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Vietnamese Prime Minister chosen to be leadership icon in Asia

Okay, first step, we will become industrialized country in 2020. Second step we will become developed country with great help from S.Korea-Japan.

China have No chance to become developed country.

O'Really? And why would a tiny VN get that chance and China won't please explain it carefully so everybody understand what you mean.
O'Really? And why would a tiny VN get that chance and China won't please explain it carefully so everybody understand what you mean.
Bcz we r good friend of S.Korea-Japan-Russia-India and all of them willing to help VN to become industrialized nation in 2020 while China show its hostile to all above , so every one will find all chance to bring u down to enslave u for good :pop:
Bcz we r good friend of S.Korea-Japan-Russia-India and all of them willing to help VN to become industrialized nation in 2020 while China show its hostile to all above nation , so every one will find all chance to bring u down to enslave u for good :pop:

If VN is such a good friend with these countries how come your jungle is still a developing country that is even worse than China? You are talking about industrialization now not about becoming a developed country, so you still haven't explained why VN would become fully developed and China will not get that chance. If you mean being industrialized is fully developed then we all got news for you China is already industrialized you brainless monkey. So explain to us again why your jungle will become a developed country and China wil remain a developing country.
If VN is such a good friend with these countries how come your jungle is still a developing country that is even worse than China? You are talking about industrialization now not about becoming a developed country, so you still haven't explained why VN would become fully developed and China will not get that chance. If you mean being industrialized is fully developed then we all got news for you China is already industrialized you brainless monkey. So explain to us again why your jungle will become a developed country and China wil remain a developing country.
I explained loud and clear, we will become industrialized country in 2020 with great help from S.Korea-Japan (they confirmed their help). We r still a developing country bcz we had so many war until 1989, we only have more than 20 years in peace (compared to China ,60 years in peace, still a dirty third world nation).

China cant become a developed country bcz Japan-S.korea-Russia-India hate u, No one wanna transfer high tech to u, and ur corrupted Rulers also dont like smart people coz its can cause 'Jasmine revol' thats dangerous for their throne .

\So, ur country will remain in a third world forever , ur peasants will remain as slave without human rights, only ur corrupted rulers r Rich and happy like Kim's family in N.Korea :pop:
I explained loud and clear, we will become industrialized country in 2020 with great help from S.Korea-Japan (they confirmed their help). We r still a developing country bcz we had so many war until 1989, we only have more than 20 years in peace (compared to China ,60 years in peace, still a dirty third world nation).

China cant become a developed country bcz Japan-S.korea-Russia-India hate u, No one wanna transfer high tech to u, and ur corrupted Rulers also dont like smart people coz its can cause 'Jasmine revol' thats dangerous for their throne .

\So, ur country will remain in a third world forever , ur peasants will remain as slave without human rights, only ur corrupted rulers r Rich and happy like Kim's family in N.Korea :pop:

Wow, because according to you a few neighbors hate us so China will never become a developed country? Smart logic here, even the Indians here would be laughing at you.
Wow, because according to you a few neighbors hate us so China will never become a developed country? Smart logic here, even the Indians here would be laughing at you.
So, u can wait until 2020 to see if I'm right or not. without human rights, smart Chinese wont stay and develope high tech for China, too.

anyway: China has up to 60 years in peace and its still a third world nation, so ur future will not be different even after 100 bcz of ur rulers r corrupted to the core ,, they dont care if Chinese peasants keep living in sh1t hole or not, they only care abt their own families :pop:
China will overtake US and become world's number one,that is for sure.and third world is a political conception.China in that conception,is a second world country.when speaking of industrialized countries. China is already the number one in the world.

How we Classify Countries
Group definitions
These tables classify all World Bank member countries (188), and all other economies with populations of more than 30,000 (214 total).

Geographic region: Classifications and data reported for geographic regions are for low-income and middle-income economies only. Low-income and middle-income economies are sometimes referred to as developing economies. The use of the term is convenient; it is not intended to imply that all economies in the group are experiencing similar development or that other economies have reached a preferred or final stage of development. Classification by income does not necessarily reflect development status.

