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Video - Girl of 17 flogged by Taliban savages in Swat

I'm SO pissed at their bull$hit! Is this what Islam is in their eyes? Who the **** gave them the permission to flog that poor girl? On what grounds? Moreover, WHO the HELL gave them the permission to manhandle a teenage girl that doesn't even belong to their family? Where's their Islam then? Doesn't Islam say that a Non-related MAN (Men in this case) can't even see a non-related woman unless she's properly covered?

I'm not that worried though. They can do whatever the want in this world but I sure as hell believe that the deepest pits of hell awaits their arrival as soon as they're done from here.
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Just because the Christian & jews dont implement those laws does nt mean they are not there. Find me one jew who says the laws are old and cant be enforced. The thing is, I kinda understand what you are saying..............but then it is what it is. There are no true islamic states. if there were , you would see Islamic punishments being enforced. Also, the punishment is stated in very clear terms & that is 100 lashes for zina.

I am right now in the united states and most of my friends/acquantances/neighbours are Christian and some are Jews. None of them want their rules imposed on the populace and the US constitution is their book of law.

I am not trying to put blame on Islam - the blame is truly with the terrorists. But I don't think blaming Jews & Xtians is a valid point.

Find me one jew who says the laws are old and cant be enforced.
Yo. We Jews in the U.S. live by the laws of this country. If some of us hold ourselves to tighter standards (like consuming only kosher foods, or not driving on Saturdays), that is a personal choice that has not, does not, and will not conflict with the law of the land.
I though the taliban did not allow a man who was not related to a woman to touch her?.......so why are 2-3 men that are not related to her touching her,have they not also broken there own laws.

It is sad what is happining to the girl but where the woman lawyers not beaten up by the police some months back?

These beghariats have made their own laws. Law of might is right. Beating that innocent young girl in open wid no duppata on her head. touching her.
I have watched video on Geo Tv. This has really made me too sad and groomy... words r few to explain d feelings. These Talbians are worst than dogs made this beautiful valley a hell and Insha Allah these bloody dogs will go to hell. :sniper::sniper:

Is it that Pakistan whose dream was seen by Iqbal and Quaid??:hitwall:
Where were the people when she was beaten. No one came to help her. All males were so helpless.

Muhammad bin Qasim was the only hero. Today these daughters are waiting for such prince who came on a single call of a women for help. but daughter of east..... Alas...... now-a-days there is no such prince. All these are characters of history burried under the mud. No one can her ur voice. THese are feiery-tales now


Afsoos k this SHAMSHER (sword) is in d hand of these fanatic so called Mullas and talibans..... doing such shameful acts.

Allah us koam ko tabah kar diata hy jahan mazloomon aur kamzooron(auraton) peh zulm hota hy. Where there is no justice.
Irshad-e- Nabvi (PBUH) hy
k jab tum zulm ko dikho to ;
1. haat sy roko
2.Agar takat na ho to zuban sy roko.
3.Agar is k takat na ho to phir dil main bura janoo.
Wat is this peace accord in swat wid these barbaric animals.

I Don,t know being a woman how should I condemn. just percieve if these talibans invade to Rawalpindi/islamabad and then these things happen there.
We will go to stone age. Allah Save pakistan.:pakistan:
Yo. We Jews in the U.S. live by the laws of this country. If some of us hold ourselves to tighter standards (like consuming only kosher foods, or not driving on Saturdays), that is a personal choice that has not, does not, and will not conflict with the law of the land.

Completely agree with Solomon2. Follow law of the land.... or leave. Very simple.
If I would have been there I swear to GOD, It would taken me 1/2 sec to kill all 3 of them start shooting them from there feet and keep shooting them higher and higher till I reach there Fuc---- heads. Lanut hai Kuda ki in per.
If I would have been there I swear to GOD, It would taken me 1/2 sec to kill all 3 of them start shooting them from there feet and keep shooting them higher and higher till I reach there Fuc---- heads. Lanut hai Kuda ki in per.

If you notice, there is a huge crowd standing around and watching. So I don't think the Taleban were alone or unarmed. You would need a small army to go in and start shooting.

( I respect your feelings, just saying that the video is symptomatic of bigger problems).
I'm SO pissed at their bull! Is this what Islam is in their eyes? Who the **** gave them the permission to flog that poor girl? On what grounds? Moreover, WHO the HELL gave them the permission to manhandle a teenage girl that doesn't even belong to their family? Where's their Islam then? Doesn't Islam say that a Non-related MAN (Men in this case) can't even see a non-related woman unless she's properly covered?

I'm not that worried though. They can do whatever the want in this world but I sure as hell believe that the deepest pits of hell awaits their arrival as soon as they're done from here.

Great point. These bastards should know that this girl is not Mahram to them for them to be holding on to her so mercilessly. Supposedly one of the men holding her down is her brother who has been forced to do this.

The fitna that these people are wreaking is no different than the ones of the Khawarij in the times of Ali (RA).

I am a bit worried for tactical reasons. Their accounting is definitely in the hands of the Almighty, however this poison that they are spreading with their utterly faulty understanding of the religion is giving every single one of us a bad name.
Its Bullshit the Vidio is not yet credited as real one. Investigations are being carried out.
Many people say that there is a forighn hand behind this video who do not want the peace deal to go forward and who want our Army to fight these people and die with no honour .
Its Bullshit the Vidio is not yet credited as real one. Investigations are being carried out.
Many people say that there is a forighn hand behind this video who do not want the peace deal to go forward and who want our Army to fight these people and die with no honour .

No it's not a "bull$hit" video. It's not like this sort of incident hasn't happened before. The internet is full of Taliban "handling" these supposed victims in their own, delusional and sick way. Yes I agree that it's being publicized way too much over the internet but that doesn't change the fact that this never happened.

These sick bastards are now hell bent on destroying our already shattered image. Exactly why someone in the crowd decided to make a "Video" out of this unfortunate event to publicize it for the rest of the world. In a twisted way, they're flaunting their sickness for everyone else to see.
I was waiting for the "foreign hand" implication.
This is no laughing matter but I find myself laughing in disbelief.
This denial has let these Taliban come so far. If we would have acknowledged the "elephant in the " room earlier... things might have been different.
By the way public prosecutions in countries like Saudia Arabia and Iran are commen , I myself witnessed a public prosecution in saudiarabia where they beheaded a man for comitting child abuse.


Public prosecution in saudia arabia

25-year old Iranian man Saeed Ghanbari was flogged in public for his convicted alcohol abuse and extramarital sex by a religious court at Qazvin, 90 miles west of the capital Tehran.
It's time stuff like this was publicized so our "blame it on the other guy" public wakes up and sees what's cooking in the kitchen..... which is going to served later. If you get my drift.
This is just pathetic! These bastards should be shot a sight.

God is watching, and will never forgive these maniacs.They'll get their dues.
I am right now in the united states and most of my friends/acquantances/neighbours are Christian and some are Jews. None of them want their rules imposed on the populace and the US constitution is their book of law.

I am not trying to put blame on Islam - the blame is truly with the terrorists. But I don't think blaming Jews & Xtians is a valid point.


I am not blaming Xtians or jews or anyone for that matter.
the thing is when you deal with religion, it always gets complicated.
I totally understand what you are saying but I was not talking about what one may or may not want but consider what would happen when their "laws do get imposed" & which they will, when the "messiah" returns... . I doubt they would have any choice in the matter.
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