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Waging War on Iran without Turkey?

Why Turks and Turkey can support the possible USA intervention against Mullah/Persian ethno-religious destructive dictation is examplified with another factual reality of Turks of Southern Azerbaijan.

Nader Gazipour, the representative of the people of Urmia, says Turks live in the cities of Qərbi Azərbaycan, Zəncan, Ərdəbil, Həmədan, Qəzvin, Şimali Xorasan, Gülüstan, Mazandaran, Krdistan, Əlborz, İsfahan, Fars;and Those Turk people of 40 million demand their own legal rights according to the articles 15 and 19 in the ''constitution''.

Some of those legal rights are TV and newspaper in their mother language, Turkish.

He also says some media outlets insult and slander Turks who demand their own legal rights... Just like being done by some Mullahs/Persians in this thread, it seems that The insult is common among those Persians when they are out of argument.



Nadir Qazipur ...
“Türklər Şərqi Azərbaycan, Qərbi Azərbaycan, Zəncan, Ərdəbil, Həmədan, Qəzvin, Şimali Xorasan, Gülüstan, Mazandaran, Kürdistan, Əlborz, İsfahan və Fars əyalətlərində yaşayır. Bir sözlə desək, İranda türklərin yaşamadığı yer yoxdur. Bu 40 milyon əhalinin bir sıra tələbləri var. Türk əyalətlərinin millət vəkilləri həmin tələblərin təmini ilə bağlı Türk Bölgələri Fraksiyasını yaratmağa qərar verdilər. Sonralar bəziləri onun adını şimal-qərb fraksiyası ilə dəyişdirmək istədi, lakin mən bunun qarşısını aldım. Hazırda fraksiyanın rəisi Məsud Pezeşkiyandır, mən də onun müavini postuna seçilmişəm”-

“Öz zəngin mədəniyyətlərini dünyaya təqdim etmək üçün, türklərin bütün İranda yayımlanacaq 24 saatlıq televiziya kanalı və bir qəzetə ehtiyacı var. Türk dilinin tədris olunması da İrandakı bütün qövmlərin dili kimi təmami ilə qanuna uyğundur. Bu tələblər qanun çərçivəsində olduğu halda, “Qanun” kimi bəzi satılmış qəzetlər türkləri təhqir edir və öz hüquqlarını tələb edənlərin ünvanına çirkin böhtan və iftiralar yazır”

The source: https://www.gunaz.tv/az/xeberler/gu...ni-ireli-surur-urmiyenin-millet-vekili-109958
Why Turks and Turkey can support the possible USA intervention against Mullah/Persian ethno-religious destructive dictation is examplified with another factual reality of Turks of Southern Azerbaijan.

Nader Gazipour, the representative of the people of Urmia, says Turks live in the cities of Qərbi Azərbaycan, Zəncan, Ərdəbil, Həmədan, Qəzvin, Şimali Xorasan, Gülüstan, Mazandaran, Krdistan, Əlborz, İsfahan, Fars;and Those Turk people of 40 million demand their own legal rights according to the articles 15 and 19 in the ''constitution''.

Some of those legal rights are TV and newspaper in their mother language, Turkish.

He also says some media outlets insult and slander Turks who demand their own legal rights... Just like being done by some Mullahs/Persians in this thread, it seems that The insult is common among those Persians when they are out of argument.



Nadir Qazipur ...
“Türklər Şərqi Azərbaycan, Qərbi Azərbaycan, Zəncan, Ərdəbil, Həmədan, Qəzvin, Şimali Xorasan, Gülüstan, Mazandaran, Kürdistan, Əlborz, İsfahan və Fars əyalətlərində yaşayır. Bir sözlə desək, İranda türklərin yaşamadığı yer yoxdur. Bu 40 milyon əhalinin bir sıra tələbləri var. Türk əyalətlərinin millət vəkilləri həmin tələblərin təmini ilə bağlı Türk Bölgələri Fraksiyasını yaratmağa qərar verdilər. Sonralar bəziləri onun adını şimal-qərb fraksiyası ilə dəyişdirmək istədi, lakin mən bunun qarşısını aldım. Hazırda fraksiyanın rəisi Məsud Pezeşkiyandır, mən də onun müavini postuna seçilmişəm”-

