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Vietnam-Japan Strategic Partnership Adding Substantial Contours

These threads are weird, US is not afraid of China Russia alliance, but China is suppose to be afraid of Vietnam Japan relationship?

Don't bring India into this, they are still trying to make a go at economy, they are not going to be going into mass debt in a war with China for things that barely concern them. If they won't go to war for themselves, then they definitely won't for you.

Japan is a formidable enemy, what with the third largest economy and quite a bit of spending on military as well as the buying of equipment from US. So they are pretty good.

Then it leaves Vietnam, maybe if this was on land, Vietnam can do something, but on the seas it's all about the tech, and Vietnam's got none. Can't destroy the enemy if you can't see them, can't destroy the enemy if your missiles are limited and can be intercepted.

So unless Vietnamese morale can somehow power missiles and make them better and radars see further, it's no use.

So bottom line, other than Japan, the others are none factors.
ha ha ha...you are delusional.

If you haven´t noticed, Vietnam has a 1,000 year glorious military history. Our victories over China, Champa, Khmer (Cambodia), Laos, Siam (Thailand), Mongolia, America and France are evidence. Traditionally we have a strong land army, But for centuries, also Vietnam had one of the most powerful naval fleets in SE Asia, for instance with more 1,000 warships in the war against Ming China and Thai Kingdom. The current weakness of Vietnam navy would be soon overcome.

Until their defeat in the WW II, Japan had a glorious war history, too.

Japan and Vietnam can form their competitive strength. Japan or Vietnam, one alone is too weak.

You once again group your arguments around the ability of making military hardware: warships, missiles, jets, etc... You ignore all other soft factors: strategy, tactic, professional soldiers, etc... Vietnam tends to adopt asymmetric warfare against a superior enemy. We would not send our frigates head on your destroyers, but other means. You lost 6 major wars against Vietnam, a fact you shouldn´t forget!

The Germans like to compare the Vietnamese and Japanese as the "Prussians of Asia". Why?

Because Vietnamese as well as Japanese are very close to the Prussians: iron discipline, hard-working, clever, brave fighter on battlefields. The Germans don´t see Chinese in that category. You may have best military hardware, but you don´t have best fighters.

Prussia was a great military power in Europe.

Die Preußen Asiens - brand eins online
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Based on this post and other posts, it appears you are not well educated on how economy works.
Oh, so how abt u ?? Im earning well in VN stock market. U can see it in "VN economy" thread
This morning, I was busy, so I could not buy V15, and it went max . But I bought PXA at 5.5, and it went max too.

Dude, VN index is a real Gold mine now,
Vietnam Economy | Latest News | Page 71
Before VN govt. banned World Gold trade market, I also earned well from that. So, did u earn well from China stock or Gold trade market ??

SOrry, the internatioal port built by Japan named Lach Huyen and still in Hai Phong. U can see it on the right red spot, very near China. From there, Japan's products will flood China market and u can do Nothing to stop it :cool:
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Oh, so how abt u ?? Im earning well in VN stock market. U can see it in "VN economy" thread

Before VN govt. banned World Gold trade market, I also earned well from that. So, did u earn well from China stock or Gold trade market ??

SOrry, the internatioal port built by Japan named Lach Huyen and still in Hai Phong. U can see it on the right red spot, very near China. From there, Japan's products will flood China market and u can do Nothing to stop it :cool:

How do we know you are making money in vn stock market? Let's just assume you are not lying, how does making money in the stock market correlate with your understanding of world economics? You do know that VN has rampant inflation thus causing your stock market to go up . And it only goes up or down base on events happening in China, Japan, SK and very little to do with what happens in VN.

If China sneezes , VN catch pneumonia.
How do we know you are making money in vn stock market? Let's just assume you are not lying, how does making money in the stock market correlate with your understanding of world economics? You do know that VN has rampant inflation thus causing your stock market to go up . And it only goes up or down base on events happening in China, Japan, SK and very little to do with what happens in VN.

