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Video - Girl of 17 flogged by Taliban savages in Swat

Cheif Justice Iftikhar Muhammad chaudhary has taken a serious notice about this incident and has called IG NWFP and Interior minister on 6th April Monday!!!!
Not to be out done, here is some interesting verses form Torah or Old testament:

It is pretty clear that all religions in the past had pretty strong and crazy laws. But there is no country in the world where the criminal law system follows the Torah/the bible etc. So that discussion is tangential to the topic.

In this case Taleban wants to interpret the 1000 year old laws in the strictest way they can think of.
You need to put some more focus on reading posts then making an opinion of your own out of it, nor that i care but yes propaganda. This thing happened a year ago and it has been dig out now wonder why, i'll leave that for you to figure it out.
On a side note talking about morality and intellectuality, sounds more of being a hypocrite specially when one see about whats going on in Kashmir.:disagree:

anything happening in kashmir or anywhere else does not make what happened to that girl propoganda.

Apologists like you are with them, not with us.
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anything happening in kashmir or anywhere else does not make what happened to that girl propoganda.

Aplogists like you are with them, not with us.

Do you condone the mass rape cases in Kashmir committed by Indian forces? Just answer the question with a clear yes or no. Just a yes or no. We don't need lengthy stories.
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Cheif Justice Iftikhar Muhammad chaudhary has taken a serious notice about this incident and has called IG NWFP and Interior minister on 6th April Monday!!!!

Extremely good news! Finally some light at the end of the tunnel!
Do you condone the mass rape cases in Kashmir committed by Indian forces? Just answer the question with a clear yes or no.

What a silly question, off topic.

but i'll answer it its easy, yes indian army jawans have been found guily in scores of cases of abuse in kashmir, they have been disciplined by the army. This is what the army says, not just me.

I in very categorical terms do not condone any acts of violence by anyone. its pretty easy to see if u remove all the clutter from ur thinking.

now answer me one question, do u think hafiz muhamed saeed is a kafir? i know u'll refuse to answer that, so i'll let it go. lets stick to the topic.
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Boys and girls please do not be tempted to go offroad from this topic towards the Kashmir issue, even though we have Indian members here criticisizing a flogging when their security forces have done some shameful things to Kashmiri's, they are containing their comments to this topic and domestic issue alone and can not be held responsible for every crime an Indian soldier commits. So far I have yet to read an Indian member say something out of line so let's please focus on the topic. To go a step further, if we want to have the moral upperhand on the Kashmir issue, let us first give our own citizens a safe and decent place to live and demand the government falls in line.

My .02
Boys and girls please do not be tempted to go offroad from this topic towards the Kashmir issue, even though we have Indian members here criticisizing a flogging when their security forces have done some shameful things to Kashmiri's, they are containing their comments to this topic and domestic issue alone and can not be held responsible for every crime an Indian soldier commits. So far I have yet to read an Indian member say something out of line so let's please focus on the topic. To go a step further, if we want to have the moral upperhand on the Kashmir issue, let us first give our own citizens a safe and decent place to live and demand the government falls in line.

My .02

Point is that the incident is indeed shameful however we do not need lessons of morality and intellectuality from Indians now do we? An off topic comment was made earlier to my post which got an off topic reply though i agree we should stick to the topic.
So back to the topic again.:angel:

And on that note apparantly this is what the good people of SWAT wanted my a-s-s

These are criminals and for those who try to make light of it by saying "I was hit harder by my teachers in school" are burying their heads in the sand.

This has NO place in any society next time I'm in Pakistan I'm buying a rifle and going on a search and destroy mission.
shame on them....shame they are not muslims and they this is not sharia..these talibans are only making fun of sharia..really i hate them...
no where islam tell us to punish women like this......
its only propagenda against islam nothing else...

may Allah Almighty show them right path..Ameen

i love islam and proud to be a muslim women muslimah......
Govt condemns, SC acts on Swat girl flogging
Friday, 03 Apr, 2009 | 06:54 PM PST | The Prime Minister said the govt believes in women’s rights and will take every measure to protect them. — Reuters

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani taking serious notice of the public flogging of a girl in Swat has ordered the authorities to inquire into the incident and submit a report.

The Prime Minister strongly condemned the shameful incident and said such acts tarnish the country's image.

He said the incident was also contrary to the principles of Islam.

The Prime Minister said the government believes in the rights of women and will continue to take every measure to protect them.

Separately, Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry took a suo motu notice of the incident. He has ordered a report from the Interior Secretary and the NWFP government on April 6 in this regard.

Adviser to the Prime Minister on Interior, Rehman Malik, ordered the NWFP IGP to probe the report and submit an assessment to the federal government.

NWFP’s Information Minister Iftikhar Hussain said, ‘The flogging incident took place on January 3, and we will take action against those involved.’

DAWN.COM | + Pakistan | Govt condemns, SC acts on Swat girl flogging

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