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Vietnam and China: A Dangerous Incident

Yes. Chinese guys here crying on the pain of poor Chinese men.
Instead of lend a hand to help them, they just cry.

We help them by the way, to have next generation.
Same to Korean poor men.

But the fact is those young and beautiful girls are not fully educated.
They really are poor girls just can read and write.

And the charges is not for what they call buying the girl, but pay to intermediate to make contact, travelling, celebrate the wedding in Vietnam. Because the registration and wedding are must-have procedures. is it look like what you buy in the supermarket ?

We all read that, long time ago, in Vietnam, China ... the bride and groom, almost don't know each other face before honeymoon. Now it's different, they must know each other, and wedding or not depends on their choice.
China should reveal the Gaven reef incident ,too. Lie cant help PLA look stronger.

My name is Zhou Kai, a missing soldier brother, looking for their loved ones have 18 set. Missing soldier named Zhou Zhiheng, formerly the South China Sea Fleet 38,901 troops (now renamed as 92,057 troops) guard company medic, served two camps five with instruments. November 7, 1990, in the Spratly Islands in the South smoked Reef garrison perform tasks were enemy agents attack the entire garrison personnel 11 people martyred sacrifice, verified after several days, six people have found the bodies of five people were found.

1990 South Reef's first seventh takeover smoked 12 people dead six people, five people missing, Anhui 徐会平 burn forever because the Department of the reef treatment survived. Six corpses in two Hunan Lixian gates and Dai Chu said township officials embankment Xuebing. 5 missing persons have my brother Zhou Zhiheng, there reef Chang allegiance.

Zhang allegiance by 300 degrees of myopia glasses found at the top of the sea is a martyr. My brother can not qualitative but disappeared 19 years. In accordance with relevant laws and regulations of the state in the implementation of the border and the disappearance of combat missions in three years as a martyr. But now the State Central Military Commission are still shirk. They have to appeal several times, brother Zhanjiang troops also been countless times, each time without success. Is motherland so treat it heroes and heroines do? People want to know the good news can help me or give me point out one last wish to help my brother to complete the road. Old mother on behalf of nearly 70 years, I first say thanks to all the well-wishers.

The relevant department issued a certificate of revolutionary soldiers sacrificed because of the public to upload up to avoid all suspicion. Is this a caring society does not help me! I am sure there!

Who killed 11 Chinese troops in Gaven Reefs in 1990 ?

Taiwanese companies did this to Vietnamese employees on Vietnamese soil

AmCham Vietnam | Vietnamese worker killed at Taiwan factory strike in Hanoi

HANOI -(Dow Jones)- A Vietnamese worker was killed during a strike at a Taiwanese-owned factory that produces motorbike parts in Hanoi, state media said Thursday.

Nguyen Thi Lieu was killed Thursday morning when she and hundreds of other workers were striking to demand higher salary and subsidies for food and travel at Giai Duc Vietnam Co. in Phu Nghia Industrial Park in Hanoi, online news provider VnExpress reported. The report said a guard of the company drove a small truck into the crowd, killing her and injuring six other workers.

There were 424 labor strikes at companies in Vietnam in 2010, including 128 strikes at Taiwan-invested companies, online news provider VnEconomy reported last month.

Russia does this all the time to Vietnamese workers.

Russian Court Clears 17 Of Killing Vietnamese Youth

Vietnamese woman stabbed to death in Moscow | Russia | RIA Novosti


Another Vietnamese student killed in Russia | VOV Online Newspaper

Vietnamese man stabbed to death in Moscow — TalkVietnam

Vietnam latest news - Thanh Nien Daily |
Vietnamese freshman attacked in Moscow

There is an entire thread on Russian skinheads stabbing Vietnamese here

*TOP** Vietnamese people killed & injured in RUSSIA !! - Soviet-Empire.com U.S.S.R.

Why doesn't Vietnamese government do anything about Vietnamese migrant workers getting abused and killed in Russian factories?

Garment Factory Fire Kills 14 Vietnamese Workers | News | The Moscow Times

Vietnam latest news - Thanh Nien Daily |
14 Vietnamese workers killed in Russia factory fire

Vietnamese workers in Russia appeal for help — Vietmaz

Migrants on high-alert following Moscow riots | Equal Times

In August, Moscow police rounded up at least 3,000 migrant workers in the run-up to the city’s mayoral election.

Six hundred of them, mostly from Vietnam, were held in a tent camp while awaiting deportation for immigration violations. The move was condemned by human rights groups, particularly because of the poor living conditions at the makeshift detention camp.

