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Violence in Rawapindi claims seven lives, 34 injured

Govt should wake up n smell the shit... its time to exterminate hate preachers who have made this society @@#$ !

Govt should control mosques,madrassas etc... something like the turkish govt has done..
they are so damn stupid - presented my proposal to so many people , but no one gives a damn , all i get to hear is , its not in our hands, it comes from top
Just leave the country in the best hands.

There is no need to train police any more..... enough for last 65 years. Arsalan Iftikhar was trained abroad, why his services are not used?

Anyhow, this is nothing new, it has been happening every year. What will you do next year?

When you have risk of fire you not only come with water, you shall remove all the combustible stuff from the vicinity and even best keep the explosives air tight.

This is Pakistan, all religions can go to hell, we have to take decisions considering Pakistan's survival and all extremists arse need to be kicked and all organized provocation need to be banned.[/quote]

Pakistan was created on the name of Islam. You can't kick the religion away, all you can do is to start becoming a tolerant and patience person
You was the very first one who started hate posts on this thread.
Now explains silted throats of wahabi kids, and there burnt business.
I hope you are not where in any picture!


Anyone can scroll back and see my posts...... While we can also see your secterian post all over the forum...
Dear Ahmad, I know Pakistan was created in the name of Islam but Islam is humanity.

Practice religion in mosques and unarmed, apply it to your self do not force your beliefs upon others.

Let Allah decide who is momin and who is not.

I can issue one fatwa right here... any one who is working against the interest of Pakistan is Kafir and shall be trialed in army courts.
"BATMAN, post: 4951373, member: 2839"]I'm Wahabi, Jew, Arbizad etc...

Indeed you aree

i don't care.

Most of you didnt as long it was a one way fight.

I'll fight for my state which is house to millions of humans

Which state would that be ?

This is the lesson we learned from our soldiers,

Same soldiers who lost their lifes fighting TTP Terrorist? TTP supported and sponsored by House of saud sectarian hatred spread through out the world spread by house of saud. Share with us all what lesson have you learned by supporting the the same terrorist that kill our soldiers?

if they can face death knowingly than we shall kick the people who make Pak army's job more complicated.

which end of your body you talk from on one hand you wanna kick the people who make pak armys job difficult on the other hand you are out right supporter of terrorist The same terrorist that attacked and have taken the heads of the soldiers?

This is what i talk about fitna TT army... do you have proof? May be its you micro managed by Iran.

I am willing to bet Saudis gets the best bang for the buck out of you how much did you sell you country for.

Wahhabi terrorist attacks should be blame on Iran and shia.Understood Mr patriot.
right now, am sitting in some remote area of the country - away from my home, but all i think of right know, is to get back to come, put on clothes and stand guard with my Soldiers - Shoot & Kill whoever tries to disrupt the peace of my City

you miss understood him he wants you to ''Blame all Wahhabi terrorist attack through out pakistan on shias and Iran''

Then and only then he will recognize the terrorism in pakistan and dont forget Batman is patriotic.
Indeed you aree

Most of you didnt as long it was a one way fight.

Which state would that be ?

Same soldiers who lost their lifes fighting TTP Terrorist? TTP supported and sponsored by House of saud sectarian hatred spread through out the world spread by house of saud. Share with us all what lesson have you learned by supporting the the same terrorist that kill our soldiers?

which end of your body you talk from on one hand you wanna kick the people who make pak armys job difficult on the other hand you are out right supporter of terrorist The same terrorist that attacked and have taken the heads of the soldiers?

I am willing to bet Saudis gets the best bang for the buck out of you how much did you sell you country for.

Wahhabi terrorist attacks should be blame on Iran and shia.Understood Mr patriot.

Here comes the privileged killer of (imaginary) wahabis.... an enemy of Pakistan's wahabi army. Keep killing kids assuming them yazeedis and wahabis.
Where is your hate brigade of mods and TT?
All you have is cooked up stories and what the subject matter is Jum'a paryer was attacked and wahabi kids are killed and Shia of Pakistan are jubilant. 
you miss understood him he wants you to ''Blame all Wahhabi terrorist attack through out pakistan on shias and Iran''

Then and only then he will recognize the terrorism in pakistan and dont forget Batman is patriotic.

