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Waging War on Iran without Turkey?

First of all, You are not a Turk; Your selective choice of words ''Iran'' over Southern Azerbaijan or ''Azeri'' over Turk despite the history you mentioned and the background of the word ''Iran'' make it for sure about your nationality. Otherwise, care and side with those Turks and Turk countries instead of your real nation Persian.

During our rule of Southern Azebaijan, Persians had secured their own culture and language like other nations/countries today who were ruled by Ottoman; however, under the very short time of their rule till today They do everything to destroy The Turk language and culture as seen in the ''official'' language or second class human beings like the insult that is used for Turks(you know what i mean).

Therefore, the liberation of Southern Azerbaijan will both secure the Turk existance and also rescue the Persians from the Mullah regime just like they do as soon as they arrive Turkey and find a hotel room to drop the social and cultural heritage of Persian and embrace the Turkish one before they discover and enjoy being a Human in the streets of Istanbul without any oppression or fear of being stoned to death. So, no worry, you will be more than fine after Ethno-religious oppression is ended.

Here is a thread showing factual examples about the existancial conditions of Turks in Southern Azerbaijan:

That is why Turkey would happily take actions as long as those conditions and some others are met.

Btw, All the countries in the region support the intervention tell a lot about those mullahs the cancer of the Islam in the heart and mind of muslims.

I'm sorry but you really are brainwashed.
I'm sorry but you really are brainwashed.

I try to explain why Turkey can side with any kind of intervention of USA in today's border called ''Iran''.

However,Here comes the insult, typical mullah.

You are a living example for ethno-religious destructive dictation therefore in denial, but lets give some more for those who have still doubt.

Mullah/Persian examples of ethno-religious destructive dictation against the language and culture of Turk identity in Southern Azerbaijan:

A kid with a Turk name ''Onur''(''Honor'' in english) lives with his family and culture happily for 20 months despite his ''ID'' refused to be given due to the Turk origin of the name.

His father announced the situation on his facebook account. He says the name of his son is Turkish, therefore refused to be given an ID.



The source: https://www.gunaz.tv/az/xeberler/gu...un-sexsiyyet-vesiqesi-verilmir-goruntu-113224

The Book-burning era continues... A story book for kids written in Turkish language has been collected from all book stores and burned by Mullah/Persian regime.


GünAz Tv: İranın İslami İrşad İdarəsi türkcə bir satirik kitabın bütün nüsxələrini yandırıb.

Azərbaycan türkcəsində yazılan “Tülkü həccə gedir” əsərinin müəllifi Abdulla Şayeqdir, o kitabı uşaq oxucular üçün nəzərdə tutub.

Kitab, İran İslami İrşad Baş İdarəsinin icazəsi ilə nəşr olunub, lakin İdarənin Qərbi Azərbaycan Şöbəsi kitabları Azərbaycanın bütün kitab mağazalarından toplayaraq yandırıb.

Bir hiyləgər tülküyə işarə edən “Tülkü həccə gedir” hikayəsində qeyd olunub ki, tülkü toyuq və xoruzları aldadaraq onlarla birlikdə yola çıxıb, əsas məqsəd isə onları yolda parçalayıb yeməkdən ibarət olub. Hikayə bir növ insanların dini hissiyatından istifadə etmək və digər məlum hadisələrə işarədir.

Kitab yandırma faktı dünyada nadir hallarda baş verən hadisədir. Pəhləvi rejiminin ordusu da 1946-cı il dekabrın 17-də (1325-ci il azərin 26-da) Güney Azərbaycanda onminlərlə türkcə kitab yandırıb. Oxşar hadisə 1933-cü ildə Almaniyada baş verib. Faşistlər öz ideologiyalarına uyğun olmayan kitabları yandıraraq sıradan çıxarıblar.

The source: https://www.gunaz.tv/az/xeberler/gu...mi-irsad-idaresi-terefinden-yandirilib-112272
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Russia and China will not let Iran to become next Afganistan or Libya. After the fall of Iran the whole Central Asia will become terrorist heaven. So in the case of the war Iran will get all the supplies to kick agressor out of its soil.
I try to explain why Turkey can side with any kind of intervention of USA in today's border called ''Iran''.

However,Here comes the insult, typical mullah.

You are a living example for ethno-religious destructive dictation therefore in denial, but lets give some more for those who have still doubt.

