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Video - Girl of 17 flogged by Taliban savages in Swat

Swat flogging video stirs controversy
Friday, 03 Apr, 2009 | 07:03 PM PST | Certain officials said the video was part of a conspiracy to sabotage the Sharia deal. — File

ISLAMABAD: Authorities ordered an investigation Friday into a video showing a man flogging a screaming woman in the country's northwest where the government recently agreed to introduce Islamic law to end a rebellion by Taliban militants.

The government agreed to allow Islamic law in the Swat Valley under a peace deal struck with a hard-line cleric, sparking criticism from activists who are worried extremists will violate basic human rights, especially those of women.

The video that emerged Friday sparked further criticism, although it appeared to have been made before the peace deal was struck in February.

Sherry Rehman, a former information minister and senior ruling party member, called for the men who participated in the public flogging to be punished, saying they had 'crossed a red line' and violated the country's constitution.

'Non-state actors have taken law and justice into their hands in a whole area with a force of their guns,' she told a private television network. 'They want to enforce a Taliban-style system in the area, and we will not let it happen in Pakistan.'

Regional government officials and those involved in the peace deal said the video, which was widely shown on local television, was part of a conspiracy to sabotage the agreement, which has also been criticized for allegedly creating a haven for militants.

'It is an old incident, and it happened before the peace agreement,' said Syed Mohammad Javed, the top government administrator for Swat and surrounding areas. 'There are some elements who want to sabotage this agreement.'

The two-minute video shows a woman in a body-covering burqa face down on the ground with two men holding her arms and feet. A third man in a black turban with a long beard whips her backside repeatedly, causing her to scream repeatedly and shout: 'Stop it, stop it! It is painful!'

A crowd of men watches silently in the background, and a voice can be heard saying 'hold her hands tightly.'

It was not exactly clear when the incident took place or who carried it out.

A local Taliban spokesman, Muslim Khan, said the militant group publicly flogged a woman in Swat nine months ago over allegations that she had an illicit relationship with her father-in-law with whom she was living, but he was not sure if the video showed that incident.

Iftikhar Hussein, the information minister for NWFP, said the incident occurred Jan 3, without providing additional details. He condemned the flogging and called for those who were involved to be punished.

Khan, the Taliban spokesman, defended the punishment, although he said it should not have been done in public and should have been carried out by a boy who had not yet reached puberty.

Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani condemned the incident and ordered an investigation. He said his government remained committed to reconciliation in Swat but would not hesitate to send in the military if its authority was challenged — raising questions about the peace deal's durability.

Militants have already defied a yearlong military operation in Swat, essentially setting up their own parallel administration in the lush region that once attracted legions of tourists.

President Asif Ali Zardari has yet to sign the bill introducing Islamic law in the valley.

US officials have criticized Pakistan for striking peace deals with militants, worrying they provide safe havens for extremists launching cross-border attacks against US and NATO troops in Afghanistan.

Militants in Pakistan have also stepped up attacks against the supply lines that international forces use to get goods into Afghanistan.

On Friday, militants using guns and petrol bombs attacked a terminal in northwestern Pakistan holding supplies bound for international troops in Afghanistan, damaging five shipping containers, police said.

International troops in Afghanistan transport up to 75 per cent of their supplies via routes through Pakistan, but frequent attacks have forced the US military to explore alternate paths. Reliable supply routes will become even more crucial as the US deploys thousands of additional troops to Afghanistan this year.

Militants attacked the terminal on the outskirts of Peshawar before dawn Friday, torching the shipping containers before escaping, police official Jarod Khan said.

DAWN.COM | + Pakistan | Swat flogging video stirs controversy
He said the incident was also contrary to the principles of Islam.

What part of Hadith are they misinterpreting to justify this atrocity?
Zina clearly is not the case since the accusation is only of traveling without husband. From what I know, Islam does allow women to travel for 3 day journeys or less without a Mahram (Women traveling without a mahram).

So what sort of rule are they claiming to use to justify this mess ? Even if the courts accept that Sharia applies to Swat, this does not seem to be justified under the strictest interpretation of Sharia.
That is what happens when the country is made a theocracy officially and worst thing is Swat has been given to Taliban so no surprises!
What part of Hadith are they misinterpreting to justify this atrocity?
Zina clearly is not the case since the accusation is only of traveling without husband. From what I know, Islam does allow women to travel for 3 day journeys or less without a Mahram (Women traveling without a mahram).

So what sort of rule are they claiming to use to justify this mess ? Even if the courts accept that Sharia applies to Swat, this does not seem to be justified under the strictest interpretation of Sharia.

only God knows. forget everything, accordin to shariah a non mehram man is not even allowed to touch a female forget about punishin and that also in public!!!!!! also no one can be punished unless a judge gives his verdict. otherwise if she was guilty again there is no such punishment in shariah. in such case its upto her husband to forgive her or divorce her or not talk to her for sometime only to make her realise that he is not happy with her act. he is not even allowed to beat her which most of the mullahs say. propeht (peace be upon him) explained wat the verse in Quran meant. and while doin that he picked up a small stick (size of match stick) and threw it. that is the kind of beatin which that verse refers to.
the only punishment is when u do zina or rape. however forgivenes is still there incase of zina given both man and women come back to the right path and ask Allah for forgiveness. incase of rape their is no forgiveness.
also this taliban way of lashing is not in shariah as well. while doin this u should make sure that ur shoulder does not move which means u r not allowed to lift ur elbow.
prophet said that when 'end of times' will come closer everyone will be busy interpretin religion in their own way. rulings (fatwa) will be given to achieve ones personal objectives and these ppl will only confuse others interms of religion. surely these ppl are not on right path.
SC takes suo motu notice of Swat incident
Updated at: 2003 PST, Friday, April 03, 2009
ISLAMABAD: Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry taking a suo motu notice of Geo News’ footage of whipping of a 17 year old girl, ordered the Interior Secretary to bring the girl along with him to the court.

