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The Uyghur issue

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Two Turkish football players are in solidarity with East Turkestan and oppressed Muslim Turks by China. Today, in East Turkestan Muslim Turks are banned for fasting, praying durin Ramadan, what is more there is some drinking festivals held by China.

Arda Turan, playin in Athletico Madrid, shared the first Picture on Instagram, and added that Pray for East Turkestan.

In the second Picture Another football player Alpaslan Öztürk wanted to donate 10% of his transfer Money to Muslim Turks in East Turkestan; but two Chineese football club that wanted to transfer him rejected that wish, and did withdraw their offer.




We, the undersigned, call upon China and the International community to stop the rule of Apartheid in East Turkestan. China must start treating Uighurs with equality, respecting their human rights to life and freedom of religion; honoring China's constitution in respect to Regional Ethnic Autonomy Laws; and start allowing the Uighur people self-determination to pursue their own political, cultural and economical future.


Please click the link above and sign it.[/
Ay yıldız team hacked Chinese governmental site.....

Hacked By Ayyıldız Tim Intenational Force | Sessizce Nöbetteyiz!


To the ones in Istanbul. There will be a protest in front of the Chinese Embassy in Istanbul at 5 July.



Chinese bastards... breaking fast of an Uyghur Turk by force.
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They are called Islamist terrorists because you(Chinese) think that it is about religion,thats why i said,its not about religion,
I never said it was about religion, this may or may not shock you, but Uyghurs isn't even the dominate group in terms of Islam, though they are the second largest.

This is about separatism, and you'll forgive me, if I don't condone the separation of my country. One of my character flaws I suppose.

look at the places in the world where people need help,My country always helps without looking at religion or ethnics.

Really, so Turkey is the beacon of equality. Bottom line, I don't care what Turkey does, China does need to improve, but like you said this isn't religious, we may not like religion and we are atheists, but we don't do this to other religious groups or even people of the Islamic religion who aren't trying to conduct separatism or terrorism
Some time ago(couple of years) Chinese-Indonesians were treated hostile by other Indonesians,what did China do?
China protested as a nation to Indonesia,what did Turkiye do,did we send terrorists or weapons to your country(claims by Chinese members)?
No we didnt,we just protested didnt we?

I don't know what Turkey did, and I don't care, but I doubt Turkey sent weapons and cash to separatists, I doubt Turkey is that stupid. The only secret that can be kept is a non existent one, since there are no official accusations, or any obvious benefits to Turkey itself, other than boost the self esteem of some internet warriors, I can't see why Turkey would do it.

Again, don't bring what others says to this debate, as you can see I don't care what some other Turkish members are saying, because I ignore those that don't want to debate rationally, I suggest you do the same.

The first time i see a Chinese member admitting this.

Wrong is wrong, I said it before and I'll say it again. There are problems in the Chinese society, because we are a developing country, it may have been magnified in the Xinjiang region, but it's existent all over China. Things need to change.

However is terrorism or separatism the answer. If it is, some people might not like the result, as I said, Uyghurs are not the majority in Xinjiang. That's just a fact.

Is there anything other then the Uyghur issue between Turkish and Chinese members?
I cant think of anything else,can you?
Do you think that if there was no Uyghur issue,Turks would talk about Tibet(is anyone ever talking about Tibet),doesnt that tell you something?
The Turk cares about his kin(however far the kin may be),its his nature.

This my friend is a perception problem, I'm sure you view your own Turkish conflicts as less than it was shown to be by foreign journalists.

As I have said there are problems in Xinjiang sure, but do you really think China is shoving food down someone 's throat, as a state policy and not some jack *** who's not used to people saying no or a over zealous Uyghur looking to prove his loyalty.

Do you really think that Chinese police and soldiers would just, the quote, word for word, "extrajudicial and indiscriminate killings of Uighur men, women and children."

