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USA wants report on Sri Lanka from India

Last month, Sri Lanka forged an $83 million agreement with India to reconstruct a section of the northern railway left in tatters by the war that pitted government troops against the secessionist Tamil Tigers.

The two states had previously signed a similar agreement to rehabilitate another section of the same track worth over $140 million. The commitments are part of a larger package worth $800 million India has pledged on concessionary terms to help rebuild the war-ravaged northern part of Sri Lanka.

"India remains committed to continuing its assistance to Sri Lanka as it undertakes the important and challenging task of reconstructing the Northern Province," the Indian Mission in Sri Lanka said when it announced the new funding.

India is also helping reconstruct houses destroyed in the north during the armed conflict. According to the United Nations, India has pledged to build 50,000 out of an estimated 160,000 new houses.

Indian companies are also exploring prospects for expanding their presence in Sri Lanka. The Mahindra group, worth over $7 billion, announced last month in Colombo that it was introducing new vehicle models into the Sri Lankan market while looking to set up an assembly plant in the country.

India has completed the hydrological survey of the Kankesanthurai port and will be sending a team to finalise the detailed project report. It is also finalising the tender documents for the modernisation of the Palaly airport.

The relationship is strong.. and will remain that way.
Ignorance is not your fault, but your education. This has been posted by our SL friend. Please read it carefully:


Questionable source, quoting a BLOG, eh?

A blog authored by Mr. Shahid R. Siddiqi
Shahid R. Siddiqi lives in Baltimore MD and in Pakistan. He served in the Pakistan Air Force and later joined the corporate sector with which he has remained associated until recently in Pakistan, the US and South Africa where he has held senior positions. Simultaneously, he has worked as a journalist and a broadcaster. He was the Bureau Chief of Pakistan & Gulf Economist, an English weekly published from Karachi (Pakistan). Siddiqi now writes on political and geopolitical subjects and his articles are carried by the daily newspapers such as Dawn and The Nation (Pakistan) and online publications such as Axis of Logic, Foreign Policy Journal, Middle East Times and Globalia. Contact the Author

Apparently, education is wanting someplace else.
we share a 1500 km long POROUS border with Afghanistan

and you used it to destabilize the country according to afghan official.
if there is turmoil in Afghanistan, it has major blow-back effects on Pakistan; as we are learning, those effects are not limited to FATA/Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa but even our big cities

like india you should not have any business in afghanistan. stop thinking about others, think about your economic growth first. your economic growth is 0% this year, very poor aid for the flood and earth quake.

we actually have a lot at stake in an unstable Afghanistan -which we desperately want to be stablized (and of course, one in which hindustan does not have much influence for national security reasons)

no you have NO stake in stabilizing it other than sending taliban terrorists.

Sri Lanka is not even physically connected to hindustan. And we arent talking about human rights abuses in Afghanistan or any of that other stuff

sri lanka is more connected to india than afghanistan with pakistan. see USA is not connected with afghanistan and pakistan but still bombing both.

war is war! tamil tigers were trying to wage a civil war on regular civilians and state institutions; they were perfectly within their right to defend their country against legitimate targets.

of course i wouldnt expect indian to understand this, or any foreign policy for that matter. It is no wonder that india is at odds with ALL her neighbours.


all of India's neighbors except pakistan has good relation and their govts approve it. but what afghanistan, iran and india think about you. lol
gpit, is a pakistani but he is ashamed to be pakistani. :P

Or a chinese. If you see a chinese movie the use of word master is very too common. " Yes my Master" " No my Master", Like in martial arts movies :)

no dude. no chinese has such hatred toward India. nor any Indian against chinese they don't like each other but they don't hate like gpit.

check his posts.
lol china made a port in pakistan you started talk like china is taking over security of pakistan from the army but with in next few years US and NATO forces started bombing inside pakistan but you could do nothing. lol

what do you mean we could do nothing --those strikes are authorized by the government.

3 years into it and you're still oblivious to even basic news

when Pakistan itself has so many US bases its funny that they are talking about sri lanka. :lol:

all of which are under Pakistani Army Control and overseen by the Pakistanis

once the troops withdraw from Afghanistan, which is inevitable, Americans wont have need (or desire) to have them there.

no dude. no chinese has such hatred toward India. nor any Indian against chinese they don't like each other but they don't hate like gpit.

check his posts.

Whatever, Who cares.

Here in this forum everyone has a hatred for others. Its like all members get up in the morning and think as to how much more sin they have to pile up by hate mongering on the internet. Lol
what do you mean we could do nothing --those strikes are authorized by the government.

