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Vietnam visit: Anti-American exhibits abound, but people are friendly

Too bad, Gambit claimed he was a North Vietnamese with some Chinese blood. :undecided:
You would be surprise to know that the most hardcore anti-communist in Vietnam are from the North while the most hardcore communists are neither from the North nor South but from the Central Vietnam.:tongue:

The Vice-President of South Vietnam is a North Vietnamese as well as the Admiral of the South Vietnamese's Navy while the top dogs of the Communist regime in Vietnam like Ho Chi Minh or Vo Nguyen Giap, Pham Van Dong are all from the Central
I am a Vietnamese American. I am not a communist (in fact I hate the failed communist ideology) and I don't support the current Vietnamese government (which is why I don't put the Vietnamese communist flag on my profile) nor do I support American in the Vietnam War. I don't support the Iraq war or the war in Afghanistan. I believe we, Vietnamese, are people stuck between a rock and hard place, just like Iraqis and Afghanis. We are just small fry in the global scheme of things.

We can blame the Chinese or the America or the French, but in the end, we have ourselves to blame for not teaching people children to be vigilant or united, and to not be blinded by what the power that be say.


I just want to give my thought into this. I have nothing to add. I don’t know who is right or wrong. The history book can manipulated to provide endless arguments and counter arguments, what could have happened, or what might have happened, which is why this damn thread is over 20 pages long. All I know is where we started and how we ended and all the other crap in between are mindless details of which written and rewritten by god know how many times.

I have met a small number of Asian Americans/Canadians like yourself. Most of their counterparts are more interested in Karaoke (at least when I was in college) and in casinos than in history.

Indeed you strike me as "thoughtful".

While I agree with you that race, culture, or even one's profession can anchor one's existence, I don't think it justifies it. For a "historically literate" individual such as yourself, you couldn't have missed the fact that Buddhism was as "foreign" as Catholicism at one time.

People disagree on what constitutes "truth" ... but most tend to agree that whatever is accepted as truth cannot be truly foreign.

But I also get what you are saying, i.e., religion mixed with impure motives and colonialism usually backfires. Sometimes sooner, and sometimes later.

Buddhists have not always been peaceful. The Il-Khans turned mosques in Persia into temples ... but can you find (Buddhist) temples in Iran today?

While we are on Iran/Persia - Arab tribesmen brought Islam (or at least their version of it) to Persia through sword, chains, and fire. They accomplished the tasks in less than 20 years apparently.

But they have been "paying" for it for over 1300 years since.

And still paying ...

The French's usurpation of Catholicism to advance colonialism is no less, but also no more "criminal" than the Tartars' spread of carnage under the banner of Tibetan Buddhism.

I am not advocating that everything is "relative" - but somebody famous didn't call history a "whore" for no reason ... a little perspective is antidote to radicalism.

And the (failed "version" of) Communism you so abhor is the poster child of "radicalism".

Anyhow, every people have their share of the Vichys ... including the Chinese and the Vietnamese. The majority Chinese are not ashamed of resisting the Mongols, Manchus, or the Japanese. Why shouldn't the Viet be proud of their "Résistance"?

Be proud and sensible. :tup:
You have a reading comprehension problem. I pointed out that when I initially challenged you Chinese boys, it was on technical issues and that I took more than reasonable efforts to support my arguments as well as being polite and on subject. You Chinese boys took exceptions to that and began to spew your petty racist hatred at me. No 'innocent Chinese boys' here, pal. Pathetic attempt to cast yourselves as victims. But this is a forum that focuses on the military and military related technology and you Chinese boys are out of your league compared to me. I see some Chinese in Canada who never served in uniform, fast food chain restaurant uniforms does not count, and some mainland Chinese who are conscript rejects and neither group done any work related to the technical subjects under discussions but have no problems making outrageous claims about things of their ignorance. I was polite before but after the racist hatred directed at me for no cause, I see no reasons to be nice to you Chinese boys' ignorance.