If China sneezes , VN catch pneumonia.
U can check the price of the stock when I buy (PXA: 5.5 now is 5.8).

Wrong , Our VN index go up like rocket coz the money from Ukraine-Russia flowing to VN instead of staying in US-EU markets due to the sanction from US-EU to Russia. Only the people with deep knowledge abt VN economy or people who secretly got the news from inside can Win the money in VN stock now coz we fore-see and can catch the chance when the Russia's investors chose VN to invest. Even member Viet doesnt know where the money come from and make VN stock market soar up

Who cares if China sneezes coz the money flowing to VN stock market is not coming from China but from Ukraine-Russia and soon will be the money from Japan

I hope poor Chinese can find another good jobs when Japan close its companies in China and shift to VN, hope poor Chinese still have enough $$$ to buy Japan's car and bike coz they can not trust China car, bikes :laugh:
ha ha ha...you are delusional.

If you haven´t noticed, Vietnam has a 1,000 year glorious military history. Our victories over China, Champa, Khmer (Cambodia), Laos, Siam (Thailand), Mongolia, America and France are evidence. Traditionally we have a strong land army, But for centuries, also Vietnam had one of the most powerful naval fleets in SE Asia, for instance with more 1,000 warships in the war against Ming China and Thai Kingdom. The current weakness of Vietnam navy would be soon overcome.

Until their defeat in the WW II, Japan had a glorious war history, too.

Japan and Vietnam can form their competitive strength. Japan or Vietnam, one alone is too weak.

You once again group your arguments around the ability of making military hardware: warships, missiles, jets, etc... You ignore all other soft factors: strategy, tactic, professional soldiers, etc... Vietnam tends to adopt asymmetric warfare against a superior enemy. We would not send our frigates head on your destroyers, but other means. You lost 6 major wars against Vietnam, a fact you shouldn´t forget!

The Germans like to compare the Vietnamese and Japanese as the "Prussians of Asia". Why?

Because Vietnamese as well as Japanese are very close to the Prussians: iron discipline, hard-working, clever, brave fighter on battlefields. The Germans don´t see Chinese in that category. You may have best military hardware, but you don´t have best fighters.

Prussia was a great military power in Europe.

Die Preußen Asiens - brand eins online

Yea, the perpetual losers of war, that's very good. Prussia. Got smoked twice by the Americans. The second time let to communism for some decades, and rape of the Germans by Russians. Same as Japan, nuked by America. Warrior nations alright.

I know history, don't compare history with China, come on man, even you can't be that delusional. Roman enemies defeated Rome sometimes, does that mean Rome is inferior? You want to count how many victory we have over Vietnam compare to you on us.

As to strategy, we also fought the Americans and the Japanese to a stand still, just as the Vietnamese did with inferior weapons.

We have poured massive investment into military education, more than 50% of our soldiers are professional soldiers with a post secondary education. Our military is infinitely more professional, because these are guys who joined the army when they have other choices. They chose to defend their country.

These arguments are the same on Americans, play boys and pussies, but on the battlefield, the Germans got spanked like the idiots that they are. Vietnamese lost millions rathe than 50,000 from the US.

BTW, you don't have destroyers, so you can't sent it out anyways. Besides naval warfare is all about the equipments, you can't ambush without advanced technology, painting a ship blue doesn't help.
We have poured massive investment into military education, more than 50% of our soldiers are professional soldiers with a post secondary education. Our military is infinitely more professional, because these are guys who joined the army when they have other choices. They chose to defend their country.

Profesional without real experience in real Bloody battle ?? Thats how China rate their 'professional soldier' . Wow , thats why TW still under US's occupation when "amateur" VN kicked US out for long time already.

BTW, you don't have destroyers, so you can't sent it out anyways. Besides naval warfare is all about the equipments, you can't ambush without advanced technology, painting a ship blue doesn't help.
SO, come and test our anti-ship missile now, I bet that ur cheap warship will be sunk in few minutes. Dont forget who control the largest part in Spratly now.
Profesional without real experience in real Bloody battle ?? Thats how China rate their 'professional soldier' . Wow , thats why TW still under US's occupation when "amateur" VN kicked US out for long time already.

