A lot, how many? In Canada, how many Chinese woman? how many white, black woman sell theirself to men? Canada is a country of immigrants, is it strange that some Chinese women do the thing that you mentioned? other enthic don't?
And tell you, in China, there are more womem do that thing in quantity, so Chinese is dirty!
And, one thing, I find, while the western passing in front of me, can find very strange smell, My wife always say, that is nasty, what's that? perfume? why you always need that "nasty" perfume? because your body are dirty?
You are Canada indian?! the Chinese girl you mentioned should be prostitutes, In Canada and USA, should have different enthic prostitute, and still that question, how much is the "so many"? how could you identify them are Chinese? they talk Chinese? and seems stealing to Canada is not difficult, hehe!
Last, you seems very interesting in these prostitutes, and around you there are many, you want one night, but don't that ball?