Well, if you have issues with whoever you claim to have upsetted you, you can report them or private message them about it. No use pretending to be a victim and flame the entire Chinese population. I personally do not care what credentials you have, it means little to me if you do not speak common sense or has the ability to think logically before you speak. By being boastful of your knowledge and racist against Chinese you have put yourself right where you claim us Chinese are to be. With you continued insults and bigotry you are only begging for more insults. You have only yourself to blame, not us Chinese.

Forbid? How? Looks like someone need to take history lessons, particularly the map showing how many communist states there were during the Cold War. And why should we not have fear and animosity towards communism? Look at the sorry conditions of those Cold War era communist states. There were no West Berliners trying to 'escape' to East Berlin, were there? Or is there an alternate history you studied where the world was one big happy "Workers' Paradise"? And are you saying that the communists NEVER created propaganda with the goal of instilling fear and animosity against 'Western imperialists' and their 'running dogs'? How charmingly innocent...

We don't care how communism is in other countries because it is just an ideology which can be changed. It is not something that is carved into stone. US democracy and democracy elsewhere are also differen't and a lot depends on where their governments want to take it. You are too naive and is still living in the cold war era, wake up to the smell of coffee already.

No...China was in Viet Nam NOT to 'liberate' anyone but to start a war to spread communism. It is always amusing to watch you Chinese boys tap-dance around the issue. The Americans have no problems calling US involvement for what it is: communist containment. But now, given how communism is discredited, the defenders of China's meddling in Viet Nam can do no better than the equally discredited 'liberation' arguments. Too cowardly to call it for what it was: To spread communism? Too chickenshtt to call it as: To propagate a failed ideology? Yup -- On both counts.

I like the way you view the world. It's ever so entertaining. By your logics, we would have aided the former soviet union and prevent them from collapsing and spread communism into Pakistan too?
You can have your say about China meddling in Vietnam and the rest of the world can have their say about Americans meddling in Vietnam. Fact is no body gives a toss about it anymore. US failed their objectives and China successfully fought of the imperialist French and Americans and liberated Vietnam. The rest was down to the Vietnamese government, China has no involvemnets in the way they wish to drive their country.

Bunk. I do not condemn Diem for being anti-communist. Diem was not the only anti-communist nationalist among other anti-communist nationalists, so do you condemn them as well? I may be critical or even condemning of Diem for being the type of leader he was but not for being anti-communist, just as you see nothing wrong with Mao for being the butcher that he was as long as he led China to independence. Brave and come out and say that being anti-communist is wrong?

As said before. We Chinese do not care about communism in other countries, we have better things to do with our time. We only care about how communism is in China. China wouldn't be the second largest economy if the ideology is a bad one. Clearly it is something that is working for us. I am sorry for the ailing economies in the once God almighty democratic countries though.

And you have the gall to debate politics and war? The 1968 Tet Offensive, or more specifically its failure to take South Vietnam, totally demolish the communist lie that Viet Nam was behind the Viet Minh and if China and the Soviet Union did not meddle in Viet Nam, North Viet Nam would not exist. But it is telling that you persists in calling out US meddling in SE Asia but not China's own actions as equally 'meddling'. Coward.

Why not? when you have the gall to, so can the others. Thank God for the freedom of speech?

Nope if America and France did not meddle in Vietnam then no war would have happened. China and Russia was there to fight off imperialism and to free Vietnam. It is saddening to see Vietnam suffer after the war. Americans destroyed their country, My Lai villages, raped childrens and did not offer them financial support to rebuild their country.

It is telling that you persists in calling out China meddling in SE Asia but not America's own actions as equally 'meddling'. Coward.

Right-O...Congratulations...!!! You effectively made the ridiculous argument that since South Viet Nam collapsed the people must not have loved their side of the country very much. How about if I say this: Since China was carved up and parts became colonial prizes by and for the Europeans and later Japan, a much smaller nation-state, militarily defeated the Chinese and carved out a chunk of Chinese land called 'Manchukuo', the Chinese people must not have loved their country very much. If, and it is a big 'if', there is a 'high Chinese IQ' people, you must not be in that group with this silly argument. The Chinese truly with the 'high IQ' wisely stayed out of something they know they are ignorant about.