We don't want to destroy Taiwan, Vietnam was destroyed after Americans left. This is more political. BTW, when you lose millions and America lose a fraction of that, that's not a victory, that's a massacre.

As of this moment, the Vietnamese veterans are all dead or retired, so you got no experience either, except your troops are not as educated and most just join the army for a meal ticket.

SO, come and test our anti-ship missile now, I bet that ur cheap warship will be sunk in few minutes. Dont forget who control the largest part in Spratly now.

We have the world's best and most anti ship missiles, our warships cost a billion dollars, Liaoning 2.5 billion, the new one 5 billion, the second under construction is around 6-8 billion. Missiles cost 5-20 million depending on which ones.

If it's so cheap, why don't you buy some.

Current warfare is not one weapon vs another, it's one army vs another, you got anti ship, we got ballistic missiles and soon stealth air crafts. We also got so many submarines, and your anti sub is presently non existent, but ours is improving by the day, especially these new warships and planes, and subs.

It doesn't matter who controls most of it now, that can and will change in an instant. Being Vietnamese I thought you would know that since the communist strategy revolves around not the capture of a single city but the elimination of enemy fores.

When your navy is gone, does it rally matter what you "control."
Oh here everybody. We have our little Vietnamese friend boasting about being a great military empire, defeating the red dragon freeing itself from over 1,000 of submission, the playboy in Vietnam War, and the like. LOL What is real is further from the truth. You are just a good defender with superpower support. Similar to the Afghanistan, the Taliban, the Al-Qaeda. Civilian militiaman that used hidden tactic and hit and run strategy. This is what we taught you! LOL.
Because Vietnamese as well as Japanese are very close to the Prussians: iron discipline, hard-working, clever, brave fighter on battlefields.

Prussians no longer exist, and lost half their land to Poland. Why doesn't your "iron discipline", hard work, cleverness and bravery translate to economic growth? Because they're fictional. You also have 1,000 proud years of history of being civilized by the Chinese after you attacked your neighbors repeatedly.

SO, come and test our anti-ship missile now, I bet that ur cheap warship will be sunk in few minutes. Dont forget who control the largest part in Spratly now.

Why don't you try to invade Cambodia or Thailand or Laos again, tough guy? Why don't you take one of Taiwan's islands in the South China Sea, tough guy?

Because you know you'll get annihilated.
We don't want to destroy Taiwan, Vietnam was destroyed after Americans left. This is more political. BTW, when you lose millions and America lose a fraction of that, that's not a victory, that's a massacre.

As of this moment, the Vietnamese veterans are all dead or retired, so you got no experience either, except your troops are not as educated and most just join the army for a meal ticket.
U dont wanna destroy TW ?? Even destroy TW, u still cant take it back ! And u will also take sanction like Russia now . Under sanction, China's economy will collapse very fast coz u r not the oil supplier like Russia.

Genesis said:
We have the world's best and most anti ship missiles, our warships cost a billion dollars, Liaoning 2.5 billion, the new one 5 billion, the second under construction is around 6-8 billion. Missiles cost 5-20 million depending on which ones.

If it's so cheap, why don't you buy some.

Current warfare is not one weapon vs another, it's one army vs another, you got anti ship, we got ballistic missiles and soon stealth air crafts. We also got so many submarines, and your anti sub is presently non existent, but ours is improving by the day, especially these new warships and planes, and subs.

It doesn't matter who controls most of it now, that can and will change in an instant. Being Vietnamese I thought you would know that since the communist strategy revolves around not the capture of a single city but the elimination of enemy fores.