Every one see who was terrorist and in the end shia coming to twist the statements, as usual.
According to your philosophy we all are un-momin and you want revenge of karrbala from all of wahabi Pakistan.
Please, call back all shias from Saudi Arabia before opening your mouth.
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"BATMAN, post: 4951477, member: 2839"]Here comes the privileged killer of (imaginary) wahabis....

you think Wahhabi terrorism is imaginary ? Even Hakimullha and Zia in hell are saying wtf how stupid is this batman.

an enemy of Pakistan's wahabi army

TTP LJ Aswej are your soldiers ?

Keep killing kids assuming them yazeedis and wahabis.

Whats the matter you upset this time they couldn't get away after after Terrorizing?

All you have is cooked up stories and what the subject matter is Jum'a paryer was attacked and wahabi kids are killed and Shia of Pakistan are jubilant.

Spewing fitna via loud speaker Killing and stoning people is part of Wahhabi juma prayers? cause it all started after Wahhabi started shooting at the mourners?
you think Wahhabi terrorism is imaginary ? Even Hakimullha and Zia in hell are saying wtf how stupid is this batman.


TTP LJ Aswej are your soldiers ?

Whats the matter you upset this time they couldn't get away after after Terrorizing?

Spewing fitna via loud speaker Killing and stoning people is part of Wahhabi juma prayers? cause it all started after Wahhabi started shooting at the mourners?

Again assuming too much..... keep cursing me and generals of Pakistan army in your tales... i got nothing to loose and all you are is a glorified shia of pdf with no substance.
But, i seriously hope you took permission from Iftikhar Chaudary, before handing out death sentences to the 'fitna spewing' kids.
BTW, TTP fitna is your strategic partner and nothing justify your killing of (assumed) wahabi kids and torching their business and a shop full of holy Quran (non shia version).
You better transfer your self to Iran, they are fighting real wahabis and kill few dozen every now and than in Baluchistan, you will feel more satisfied there.
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Time time has come once we have to decide collectively in good spirit to stop any type of processions political or religious, Sunni or Shia, those be confined to open places where people come and perform rituals whichever they feel like or perform those in mosques, madrasahs or imambargahs.
Pakistan was created on the name of Islam. You can't kick the religion away, all you can do is to start becoming a tolerant and patience person

i agree you can't kick religion .......
but tell me what's really went wrong with pakistan........
pakistan is created in the name of islam, but nobody is sure which interpretation they have to follow,and which one is right,and that is creating huge confusion in society

if you you will study indonesian model, than you will understand contribution or role of politics ,constitution and religious leader, all equally important in building good nation,

1>indonesian constitution is secular and based on panchshila which is ancient vedic hindu philosophy
2>but i believe more important roll has been played by religious group, muhammadiyah and NU
90% of indonesian follow this group....so there is no confusion regarding philosophy what they have to follow
2>both muhammadiyah and NU are promoting reformist socio religious movement and advocating ijtihad as opposed to taqlid, so for indonesian there is no confusion ,they follow javanese interpretation of islam, so here in indonesian society very less confusion exist

3>mohammadia keeping away himself from mainstream politics and focusing more on social work ,education and charity , today in philippines mohammadia is the only religious organization who is working on relief work,
4>NU partially involved in politics ......but politics is not their main agenda .......they try to focus mainly on modern education and charity

5> not today ,right from the beginning , foundation of muhammadiyah from 1920 ,they trying hard that wahhabi philosophy should not affect too much indonesian society,

so i guess it is collective effort of all agency which can shape nation ,and can bring peace , harmony and prosperity
Show me your pos

Is this a joke? you have called me an iranian agent,shia,khomeini lover,Pakistan hater or Iran lover and even consider shias as non muslim... and God knows what..... Just because i criticised terrorism funding wahabis in arabia?

Your brain is fulled with secterian crap and everyone who has interacted or read your posts would agree...
Dear Ahmad, I know Pakistan was created in the name of Islam but Islam is humanity.

Practice religion in mosques and unarmed, apply it to your self do not force your beliefs upon others.

Let Allah decide who is momin and who is not.

I can issue one fatwa right here... any one who is working against the interest of Pakistan is Kafir and shall be trialed in army courts.

Dear Batman, I really appreciate your patience on not giving a fatwa on me. As you yourself said that Islam is humanity so you don't only practice islam in mosques but u practice it daily in your life. So like the patience u had on not giving fatwa to me, if everybody practices that which Islam itselfs says we can all live in harmony and be safe from these kind of incidents

As for momin I agree that only Allah can decide the best but we are not talking about who is momin or not?
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