This and more doesn't sound like propaganda to you.
What kind of reactions do you expect from Turkish members when they see such pictures and videos(i cant find now) as seen on posts 735,740?
Turks dont care if they are Muslim or not,they are called Uyghur Turks and thats why we care.
Your countrymen accusing Turkiye of supporting terrorism in your country is big bs and you know that,so why these claims and why dont you educate these members?
What is the objective,and why always bring the Kurdish,armenian,ISIS issues to the table?
Why would those Uyghurs commit terrorist activities when there is nothing wrong?
Look at how your countrymen are reacting to accusations,what are they the troll army,fake accounts used for bashing and then leave?
You turks seek for trouble by consistantly making up story which haven’t happened to slander China,So you got angry response by some Chinese.What's wrong with that?We don't have responbility to teach you every time when some of you slander us.
Comfort yourself with this bulshite. :D

You know that almost whole world hates. :yahoo: Even your politicians consider you as cheep slaves for global companies. Yes indeed, you are that's why you have no free time to spend for your own personal needs. You work, eat, poop and sleep at the same place 24/7 for 200$ per month.

Well your country has the largest economy with largest slaves for entire world. :big_boss:

Here your words proves, you pig race murdering innocent muslims in your country and here Pakistani forum defense you. Its a same for those pakistanis who call themselves muslim(?)

We whole world consider your country as a terrorist country. That's enough for humanity.

Well, you are "shit" and not regular one, pig shit, that's why your own tanks smashed and smash you on the ground. This is what you are, deal with it or not, this is what you are...:omghaha:
yeah sure the world 'biggest slave' country is now the world's biggest luxury consumption market```consumes the most luxury goods from cars to fashion```and 2nd biggest middle-class consumption market```and world's biggest tourists and so on```

guess its difficult for savage barbarians like you lot to comprehend anything with a common brain``:P

and btw, we are in good terms of muslim countries `` but we do kill terrorists like pigs like those savage turks```

so what you are really? not even capable to be 'slaves' to dump 'shit' on others```a terrorist state with good term with ISIS```keep massacring Kurds and other minorities``` lol```

anyway pigs play with pigs and terrorists play terrorists```:P

anyway I will keep visiting my good sane Uighur friends restaurant for BBQ just around neighborhood````and you keep playing with those terrorists ```` well, at the end day, thats what you savage barbarians do```
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May Allah destroy your country.

Amin to that..

I watched the videos you shared with links and now questioning the meaninglessness of life. What kind of creatures can be that cruel, inhuman, low life. But bro no matter what we say here, those brainwashed racist creatures will do what their government want them to do. No humanity inside of them...
Refrain from posting graphic/dead pictures. It will cause a permanent ban, regardless of your rank
those are fake photos huh,

Okay GET IT!

Doğu Türkistan için el ele. | Facebook
Doğu Türkistan için el ele. | Facebook


May Allah destroy your country.

My Pakistani brothers belive you but all world people will know you how you are cruel day by day. You killed millions of people in china siliently since 1949. you butcher, bullyed, tortured, forced to criminal conversation them even you tested nuclear bombs on them and done everything.

God see all these evil things and it will judge you sooner or later!

I am going to take the time to explain to my Turkish friends here our position. I know that this subject is emotional. I myself saw some video's and one had two Uighurs running and being shot. The Chinese security ran into a Uighur Mosque and started to arrest people. I was biting my lips with anger and frustration. Most of all I was sad because what you overlook Kashgar ( Chinese have renamed it Kashi ) is right next to Pakistan. It is only about 250 miles from our capital, Islamabad.


We have never helped in the killing of any Uighur now or in the past. If we are guilty it would because we don't do anything. However tell us what can we do against China that is going to be the next superpower? You guy's know how Isreal treats Palestinians but has your government done anything about it? Sometimes much as you might not like it you cannot do anything. Call it Machiavellian but we would be destroyed if we did anything.

You, Turks should understand our plight and advice us not to commit suicide by doing something stupid. Inside Pakistan all the religious groups would go crazy and send people to fight but what they can't understand is Chinese would wipe us off from the map.

In late 1990s the Chechenya was attacked by russian and saw live reports. I saw what those b*stard Russians did to Grozyny. They murdered Chechens Muslims. They destroyed that city. They raped women. By the time they finished this is what Chechnia looked like this.