When your navy is gone, does it rally matter what you "control."
If we want some Junk like Liaoning, big brother Russia can offer the better one for VN with cheaper price. If u think u can change the control of Spratly, then do it first, and come here brag latter.:pop:

check the map again and ask urself why 'mighty ' PLA only control very fews islands in Spratly

Oh here everybody. We have our little Vietnamese friend boasting about being a great military empire, defeating the red dragon freeing itself from over 1,000 of submission, the playboy in Vietnam War, and the like. LOL What is real is further from the truth. You are just a good defender with superpower support. Similar to the Afghanistan, the Taliban, the Al-Qaeda. Civilian militiaman that used hidden tactic and hit and run strategy. This is what we taught you! LOL.
What was the Real truth in 1978-1979 ?? Oh, big boy China came to Japan-US , begged for support and protection :laugh:
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Oh here everybody. We have our little Vietnamese friend boasting about being a great military empire, defeating the red dragon freeing itself from over 1,000 of submission, the playboy in Vietnam War, and the like. LOL What is real is further from the truth. You are just a good defender with superpower support. Similar to the Afghanistan, the Taliban, the Al-Qaeda. Civilian militiaman that used hidden tactic and hit and run strategy. This is what we taught you! LOL.

we taught you how to run back to China. :sarcastic:
Prussians no longer exist, and lost half their land to Poland. Why doesn't your "iron discipline", hard work, cleverness and bravery translate to economic growth? Because they're fictional.
Germany is famous as having one of the best armies in the world. The spirit of Prussians is still kept alive today in the German army: professionalism. If the Germans compare Vietnam as the Prussians of Asia, then it is a honor for Vietnam.

Prussia no longer exists, but that is another story.

well, Vietnam is better in warfare, while China is better in economics. We are a prefect pair, if we both find a solution for the dispute :-)
You also have 1,000 proud years of history of being civilized by the Chinese after you attacked your neighbors repeatedly.
WRONG, Vietnam not only brings peace and stabilty to the region, but also civilizes the barbarians.

Don´t forget, Vietnam successfully stopped the expansion of hinduism and islamism in SE Asia. Yes, we did the second greatest thing for the mankind: stopping the genocide in Cambodia.

How about China? what contribution did you to SE Asia?

Why don't you try to invade Cambodia or Thailand or Laos again, tough guy? Why don't you take one of Taiwan's islands in the South China Sea, tough guy?

Because you know you'll get annihilated.
LOL ...all takes time. We need backing from other major powers, before we do. We are not naive. I know Chinese wait for another pretext to invade Vietnam. So pls tell the PLA to go back home. :lol:
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You taught them pretty well in 1987. Viet soldiers show Chinese that viet flesh make bad shields against guns..
Chinese PLA navy sea pirates opened fire on logistic soldiers only, next time you will run back very fast.

Germany is famous as having one of the best armies in the world. The spirit of Prussians is still kept alive today in the German army: professionalism. If the Germans compare Vietnam as the Prussians of Asia, then it is a honor for Vietnam.

Prussia no longer exists, but that is another story.

well, Vietnam is better in warfare, while China is better in economics. We are a prefect pair, if we both find a solution for the dispute :-)

China has been negotiating with the Philippines and Vietnam, only for both of you to back out of the deal or renege on them whenever you feel like it.

WRONG, Vietnam not only brings peace and stabilty to the region, but also civilizes the barbarians.

Don´t forget, Vietnam successfully stopped the expansion of hinduism and islamism in SE Asia. Yes, we did the second greatest thing for the mankind: stopping the genocide in Cambodia.

Stopping the Khmer Rouge was only an accident. You simply wanted to annex Cambodia and move on to dominate the rest of the Mekong region.

How about China? what contribution did you to SE Asia?

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Just for starters

LOL ...all takes time. We need backing from other major powers, before we do. We are not naive. I know Chinese wait for another pretext to invade Vietnam. So pls tell the PLA to go back home. :lol:

Yes, "pretexts" like ethnic cleansing + war against all of your neighbors. As long as you don't try to annex Cambodia again there shouldn't be a problem.

And you need backing from other major powers? Thailand, Indonesia and even Malaysia don't really support your claims, you know. Taiwan doesn't either. South Korea and Russia are on China's side against Japan. Cambodia and Laos hate you. We should help them build up their strength just in case.
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