“Öz zəngin mədəniyyətlərini dünyaya təqdim etmək üçün, türklərin bütün İranda yayımlanacaq 24 saatlıq televiziya kanalı və bir qəzetə ehtiyacı var. Türk dilinin tədris olunması da İrandakı bütün qövmlərin dili kimi təmami ilə qanuna uyğundur. Bu tələblər qanun çərçivəsində olduğu halda, “Qanun” kimi bəzi satılmış qəzetlər türkləri təhqir edir və öz hüquqlarını tələb edənlərin ünvanına çirkin böhtan və iftiralar yazır”

The source: https://www.gunaz.tv/az/xeberler/gu...ni-ireli-surur-urmiyenin-millet-vekili-109958

Go back to Konya, Kurdish guy pretending to be a Turk. And stop posting fake propaganda.

Russia and China will not let Iran to become next Afganistan or Libya. After the fall of Iran the whole Central Asia will become terrorist heaven. So in the case of the war Iran will get all the supplies to kick agressor out of its soil.

Is that why you refused to give us the s300 we bought and paid for, and refuse to sell us Sukhoi fighters?
Go back to Konya, Kurdish guy pretending to be a Turk. And stop posting fake propaganda.

Is that why you refused to give us the s300 we bought and paid for, and refuse to sell us Sukhoi fighters?

Here is another reason Why Turks and Turkey can support the possible USA intervention against Mullah/Persian ethno-religious destructive dictation is examplified with another factual reality of Turks of Southern Azerbaijan.

Zəhra Sai, the Turk woman representitive for the cities of Təbriz, Azərşəhr (Tufarqan) ,Üskünün (Üşkaya) in ''Islamic parliament'', was insulted and harassed by Persians due to the word of ''Turk'' in her congrat words shared on her Instagram account to another Turk wrestler for winning a medal in the World Wrestling Championship.


Təbriz, Azərşəhr (Tufarqan) və Üskünün (Üşkaya) ... millət vəkili Zəhra Sai...

Zəhra Sai oktyabrın 22-də İnstaqram səhifəsində post paylaşaraq Basmenc şəhəri sakini olan azərbaycan güləşçi Pərviz Hadinin Macaristanda keçirilən Dünya Güləş Çempionatında bürünc medal qazanmasını təbrik etmişdir.

“Xoşbəxtlikdən qeyrətli türk güləşçi Pərviz Hadi Azərbaycana daha bir uğur gətirib. O Dünya Güləş Çempionatında bürünc medal qazanıb, hansı ki, qızıl medaldan heç də az deyil. Pəhləvanın qeyrətinə salam olsun”- deyə o səhifəsində qeyd edib.

“Türk” sözünü millət vəkilinin səhifəsində görən fars irqçiləri həmən ona və Azərbaycana qarşı hücuma keçiblər. Hazırda Zəhra Sainin İnstaqram səhifəsi irqçilərin Azərbaycana qarşı təhqir məkanına çevrilib.

The source: https://www.gunaz.tv/az/xeberler/gu...ehra-sainin-unvanina-soyus-yagdiriblar-110130
Why Turks and Turkey can support the possible USA intervention against Mullah/Persian ethno-religious destructive dictation is examplified with another factual reality of Turks of Southern Azerbaijan.

Nader Gazipour, the representative of the people of Urmia, says Turks live in the cities of Qərbi Azərbaycan, Zəncan, Ərdəbil, Həmədan, Qəzvin, Şimali Xorasan, Gülüstan, Mazandaran, Krdistan, Əlborz, İsfahan, Fars;and Those Turk people of 40 million demand their own legal rights according to the articles 15 and 19 in the ''constitution''.

Some of those legal rights are TV and newspaper in their mother language, Turkish.

He also says some media outlets insult and slander Turks who demand their own legal rights... Just like being done by some Mullahs/Persians in this thread, it seems that The insult is common among those Persians when they are out of argument.