Vietnamese Trapped in ‘Murky’ Trafficking Syndicates in Russia

RFA: Vietnamese Women Fall Prey to Sex Racket in Russia | ecoi.net - European Country of Origin Information Network

Eight Vietnamese Women Remain Trapped in Russia Brothel – Radio Free Asia | vietnamtimesonline.com

Eight Vietnamese Women Remain Trapped in Russia Brothel

Two Vietnamese women rescued from Moscow brothel | Vancouverdesi.com

Refworld | Eight Vietnamese women remain trapped in Russia brothel

Luke Dale-Harris: The Ultimate Betrayal: Human Trafficking in Vietnam


Human Trafficking & Modern-day Slavery - Vietnam




Male Vietnamese tourist found stabbed to death in the nude, tour guide detained | Malaysia | The Malay Mail Online
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Not understanding your flawed logic. How can japs shoot me in ww2 when i wasn't born yet?

Bolo, he means nowaday Japanese should shoot you, like what Japanese did to Chinese people in WW2.
Wholegrain, do you know no one follow your links ?

If NiceGuy wants to troll about killing people, I can pay him back. He keeps calling TW a "dog" of US, while Taiwanese companies killed Vietnamese employees on Vietnamese soil, same with Russian skinheads killing Vietnamese students, or Russian factories killing Vietnamese employees. Your fellow troll NiceGuy thinks killing people is amusing, did you see his comments when the Philippines shot the fisherman? NiceGuy started talking about killing people and keeps spamming the same crap about Gaven Reef, and EastSea and Rechoice started with the posting of dead bodies and graveyards.

@NiceGuy thinks he can laugh about Philippines killing Taiwanese fishermen and call Taiwan a dog of US, while this happens to his fellow citizens.

AmCham Vietnam | Vietnamese worker killed at Taiwan factory strike in Hanoi

HANOI -(Dow Jones)- A Vietnamese worker was killed during a strike at a Taiwanese-owned factory that produces motorbike parts in Hanoi, state media said Thursday.


Labor trafficking increased significantly in both numbers and scope as Vietnam aggressively expanded its labor export markets. In the first two months of 2008 alone, some 15,000 workers were sent to Taiwan, Malaysia, South Korea, Qatar and other countries. In January 2008, Vietnam and Qatar reached an agreement to increase the number of Vietnamese workers in this Middle East country tenfold from the current level of 10,000. In late February, the case of 176 Vietnamese garment workers, all women, at W&D Apparel made headline news in Jordan. Sent to Jordan as part of Vietnam’s strategy to increase labor exports to the Middle East, these women found themselves victims of exploitation, forced to work 16 hours a day but paid only a fraction of the wages promised in the contract. When these workers went on strike to demand compliance with the contract, the Taiwanese employer sent in the security guards and the local police to drag the strikers to work, causing severe injuries to many workers. The strikers were denied medical treatment and received insufficient food. A few weeks later the Vietnamese government sent a multi-disciplinary delegation to Amman to convince the workers to return to work. When this attempt failed, Vietnam’s Communist Party, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids, and Social Affairs (MOLISA), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Public Security publicly denounced the strikers for having collaborated with overseas anti-government forces to oppose the Government of Vietnam. There are signs of collusion between well-placed government officials and the labor trafficking syndicate.

I never thought killing people was funny, NiceGuy should snap out of his delusions of grandeur and realize his pathetic attempts at trolling for what they are.
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Chinese clown here think they are real smart. If Chinese men have to wait till 40 looking for women in China and then cannot find one there and has to eventually buy a wife, who do you think it reflects badly on? Are you guys so blinded by nationalism that you proclaim a serious gender imbalance as a success story?
Chinese clown, that is correct term for them.

if Vietnamese goverment limits foreign marriage to Singapore, Taiwan, China and Korea, I won´t wonder if these countries form a military alliance and invade Vietnam, forcing us to re-open the marriage market.

Like some times ago when the British forced Japan open for trade. :(
@NiceGuy thinks he can laugh about Philippines killing Taiwanese fishermen and call Taiwan a dog of US, while this happens to his fellow citizens.
can TW live on Earth without US' protection ?? Even poor Phil navy can teach u a real hard lesson :pleasantry:
he's false flag. not tw.
TW or not, IDC (I dont care), as long as VN can make a deal with US abt Itu-aba, we should teach them a real hard lesson like Phil navy did if they dont return our island in peace

They can do noThing if the boss leave them high and dry :enjoy:
Can a mod clean this up, why does every thread turn into these crap. This is a military confrontation and yet somehow even this got turn into this......

Back on topic, I understand don't fire unless necessary, but if the ship has resorted to ramming, that means the offensive has been taken, does these ships not do anything else?

I guess that was more than a half a decade ago, we got better and bigger ships now, but what are they armed with is the question...
you Chinese have resorted to aggression, acted like sea pirate and fired on Vietnamese fisherboat last year. The world, especially Japan must help Vietnam to stop the new Nazi of Asia.

Asitimes: China's patrol boats fire burning Vietnamese fishing vessel



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