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Vietnamese Prime Minister chosen to be leadership icon in Asia

he has done many things, but that is not enough. Vietnam´s growth rate is still lower than of China. now he plans to privatize several largest state owned companies this year. is a good step forward.

Vietnam Plans IPOs of Largest State-Owned Firms in 2014 - WSJ.com

I know what you think. come on, even the Malay Mail called him a “true Vietnamese leader.” lol

Be careful, those national assets could fall into the hands of the rich princelings.

The rabid privatization also killed USSR, now those rich tycoons in Russia were all formerly belonged to the princeling families of the Soviet Communist Party.

Vietnam should follow a rational economic reform, not the rabid privatization, it is looting your country.
I had no idea who the ruler of Vietnam was. This person is never mentioned anywhere and has no international profile at all. I guess Vietnamese netizens have started to imitate pinoys by targeting and flooding obscure online polls.
you don´t know him? that speaks for your low online education. here is he:


Be careful, those national assets could fall into the hands of the rich princelings.

The rabid privatization also killed USSR, now those rich tycoons in Russia were all formerly belonged to the princeling families of the Soviet Communist Party.

Vietnam should follow a rational economic reform, not the rabid privatization, it is looting your country.

Incorrect, most of those rich oligarchs in Russia were Jews who were not members of the Communist Party. The Soviet Communist Party was dominated by Slavs (Ukrainians and Russians) since 1953 after Stalin died, and Jews were marginalized by them, they didn't have Communist party membership and no power at all.

These Jews took advanatage of the rapid collapse of the Soviet Union to use their business skills and connections to rapidly accumulate massive fortunes in the resulting black market and economic collapse, since most other people were just shocked and didn't know anything on how to make money. These Jews were skilled black marketers and used their business skills to their advantage, other people just didn't have them.

Russian oligarch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mikhail Khodorkovsky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Roman Abramovich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mikhail Fridman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mikhail Prokhorov - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Viktor Vekselberg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Although privatization would lead to disaster, your reasons were totally wrong since none of these Russian Jewish tycoons belonged to the Communist party or had any family in them.
Incorrect, most of those rich oligarchs in Russia were Jews who were not members of the Communist Party. The Soviet Communist Party was dominated by Slavs (Ukrainians and Russians) since 1953 after Stalin died, and Jews were marginalized by them, they didn't have Communist party membership and no power at all.

These Jews took advanatage of the rapid collapse of the Soviet Union to use their business skills and connections to rapidly accumulate massive fortunes in the resulting black market and economic collapse, since most other people were just shocked and didn't know anything on how to make money. These Jews were skilled black marketers and used their business skills to their advantage, other people just didn't have them.

Russian oligarch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mikhail Khodorkovsky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Roman Abramovich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mikhail Fridman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mikhail Prokhorov - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Viktor Vekselberg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Although privatization would lead to disaster, your reasons were totally wrong since none of these Russian Jewish tycoons belonged to the Communist party or had any family in them.

Not all Russian tycoons are Jews, while some Jewish tycoons in Russia are actually half-Jews from their mother side, while their fathers were the members of the Soviet Communist Party.
Pls save ur 'Congrats' until 2020 , at that time, pls dont envy wt Vn when we become industrialized nation wt great help from Japan-S.Korea when China still a third wolrd nation :pop:

We might still be third world, but we will still be twice of your per capita if not more. Most likely more.

Vietnam would need to grow by 25% and more per year to even think of catching up to China in per capita when the year is 2020.

Even in 2020 Vietnam will be a hole, except way more polluted.
Be careful, those national assets could fall into the hands of the rich princelings.

The rabid privatization also killed USSR, now those rich tycoons in Russia were all formerly belonged to the princeling families of the Soviet Communist Party.

Vietnam should follow a rational economic reform, not the rabid privatization, it is looting your country.

I remember that when Boris Yeltsin was Moscow communist party secretary, he took the lead against CPSU. The fail of USSR is the result of overall corruption including almost everyone in CPSU.
I remember that when Boris Yeltsin was Moscow communist party secretary, he took the lead against CPSU. The fail of USSR is the result of overall corruption including almost everyone in CPSU.

Well, when the corruption is already rampant, a lot of national assets have been stolen by those high-rank officials, the privatization is the only way to legalize their illegal properties.