Nadir Qazipur ...
“Türklər Şərqi Azərbaycan, Qərbi Azərbaycan, Zəncan, Ərdəbil, Həmədan, Qəzvin, Şimali Xorasan, Gülüstan, Mazandaran, Kürdistan, Əlborz, İsfahan və Fars əyalətlərində yaşayır. Bir sözlə desək, İranda türklərin yaşamadığı yer yoxdur. Bu 40 milyon əhalinin bir sıra tələbləri var. Türk əyalətlərinin millət vəkilləri həmin tələblərin təmini ilə bağlı Türk Bölgələri Fraksiyasını yaratmağa qərar verdilər. Sonralar bəziləri onun adını şimal-qərb fraksiyası ilə dəyişdirmək istədi, lakin mən bunun qarşısını aldım. Hazırda fraksiyanın rəisi Məsud Pezeşkiyandır, mən də onun müavini postuna seçilmişəm”-

“Öz zəngin mədəniyyətlərini dünyaya təqdim etmək üçün, türklərin bütün İranda yayımlanacaq 24 saatlıq televiziya kanalı və bir qəzetə ehtiyacı var. Türk dilinin tədris olunması da İrandakı bütün qövmlərin dili kimi təmami ilə qanuna uyğundur. Bu tələblər qanun çərçivəsində olduğu halda, “Qanun” kimi bəzi satılmış qəzetlər türkləri təhqir edir və öz hüquqlarını tələb edənlərin ünvanına çirkin böhtan və iftiralar yazır”

The source: https://www.gunaz.tv/az/xeberler/gu...ni-ireli-surur-urmiyenin-millet-vekili-109958
another example that you don't know anything about azarbaijan. when i say you don't know anything i'm not trying to insult. do you know which political party gazizadeh follows??
@Islamic faith&Secularism You are using alot of cherrypicking/outliers/minority cases to make a general point about Iran, which is a fallacy. Just an fyi. You've found some cases where bad things happen in Iran, but these seem to be a few cases, not a general overall trend,so you cant use that against Iran as a country. Remember Turkey has a bad record on treating some minorities too.
another example that you don't know anything about azarbaijan. when i say you don't know anything i'm not trying to insult. do you know which political party gazizadeh follows??

I cannot see any logical counter argument but denial or insult so far.

Anyway... Let's try it with another reason Why Turks and Turkey can support the possible USA intervention against Mullah/Persian ethno-religious destructive dictation is examplified with another factual reality of Turks of Southern Azerbaijan.

As Nader Gazipour, the representative of the people of Urmia, mentioned about discrimination against the Turks in ''Islamic parliament'' on Wednesday 16th of May 2018.

“40 million Turks do not even have a national television and newspaper in their mother language.”

“Madrasah schools must be in Turkish Language”, “Turkish Language should be Official Language“, “Article 15 of the Constitution should be applied” ,“We Want education in Mother Tongue” are some of the signs on the walls of the university of Urmia written by Turk students.



Urmiyə Universitetinin türk öyrənciləri universitetin həyətində divarlara ölkədə türk dilinin rəsmi dil olmasını tələb edən etiketlər yapışdırıblar.

Türk, fars və ingilis dillərində yazılan etiketlər oktyabrın 7-də divarlarda görünüb. Öyrəncilər ölkənin təkdilli təhsil sisteminə etiraz edərək məktəb və universitetlərdə türk dilinin tədris olunmasını tələb ediblər.

Etiketlərdə “Türk dilində mədrəsə - Olmalıdır hər kəsə”, “Türk dili rəsmi olsun”, “Konstitusiyanın 15-ci maddəsi icra olunmalıdır” və “Biz ana dilinin tədris olunmasını tələb edirik” şüarları dərc olunub.
The source: https://www.gunaz.tv/az/xeberler/gu...smi-dil-olmasini-teleb-edibler-goruntu-109652
Azerbaijan is the name of a region, Azerbaijani are people from that region (mostly Turks). Iranian Turks live throughout Iran not just the north west. There are around 2 million Turks in the southern Zagros region, Qashqai and the Turkic tribes that formed part of the Khamseh. Nomads but also a large proportion of the settled population have Turkish ancestry in Shiraz. Then there are Khorasani Turks and Turkmen in the north east. It's no exaggeration to say almost half of Iran is Turkish or has partial Turkish ancestry.

