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Vietnamese Prime Minister chosen to be leadership icon in Asia

What? Our own fate? You must be joking, dude, don't teach us what we should do. Talk about yourself, if Viet Nam could become stronger by yourselves, not by the help of Russia or other countries, I will say you really control your fate. You should be more confident, you can achieve more as what I can see from you cities' landscape, much better than Indian cities, but remember please do not ever totally reply on foreign aid, especially Russia and USA, they are not sincerely to help you, don't get fooled.

China has the world's No.1 reserve of shale oil and shale gas, we can feed ourselves. We have pipeline from Russia, middle Asia and Myanmar. Good luck to you guys.
Russia-S.Korea-Japan commit to help VN to become industrialized country in 2020, so in the return, we will help them to contain China since u also try to bully us.

U dont have enough oil. Dont lie. Listen to what ur Govt. said first:
From an economic perspective, the investments undertaken by Chinese state-owned companies in the region aim at achieving a more direct control of thepresent 75 percent of China’s crude oil imports originate in the Middle East. Andsince President Hu Jintao declaration in November 2003 that “certain major powers” were bent on controlling the strait, and called for the adoption of newstrategies to mitigate the perceived vulnerability. Thereafter, the Chinese pressdevoted considerable attention to the country’s “Malacca dilemma,” leading onenewspaper to declare: “It is no exaggeration to say that whoever controls theStrait of Malacca will also have a stranglehold on the energy route of China”(China Youth Daily, June 15, 2004).
The Strait of Malacca as one of the most important geopolitical regions for the People’s Republic of China. | Guillermo Pineda - Academia.edu
Russia-S.Korea-Japan commit to help VN to become industrialized country in 2020, so in the return, we will help them to contain China since u also try to bully us.

U dont have enough oil. Dont lie. Listen to what ur Govt. said first:

Lmao...The whole world will run out of oil in the middle age of the century, IDC what you will do.

I said shale oil and shale gas, it's under our ground. It's kinda unconventional resources which need high tech exploration.
Countries by shale oil reserves - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia China no.3
List of countries by recoverable shale gas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia China no.1
We always need a true leader

Btw, our PM is a China-pro
I am also sure that China is still in 3rd world in 2020, so is Vietnam. What do you mean of a developed country? Only industrilized? Most of Vietnamese people's opinions are like you, but in Japan, people will stop their car when an old man cross the road very slowly, There is no litter bin in Tokyo but that city is still very clean. People will not speak phone call loudly in Japan...so many examples. China cannot do that, neither can Vietnam. This is the real gap between the 3rd World and developed World. Understand boy?

About Japan, the Meiji emperor even can pay out his own income and only eat ONE meal everyday, only for saving Money and make Japan strong. Sorry, I cant see that in China or Vietnam. What I see is the officers try their best to get Money for themselves. BTW, Japan will never HELP Vietnam from her heart. Just Vietnam has some volue to be used and they did the same thing in China.
he he he... you sound like a wise man who lives long in Japan. can you share more from your experiences how Japanese see other in Asia. I admire their cleverness.
by the way happy new year! are you back in Vietnam?
Be careful, those national assets could fall into the hands of the rich princelings.

The rabid privatization also killed USSR, now those rich tycoons in Russia were all formerly belonged to the princeling families of the Soviet Communist Party.

Vietnam should follow a rational economic reform, not the rabid privatization, it is looting your country.
most of the state owned enterprises are a burden for the government as they make losses. many local banks suffer too as these dinosaurs owed them money. The plan is to radically reform the companies, injects money and sell them later at stock exchanges.

by the way, the government has very few options as Vietnam is going to join TPP soon, and the Americans demand Vietnamese government to reduce its stakes in major companies.

personally I find the step is good, as foreigners will bring in money and expertise.
I am also sure that China is still in 3rd world in 2020, so is Vietnam. What do you mean of a developed country? Only industrilized? Most of Vietnamese people's opinions are like you, but in Japan, people will stop their car when an old man cross the road very slowly, There is no litter bin in Tokyo but that city is still very clean. People will not speak phone call loudly in Japan...so many examples. China cannot do that, neither can Vietnam. This is the real gap between the 3rd World and developed World. Understand boy? About Japan, the Meiji emperor even can pay out his own income and only eat ONE meal everyday, only for saving Money and make Japan strong. Sorry, I cant see that in China or Vietnam. What I see is the officers try their best to get Money for themselves. BTW, Japan will never HELP Vietnam from her heart. Just Vietnam has some volue to be used and they did the same thing in China.
I see US gangs even head shot the old man for fun, many US city r full of trash, the protester defecated to the rich's door during protest...etc.. and Yes, US still Japan's daddy. :pop:
I see US gangs even head shot the old man for fun, many US city r full of trash, the protester defecated to the rich's door during protest...etc.. and Yes, US still Japan's daddy. :pop:
hehe, now you know why China will still be a developing country for a long time. USA is the 4th biggest country and China is the 3rd biggest, and population of China is 4 times more than USA. If even USA cannot give everyone in USA a nice Life, how about China? Really pointless to campare Vietnam with China, because to give every Vietnam people a good Life is much more easier than that to every Chinese people, but has Vietnam government done it? No! And I can say even Vietnam has gotten every petrol in SCS, the petrol price in Vietnam still will not be decreased, and all the Money will only make the officers Life better and better, for you guys, just get a sh1t, and still Think how wonderful my country is, and absolutly, the same thing will happen in China since the heart of China petrol Company is much more black than oil. Japan is Alliance of USA in Asia, I dont care you call them "dog" or someelse, but "Dog"s Life is much more better than you. BTW, USA treat Alliance as friend, only Russia treat allience like DOG! Go and ask people in Poland, Czech, and other countries in east europé, what the really dog Life is. S Korea? They will do nothing, but declare the ancestry of Vietnam is from Korea. Ja, even the spring festival and Karate is from Korea.
he he he... you sound like a wise man who lives long in Japan. can you share more from your experiences how Japanese see other in Asia. I admire their cleverness.
by the way happy new year! are you back in Vietnam?
Happy New Year for you too! I'm still in China now, and is going to Hamburg next month:-) I was in Japan as an exchanging student Before, so know a Little about them. Tell you the truth, they are not clever:( Did you remember Vietnam people made boat by airplane's tank Before? It is impossible for Japanese to Think that. Ant or wolf, these two animals are the best examples to describe Japanese people.
Happy New Year for you too! I'm still in China now, and is going to Hamburg next month:-) I was in Japan as an exchanging student Before, so know a Little about them. Tell you the truth, they are not clever:( Did you remember Vietnam people made boat by airplane's tank Before? It is impossible for Japanese to Think that.