USSR's economy was stagnant and the corruption was rampant, but it could have been saved if the proper economic/political reform was implemented.

Instead, they fed USSR with the two poisonous medicines; privatization and westernization.
Pls save ur 'Congrats' until 2020 , at that time, pls dont envy wt Vn when we become industrialized nation wt great help from Japan-S.Korea when China still a third wolrd nation :pop:

In order for Vietnam to reach China's industry level today, its industrial GDP will need to increase more than 60 times or 6000%. To do it in six year require Vietnam to double its GDP every year. This is, of course, on top of the fact that despite China's GDP is 58 times greater than Vietnam, China is growing at a larger percentage than Vietnam.

I congrat Vietnam PM for the recognition, but seriously, we are not even remotely in the same league, so making that comparison is pointless.
Mr Xi perhaps? because he gets less votes than our PM. Loser! :sarcastic:
It is impossible for Xi to get that position, just the same thing like it is impossible for Chinese to be a Secretary General in UN. A low-key person is needed, neither China nor Japan.
He sucessfuly persuade Japan - S.Korea to help VN becoming industrialized nation in 2020.

In 2020, China still a third wolrd nation. TW still under US's occupation :pop:
I am also sure that China is still in 3rd world in 2020, so is Vietnam. What do you mean of a developed country? Only industrilized? Most of Vietnamese people's opinions are like you, but in Japan, people will stop their car when an old man cross the road very slowly, There is no litter bin in Tokyo but that city is still very clean. People will not speak phone call loudly in Japan...so many examples. China cannot do that, neither can Vietnam. This is the real gap between the 3rd World and developed World. Understand boy? About Japan, the Meiji emperor even can pay out his own income and only eat ONE meal everyday, only for saving Money and make Japan strong. Sorry, I cant see that in China or Vietnam. What I see is the officers try their best to get Money for themselves. BTW, Japan will never HELP Vietnam from her heart. Just Vietnam has some volue to be used and they did the same thing in China.
leader in Asia..LOL.. Too bad,we don't read it and I m waiting for it to choose the leader of the world.LOL..
A communist PM want to became a leader of ASIA???

I had no idea who the ruler of Vietnam was. This person is never mentioned anywhere and has no international profile at all. I guess Vietnamese netizens have started to imitate pinoys by targeting and flooding obscure online polls.
hater jump up and down ?
In order for Vietnam to reach China's industry level today, its industrial GDP will need to increase more than 60 times or 6000%. To do it in six year require Vietnam to double its GDP every year. This is, of course, on top of the fact that despite China's GDP is 58 times greater than Vietnam, China is growing at a larger percentage than Vietnam.

I congrat Vietnam PM for the recognition, but seriously, we are not even remotely in the same league, so making that comparison is pointless.
Thailand-Malaysia r second world nations, but I dont think their GDP r 60 times bigger than China .
Thailand-Malaysia r second world nations, but I dont think their GDP r 60 times bigger than China .

First World/Second World/Third World is the classification during the Cold War.

Right now there is only developed nations and developing nations.

China is the largest developing nations, meanwhile Malaysia and Thailand are also developing nations like China.

Vietnamese Prime Minister Dung chosen to be leadership icon in Asia


Published : 2014-02-02 19:18
Updated : 2014-02-02 19:20

Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has been widely praised by global institutions and leading news media outlets in Asia and the world for his leadership and “strategic trust” doctrine to cope with regional tensions and economic challenges.

Besides, in the contexts where many issues arose within the country relating to implementation of Resolution IV of the Communist Party and Vietnam suffers from impacts from global economic and domestic difficulties, he is still resolutely leading the economy to overcome all challenges and to achieve a 5.4 percent GDP growth, stabilize the economy and control the inflation.


Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung speaks at the Shangri-L a Dialogue, a security summit in Singapore, in 2013. (AFP)

Last year saw Asian security tensions and diplomatic feuds spiral. Regional distrust is expected to increase this year, aggravating the contradiction between the need for economic cooperation and the security conflicts between Asian giants.

Vietnam is an interesting phenomenon in Asia today, both in political and economical aspects and the way the country resolves political conflicts and attracts foreign direct investment. Vietnam is very active in supporting global integration and is becoming more confident and assertive in tackling heated international issues, although it encounters substantial difficulties and challenges.

