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Vietnam Defence Forum

the airforce patrols the south china sea.


What do you think about 1978 12 25 Kampuchea?
the vietnamese invasion was necessary because

- cambodia started the war against vietnam, destroying our border cities and killing our people.
- cambodia committed genocide on own population with the aim of establishing a peasant utopia.
- the red khmer not only killed their own ethnics but vietnamese migrants.

China supported the killing. without backing of Beijing, Cambodia never dared to attack Vietnam. they know we can beat, annihilate, extinguish them if we want. we could wipe Cambodia off the map and enslave their people as we did to Champa.

BUT if one reviews, you can clearly see Vietnam did some major strategic mistakes: the occupation of cambodia was unnecessarily too long (1-2 years were enough instead of 10), and we failed to win support from the international community. the biggest mistake we ever made was we trusted China, that you would never attack Vietnam.
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Improved 57mm S-60 automatic anti-aircraft gun: faster readiness, range 4,000 meters with optical viewfinder or 6,000m with radar guide, can fire special ammo against enemy tanks.

This is just a trivial thing, but why do Vietnamese officers wear green uniforms? I personally think it looks ugly and prefer black ones.
This is just a trivial thing, but why do Vietnamese officers wear green uniforms? I personally think it looks ugly and prefer black ones.

Its about camouflage, green is the typical color of the environment, black is not. Soldiers in black uniform would be easy to spot.
This is just a trivial thing, but why do Vietnamese officers wear green uniforms? I personally think it looks ugly and prefer black ones.
trivial? bro, I am afraid until we become rich and get fancy toys such as long range balistic missile, destroyer, nuclear sub and aircraft carrier, this thread will continue with all trivial things :(

green camo is common under all armies in the world, black is more for police and special ops.
well, the crew of our Kilo submarine force wear dark blue.



two recent news give me a buzz (first source is german, second from swede):

between 1990 and 2013, Vietnam´s GDP per capita has increased from $600 to $3,900.
Pro & Contra: Börse Vietnam: Wachstum pur oder Sammelbecken schlecht geführter Staatsfirmen? - DAS INVESTMENT

defence budget has risen from $796m in 1994 to $7.8b in 2013, a nearly tenfold increase.
The Five Weapons Vietnam Needs Most to Take on a Rising China | RealClearDefense

hmmmmm...that means, our GDP as well as defence budget are more double than the current figures :)
C-295M of Vietnam Air Force in Sevilla San Pablo - Spain:


The deal with Airbus worth $100m for 3 plane, and will hand over to Vietnam in 2015.
Its about camouflage, green is the typical color of the environment, black is not. Soldiers in black uniform would be easy to spot.
Wait, so this guy is not a police, just a soldier?

I know green is to camouflage but as for police officers, why not black haha. Green won't help you camouflage on concrete o_O
Wait, so this guy is not a police, just a soldier?

I know green is to camouflage but as for police officers, why not black haha. Green won't help you camouflage on concrete o_O

Well, we were talking about the military. I don't know why the police uses green, maybe they are a paramilitary force as a secondary role, but I don't know. The traffic police use a very light beige, which is very unusual, looks like desert camo.
Well, we were talking about the military. I don't know why the police uses green, maybe they are a paramilitary force as a secondary role, but I don't know. The traffic police use a very light beige, which is very unusual, looks like desert camo.

yes, they are.


Another very good article to read:

India and Vietnam to sign a defence pact amid China’s growing aggression in region - The Economic Times

While everybody has been talking about the implications of USA lifting the arms embargo to Vietnam, it now seems that India is the real deal, not just for military purposes but also economically to help Vietnam end its dependence in China.

NEW DELHI: With a little over a month after President Pranab Mukherjee's Vietnam visit when a defence MoU was signed the two countries are expected to conclude another defence pact when Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung is in India on October 27-28 amid China's growing aggression in the region. .............................
Another very good article to read:

India and Vietnam to sign a defence pact amid China’s growing aggression in region - The Economic Times

While everybody has been talking about the implications of USA lifting the arms embargo to Vietnam, it now seems that India is the real deal, not just for military purposes but also economically to help Vietnam end its dependence in China.

NEW DELHI: With a little over a month after President Pranab Mukherjee's Vietnam visit when a defence MoU was signed the two countries are expected to conclude another defence pact when Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung is in India on October 27-28 amid China's growing aggression in the region. .............................

Vietnam should never be dependent of China. That was a mistake.There's a reason why there's Vietnam as a country. Vietnamese people should stand up and become self sufficient and advance in technology.
Vietnam should never be dependent of China. That was a mistake.There's a reason why there's Vietnam as a country. Vietnamese people should stand up and become self sufficient and advance in technology.

I totally agree with you. Its the country leadership that is at fault on those issues.
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