Vietnam isn't calved up but is instead reunited and handed it back to them. Blame America for rolling with the wrong side. They had the opportunity to assist Ho and they had a good chance of spreading democracy there. They played the wrong cards and screwed up badly. Don't care about IQ, don't care about you whining. What matters is Vietnam is now still Vietnam, not calved up and renamed into Vietminko or the United states of Diemnam. I am sure Americans with IQ as high as yourself can work that one out.

Yeah...The Ho-Sainteny Agreement is new to YOU, pal. Professional historians regularly research and discovered new facts that formulate new truths about events in varying degrees of significance and impacts. Still, some facts are less well publicized and therefore less well known than others. The Ho-Sainteny Agreement is one of those less publicized and less known facts about the Vietnam War. It is a fact in history that YOU did not know and based upon that ignorance you have a false understanding of the Vietnam War, or more specifically its causes. Those who seeks to justify communism in Viet Nam have good cause to distract attention away from this pact between the Viet Minh and France that led to the return of France as a colony reclaimant. They want to portray the Viet Minh as a victim of France and the US. And when this fact is presented to the public without their consent, they get angry.

Nope Ho-Sainteny isn't new to me, but it is to you, hence you are so happy about finding out about it and coming here to boast about it ever so excitedly. :lol:

Don't care about who is victim and who isn't. I guess only losers like to think victim of themselves. Typical sour grape mentality. We don't need to justify the ideology Vietnam takes, it makes no difference to China if they are or not. This is something you need to get your head round to. Ho-Sainteny is just a distraction of the Phoenix Program.

So for the benefit of the reader who is willing to be objective about the Vietnam War, the fact that there was a pact between the Viet Minh and France so soon after the end of WW II, so soon as in months, that actually invited France back into Indochina as a colony reclaimant, and that the pact placed Viet Nam back into colonial possession status, is a moral indictment against the communists for doing their part in causing the Vietnam War. Yes, the US may have failed in Viet Nam, but that failure is irrelevant regarding the chains of events that led up to the war. The intellectually honest position when presented with new facts, new as in when a person did not know them before, not 'new' as in newly discovered by research, is to admit that those new facts compelled a reassessment of one's position regarding the historical event. The Ho-Sainteny Agreement is not new to me but it is indeed new to YOU but you are too much of a coward to admit that it did forced you to consider the possibility that what you previously believed about the Vietnam War as wrong or even incomplete.

Ho-Sainteny Agreement is a strawman distraction to the Phoenix program which is a thing new to you.

Many Viets who lived through the war did not know about this pact, and practically none are the Viets who came after unification and believed the communists to be pure as freshly fallen snow. The communists and their deceitful Western apologists worked hard to suppress this fact. But to no avail. So in your cowardice, it is YOU are revising history as in revising it back to the comfort point for you despite the truth presented. But it is too much to ask any Chinese to be intellectually honest about China's meddling in Viet Nam to the detriment of the Vietnamese.

Yes the Viets who lived through the war knew nothing but Americans like you do? I suppose they all think America is as white as snow even after they pulvarized their country and My laied their villages. We do not need to revise any of the history by the way.
Americans know they were wrong and that they should never have participated in the war. Now to save face, they have to cowardly kill messenger Ho and blame everything on to him and France instead. Genius!

The Phoenix Program was a tactic of war, not one of its causes. The communists have their own version which was more atrocious in that they were indiscriminate in their targets and those murders preceded the American military involvement in Viet Nam. The reason you keep calling the US the co-starter of the Vietnam War is because you are trying (in vain) to distract attraction from the truth: That China was in Viet Nam long before the US was. Do you deny that fact? Be brave and state that denial.

