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Uyghur Concentration Camps?

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Although I have never been to Xinjiang, China but I have visited Alma Ata, Kazahistan and knew fair few Kazakhs. In their case and in the case of other Central Asian/Steppe Turks what is conspicous is the Russification of these peoples - Tatar, Chuvash, Dagestani, Bashokir. Cyrilc script is in standard use, Russian dominates. There is precious little left of genuine Turkic culture - certainly those that could be attributed to Islamic influence.

In that sense what you see in Uighur region of China is no differant to the wider Turan region. Only there appears to be lot of moaning and b*tching. That I suspect is more to do with geo-politocs then anything intrinsic. I mean people on PDF and wider world seem to be comfortably amniasic about the wholesale genocide in Grozy as late as 1999 in Chechynia. Now that is what I call terror by a state - all administered by Putin.
Kazakhstan is different because it has a 25% Russian population and they are changing to Latin script.
But the Uighurs are a different race to the majority of Chinese? And they have a different language to the majority of Chinese? So China is a multicultural and multi ethnic country?
From the Han Chinese perspective, some Uighurs are indistinguable physically and some obviously look different. Yes, they have their own language. China has 56 ethnicities. Almost everybody lives in peace with one another. There is no racial discrimination by Han majority.

Only the Uighur and occasionally Tibetan community are affected by separatism ideology. It's no different from many other countries with their own separatist problems.

Kazakhstan is different because it has a 25% Russian population and they are changing to Latin script.
... and almost half of Xinjiang are non-Uighur such as Hui, Kazakh and Han.
But Hui are different to Uighurs or are they a different race and also used to have a different language? It is my understanding they were ethnically and culturally always closer to the Han save religion. Or were the Hui a different race and culture that were assimilated by various Chinese states?
Hui are racially Han, but with dedicated Islamic faith````Uighurs are more or like a mixture of Caucasions and middle-estern people (but past "glory" paranoia Turks like to call them brothers``)
The Chinese race as individuals have no confidence they are worthless as individuals, they are only powerful as large groups, in history, this saved them yet they got thrashed numerous times.

This can be seen in the individual Chinese person too.
Hui are racially Han, but with dedicated Islamic faith````Uighurs are more or like a mixture of Caucasions and middle-estern people (but past "glory" paranoia Turks like to call them brothers``)
To most Turks and Arabs, deep down they think Uighurs look too Chinese racially and do not accept them just like Indians call their Northeast minority groups (related to Burmese) "chinki".
To most Turks and Arabs, deep down they think Uighurs look too Chinese racially and do not accept them just like Indians call their Northeast minority groups (related to Burmese) "chinki".
To me they look Turkic like Uzbeks...but then I am not Turk or Arab...
But Hui are different to Uighurs or are they a different race and also used to have a different language? It is my understanding they were ethnically and culturally always closer to the Han save religion. Or were the Hui a different race and culture that were assimilated by various Chinese states?
Hui came from intermarriage between Han Chinese and various silk road Central Asian tribes including Persians over centuries. They don't have their own language anymore. Some Hui look very Han Chinese and others you might mistake for Uighur. Han Chinese do not discriminate against Uighurs racially. As long as Uighurs keep a distance from extremism coming from Arabs or Turks, ordinary ignorant masses of Han Chinese will just think they are Hui! :D

To me they look Turkic like Uzbeks...but then I am not Turk or Arab...
The Uighurs who went to fight in Syria were badly treated by their Muslim "brothers" because of race.
The Chinese race as individuals have no confidence they are worthless as individuals, they are only powerful as large groups, in history, this saved them yet they got thrashed numerous times.

This can be seen in the individual Chinese person too.
worthless individual leads to worthless bunch```and poweful individual leads to powerful nation and group. you have serious error in your line of thinking kid, just like your loser forefathers been kicked out by our forefathers. But I reckon your imaginary "history" told you brainless people otherwise`````just how my Turkish classmate told me that they were taught in school that Great Wall was buit to keep Barbarian Turks out``:lol:
Hui came from intermarriage between Han Chinese and various silk road Central Asian tribes including Persians over centuries. They don't have their own language anymore. Some Hui look very Han Chinese and others you might mistake for Uighur. Han Chinese do not discriminate against Uighurs racially. As long as Uighurs keep a distance from extremism coming from Arabs or Turks, ordinary ignorant masses of Han Chinese will just think they are Hui! :D

The Uighurs who went to fight in Syria were badly treated by their Muslim "brothers" because of race.
To fight for Syria or the NATO creation of ISIS. If the latter, then I hope they learned their lesson.
To fight for Syria or the NATO creation of ISIS. If the latter, then I hope they learned their lesson.
Some foolish young men were misled by Arabs and Turks and wasted their lives fighting the Syrian government. This is why re-education became a priority for Chinese policy. For decades before, the government completely let the Uighur community practice or believe whatever they wanted.
The Chinese race as individuals have no confidence they are worthless as individuals, they are only powerful as large groups, in history, this saved them yet they got thrashed numerous times.

This can be seen in the individual Chinese person too.
Look in the mirror before you start talking thrash, you are pathetic.:wave:
I think Uighur have to be realistic, They should know that no one in Muslim world want to break relations with China for sake of their national interests (maybe until China start bombing them) whether its Turkey or Pakistan. so oppressed one have only one option.. Migrate as our Prophet (PBUH) did. migrate To Pakistan or neighboring Muslim countries and start your life again and seek justice in world and hereafter..
Where is the post about non arabs Muslim being like dogs? Apparently a Saudi cleric said it?
Where is the post about non arabs Muslim being like dogs? Apparently a Saudi cleric said it?
I saw it somewhere and find such attitudes disturbing. Pakistani friends were telling me about the racist attitudes of certain Saudis, and is exemplified by certain personalities. Quite frankly I don't feel comfortable with such rhetoric but its seems like some see things that way. I just saw it reflecting the treatment of Uyghur fighters in Syria. The racist attitudes certainly exists and its not mild.
I saw it somewhere and find such attitudes disturbing. Pakistani friends were telling me about the racist attitudes of certain Saudis, and is exemplified by certain personalities. Quite frankly I don't feel comfortable with such rhetoric but its seems like some see things that way.
Well if they think this good for them. Our forefathers did not accept this religion because they wanted to be Arabs, this is only a recent phenomenon. They accepted it because they believed it to be the Truth.
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