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VHP says Keep Bangladeshis out of Census

These people probably have used some miracle. These people can go to great India only by overflying their 10 meter barbed wire fence. Is it possible by our low tech people? If no, then this is equivalent to saying that there are no Bangladeshis in India.

Mate the border fence didn't even exist 5 years ago, which mind you is only 3 meter high not 10? Plus the type of Bangladeshis Abir is talking about, don't think they jumped across the fence. They are probably refugees from during the liberation war time.

I guess everyone can agree that there are two kind of Bangladeshis Migrants in India, the refugees who came during the war and never went back (mostly Hindus , the ones I have come across anyways). They are well settled in India now and don't think themselves as Bangladeshis no more. Then theres the other kind, mostly poor laborers, who cross the border on foot, illegally, and then end up in manual labor jobs in farms and industrial areas. Unfortunately its the latter ones who are getting killed at the border, falling in smuggling syndicates and getting involved in all sorts of illegal activities.

Like everywhere else in the world, its the poor people who have to bear the brunt of the "law" unfortunate.
Mate the border fence didn't even exist 5 years ago, which mind you is only 3 meter high not 10? Plus the type of Bangladeshis Abir is talking about, don't think they jumped across the fence. They are probably refugees from during the liberation war time.

I guess everyone can agree that there are two kind of Bangladeshis Migrants in India, the refugees who came during the war and never went back (mostly Hindus , the ones I have come across anyways). They are well settled in India now and don't think themselves as Bangladeshis no more. Then theres the other kind, mostly poor laborers, who cross the border on foot, illegally, and then end up in manual labor jobs in farms and industrial areas. Unfortunately its the latter ones who are getting killed at the border, falling in smuggling syndicates and getting involved in all sorts of illegal activities.

Like everywhere else in the world, its the poor people who have to bear the brunt of the "law" unfortunate.

Our newspapers have reported a total killing of about 1000 BD citizens by the Indian BSF during the last 10 years. The fence was there for more than 10 years. Only some patch works were done later, and about 6.5 km length remains to be fenced.
Our newspapers have reported a total killing of about 1000 BD citizens by the Indian BSF during the last 10 years. The fence was there for more than 10 years. Only some patch works were done later, and about 6.5 km length remains to be fenced.

Those are Bangladeshi cattle smugglers and human traffickers. Those criminals were punished for their crimes. In many cases they attack our BSF soldiers and they are forced to open fire on those criminals. And your Bangladeshi newspapers print those 'attractive' news with extra spice!
Those are Bangladeshi cattle smugglers and human traffickers. Those criminals were punished for their crimes. In many cases they attack our BSF soldiers and they are forced to open fire on those criminals. And your Bangladeshi newspapers print those 'attractive' news with extra spice!

So, when only 1000 people are killed in the border in the last 10 years, then how do you expect 20 million of our people to go to India. Can they overfly your 10 meter tall fence with the use of a stealth technology? Thing is your VHP assertion is all rubbish and is targetted to woe Hindu voters. There are no illegal Bangladeshis in a poor India.
So, when only 1000 people are killed in the border in the last 10 years, then how do you expect 20 million of our people to go to India. Can they overfly your 10 meter tall fence with the use of a stealth technology? Thing is your VHP assertion is all rubbish and is targetted to the voters. There are no illegal Bangladeshis in a poor India.

For more than 50 years there were no fence at border. I have never come across with such a dumb post!
For more than 50 years there were no fence at border. I have never come across with such a dumb post!

And for over 50 years you are still failed to find any solution? or its same vote bank you are cashing for all these 50 years and still will along with whining about illegal immigrants sans working up for any solution
And for over 50 years you are still failed to find any solution? or its same vote bank you are cashing for all these 50 years and still will along with whining about illegal immigrants sans working up for any solution

No country has managed to find any 'perfect solution' for human trafficking. Mighty America has 'failed' to stop illegal immigrants to get into their country. EU the world's largest and most powerful union has 'failed' to stop Africans from sneaking into their countries. Here in Australia almost everyday Australian coast guard detain 2-3 'boat people'. Australia's answer 'the Pacific solution' for human trafficking problem failed miserably! So don't blame India!