Same as the Ho-Sainteny Agreement. It was a tactical decision made to liberate Vietnam after failing to secure help from America. The reason you keep calling China the co-starter of the Vietnam War is because you are trying (in vain) to distract attention from the truth: That America was the one who sided with the French who was in Vietnam long before the Chinese. Do you deny that fact? Be brave and state that denial.

You mean the sorry condition of every communist states, including Viet Nam? If communism was not forced upon the people, there would be no need for Viet Nam to 'grow again'. That is what the world see and understand. The PC you are using? Ain't from the communists. The Internet? Ain't from the communists. That microwave oven? Ain't from the communists. It is deliciously ironic to see that you, a Chinese Canadian who never lived through the bloody years of communism in China or through the Cold War for that matter, have been thoroughly brainwashed into believing that the ONLY way for a people to achieve independence is to have communism imposed, suffer decades of political oppression and economic hardships, then 'grow again'. A Chinese Canadian who never know political oppression and economic hardship, and who would curse Canada at even a hint of censorship or reduction in wages, is cheering for the Vietnamese to suffer the very bloody things communists are famous for.

Sorry to disappoint you, China suffered a lot less years of hardship to reach where we are today, even surpassing many in the democratic west. If that is what you hate communism for, then be my guest, we don't care nor respect losers who does nothing to stand up again but instead resort to the annoyance of barking.
Communism is like a pin in the haystack for you guys. You don't know how it works, despise it, yet it works well for some but you cannot find the answer how. It baffles you how China can become this strong through Communism. You become so obssessed, envious and with no choice that you have to find a coward way to destroy it. I guess it is easier to destroy something than to learn how it works right? That is American IQ and methodology for you.

They must be kicking themselves when war failed to contain the Chinese communist and embargo failed to stop their economic growth? See communist can be a good thing. What matter is having the right leadership and the will power of the people to move forward together. We can do it, surely Vietnam can too. If they can't then clearly that is a leadership problem.

It is precisely this kind of cheap personal attacks from the beginning that earned you Chinese boys my contempt.

Nope it is precisely your kind of cheap personal attacks that earned the individual American boy everyone's contempt.

Wrong...China was in Viet Nam long before the US and Diem. It was China who prodded North Vietnamese communists to start the war. After France, it was China who provided guidance and weapons to slaughter North Vietnamese anti-communist nationalists. It was China who imposed the disastrous land reform that resulted in famine in North Viet Nam. Those and many more occurred before US military involvement in Viet Nam. Be brave and state your denial of these historical facts.

Wrong France was in Vietnam long before China and Ho. Then American came and destroyed Vietnam instead of liberating and rebuilding it. All undisputed historical facts which is still taught in schools all over the world till this very day.

Desperate...desperate...!!! Yes...The Vietnamese really DO envy the Japanese for living better in many ways. I know because I hear them enough, in the US and in Viet Nam. It really is a desperate argument because you do not understand the 'whats' of that envy. It certainly is not the land but because despite the land's abundance of natural resources, communism prevented the Vietnamese from exploiting the bounty for their own benefits. Just like how communism denied the Chinese the same, remember the Chinese folly of adopting Lysenkoism from the Soviets? So for you to bring up threats of 'earthquakes, tsunami, volcanic erruptions and nuclear disasters' in the Japanese islands is truly a desperate and 'low IQ' argument.

Desperate...desperate...!!!Yes the Vietnamese really DO love their free country. Only the traitors who left the people in Vietnam to die and join the ones who raped them and left them in decades of suffering and hardships would love Japan. So for you to have the audacity to justify America's actions in Vietnam and to live and die by the motto "There is Strong and there is ARMY STRONG!!!!" is truely a desperate and 'Low IQ' way of putting forward a convincing argument. It has gotten so bad that even the Vietnamese don't agree with what you are saying! :lol:

Me a 'bully'? That is a laugh. But if I am acting like a bully, like I said before that based upon you Chinese boys' unwarranted personal attacks against me, you Chinese boys earned it.