Ant or wolf, these two animals are the best examples to describe Japanese people.
pls explain me a bit, ant & wolf?
Pls save ur 'Congrats' until 2020 , at that time, pls dont envy wt Vn when we become industrialized nation wt great help from Japan-S.Korea when China still a third wolrd nation :pop:
LMAO.. Yes my Vietnamese friend. You people are not smart enough to compete with us man... Try lowering yourself to the Phillipines for competition.
he he he... you sound like a wise man who lives long in Japan. can you share more from your experiences how Japanese see other in Asia. I admire their cleverness.
by the way happy new year! are you back in Vietnam?
How do Japanese people see other Asia? I will tell you about their opinion about China, Korea, Vietnam and India. There are some people in Japan who are called "御宅族" Unfortunately, those people never want going to other places, so their opinion are very narrow, but most Japanese know what the World is. For China, seems two countries' relation is very Cold, but nearly no Japanese really hate China, since there are too many merriage between China and Japan, especially in Shanghai city. For them, Shanghai has no difference between Tokyo, same Life, nearly same Word, same cultrue(Japanese love Chinese cultrue sooooooooo much) and same family. But this is the deadline, almost no Japanese Company will invest or move to the middle and west China. For Korea, Korea is the country that Japanese people hate most. Why? Reason is very simple. Because the whole universe belongs to Korea, and I Think without considering political and history, Chinese people will also hate Korea, not Japan. BTW, the behavior between Korean people and Japanese people are..."no Words to say". For Vietnam, Japanese normal people has nearly no impression on Vietnam, but for Japanese companies, they need the cheap Labour in Vietnam since Chinese Labour is not very cheap now. On political area? I dont know, this is Japanese government's thing and those normal people do have no knowledge with Vietnam but a communist country. The last country India, If Japanese people can choose travel to China or India, they will absolute travel to China(Maybe first time will go to India). India is an uncivilized Place, come on, even drink water is very dangerous:(
U r simply just a narrow-minded (thiển cận) man. Did u know that South VN was US's ally (it'd better to call S.VN is DOG like S Korea-Japan ) and it was even far richer than S Korea that time ??

And why VNese decided to chose the poor life than being US's ally (or dog) ??
Yeah, no need to remind you, Saigon was one of the best city under French or USA. How about Ho Chi Minh city now? Yeah, she is Beautiful. Who build them? Who save the tradional Vietnam cultrue? Communist?
Wow, because according to you a few neighbors hate us so China will never become a developed country? Smart logic here, even the Indians here would be laughing at you.

You have to understand something about Vietnamese people many Chinese do not know.

1. They will beg for help, and $$, be your friend and guarantee to stab you in the future.
2. When they learn something from other countries they will not give them credit and say it's their own. Just like Japs.
3. They believed they conquered China for thousands of year, but Vietnam is small compared to China.
4. They believe two sisters actually defeated Chinese invaders from the North because their kung fu is strong.
5. Vietnam won the Vietnam war vs. US without help from Russia or China but due to their toughness and sappers, lol.

Now you know, it's almost impossible to reason with these folks. But I have nothing against Vietnamese girls though.
pls explain me a bit, ant & wolf?
Ok, give you an example. There are two travel groups in a same hotel, one group is Chinese and another is Japanese. When taking their keys, the Chinese people will go to counter or Tourist guide directly, No line! And than, they will RUSH into the elevator and go to rooms. While for Japanese, the Tourist guide will take the keys, and call everyone's name one by one. They just stay there in line and wait for keys, and then, they will wait in line for elevator again. Maybe Chinese people have had dinner, but Japanese is still waiting for elevator. This is the difference.:-)
Just wait and see, 60 years in peace, low IQ Chinese cant help their country to become developed nation . We only have more than 20 years in peace, still have long time to prove we r not only smarter than u in Fighting skill but in developing our country ,too :pop:
Good luck to you, my Vietnamese friend. LMAO
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