There's political oppression throughout Iran that affects all ethnic groups. Suppressing the local Turkish language is one of them but it seems mostly it's local issues involving over zealous officials rather than a national policy of suppression.
Personally, I think Iran should make Turkish official alongside Persian since this has pretty much been the case for the past millenia and would solve one of the biggest grievances but I doubt it's going to happen any time soon.

For most Iranian Turks Iran is their country and it's disrespectful towards them to deny them their place within Iran. For a thousand years the history of the Iranian Turks was tied to Iran and the fate of Iranian Turks is tied to Iran. This should be a common factor bringing Turkey and Iran closer together, not something divisive.
Everybody, lets watch some tv in Azari while this kurdish wanker continues with his propaganda.


Azerbaijan is the name of a region, Azerbaijani are people from that region (mostly Turks). Iranian Turks live throughout Iran not just the north west. There are around 2 million Turks in the southern Zagros region, Qashqai and the Turkic tribes that formed part of the Khamseh. Nomads but also a large proportion of the settled population have Turkish ancestry in Shiraz. Then there are Khorasani Turks and Turkmen in the north east. It's no exaggeration to say almost half of Iran is Turkish or has partial Turkish ancestry.

There's political oppression throughout Iran that affects all ethnic groups. Suppressing the local Turkish language is one of them but it seems mostly it's local issues involving over zealous officials rather than a national policy of suppression.
Personally, I think Iran should make Turkish official alongside Persian since this has pretty much been the case for the past millenia and would solve one of the biggest grievances but I doubt it's going to happen any time soon.

For most Iranian Turks Iran is their country and it's disrespectful towards them to deny them their place within Iran. For a thousand years the history of the Iranian Turks was tied to Iran and the fate of Iranian Turks is tied to Iran. This should be a common factor bringing Turkey and Iran closer together, not something divisive.

Theres a difference between being a Turk and being Turkish. We are Turks not Turkish. Turkish means your country or homeland is Turkey. Turk simply means you are a Turk. We dont have Turkish ancestry. If anything, you have Iranian ancestry. (Turks moved west from Iran after Seljuks established the Sultanate of Rum). When it comes to political oppression, like you mentioned there is a difference between individuals and state policy. For instance, Azaris of Iran are extremely racist against Kurds.

Azari have never been official language in Iran. Turks ruled Iran for thousand years. But we never made Azari the official language, we always kept Persian as the official language.

Ghaznavid Empire 962-1186
Seljuk Empire 1037–1194
Sultanate of Rum 1077–1307
Khawarazmian Dynasty 1077–1231/1256
Qara Koyunlu 1375–1468
Aq Qoyunlu 1378–1501
Safavid Dynasty 1501–1736
Afsharid Dynasty 1736–1796
Qajar Dynasty 1789–1925
Why The possible USA intervention will be welcomed by Turks and Turkey against Mullah/Persian ethno-religious destructive dictation in Southern Azerbaijan is exemplified with another reality.

Turks of Southern Azerbaijan pay and publish Turkish books by their own pocket and distribute them to the Turk students street by street of the cities of Ərdəbil, Xiyav (Meşkinşəhr) and Zəncan while Persians collect those Turks' money as ''tax'' use that money to publish and distribute Persian books.

Güneydə "hər türk şagirdə türkcə bir kitab" kampaniyası dördüncü həftədir davam edir

Keçən həftələrdə Ərdəbil, Xiyav (Meşkinşəhr) və Zəncan kimi şəhərlərdə təşkil olunan kampaniya bölgə əhalisindən əlavə, İranın başqa bölgələrində fəaliyyət göstərən qeyri-fars fəallar və mədəni qrupların da diqqətini cəlb edib.



The source: https://www.amerikaninsesi.org/a/gü...ası-dördüncü-həftədir-davam-edir/4613685.html

The same campaing in the city of Nir.


