts , What more surprising is that they are now selecting their enemy on the basis of sectarian group , I'm sure that people of that same sectarian group are also part of our armed forces and many have sacrificed their lives in War on Terror . But still you can't explain the actual beauty of colours to a blind.

They all are sick minded people and have fear true Islamic teachings.
These "hatreds" on the basis of Rang, Nasal, Zubaan aur Sect, have been inoculated in our society from our neighbours. These are poison for our Unity.
Plz every body should avoid to distribute human beings into these stupid categories. For the sake of United and stronger Pakistan.
Wahhabism has become the bullseye that everyone throw every bad thing at, an imaginary boogeyman. Like saying all terrorist are automatically Wahhabi, and Wahhabis are automatically terrorists, it is not us, it is them, look at them.

It is quite sickening and ignorant and stomachache inducing. Al-Qaeda are terrorists thus they are Wahhabi, Taliban are terrorists thus they are Wahhabi, some other group will come out of no where and they will be called that too, and I am pretty sure MOST people in those groups never even heard of the term. It is the same with Iranians , everyone who hates us is automatically Wahhabi. And the most funny of this WHOLE thing is that there is NO SUCH THING AS WAHHABI TO BEGIN WITH IN THIS UNIVERSE.

I feel for you bro.

Personally, I love Wahabis. :tup:
They all are sick minded people and have fear true Islamic teachings.
I just don't understand how can he justify it, but Wat advantage Deoband will gain if TTP destroyed our force multipliers AWAC's or PC-3 orions , So any external force can take advantage of it even knowing that the enemies will only target them first as they are considered ultra orthodox . Foji bhai comments not making sense at all . He and others would never blame theirselves for the failures. They keep trying to find someone else to blame.
One of my favorite things is tue fact that the people who claim the existence of this thing called "Wahhabism" claim that these imaginary people are "Takfiris", and the sites from which they get their information from are called "Wahhabi Kafir" etc.

So who really is the Takfiri ones? Because honestly I have seen more Takfir coming from people claiming we are this thing than the other way around. And I have seen more hate coming from these people than the other way around, hypocrisy at its best.
One of my favorite things is tue fact that the people who claim the existence of this thing called "Wahhabism" claim that these imaginary people are "Takfiris", and the sites from which they get their information from are called "Wahhabi Kafir" etc.

So who really is the Takfiri ones? Because honestly I have seen more Takfir coming from people claiming we are this thing than the other way around. And I have seen more hate coming from these people than the other way around, hypocrisy at its best.
Hey ! They have chosen new name for Ultra Orthodox Wahabbis , Its "KHAWARIJ" , New in Market ;)
Hahahaha yeah I have noticed. For people who do not know what "Khawarij" means it is a more sever form of Kafir. Just goes to show you who are the real Takfiris doesn't it?
I think they are not even takfiris , but victums of specific propaganda , I have a hope that they will be alright once they really understand that they are being manipulated with false agenda .
I think they are not even takfiris , but victums of specific propaganda , I have a hope that they will be alright once they really understand that they are being manipulated with false agenda .

They have called victim to the oldest trick in the world politics books. "Using religion to further political goals". In time they will wake up and realize the realty of the world around them.
I am glad you are taking some interest in your affairs. Otherwise your meekness combined with fanaticism of RSS has led to the death of many innocents. Afzal guru was hanged today and is believed to be innocent. Years ago a very distant relative went to report a crime-a murder of one of us by Hindutvas and was jailed and threatened not to raise a word-only on that condition he was released. I would advise you to grasp the hand Pakistanis offer you because no one will be left to fight for your rights otherwise-I know-I saw it. :)

Cheers! I do not care what you call yourself but understand those of us with family there see u as a part of us (Pakistan).

I do not want anything that happened to us Ansaris to happen in Pakistan to Hindus. Wahabis have been involved in heinous crimes. You may have your reasons but I strongly oppose them.

Thanx but no thanx we are capable of solving our own problems without helping hand from outsiders . Majority of Hindus and muslims lived together for centuries infact still a big number live in peace and harmony including myself .you can give ur assumptions but u cannot read the mind of majority of Indian muslims who love their country to the core. Every country has some or the other kinda communal issues i dont disagree to that but our judicial system isn't as week like yours.

Dont know what happened with ansaris in the past . but i only know one ansari thats(HAMID Ansar) a vice president of India . :P
If i love my country that doesn't mean i am a part of RSS or shive sena troop that doesn't make any sense at all . we have our ancestoral roots ,our own peace of land and infact we get every right in this country may it be basic rights , fundemental ,judicial and infact constitutional rights andd religious freedom is one of the best we enjoy here. and whn u talk about hindus then let me tell u that all hinuds Do not belong to the extremist belt same with muslims in India but its the civil society which exist in large were all the communites live together peacefully .

Coming back to wahabis In India they are called AHLE -HADIS (people who follow quran and sunnah ) As per the sahi hadis .and wahabis do not commit any shirk and bidah(Innovation) Like the barelvis and deobandis . mee too was under the same hoax But thanx to my friend who is an ahle hadis who helped me to follow the right teachings of quran and sunnah .
I thought I'd go crazy reading this post. Epic. You are not conditioned to self-criticism. Its got to do with being in a dictatorship where media is controlled. Wahabism is not a religion but a sect followed by a select population. Also hanafi are larger than you, even Sufis. This criticism is a very valuable part of Islamic thought process you are trying to destroy.

You have to stop this hatred of Shias. If someone goes to the mazaar of these people it is his choice-it is not our baap dada ka concern to criticize them. Wahab defiled Prophets tomb too in case you don't remember because he feared people would worship it.

I am sorry to say this, but you people have proved that you are sectarians by nature, looking for anything for dividing everything especially Islam, I am well sure that if it wasn't Islam sects, it will be sth else like dividing people based on ethnicity in your country. I only hear about Sunni Mathhabs only and only here ONLY from few Pakistanis trying intentionally or unintentionally to divide Muslims. Again, Saudis represent True and pure Islam, it is a religion not a sect, you can look for an another name for your sect if it's a new one.
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