Vietnam’s ranking in the World Economic Forum’s global competitiveness survey jumped five notches in 2013, mainly due to its improved macroeconomic environment, single-digit inflation, improved infrastructure, increased market efficacy and reduced trade barriers, tariff and business income tax.

According to the World Bank’s country director for Vietnam, Victoria Kwakwa, Vietnam succeeded in stabilizing its economy in 2013 by maintaining moderate inflation and improving its trade balance. Its economy has suffered no serious blows, despite the bad debt woes that weighed heavily on its financial and banking sector late last year. Increased trust and belief has brought back investors to the Vietnamese market and the prospects of its economy are bright.

The outlook for more than 10,000 domestic enterprises was “revived” with the drastic reform movement, and commitment to promoting the private sector and economic restructuring has made Vietnam the second-most attractive investment destination in Southeast Asia.

After six years of economic uncertainty due to the impact of the economic crisis in 2008, Vietnam has basically seen the crisis “bottom out”: inflation has been brought under control and macroeconomic stability has been maintained.

The reliance on gold and the U.S. dollar for transactions has fallen significantly as belief in the Vietnamese dong has increased. Trade relations and investments have continued to grow in most regions and economic sectors. Government, public and foreign debts have been controlled within safe limits.

While Vietnam has overcome the worst of the crisis with stable institutions and a unified political front supported by a “common voice,” Asia underwent the year of the snake in turmoil, and territorial disputes escalated, peaking in November. After a series of aggressive actions in the South East Sea, China has continued to cause tension by declaring an air defense identification zone over the East China Sea.

The countries in the region engaged in “heated” disputes over the right to move and navigate by air and sea. The Japan-China conflict worsened with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visiting the Yasukuni Shrine. Security divides would threaten economic integration, despite the progress in regional integration of the previous years.

In 2013 Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has increased his profile across Asia and the international community.

At the Shangri-La Dialogue 2013 the speech by Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, which emphasized “strategic trust,” has given the international community a clear picture of Vietnam. Although it still faces a lot of challenges, the country shows its positive, proactive and accountable approach to common affairs.

The speech resonated strongly, and the concept of “strategic trust” is mentioned and used as a new idea, a remedy to geopolitical challenges in current Asia-Pacific region. Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has revealed true nature of the conflict and disagreement in the Asia-Pacific region, that is, a political skepticism causing a stalemate leading to unreconciled conflicts.

In 2013, he was widely praised in many Asian newspapers. The online edition of the Malay Mail newspaper, which has operated since 1896, called him a “true Vietnamese leader.”

The Viet Weekly newspaper commented that the invitation of Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung to be a key speaker at the Summit of the Asia security Shangri-La Dialogue showed that Vietnam was respected by regional and global politicians and militaries.

Magazine Eurasia Review said the prime minister was right to convey the message that “It is essential to have peace and cooperation -- this depends on the most important factor being strategic trust.” It agreed with his comment that security in the Asia-Pacific region depends on curbing aggressive actions and that if such competition and intervention bear their own intentions, strategic trust cannot be reinforced -- easily leading to division, suspicion and risk to mutual restraint – damaging peace, cooperation and development.

Even the famous Bloomberg News also praised Vietnam’s prime minister as an influential icon when he committed to opening the state-owned enterprises to market competition and allowing increased foreign ownership of banks as governments are trying to revive growth and participation in trade agreements.

With such special achievements, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung was voted by readers of the Huffington Post as the prime minster who was most praised in Asia in 2013 -- a significantly influential leader in Vietnam and in the region.

Dung is the only prime minister of Vietnam who has been voted by the World Business Magazine as one of the 20 reformists of Asia in his first term. As such, he has brought Vietnam’s economy out of a crisis and made a series of reforms to quickly make Vietnam an Asian dragon.

By Lee Man-young, President of Kindmatic Co.Ltd
Vietnamese Prime Minister Dung chosen to be
leadership icon in Asia
Then the alarm clock rang and Vung Du Ma woke up from his dream and slowly got up for work.
First World/Second World/Third World is the classification during the Cold War.

Right now there is only developed nations and developing nations.

China is the largest developing nations, meanwhile Malaysia and Thailand are also developing nations like China.
Okay, first step, we will become industrialized country in 2020. Second step we will become developed country with great help from S.Korea-Japan.

China have No chance to become developed country.
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