Income group: Economies are divided according to 2012 GNI per capita, calculated using theWorld Bank Atlas method. The groups are: low income, $1,035 or less; lower middle income, $1,036 - $4,085; upper middle income, $4,086 - $12,615; and high income,$12,616 or more.

Country Income Groups (World Bank Classification)

Country Income Groups (World Bank Classification)
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So, u can wait until 2020 to see if I'm right or not. without human rights, smart Chinese wont stay and develope high tech for China, too.

anyway: China has up to 60 years in peace and its still a third world nation, so ur future will not be different even after 100 bcz of ur rulers r corrupted to the core ,, they dont care if Chinese peasants keep living in sh1t hole or not, they only care abt their own families :pop:

So launching a rover on the moon is not considered high tech? I'm curious what kind of high tech we can expect from the "industrialized jungle" in 2020 macaca making bicycles? Guess we all have to wait and see just how high tech Vietnam is after 6 yrs from now.
Well, when the corruption is already rampant, a lot of national assets have been stolen by those high-rank officials, the privatization is the only way to legalize their illegal properties.

USSR's economy was stagnant and the corruption was rampant, but it could have been saved if the proper economic/political reform was implemented.

Instead, they fed USSR with the two poisonous medicines; privatization and westernization.

Money laundering is the most common way to legalize the properties, through setting up companies overseas, Chinese officials did this too.

From the political point of view, Mikhail Gorbachev did the wrong thing: give up the leadership of communist party. But I would like to say he was compelled to do so. The corruption in USSR is like the late stage of a cancer, whatever they did is useless. Chinese leader are doing better than them, but problems still exist.
Money laundering is the most common way to legalize the properties, through setting up companies overseas, Chinese officials did this too.

From the political point of view, Mikhail Gorbachev did the wrong thing: give up the leadership of communist party. But I would like to say he was compelled to do so. The corruption in USSR is like the late stage of a cancer, whatever they did is useless. Chinese leader are doing better than them, but problems still exist.

The corrupt officials first deliberately destroyed a state owned company, then stated that the SOE can never run properly, so better to privatize it. This is the most efficient way to steal people's national assets.

Don't get me wrong, i support the small-medium private business, but those major SOEs are the economic arteries of a country, it must be secured by the government. The only reform is to implement more strict rules to those high-rank officials who would abuse their power.

USSR's economic model wasn't perfect, but neither is that of USA.
China will overtake US and become world's number one,that is for sure.and third world is a political conception.China in that conception,is a second world country.when speaking of industrialized countries. China is already the number one in the world.

How we Classify Countries

Country Income Groups (World Bank Classification)

Country Income Groups (
China will overtake US and become world's number one,that is for sure.and third world is a political conception.China in that conception,is a second world country.when speaking of industrialized countries. China is already the number one in the world.

How we Classify Countries

Country Income Groups (World Bank Classification)

Country Income Groups (World Bank Classification)
World Bank Classification)
China barter people's health, environment etc for growing in economy, but now, China seem have to reduce GDP in 2014 to reduce pollution, and it means more job will be cut , jobless people will increase . China economy has a serious problem in balancing pollution and GDP growing and it has No way to get out of it
That is a tragedy. What good is it if all of the historical cities and natural beauty in China are covered by haze? What good is staggering economic growth if the air is unbreathable, the cities unlivable?

The consequences of pollution are staggering. Environmental degradation costs an equivalent of 9 percent GDP for China. But even more startling is that air pollution reduces life expectancy by 5.5 years in northern China. After last January’s “airpocalypse” thrust China’s air pollution woes onto the world stage, tourism has been declining, expats have been leaving, schools have been closing (to protect vulnerable children), and air and vehicular traffic have been regularly stalled by low visibility.
A Vacation Tainted by China's Toxic Air | Christine Xu's Blog | Switchboard, from NRDC

So launching a rover on the moon is not considered high tech? I'm curious what kind of high tech we can expect from the "industrialized jungle" in 2020 macaca making bicycles? Guess we all have to wait and see just how high tech Vietnam is after 6 yrs from now.
USA even sent men to the Moon in 1969 , so a rover on the moon can be considered as out dated tech. U should have a rover in Mar now.

