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Violence in Rawapindi claims seven lives, 34 injured

Is this a joke? you have called me an iranian agent,shia,khomeini lover,Pakistan hater or Iran lover and even consider shias as non muslim... and God knows what..... Just because i criticised terrorism funding wahabis in arabia?

Your brain is fulled with secterian crap and everyone who has interacted or read your posts would agree...

that was a unintended... i didn't wanted to post you any answer.

Again, nothing justify the killing of wahabi kids.
that was a unintended... i didn't wanted to post you any answer.

Again, nothing justify the killing of wahabi kids.

:rofl: unintended?

As for justifications.. several shia members have been posting in this thread... did even 1 of them justify such acts?

But how do u know tht only wahabis were targetted by evil shias (shias real face exposed etc?) .. ?

There are always 2 sides of a story... all we "normal" people are saying is lets not start hating eachother... let the investigation report come.. and whoever is found guilty irrespective of his bloody sect should be punished...

While u r .... and spreading your secterian bs !
Dear Batman, I really appreciate your patience on not giving a fatwa on me. As you yourself said that Islam is humanity so you don't only practice islam in mosques but u practice it daily in your life.

As for momin I agree that only Allah can decide the best but we are not talking about who is momin or not?
You are right, but the new Pakistan gifted to us by Asif Ali Zardari and his participating political parties.
No one is willing to learn about Islam.... all text books are secular, history and definitions are changed, if you talk about Islam, you get fatwa of extremist.
So, Keep your country saved and keep your belief saved, every one believe his religion is true, his Quran is correct, yo'll go for jum'a prayers and you'll be killed and you are telling me this country is Islamic! for my belief reads my signature. 
:rofl: unintended?

As for justifications.. several shia members have been posting in this thread... did even 1 of them justify such acts?

But how do u know tht only wahabis were targetted by evil shias (shias real face exposed etc?) .. ?

There are always 2 sides of a story... all we "normal" people are saying is lets not start hating eachother... let the investigation report come.. and whoever is found guilty irrespective of his bloody sect should be punished...

While u r .... and spreading your secterian bs !

When did i mentioned my sect.... ?
I plead Allah..... not for moment in my life, i ever identify my self with any sect. I strongly believe any organized group based on religious belief falls under the definition of sect. and there is clear instructions in Quran about sects.
When you stop identifying your self with various flags of sects. and groups, there is no sectarian fight.
wala...... problem solved. Otherwise, keep translating my post as you deem necessary, and as usual.
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When did i mentioned my sect.... ?
I plead Allah..... not for moment in my life, i ever identify my self with any sect. because there is clear instructions in Quran about sects.
When you stop identifying your self with various flags of sects. there is no sectarian fight.
wala...... problem solved. Otherwise, keep translating my post as you deem necessary, and as usual.

Sure but you are quick at pointing fingers,declaring others non muslims,khomeini lovers,Pakistan haters etc?

What more is left!
Sure but you are quick at pointing fingers,declaring others non muslims,khomeini lovers,Pakistan haters etc?

What more is left!

Tell me, are you more loyal to Pak army or Iran revolution guards?
Your charity begins from Pakistan or Iran?
Barelvis and liberals are the Muslim hippies who are too busy in fairy tales and sticking their heads in sand. They are of no use. They have given nothing back to this Ummah other than green turbans and halwas.

You are so dumb. Why is there so much hate in yourself? Because we Sunnis don't support your kafirana killings of fellow innocent Muslims in the name of sect you start labeling us hippies. Sir it is you guys whose head is in the sand...learn something from Saudi-Iran rivalry...even after having soo much petro $$$ still their economy is nothing. Think if they spit the sectarianism venom & join hands as Muslims they will cross 5 Trillion mark within 1.5-2 decades. Same case with Pakistan...have a look at Pakistan before zia ul na haq era & compare it with Pakistan after his rule, before 80's Pakistan was an example for other countries, people even call it Asian Tiger...today's Pakistan...well you know it very well. Unity is what is demand of the time...look similarities to unite as a nation instead of creating hate & divisions.
You are right, but the new Pakistan gifted to us by Asif Ali Zardari and his participating political parties.
No one is willing to learn about Islam.... all text books are secular, history and definitions are changed, if you talk about Islam, you get fatwa of extremist.
So, Keep your country saved and keep your belief saved, every one believe his religion is true, his Quran is correct, yo'll go for jum'a prayers and you'll be killed and you are telling me this country is Islamic! for my belief reads my signature. 