Yes, of course India is full of corrupt politicians. So what to do? What is the 'perfect solution'???
No country has managed to find any 'perfect solution' for human trafficking. Mighty America has 'failed' to stop illegal immigrants to get into their country. EU the world's largest and most powerful union has 'failed' to stop Africans from sneaking into their countries. Here in Australia almost everyday Australian coast guard detain 2-3 'boat people'. Australia's answer 'the Pacific solution' for human trafficking problem failed miserably! So don't blame India!

Yes, of course India is full of corrupt politicians. So what to do? What is the 'perfect solution'???

Surely but mighty America, EU, Australia and so on DONT murder these immigrants at their border unlike India who's BSF is killing Bangladeshis if they dont pay bribes to them.
No country has managed to find any 'perfect solution' for human trafficking. Mighty America has 'failed' to stop illegal immigrants to get into their country. EU the world's largest and most powerful union has 'failed' to stop Africans from sneaking into their countries. Here in Australia almost everyday Australian coast guard detain 2-3 'boat people'. Australia's answer 'the Pacific solution' for human trafficking problem failed miserably! So don't blame India!

Yes, of course India is full of corrupt politicians. So what to do? What is the 'perfect solution'???

YOu are absolutely right. The western countries are facing serious problem checking those illegals which consists a signifant number from India as well.
But for BD case the problem is even severe as not only the economic migrant trying to cross over to BD but the neighbouring states (India,Myanmar) are pushing their their own citizen to Bangladesh in the name of ethnic cleansing.
For more than 50 years there were no fence at border. I have never come across with such a dumb post!

I am rather dumbfounded by your illogical answer. I was asking how these VHP/BJP claimed BD poors can go to your super rich country when there are fences since 1980s at the time of President Ershad. It is almost 30 years since then.

So, how do you prove that there are illegal migrants to India from where people want to fly away like birds to other countries that also include Bangladesh.

You must be a very dumb guy who claim in tune with VHP claim, but does not have the material to prove that claim. Better do not get carried away with VHP/BJP propaganda.
Surely but might America, EU, Australia and so on DONT murder these immigrants at their border unlike India who's BSF is killing Bangladeshis if they dont pay bribes to them.

I think you have mixed up Human trafficking with smuggling. In many cases people who get killed at the border are cattle smugglers. And these highly organized criminals gangs (40-50 people in a gang) often attack BSF soldiers with weapons. BSF ONLY open fire in self-defense. Since there are either kill or be killed situation. BSF doesn't come and open fire indiscriminately on innocent people at border. If you read any Bangladeshi newspaper those innocent people are mentioned as 'cattle traders'. But the fact is they are smugglers. And smuggling is a criminal offense. As I mentioned earlier India is not free from corruption as a result some BSF personnels do take bribes from smugglers. But I certainly don't agree that the BSF come and fire indiscriminately on Bangladeshi nationals at border. They only open fire when there is a kill or be killed situation!
I am rather dumbfounded by your illogical answer. I was asking how these VHP/BJP claimed BD poors can go to your super rich country when there are fences since 1980s at the time of President Ershad. It is almost 30 years since then.

So, how do you prove that there are illegal migrants to India from where people want to fly away like birds to other countries that also include Bangladesh.

You must be a very dumb guy who claim in tune with VHP claim, but does not have the material to prove that claim. Better do not get carried away with VHP/BJP propaganda.