Yes you are a bully and because of your unwarranted personal and racist attacks on Chinese, you earned our contempt.
I am a Vietnamese American. I am not a communist (in fact I hate the failed communist ideology) and I don't support the current Vietnamese government (which is why I don't put the Vietnamese communist flag on my profile) nor do I support American in the Vietnam War.
Why not? Communism is a great...:rolleyes:...ideology and way of life. No one is poor because no one is wealthy. At least no poverty nor wealth in theory anyway. The State runs everything in your life, from issuing you your clothes, like those classic 'Mao' shirt in China, to determining your job and eventually how you are supposed to think. Choices can be a burden. Freedom is slavery because you are chained by indecision all the time.

That being said, I have to say don't agree with Gambit one bit.
Then why are you so afraid of expressing those disagreements? At least give the readers, not me, a couple of points.

As far Chinese and American/the West are concern, Vietnamese are a lot closer to Chinese racially and culturally. Due to close proximity in geography and culture, there is more chance to cultivate relationship both nationally and individually with China than the US (ideology aside).
Ever seen the old 'Planet of the Apes' series? At one point there was a history of the apes where their increased intelligence made them desirable house servants instead of mere curio items in zoos. That is how the Chinese see the Viets, the Cambodians, the Thais, or the Phis: We have slightly more intelligence than apes and with our opposable thumbs, we are more useful than dogs.

Alliances based upon politics are good and highly desirable. They are highly desirable because they are impermanent, can be quite fluid, and the pact can be dissolved with the stroke of a pen. The Japanese set aside their arrogance and chauvinism when they finally admitted their backwardness compared to the Europeans and sent their best to foreign lands to study the ways of the gai-jins. In one generation, they made expedient political alliances to gain knowledges, experience, and statecraft alien to them. All the while they bowed to no one. In the next generation, they became powerful enough to co-start a global war. Their enemies feared them so much that they had to be utterly defeated, as in bombed back to very nearly the Stone Age.

What you are implying is even worse. A thousand times worse for any people. You are asking that the Viets form an alliance with the Chinese based upon a more permanent foundation: skin color and facial features. And the alliance is with a people who sees us as only more useful than dogs and who would have the Vietnamese culture erased as they would have for the Tibetans. Cultures and the peoples who sustain them evolves, but it is an evolution that should be willed from within, not imposed from without. You are asking for a cultural self destruction. I feel sorry for you, my young friend.
Why not? Communism is a great...:rolleyes:...ideology and way of life. No one is poor because

no one is wealthy. At least no poverty nor wealth in theory anyway. The State runs everything in your life, from

issuing you your clothes, like those classic 'Mao' shirt in China, to determining your job and eventually how you

are supposed to think. Choices can be a burden. Freedom is slavery because you are chained by indecision all the


You don't need to be snide with me.

Then why are you so afraid of expressing those disagreements? At least give the readers, not me, a couple of


First of all argument on the internet is pretty much a utter waste of time. I won't change your mind and you won't change mind so what is the point. You and I are nobody, we don't make or affect policies.

Ever seen the old 'Planet of the Apes' series? At one point there was a history of the apes where their increased
intelligence made them desirable house servants instead of mere curio items in zoos. That is how the Chinese see
the Viets, the Cambodians, the Thais, or the Phis: We have slightly more intelligence than apes and with our
opposable thumbs, we are more useful than dogs.

You probably have some bad experience with Chinese so you are generalizing. I am sure there are Chinese who don't like Vietnamese and see Vietnamese as subhuman to them, vice versa. Do you think white American/the West see Vietnamese as equal and not just mere gooks/people to paints their nails? If you think American love Vietnamese people and see Vietnamese as equal, you are bullshitting yourself. I say the West and whites are way more arrogant and worst at dehumanizing Vietnamese and Asian in general. Frankly, it comes down to individuals. I don't care how Chinese or the West see Vietnamese. What is important is how we see ourselves!