Just like u barg abt ur 'lovely' Iphone 3 when people using Iphone 5s now
The corrupt officials first deliberately destroyed a state owned company, then stated that the SOE can never run properly, so better to privatize it. This is the most efficient way to steal people's national assets.

Don't get me wrong, i support the small-medium private business, but those major SOEs are the economic arteries of a country, it must be secured by the government. The only reform is to implement more strict rules to those high-rank officials who would abuse their power.

USSR's economic model wasn't perfect, but neither is that of USA.

That's why I concede that Chinese leaders are wise people, especially Li Keqiang, they allow government capital to control the most essential industry, like petroleum, weapons, state owned financial institutions, although they are of small proportion, but still have the power too regulate the market and defense Chinese domestic market from Western companies.

In many provinces or cities, SMEs contribute more than 70% of GDP and the majority jobs, how to balance state owned company and SMEs is a big issue. That's many economist's prior tasks.

I agree with more strict rules, but these rules should be undertaken by the law enforcement. For today's China, democracy is too early, first we need to become a country under the rule of law, not under the rule of people. And this rule of law has constraint power over everyone.
That's why I concede that Chinese leaders are wise people, especially Li Keqiang, they allow government capital to control the most essential industry, like petroleum, weapons, state owned financial institutions, although they are of small proportion, but still have the power too regulate the market and defense Chinese domestic market from Western companies.

In many provinces or cities, SMEs contribute more than 70% of GDP and the majority jobs, how to balance state owned company and SMEs is a big issue. That's many economist's prior tasks.

I agree with more strict rules, but these rules should be undertaken by the law enforcement. For today's China, democracy is too early, first we need to become a country under the rule of law, not under the rule of people. And this rule of law has constraint power over everyone.
If u dont move faster, then its will be too late for u to decide ur own fate. When we raise up, with the help of Russia-Japan-S.korea, we will demand more power and influence in Sub-Mekong region. After that, VN-Russia-Japan-S.korea will control ur crucial ship lane from Middle east to china, and impose new rule for China merchant ship passing through in order to reduce ur economic grow.

U will be contained for good anyway :pop:
If u dont move faster, then its will be too late for u to decide ur own fate. When we raise up, with the help of Russia, we will demand more power and influence in Sub-Mekong region. After that, VN-Russia will control ur crucial ship lane from Middle east to china, and impose new rule for China merchant ship passing through in order to reduce ur economic grow.

U will be contained for good anyway :pop:

What? Our own fate? You must be joking, dude, don't teach us what we should do. Talk about yourself, if Viet Nam could become stronger by yourselves, not by the help of Russia or other countries, I will say you really control your fate. You should be more confident, you can achieve more as what I can see from you cities' landscape, much better than Indian cities, but remember please do not ever totally reply on foreign aid, especially Russia and USA, they are not sincerely to help you, don't get fooled.

China has the world's No.1 reserve of shale oil and shale gas, we can feed ourselves. We have pipeline from Russia, middle Asia and Myanmar. Good luck to you guys.
That's why I concede that Chinese leaders are wise people, especially Li Keqiang, they allow government capital to control the most essential industry, like petroleum, weapons, state owned financial institutions, although they are of small proportion, but still have the power too regulate the market and defense Chinese domestic market from Western companies.

In many provinces or cities, SMEs contribute more than 70% of GDP and the majority jobs, how to balance state owned company and SMEs is a big issue. That's many economist's prior tasks.

I agree with more strict rules, but these rules should be undertaken by the law enforcement. For today's China, democracy is too early, first we need to become a country under the rule of law, not under the rule of people. And this rule of law has constraint power over everyone.

Those major SOEs are more about the national security, while the SMEs are more about to create more jobs.

The civilian sectors should follow the market economy, that's why we always need to develop a balanced economy.

The national assets of the SOEs have to be secured, meanwhile the SMEs should also be protected which would allow them to compete in a fair environment.
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