Only 1000km was fenced out of 4095km in the 80s. The rest of the fencing work actually started in 2000s. And it's still not complete. So, people could easily get into India by simply crossing reaming 3095km unfenced border during that time. We have accepted all those illegal migrants came from Bangladesh until 1971. Despite our law that all foreigners must be deported under 1951 act. Give me a example of single nation that has done what India did. India's demand is simple that all 50 million illegal Bangladeshis who came to India after 1971 and never left must be deported.
^^^so now its 50 million. I was right earlier in a post i had said within a month it'll reach 50million and within a year it'll be half the population. All of this are BJP's political bullshi*ts that the indians love to digest in the name of religion. How genius of us, we are taking over india without using any ammunitions. Bravo!
Huge spike in illegal Indian traffic to US via Mexico

WASHINGTON: Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Indians are sneaking into the United States across the Mexico border in what American authorities are saying is a sudden and unexpected spike in illegal immigration — from a country half way across the world which is said to be in the throes of an economic boom.

More than 1,600 Indians have been caught since the influx began in early 2010, while an undetermined number, perhaps thousands, are believed to have slipped through undetected, according to US border authorities cited in an account by the Center for Investigative Reporting and published by the Los Angeles Times on Sunday.

The report said Indians are now the largest group of immigrants other than Latin Americans being caught at the Southwest border. The influx reportedly is showing signs of accelerating: About 650 Indians were arrested in southern Texas in the last three months of 2010 alone. The "mysterious and rapidly growing human-smuggling pipelineis backing up court dockets, filling detention centers and triggering investigations," the report added.

The Indians are said to be flying into Latin American and Central American countries such as Equador, Venezuela and Guatemala via Dubai before arriving on the Mexico-US border, where they cross the Rio Grande River and hole up in US border towns, where they are usually helped by fellow Indians. Mexican organized crime groups are also suspected of being involved either in running the operations or in charging groups tolls to pass through their territory.

According to the report, most of the immigrants, surprisingly, claim to be from the Punjab or Gujarat, two of Indias (relatively) more prosperous states, but also ones associated with enterprise.

Many of them are "Sikhs who say they face religious persecution, or members of the Bharatiya Janata Party who say they are targeted for beatings by members of the National Congress Party," the report said, while citing experts who maintained that political conditions in India offered no evidence of the kind of persecution that would prompt a mass exodus. The immigration, they said, is clearly driven by economic opportunities.

The spurt in Indian human traffic into the United States, borne out by the Tri-Valley University scam, would also belie the assumption in some quarters about an unprecedented Indian economic boom accompanied by a purported American decline.

The CIR/LA Times account said the trend has caught the attention of anti-terrorism officials "because of the pipeline's efficiency in delivering to America's doorstep large numbers of people from a troubled region." Authorities interview the immigrants, most of whom arrive with no documents, to ensure that people from neighboring Pakistan or Middle Eastern countries are not slipping through.

But there is no evidence that terrorists are using the smuggling pipeline, it cited FBI and Department of Homeland Security officials as saying. Typically, the immigrants are released on their own recognizance or after posting bond.

US officials say the migration is the "most significant" human-smuggling trend being tracked by authorities. In 2009, the Border Patrol arrested only 99 Indians along the entire Southwest border. "It's a dramatic increase. We do want to monitor these pipelines and shut them down because it is a vulnerability. They could either knowingly or unknowingly smuggle people into the U.S. that pose a national security threat," Kumar Kibble, deputy director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), was quoted as saying.

The CIR/LA Times report said in January, immigration court calendars at the area's two main detention facilities were full of the common Indian surnames Patel and Singh, and attorneys and judges struggled to keep up. Some attorneys had failed to file the necessary forms; interpreters were not always available. One judge more immigration judges would soon be assigned to handle the increased workload.

The report said it is not clear how many Indians have been granted asylum or deported; immigration officials did not provide that information. But it said judges and attorneys appear to be toughening up, bond amounts have risen sharply in recent months, and attorneys say asylum claims are increasingly being rejected.

I would request BD members to watch the fun and ignore the trolls.
when they do it, its for a better life.. when it's us we are killed.
Indians are a severee issue where I live. They turned a nice place like London into Mumbai slums. Please Indians, don't be in denial of your detrimental effects. When Bangladeshis cross border for a better life, India is already a hole. But turning western countries such as UK and US into indian shithole is a far worse crime.
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