The brave Chechens fought alone to death.


Chechenia is only couple of hundred miles from Turkey like Turkestan is next to Pakistan. So please tell me why did your government not declare war against Russia or how many of you guys went to fight jihad against Russia? The Russians did far worse in Grozny then Chinese are doing in Kashgar. So please understand that it is easy to blame and curse others when you are emotional. We also share your pain but sadly in this life you are not a superpower like USA and neither are we. Might is right in this world.

So try to understand our position. We are with you over any other issue but this one I am fraid we simply cannot do because it would be commiting suicide. A brother does not ask his other brother do something that might destroy him. Pray for Chechens, Uighur and all other Muslims who suffer because we Muslims are too bloody weak.

Thousands of Muslims died in Bosnia, in Palestine, in Chechnia, in Uighur Turkestan, in Kashmir and the list goes on. Today you can't make us guilty and ak Allah to destroy us when so many other bad things have happened under your noses but expect silly things out of us.

@xenon54 Man you sound a mature person please explain to your countryman our position. I know it is disturbing news but don't scapegoat us. Salaam.

Ps. Does "Zulme" means cruelty or atrocity in Urdu. Does it mean the same in Turkish?

We have taken many Uighur refugees like this in Pakistan.

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The two images do not prove anything, how do you go to contacts with China together?Can you give any reliable evidence?

those are fake photos huh,
As for the video,I have already explained it in another thread,there was a man used violence to a Uighur children,but was stopped by the others.My point of view, the men of violence is repugnant,,even if the child is a thief, but he was just a kid, after all,in any way, violence is not appropriate.I'd prefer to hit the boy's boss,they are the real criminals,for their own greed , even to children,or even their Uighur compatriots, I hope that Chinese laws can behard to punish them !
Singapore PM: Japan should admit mistake, China and Korea should stop repeatedly asking for apology | Page 4

Amin to that..

I watched the videos you shared with links and now questioning the meaninglessness of life. What kind of creatures can be that cruel, inhuman, low life. But bro no matter what we say here, those brainwashed racist creatures will do what their government want them to do. No humanity inside of them...

You can understand what is brainwashing? The so-called brainwashing, it means that, without any thought and verification, only to trust other people easily propaganda, which is brainwashing, do you agree?

I am going to take the time to explain to my Turkish friends here our position. I know that this subject is emotional. I myself saw some video's and one had two Uighurs running and being shot. The Chinese security ran into a Uighur Mosque and started to arrest people. I was biting my lips with anger and frustration. Most of all I was sad because what you overlook Kashgar ( Chinese have renamed it Kashi ) is right next to Pakistan. It is only about 250 miles from our capital, Islamabad.


We have never helped in the killing of any Uighur now or in the past. If we are guilty it would because we don't do anything. However tell us what can we do against China that is going to be the next superpower? You guy's know how Isreal treats Palestinians but has your government done anything about it? Sometimes much as you might not like it you cannot do anything. Call it Machiavellian but we would be destroyed if we did anything.

You, Turks should understand our plight and advice us not to commit suicide by doing something stupid. Inside Pakistan all the religious groups would go crazy and send people to fight but what they can't understand is Chinese would wipe us off from the map.

In late 1990s the Chechenya was attacked by russian and saw live reports. I saw what those b*stard Russians did to Grozyny. They murdered Chechens Muslims. They destroyed that city. They raped women. By the time they finished this is what Chechnia looked like this.


The brave Chechens fought alone to death.


Chechenia is only couple of hundred miles from Turkey like Turkestan is next to Pakistan. So please tell me why did your government not declare war against Russia or how many of you guys went to fight jihad against Russia? The Russians did far worse in Grozny then Chinese are doing in Kashgar. So please understand that it is easy to blame and curse others when you are emotional. We also share your pain but sadly in this life you are not a superpower like USA and neither are we. Might is right in this world.

So try to understand our position. We are with you over any other issue but this one I am fraid we simply cannot do because it would be commiting suicide. A brother does not ask his other brother do something that might destroy him. Pray for Chechens, Uighur and all other Muslims who suffer because we Muslims are too bloody weak.