Təhsil müəssisələrinin açılışı günü “Hər azərbaycanlı şagird üçün türk dilində bir kitab” şüarı ilə başladılan kampaniya Nir şəhərində davam etdirilib.




The source: https://www.gunaz.tv/az/xeberler/gu...-nir-seherinde-davam-etdirilib-goruntu-109937
I cannot see any logical counter argument but denial or insult so far.

Anyway... Let's try it with another reason Why Turks and Turkey can support the possible USA intervention against Mullah/Persian ethno-religious destructive dictation is examplified with another factual reality of Turks of Southern Azerbaijan.

As Nader Gazipour, the representative of the people of Urmia, mentioned about discrimination against the Turks in ''Islamic parliament'' on Wednesday 16th of May 2018.

“40 million Turks do not even have a national television and newspaper in their mother language.”

“Madrasah schools must be in Turkish Language”, “Turkish Language should be Official Language“, “Article 15 of the Constitution should be applied” ,“We Want education in Mother Tongue” are some of the signs on the walls of the university of Urmia written by Turk students.



Urmiyə Universitetinin türk öyrənciləri universitetin həyətində divarlara ölkədə türk dilinin rəsmi dil olmasını tələb edən etiketlər yapışdırıblar.

Türk, fars və ingilis dillərində yazılan etiketlər oktyabrın 7-də divarlarda görünüb. Öyrəncilər ölkənin təkdilli təhsil sisteminə etiraz edərək məktəb və universitetlərdə türk dilinin tədris olunmasını tələb ediblər.

Etiketlərdə “Türk dilində mədrəsə - Olmalıdır hər kəsə”, “Türk dili rəsmi olsun”, “Konstitusiyanın 15-ci maddəsi icra olunmalıdır” və “Biz ana dilinin tədris olunmasını tələb edirik” şüarları dərc olunub.
The source: https://www.gunaz.tv/az/xeberler/gu...smi-dil-olmasini-teleb-edibler-goruntu-109652
let me clarify to you IR does not care about ethnicity of people, if it was not the case an alliance with arabs would
not be possible (i guess you already know how persians feel about arabs). you guys do not have a clue how is situation in iran. first there are azari people that unlike me would not call themselves turk because they believe thats an insult and they are arian, second you say half of tehran is turk and somehow think that it's a good thing for possible independence of azarbaijan but on the contrary it is not because 1 they are not pan turk at all and like the first group i said they despise pan-turkism 2 if half of the tehran is turk then it means we all have some relatives in the tehran like myself that almost half of my family lives there like my sister, brother, cousins, my aunts and their children... . another thing is many people are religious in azarbaijan like the ghazizadeh which is very close to leader himself they will oppose any independence.
azarbaijan in last ten years experienced -40c winters what would you do to keep people dieing from cold considering that iran will cut oil and gas supply to a free azarbaijan??
also you don't know anything about the intentions of those people yelling haray haray man turkam, you never wonder why in the past 20 years when you were traveling iran to sell woods and buy foods they didn't call
something like that and instead they were calling i'm azari not turk??
you guys don't know anything about azarbaijan
Theres a difference between being a Turk and being Turkish. We are Turks not Turkish.
Are you really going to quibble over semantics? The suffix "ish" means being or belong to. Turkish means being Turk, Turkish language means language belonging to Turks. Its grammatically correct and a trivial thing to argue over.

Turkish means your country or homeland is Turkey.
No it doesn't. Turkish means being associated with or belonging to Turks, that's it. Anything else is a matter of context.

Turk simply means you are a Turk. We dont have Turkish ancestry.
I think you're confusing with Anatolia here. I never claimed Iranian Turks had Anatolian Turkish heritage, but Akkoyunlu, Karakoyunlu were ancestors for many Turks of Turkey and Iran. And don't forget all the Alevi Turkmen who were forced out of eastern Turkey by the Kurds during the Ottoman era. Many made their homes among irans Turks.

Azari have never been official language in Iran. Turks ruled Iran for thousand years. But we never made Azari the official language, we always kept Persian as the official language.