Alliances based upon politics are good and highly desirable. They are highly desirable because they are
impermanent, can be quite fluid, and the pact can be dissolved with the stroke of a pen. The Japanese set aside
their arrogance and chauvinism when they finally admitted their backwardness compared to the Europeans and sent
their best to foreign lands to study the ways of the gai-jins. In one generation, they made expedient
political alliances to gain knowledges, experience, and statecraft alien to them. All the while they bowed to no
one. In the next generation, they became powerful enough to co-start a global war. Their enemies feared them so
much that they had to be utterly defeated, as in bombed back to very nearly the Stone Age.

What you are implying is even worse. A thousand times worse for any people. You are asking that the Viets form an
alliance with the Chinese based upon a more permanent foundation: skin color and facial features. And the alliance
is with a people who sees us as only more useful than dogs and who would have the Vietnamese culture erased as they
would have for the Tibetans. Cultures and the peoples who sustain them evolves, but it is an evolution that should
be willed from within, not imposed from without. You are asking for a cultural self destruction. I feel sorry for
you, my young friend.

I agree alliance based on politics are good and more desirable than alliance based on race/culture. But political alliance alone without any similar in culture/race or understanding of culture are fickle - hence the US withdrawl in the Vietnam War. The US is in it for their own self-interest. Vietnam was just another disposable land to further their political aims, just like Iraq and Afganistan, Kosovo, list goes on. As soon as they see no more interest, Vietnamese people can die and there would be no consequence for them since they have the whole vast Pacific Ocean to shield them from any consequence that might happen. They can drop million tons of pesticide on Vietnamese soil and they would not be affect. I have been to Vietnamese orphange with children with these deformities. Hell, they give money to veteran affect by Agent Orange, but they won't even admit that their million ton of pesticide has damage Vietnamese countryside or even a hear a suit brought against them. How is that for understanding?

As far as political alliance goes, I rather not have any, but unfortunately, as a poor and underveloped country you can't really help it but pull into by sphere of influnce. I never said anything about forming alliance with China and not with the USA. So don't put words in my mouth. Alliance is good for powerful countries, but it is not good for poor countries. Ideally, alliance should a equal relationship, but realistically, it is not. So you have to weigh the risk and benefit. Is gaining technology from the US in the short term outweigh the risk of your country as a platform to use in war by one superpower to check another rising power? Ideally, it should be 'Alliance with none, equal relationship with all'.

I don't know what you are trying to say with Japan and how that relates to this conversation. Isn't China doing what Japanese were doing? Sending students oversease to learn and doing business with everyone. Japan may be rich and developed country but they are not an independent country. Their constitution were written by the US - that is not very independent. They have a foreign military base on their soil - that is not very independent. If you want Vietnamese to follow the Japanese economical model, that is fine, but don't tell me you want to Vietnam to follow Japan politically. Japan is a neutered dog (no offense to Japanese) with no political power.

You are asking for a cultural self destruction. I feel sorry for you, my young


LMAO. You have no idea what the hell you are talking about. What is Vietnamese culture? What is cultural self destructions? Can Chinese destroy Vietnamese culture? If so, how? Are Chinese going to force Vietnamese to speak Chinese? How can Vietnamese culture be destroy without the complacency from Vietnamese people? Vietnamese culture and China have a lot similarity base on geography and people. So what does a totally destroyed Vietnamese culture by Chinese look like? From my perspective, unless every single Vietnamese start speaking Chinese, there is not a chance is in hell Vietnamese culture are going to be destroy. As far as Vietnamese culture and Chinese culture is concern, there are a lot of similarity. So at what point does it look like forced culture or just due to geography and exchange.