Thousands of Muslims died in Bosnia, in Palestine, in Chechnia, in Uighur Turkestan, in Kashmir and the list goes on. Today you can't make us guilty and ak Allah to destroy us when so many other bad things have happened under your noses but expect silly things out of us.

@xenon54 Man you sound a mature person please explain to your countryman our position. I know it is disturbing news but don't scapegoat us. Salaam.

Ps. Does "Zulme" means cruelty or atrocity in Urdu. Does it mean the same in Turkish?

We have taken many Uighur refugees like this in Pakistan.

I am going to take the time to explain to my Turkish friends here our position. I know that this subject is emotional. I myself saw some video's and one had two Uighurs running and being shot. The Chinese security ran into a Uighur Mosque and started to arrest people. I was biting my lips with anger and frustration. Most of all I was sad because what you overlook Kashgar ( Chinese have renamed it Kashi ) is right next to Pakistan. It is only about 250 miles from our capital, Islamabad.


We have never helped in the killing of any Uighur now or in the past. If we are guilty it would because we don't do anything. However tell us what can we do against China that is going to be the next superpower? You guy's know how Isreal treats Palestinians but has your government done anything about it? Sometimes much as you might not like it you cannot do anything. Call it Machiavellian but we would be destroyed if we did anything.

You, Turks should understand our plight and advice us not to commit suicide by doing something stupid. Inside Pakistan all the religious groups would go crazy and send people to fight but what they can't understand is Chinese would wipe us off from the map.

In late 1990s the Chechenya was attacked by russian and saw live reports. I saw what those b*stard Russians did to Grozyny. They murdered Chechens Muslims. They destroyed that city. They raped women. By the time they finished this is what Chechnia looked like this.


The brave Chechens fought alone to death.


Chechenia is only couple of hundred miles from Turkey like Turkestan is next to Pakistan. So please tell me why did your government not declare war against Russia or how many of you guys went to fight jihad against Russia? The Russians did far worse in Grozny then Chinese are doing in Kashgar. So please understand that it is easy to blame and curse others when you are emotional. We also share your pain but sadly in this life you are not a superpower like USA and neither are we. Might is right in this world.

So try to understand our position. We are with you over any other issue but this one I am fraid we simply cannot do because it would be commiting suicide. A brother does not ask his other brother do something that might destroy him. Pray for Chechens, Uighur and all other Muslims who suffer because we Muslims are too bloody weak.

Thousands of Muslims died in Bosnia, in Palestine, in Chechnia, in Uighur Turkestan, in Kashmir and the list goes on. Today you can't make us guilty and ak Allah to destroy us when so many other bad things have happened under your noses but expect silly things out of us.

@xenon54 Man you sound a mature person please explain to your countryman our position. I know it is disturbing news but don't scapegoat us. Salaam.

Ps. Does "Zulme" means cruelty or atrocity in Urdu. Does it mean the same in Turkish?

We have taken many Uighur refugees like this in Pakistan.

Caring is good, but it must not be abused, not to mention, I think you made some bad analogy, my friend, I am very sorry about this.

Also, can you give a link for those videos? Although, I have some guesses. There is also a problem, I have to ask, you know what happened there in 7.5?

I have a suggestion for all the members of Turkey, at least, you should go to discuss them in the World Forum, which will see a different point of view, than the one-sided propaganda, at least the debate can display more truth.
Chinese bastards... breaking fast of an Uyghur Turk by force.

This picture is ridiculous, you can not even judge to the child is a Han or Uygur, with these totally unreliable picture, you want to prove?
How about I post some videos that fucking uygur terriorists slash hundreds of people to death?Will that make you proud?You turk thieves and terrorists.
So many fvcking little uyghur thieves.Thieves will get beaten.

Lies after lies,making up one story after another.You turks are full of lairs and murdurers.What a savage race you f******* turks is.We won't give a fvck to what you fvcktard say.
@WebMaster ,why is this guy still posting like that and nothing happens?
It appears that you Turks have been surrounded by false and extreme hype, plus, as far as I can see, you would not even question it, so. . . . . .
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