When did i mentioned my sect.... ?
I plead Allah..... not for moment in my life, i ever identify my self with any sect. I strongly believe any organized group based on religious belief falls under the definition of sect. and there is clear instructions in Quran about sects.
When you stop identifying your self with various flags of sects. and groups, there is no sectarian fight.
wala...... problem solved. Otherwise, keep translating my post as you deem necessary, and as usual.

If you believe in the new Pakistan then the one given to us by Zardari isn't the one. The new Pakistan would be a Pakistan created by us the people it wouldn't be shown geographically but a new Pakistan would be a Pakistan where we people are changed and are ready to live in harmony.

Why would I be killed when I go to Jumuah. This country is Islamic but we the people ain't, tell me the last time you woke to pray the fajr prayer? As for your beliefs, I am not interested in that but if there is something doubtful or you have more knowledge in it, then guide me plz and if I find something wrong then I will also try to guide you, Inshallah! 
Sure but you are quick at pointing fingers,declaring others non muslims,khomeini lovers,Pakistan haters etc?

What more is left!

None of you is a better judge then Allah and none of you know each other personally so plz stop pointing fingers on each other.
Tell me, are you more loyal to Pak army or Iran revolution guards?
Your charity begins from Pakistan or Iran?

My father is a serviving Brig in the Pak army... so STFU ... My family has given bloody for this country in every war... my tribe has fought every outsider ... I dnt need to clarify anything to some low life like you..

Go spread your poison somewhere else.... and declare others traitors,non muslims or whatever.
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All the Madrasah should be banned in Pakistan except those under strict Patriot Pakistani monitoring. Those Pakistanis can belong to any field of life or they are follower of any sect/religion. But this is too much to do for PML-N govt.

Actually it would be better if madrasas are under some department's supervision. Like in some arab countries they have banned all private madrasas and started govt. madrasas under Auqaf supervision
If you believe in the new Pakistan then the one given to us by Zardari isn't the one. The new Pakistan would be a Pakistan created by us the people it wouldn't be shown geographically but a new Pakistan would be a Pakistan where we people are changed and are ready to live in harmony.

Why would I be killed when I go to Jumuah. This country is Islamic but we the people ain't, tell me the last time you woke to pray the fajr prayer? As for your beliefs, I am not interested in that but if there is something doubtful or you have more knowledge in it, then guide me plz and if I find something wrong then I will also try to guide you, Inshallah!

Dear Ahmad,
Open a new thread and we talk on this issue.
I can tell you one thing right here, when you are a president you have to perform, use what ever code of conduct you apply to achieve results, if you believe in Islam apply it. What people want is RESULTS and fast.
If you use name of Islam and fail, like the democrats of Pakistan, you risk to ruin the name of Islam.
Where as our generals mostly labeled as US loyals, has always delivered more than so called Islamic democrats. Even tendered resignation when they feel people are not happy for any reason.
Let's take this subject elsewhere...

My father is a serviving Brig in the Pak army... so STFU ... My family has given bloody for this country in every war... my tribe has fought every outsider ... I dnt need to clarify anything to some low life like you..

Go suck upto ur arab masters.. and declare others traitors,non muslims or whatever.

watch your mouth sucker, and watch it when you and your brigade bad mouth Pak army and level allegations.
I asked you a simple question and you failed to answer... what shall i assume? 
All the Madrasah should be banned in Pakistan except those under strict Patriot Pakistani monitoring. Those Pakistanis can belong to any field of life or they are follower of any sect/religion. But this is too much to do for PML-N govt.

They shall be banned in legal way not by silting throats of the kids within.
Ask re-instated judiciary who do not allow illegal operations, remember the treatment handed over to General Pasha for investigating 'Hussain Haqqani' the all power full Iranian agent. How public throat slitting be allowed?
Than it is going beyond maddrassa ...
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watch your mouth sucker, and watch it when you and your brigade bad mouth Pak army and level allegations.
I asked you a simple question and you failed to answer... what shall i assume?

Sure... how about posting the link where i did tht? now go lick al sauds ***... u secterian cockroach!
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Sure jackass... how about posting the link where i did tht? now go lick al sauds ***... u secterian cockroach!

This is the hate you have in your hearts which forced you to slit the throats of (asumed) Saudi cockroaches... and it is a fact shias are the most worst and protected posters on this forum.

When are you going to kill rest of the Saudi cockroaches.... and BTW do you run courts within your house or the orders come from Qum?
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