Ghaznavid Empire 962-1186
Seljuk Empire 1037–1194
Sultanate of Rum 1077–1307
Khawarazmian Dynasty 1077–1231/1256
Qara Koyunlu 1375–1468
Aq Qoyunlu 1378–1501
Safavid Dynasty 1501–1736
Afsharid Dynasty 1736–1796
Qajar Dynasty 1789–1925
All those Turkic dynasties in Iran spoke Turki not "Azari". Iranian Turks historically call their language Turki. Whilst most matters of administration and the courts was handled by the Persians, most of the leaders spoke Turki(sh). And considering the spread of Turks throughout Iran, and their role in Iranian history, then why not respect it with an official status? I think that would have a positive impact with the Turk(ish) communities in Iran who have traditionally been very loyal to Iran.
let me clarify to you IR does not care about ethnicity of people, if it was not the case an alliance with arabs would
not be possible (i guess you already know how persians feel about arabs). you guys do not have a clue how is situation in iran. first there are azari people that unlike me would not call themselves turk because they believe thats an insult and they are arian, second you say half of tehran is turk and somehow think that it's a good thing for possible independence of azarbaijan but on the contrary it is not because 1 they are not pan turk at all and like the first group i said they despise pan-turkism 2 if half of the tehran is turk then it means we all have some relatives in the tehran like myself that almost half of my family lives there like my sister, brother, cousins, my aunts and their children... . another thing is many people are religious in azarbaijan like the ghazizadeh which is very close to leader himself they will oppose any independence.
azarbaijan in last ten years experienced -40c winters what would you do to keep people dieing from cold considering that iran will cut oil and gas supply to a free azarbaijan??
also you don't know anything about the intentions of those people yelling haray haray man turkam, you never wonder why in the past 20 years when you were traveling iran to sell woods and buy foods they didn't call
something like that and instead they were calling i'm azari not turk??
you guys don't know anything about azarbaijan

The supporters of the biggest Turk football club ''Tractor Sazi'' in Southern Azerbaijan:

Azerbaijan is my homeland... Long Live Azerbaijan... I die... you live Azerbaijan says the subtitle in the fixed timing.

They chant ... Haray Haray Men Türkem means Haray Haray I am Turk says the subtitle in the fixed timing.

A protest against Ethno-Religious Persian dictation...

However, you still claim otherwise... denial.
i'm a fan of traxtor

i've been in one too

i am not in denial, you don't know enough of us.

I have seen many Persians impersonating Turks from Souther Azerbaijan to fool members in Turk section, the last one in this thread claiming to be Turk but deny everything in favour of their real nation Persian like you... so please stop kidding yourself.

  • In 2013, Rouhani promised to make Turkish as education language in his own election manifest at the articles 3 and 4,
  • Ali Asghar Fani (the then ''Education Minister'') announced that the education in mother language was the first thing the governement and Education ministry to do,
  • No step taken.

However, Despite being ''Islamic'' in the title and promises as above, It still is run by Persian Ethno-Religious dictation over half of the population in the Southern Azerbaijan.

The examples given by me in this thread make the Persian Ethno-Religious dictation as the fact; therefore, The USA intervention can be welcomed by Turks and Turkey.
I have seen many Persian impersanating Turks of Souther Azerbaijan to fool members in Turk section, the last one in this thread claiming to be Turk but deny everything in favour of their real nation Persian like you... so please stop kidding yourself.
so you think i'm persian?? first you should prove you're not from mars.
  • In 2013, Rouhani promised to make Turkish as education language in his own election manifest at the articles 3 and 4,
  • Ali Asghar Fani announced that the education in mother language was the first thing the governement and Education ministry to do,
  • No step taken.
However, Despite being ''Islamic'' in the title and promises as above, It still is run by Persian Ethno-Religious dictation over half of the population in the Southern Azerbaijan.

The examples given by me in this thread makes the Persian Ethno-Religious dictation as the fact; therefore, The USA intervention can be welcomed by Turks and Turkey.
no you are not seeking welfare for azaris you're saying we should divide to two group and fight eachother so feel like turks stronk. i said before any independence would be a disaster for us.

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