Mullah/Persian examples of ethno-religious destructive dictation against the language and culture of Turk identity in Southern Azerbaijan:

A kid with a Turk name ''Onur''(''Honor'' in english) lives with his family and culture happily for 20 months despite his ''ID'' refused to be given due to the Turk origin of the name.

His father announced the situation on his facebook account. He says the name of his son is Turkish, therefore refused to be given an ID.



The source: https://www.gunaz.tv/az/xeberler/gu...un-sexsiyyet-vesiqesi-verilmir-goruntu-113224

The Book-burning era continues... A story book for kids written in Turkish language has been collected from all book stores and burned by Mullah/Persian regime.


GünAz Tv: İranın İslami İrşad İdarəsi türkcə bir satirik kitabın bütün nüsxələrini yandırıb.

Azərbaycan türkcəsində yazılan “Tülkü həccə gedir” əsərinin müəllifi Abdulla Şayeqdir, o kitabı uşaq oxucular üçün nəzərdə tutub.

Kitab, İran İslami İrşad Baş İdarəsinin icazəsi ilə nəşr olunub, lakin İdarənin Qərbi Azərbaycan Şöbəsi kitabları Azərbaycanın bütün kitab mağazalarından toplayaraq yandırıb.

Bir hiyləgər tülküyə işarə edən “Tülkü həccə gedir” hikayəsində qeyd olunub ki, tülkü toyuq və xoruzları aldadaraq onlarla birlikdə yola çıxıb, əsas məqsəd isə onları yolda parçalayıb yeməkdən ibarət olub. Hikayə bir növ insanların dini hissiyatından istifadə etmək və digər məlum hadisələrə işarədir.

Kitab yandırma faktı dünyada nadir hallarda baş verən hadisədir. Pəhləvi rejiminin ordusu da 1946-cı il dekabrın 17-də (1325-ci il azərin 26-da) Güney Azərbaycanda onminlərlə türkcə kitab yandırıb. Oxşar hadisə 1933-cü ildə Almaniyada baş verib. Faşistlər öz ideologiyalarına uyğun olmayan kitabları yandıraraq sıradan çıxarıblar.

The source: https://www.gunaz.tv/az/xeberler/gu...mi-irsad-idaresi-terefinden-yandirilib-112272

Nonsense propaganda. And you use a website who calls itself South Azerbaijan as source which proves my point of you being brainwashed.

Yashar is an example of a common azari boys name. Aysan is an example of a common azari girls name.
Nonsense propaganda. And you use a website who calls itself South Azerbaijan as source which proves my point of you being brainwashed.

Yashar is an example of a common azari boys name. Aysan is an example of a common azari girls name.
That is their propaganda.
every body who lived in Iran know how Turkish/Kurdish and Arabic names are common in Iran.

Russia and China will not let Iran to become next Afganistan or Libya. After the fall of Iran the whole Central Asia will become terrorist heaven. So in the case of the war Iran will get all the supplies to kick agressor out of its soil.
When do Iran and Russia and maybe china and many more injured countries from $ imperialism would come together to create parallel financial System?
Till when East ready to obey and tolerate American and dollar dominance in world?
Nonsense propaganda. And you use a website who calls itself South Azerbaijan as source which proves my point of you being brainwashed.

Yashar is an example of a common azari boys name. Aysan is an example of a common azari girls name.

Why USA intervention is important for liberation of Turks and Persians in Southern Azerbaijan can be welcomed by Turks and also Persians is obvious.

So, We are talking about Turks, not ''Azeri'' which is another example of your true identity.

You cannot refute the reality seen in facebook account or book, but target the messanger(website) instead... typical Mullah/Persian denial.

Here is another ''official'' example of Mullah/Persian ethno-religious destructive dictation against the language and culture of Turk identity in Southern Azerbaijan.

In July 14 2018, Muhammed Behtayi, The Persian ''Education Minister'', said Learning a Non-Persian language is very dangerous, and teaching a non-Persian language in schools is the red line of the system; Although, some 70% of the whole students are not native Persian speaking.

A Turk representitive of Tebriz responds and demands Turkish education and Turkish Language Institution.