Taking suo motu notice of the Geo News’s footage in the interest of the people, Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry formed an eight-member larger bench which will initiate hearing of the matter in question on April 6. The bench will be headed by CJP himself.

According to a press release issued by the SC, the CJP ordered for the matter to be taken by the larger bench under Article 184 of the Constitution.

Notices have been issued to Secretary Interior, Chief Secretary NWFP and IG NWFP to ensure their physical presence before the court on April 6.

The Chief Justice has ordered the Secretary Interior to bring the girl along with him on April 6.

Notices have also been issued to Attorney General of Pakistan, Advocate General NWFP, President High Court Bar Association NWFP for the assistance of the court.

The larger bench comprises Justice Javed Iqbal, Justice Sardar Muhammad Khan, Justice Khalil-ur-Rehman Ramday, Justice Faqeer Muhammad Khokhar, Justice Mian Shakirullah Jan, Justice Raja Fayaz Ahmed and Justice Chaudhry Aijaz besides Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry

SC takes suo motu notice of Swat incident - GEO.tv
Believe it or not this cancerous thinking has made it to our doorsteps. We really need to stand up against this with one voice.
Let's hope Chief Justice of Pakistan can set a clear cut example of what the law of the land is.
That's horrible. The problem is that they are on our soil, we should gas them and torture them, Those dirty Talibs have been spreading so much terror, it is a pitty we cannot nuke them
Need to fight fire with fire.
Hang them in the same bazaar they have been hanging their victims.
Cut their balls off and stuff them in their mouths.

The population in Swat needs to know that they can fight back. Just as they put fear into the people of Swat... we need to do the same.

p.s. please excuse my language. I usually don't use such language in my posts but this is the only way I can express my rage at the moment.
Need to fight fire with fire.
Hang them in the same bazaar they have been hanging their victims.
Cut their balls off and stuff them in their mouths.

The population in Swat needs to know that they can fight back. Just as they put fear into the people of Swat... we need to do the same.

p.s. please excuse my language. I usually don't use such language in my posts but this is the only way I can express my rage at the moment.

Hailing "Fire, fire!" is not gonna extinguish the fire.
How about just beginning by arresting Baitullah Mehsud or even simpler by scrapping the peace deal with terrorists?
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It is pretty clear that all religions in the past had pretty strong and crazy laws. But there is no country in the world where the criminal law system follows the Torah/the bible etc. So that discussion is tangential to the topic.

In this case Taleban wants to interpret the 1000 year old laws in the strictest way they can think of.

WTF, The thing is 1000 years or not, the laws of God are eternal & forever.
Just because the Christian & jews dont implement those laws does nt mean they are not there. Find me one jew who says the laws are old and cant be enforced. The thing is, I kinda understand what you are saying..............but then it is what it is. There are no true islamic states. if there were , you would see Islamic punishments being enforced. Also, the punishment is stated in very clear terms & that is 100 lashes for zina.

The jews are expecting a Messiah to rule them & the world under Torah, same with Christians who are similarly waiting for the their messiah. If & when these people return you can count on them to run things under their respective laws. That would be a big time shocker, trust me. Jesus himself hurt the Jews where it hurts most: their pocket. ,went around chasing after money changers & their "way of life" as some jews would say. So when he returns, he is going after the way of life as it exists now.

The reason I quoted text form OT is to show that these punsihments ( incorporated in sharia) are older than Islam including the punishment for apostasy.

Anyways, Pls read my previous posts. The burden & degree of proof for Zina.
Not easy to prove. In any case, individuals cannot enforce sharia as it must be imposed by the rulers & having a group of people defeats the system of justice Islam is supposed to create.

What I am saying is at the end is that if there were 4 witnesses or a valid confession & the punishment was carried out by /under the orders of a duly appointed court then as muslims we cant oppose it. this is how it is or at least supposed to be.
That's horrible. The problem is that they are on our soil, we should gas them and torture them, Those dirty Talibs have been spreading so much terror, it is a pitty we cannot nuke them

The thing is that the Gov'T made a deal with them. Dont you think they knew what would follow?
^^ @A1Kaid This isn't Sharia law. This is a mockery of Sharia law. Sharia doesn't allow the flogging of women and girls.
Are you volunteering to tell the Talibs that face-to-face? No? Then why shouldn't Sharia mean, in practice, whatever the Taliban says it does?
The thing is that the Gov'T made a deal with them. Dont you think they knew what would follow?

They knew, I was strongly against the deal since the deal was discussed, GoP should resign, they cannot even secure the life of the people and make wrong decisions. Precise drone attacks would be a good idea now, we cannot allow those Terrorists to spread violence, Kafirs! Government's weakness made this possible! We must get the FATA back, for Pakistan's future!
I never thought peace deal was a good idea. It just gave those cavemen legitimacy and reason to spread. So many security personnel and civilians died..... in the end the Govt lets the Taliban have their way. Such a sign of weakness!!

Starting with the Pres of Pakistan and all the cabinet members that thought this peace deal in Swat was a good idea.... should start wearing a Burkha over their dresses.

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