As far as culture is concern, Vietnamese culture is being eroded currently not by China but by the West and all thing American. Vietnamese people currently love everything American, just like you, they love to speak English. They say Happy New year and Happy birthday in English. You have Vietnamese American go back bring all their exaggeration of American culture like wearing nothing but a bra in public, flaunting their dollar like they are better than the local Vietnamese. Ancestral worship is looked down upon and probibited by Vietnamese Christian church. All the old school traditions are now, seen by many youngster, as too somber/depressing and a waste of time. They are more attracted to Christmas (St. Nick) and Valentine (St. Valentine), both have no rooted in Vietnamese culture or tradition, both bring with them a white idols. Of course, China is facing the same dilemma. Vietnamese people have no idea what is going on. They think it is just an innocence celebrations, but after all celebration and tradition are a way to past down stories.

Hell, Vietnamese people can't even read their own ancient history because they no longer can read chu Nom, since as you see, Vietnamese written language was changed by the French and the Vietnamese at that time didn't have the foresight to resist. Vietnamese leaders didn't have the foresight to understand the importance of narrative

Seriously, let's not talk about culture destructionn by Chinese when Vietnamese culture is being destroy by self-inflicted Westernization. Even Chinese culture is being eroded by Westernization. Franky, Chinese and Vietnamese and other countries are in the same boat. If Chinese can't even withstand Westernization and St. Nick, how the hell do you think they can't destroy Vietnamese culture? It is ridiculous.

I know a lot Vietnamese/Chinese family. Chinese in Vietnam who spoke Vietnamese. Chinese have been in Vietnam for long time and pretty blended in with the culture. The French came in and force their language and culture on Vietnamese, changing everything. So what does that tell you? Vietnamese have been neighbor with China for millenia and still have a distinct culture.

I know Chinese girl who date Vietnamese guys, and Chinese guys who date Vietnamese girls. I know Chinese/Vietnamese mix who are very Asian and into both culture. When it comes to whites, it is pretty much White guys and Vietnamese girls and most of the time you have to cater to the white man's culture. That is hardly equal.
Most Chinese still view Vietnamese people as racially similar. Otherwise, there wouldn't have so many Chinese men who want to have a family with many Vietnamese girls.

No offense, most White men would view Vietnamese girls as easy to f@ck, but no way they would breed with them, except with the White women.
In order of cultural purity in East Asia, I think North Korea is #1, followed by China, then Vietnam, Japan and South Korea.

South Korea and Japan use western loanwords to describe all modern technology. There is no Japanese word for computer or laser. Chinese has an independent vocabulary for modern technology and therefore, there is no subconscious association of TECHNOLOGY with WHITE MAN.

I don't know about Vietnam, but unfortunately, they have given up Chinese language just like Koreans, for another script.

South Koreans are probably the most westernized, as they have not only given up their language to Western loanwords and politically are enslaved by the US, but they've even converted to the white man's religion. Ironically, Koreans are the most racially pure, while Chinese are racially impure due to having significant populations of Kazakhs, Mongols, Koreans, Tibetans, Manchus, Uighurs, Zhuang, Miao, etc.
In order of cultural purity in East Asia, I think North Korea is #1, followed by China, then Vietnam, Japan and South Korea.

South Korea and Japan use western loanwords to describe all modern technology. There is no Japanese word for computer or laser. Chinese has an independent vocabulary for modern technology and therefore, there is no subconscious association of TECHNOLOGY with WHITE MAN.

I don't know about Vietnam, but unfortunately, they have given up Chinese language just like Koreans, for another script.

South Koreans are probably the most westernized, as they have not only given up their language to Western loanwords and politically are enslaved by the US, but they've even converted to the white man's religion. Ironically, Koreans are the most racially pure, while Chinese are racially impure due to having significant populations of Kazakhs, Mongols, Koreans, Tibetans, Manchus, Uighurs, Zhuang, Miao, etc.

Right on ... North Koreans are so pure and unspoiled that they even cleaned out ALL Chinese characters from their language ... yet they still hopelessly retain the pronunciation of various Chinese "loan words".

I think North Koreans could get even "purer" by adopting sign language only.