Eğitim ve Öğretim Bakanı Muhammed Bethai...“Farsça eğitim kırmızı çizgimizdir”...İranlı öğrencilerin yüzde 70’den fazlasının ana dilinin Farsça olmadığı halde bakanın bu ifadesi başta ...Türkleri olmak üzere birçok kesim tarafından eleştirildi.
The source: https://www.milligazete.com.tr/haber/1658770/iranda-ana-dilde-egitim-krizi
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We are talking about Turks, not ''Azeri'' which is another example of your true identity.

You cannot refute the reality seen in facebook account or book, but target the messanger(website) instead... typical Mullah/Persian denial.

Here is another ''official'' example of Mullah/Persian examples of ethno-religious destructive dictation against the language and culture of Turk identity in Southern Azerbaijan.

In July 14 2018, Muhammed Behtayi, The Persian ''Education Minister'', said Learning a Non-Persian language is very dangerous, and teaching a non-Persian language in schools is the red line of the system; Although, some 70% of the whole students are not native Persian speaking.

A Turk representitive of Tebriz responds Turkish education and Turkish Language Institution


Eğitim ve Öğretim Bakanı Muhammed Bethai...“Farsça eğitim kırmızı çizgimizdir”...İranlı öğrencilerin yüzde 70’den fazlasının ana dilinin Farsça olmadığı halde bakanın bu ifadesi başta ...Türkleri olmak üzere birçok kesim tarafından eleştirildi.
The source: https://www.milligazete.com.tr/haber/1658770/iranda-ana-dilde-egitim-krizi

I give up. It’s like explaining rocket science to a banana
I try to explain why Turkey can side with any kind of intervention of USA in today's border called ''Iran''.

However,Here comes the insult, typical mullah.

You are a living example for ethno-religious destructive dictation therefore in denial, but lets give some more for those who have still doubt.

Mullah/Persian examples of ethno-religious destructive dictation against the language and culture of Turk identity in Southern Azerbaijan:

A kid with a Turk name ''Onur''(''Honor'' in english) lives with his family and culture happily for 20 months despite his ''ID'' refused to be given due to the Turk origin of the name.

His father announced the situation on his facebook account. He says the name of his son is Turkish, therefore refused to be given an ID.



The source: https://www.gunaz.tv/az/xeberler/gu...un-sexsiyyet-vesiqesi-verilmir-goruntu-113224

The Book-burning era continues... A story book for kids written in Turkish language has been collected from all book stores and burned by Mullah/Persian regime.


GünAz Tv: İranın İslami İrşad İdarəsi türkcə bir satirik kitabın bütün nüsxələrini yandırıb.

Azərbaycan türkcəsində yazılan “Tülkü həccə gedir” əsərinin müəllifi Abdulla Şayeqdir, o kitabı uşaq oxucular üçün nəzərdə tutub.

Kitab, İran İslami İrşad Baş İdarəsinin icazəsi ilə nəşr olunub, lakin İdarənin Qərbi Azərbaycan Şöbəsi kitabları Azərbaycanın bütün kitab mağazalarından toplayaraq yandırıb.

Bir hiyləgər tülküyə işarə edən “Tülkü həccə gedir” hikayəsində qeyd olunub ki, tülkü toyuq və xoruzları aldadaraq onlarla birlikdə yola çıxıb, əsas məqsəd isə onları yolda parçalayıb yeməkdən ibarət olub. Hikayə bir növ insanların dini hissiyatından istifadə etmək və digər məlum hadisələrə işarədir.

Kitab yandırma faktı dünyada nadir hallarda baş verən hadisədir. Pəhləvi rejiminin ordusu da 1946-cı il dekabrın 17-də (1325-ci il azərin 26-da) Güney Azərbaycanda onminlərlə türkcə kitab yandırıb. Oxşar hadisə 1933-cü ildə Almaniyada baş verib. Faşistlər öz ideologiyalarına uyğun olmayan kitabları yandıraraq sıradan çıxarıblar.

The source: https://www.gunaz.tv/az/xeberler/gu...mi-irsad-idaresi-terefinden-yandirilib-112272
it's not just turkish names, after an era people named their children with strange names like sinush or victoria... , after that cultural establishments banned this kind of names. even persian names that are unusual. otherwise i have many yashar, araz, arsalan, deniz, aysan, sahand and etc friends. again you don't know shit about azarbaijan. if you really care about people life protest on behalf of kurds that can't speak their language in their country.
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