As for association of "Technology" with "White Man", professor, I seem to recall that Marxism and Leninism are directly transliterated into Chinese ... so what are you saying? Are you insulting the wonderful folks around you by insinuating that they all associate Communism/Socialism with Jews and Russians?

And what about Bolshevism, how is that word translated into Chinese? Please educate the illiterate me.

Finally "common sense", is there a Chinese word in your dictionary for that, Professor?
Right on ... North Koreans are so pure and unspoiled that they even cleaned out ALL Chinese characters from their language ... yet they still hopelessly retain the pronunciation of various Chinese "loan words".

I think North Koreans could get even "purer" by adopting sign language only.

As for association of "Technology" with "White Man", professor, I seem to recall that Marxism and Leninism are directly transliterated into Chinese ... so what are you saying? Are you insulting the wonderful folks around you by insinuating that they all associate Communism/Socialism with Jews and Russians?

And what about Bolshevism, how is that word translated into Chinese? Please educate the illiterate me.

Finally "common sense", is there a Chinese word in your dictionary for that, Professor?

Below_freezing really tickles you doesn't he? Should I take that as a sign that you and he are diametrically opposed in opinion.
RIP to the innocent people of VietNam, who lost their lives in this dreadful war. I wish the best of luck to the VietNamese people and hope they have a bright future (which they will) :D
Below_freezing really tickles you doesn't he? Should I take that as a sign that you and he are diametrically opposed in opinion.

He sure does, Sharpie. It does take some will power for me to just leave these posts be ... on a day when I have a wee bit of time on my hands. But I still think he has the quality of being "大事不糊涂" ... but sometimes I am not so sure.

I am not even so sure about myself these days. That's why I am here ... to learn something about others and about myself. I am sure it's more or less the same for you.

My other problem is that both you and little dragon have gone "mainstream" ... well mostly.

So that only leaves a few that still reliably "tickle".

Beggars like me can't be choosers.
He sure does, Sharpie. It does take some will power for me to just leave these posts be ... on a day when I have a wee bit of time on my hands. But I still think he has the quality of being "大事不糊涂" ... but sometimes I am not so sure.

I am not even so sure about myself these days. That's why I am here ... to learn something about others and about myself. I am sure it's more or less the same for you.

My other problem is that both you and little dragon have gone "mainstream" ... well mostly.

So that only leaves a few that still reliably "tickle".

Beggars like me can't be choosers.

One of these days, I'd like to get a map of your world looks like.
Once i asked question to Vietnam citizen about his feelings over war.
He answered me that they have no current hate for USA and they want to left history in museums and they don't want to create any hate for other nations only for the sake of past.
I again asked: Why you don't want to get some lesson from your past?
Very confidently answered me: We will get nothing constructive looking back at war. We have to step up toward progress so for us now it is normal & no odd feelings for Americans & others. Let these war stories remains in between our grands.
Right on ... North Koreans are so pure and unspoiled that they even cleaned out ALL Chinese characters from their language ... yet they still hopelessly retain the pronunciation of various Chinese "loan words".

I think North Koreans could get even "purer" by adopting sign language only.

As for association of "Technology" with "White Man", professor, I seem to recall that Marxism and Leninism are directly transliterated into Chinese ... so what are you saying? Are you insulting the wonderful folks around you by insinuating that they all associate Communism/Socialism with Jews and Russians?

And what about Bolshevism, how is that word translated into Chinese? Please educate the illiterate me.

Finally "common sense", is there a Chinese word in your dictionary for that, Professor?

Political ideologies are inherently associated with a certain nation. 社会主义is the correct word to use as of now, and it is unassociated with a specific country. 马克思列宁主义 is indeed associated with Jews and Russians and I'm not denying that! The CPC should abandon all references to the Jew Marx and Russian traitor Lenin and use the ethnically neutral 共产主义 / 社会主义 instead
You don't need to be snide with me.

Don't worry, he does it with everyone. Not only Chinese.

By the way, nice insightful post. It is always refreshing to engage myself in reading level headed views and balanced opinions.
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