3 years into it and you're still oblivious to even basic news

We have heard many words from Musharraf and other PMs , presidents and chief's mouth that "USA will not be allowed to strike inside pakistan." but the reality is they bombed pakistan even on 14th august 2010.

all of which are under Pakistani Army Control and overseen by the Pakistanis

once the troops withdraw from Afghanistan, which is inevitable, Americans wont have need (or desire) to have them there.

in parliament your health minister said that air bases under US control were not given access for even flood relief. check it again. even pakistan army was not allowed there, there were news about it.
You are indeed fools as you don't know why Sri Lanka rewards the project to China instead of India. Read this:

That's your fault, not others!

The lesson is that in this capitalist world, time is money. You can enjoy slowly building a freeking road for 10-50 years, but the people of Sri Lanka can't tolerate the waste of time and money.

When other countries perhaps meditating how to impose imperialistic constraints on Sri Lanka, China said, perhaps, "it's on me with no string attached."

Really? or its the other way around.
this srilankan guys most of the topics posted are craps..........and it seems as if he is on some kind of anti india agenda.....

it seems that all small neighbours have started raising their voices now,
this srilankan guys most of the topics posted are craps..........and it seems as if he is on some kind of anti india agenda.....

it seems that all small neighbours have started raising their voices now,

What can be done to a pack of hyenas?
Sri Lanka expected India to ignore the request

where did you get the news? are you the president of SL?

But India moving ahead with the report

Colombo angered by New Delhi

Ohhh we are scared!! don't claim funny stories over a bias news from anti-india dailymirror.

Colombo will show its anger by diplomatically to New Delhi


In coming week’s New Delhi will see the response from Colombo

Why don't you directly show your great anger to the USA?

MISTRUST Continues……………….

that is your dream. :rolleyes:
and you used it to destabilize the country according to afghan official.

which official? the one who resigned and is nowhere to be seen now :rofl:

what was his name again?

like india you should not have any business in afghanistan. stop thinking about others, think about your economic growth first.

our economic growth goes hand in hand with national security; we have business in Afghanistan because 5 million of their refugees are living in Pakistan. That in itself is more than enough reason for us to be ''concerned''

your economic growth is 0% this year, very poor aid for the flood and earth quake.

that's just how it is....and we'll deal with it accordingly somehow someway. It has NOTHING to do with this topic however. Pakistan as usual, in times of crisis, demonstrates incredible resilience against all odds. It's ultimately down to private sector, public sector and individuals INSIDE the country to help our comrades in need.

no you have NO stake in stabilizing it other than sending taliban terrorists.

you're more than just a dimwitted MORON if that's what you believe

sri lanka is more connected to india than afghanistan with pakistan.

ethnically, yes there are some tamil/dravidians on both sides. Do you have 5 million Sri Lankan tamil refugees in hindustan?

do you share a PHYSICAL BORDER with Sri Lanka???

nope and NOPE :)


see USA is not connected with afghanistan and pakistan but still bombing both.

the drone strikes are mandated; again, off topic and totally irrelevant.

all of India's neighbors except pakistan has good relation and their govts approve it.

therein lies the difference between government and the ''people''

by the way, i think you're full of shyte :)

but what afghanistan, iran and india think about you. lol

well hindustan -- as you are well aware, I dont think we could physically or mentally care LESS about what indians think. Lets leave it at that.

Iran and Pakistan have good relations, despite different strategic goals in the region. Afghanistan -- there are some suspicions. but the truth is, they need us for our roads and ports...they need us as a trading partner. We need them for access to central asian markets (and thusly, we need Afghanistan to be stable and friendly to Pakistan).

What often goes unreported is the amount of aid, support and infrastructure projects Pakistanis have devised (past present and future) in Afghanistan. In fact it is Karzai who -despite his bi-polarism - has called Afghanistan a conjoined twin of Pakistan. This is very symbolic.

unfortunately for you, sir, you fail in your argument. But I'll be happy to give you ample time to try again when you're ready.

The thread is based on US asking a report about Sri Lanka from India. But as always the discussion is as usual Afghanistan, China and what not.

US State Department has already made a report in 2009,regarding SriLanka and most probably cross verifying the facts or asking any further information about the core issues.

Here is the full report, if any people who are interested in discussing matters that are relavant to thread can read and talk accordingly or else can talk the usual BullSh!t further

US state department report on Sri Lanka | World news | guardian.co.uk

Cheers and good luck!
We have heard many words from Musharraf and other PMs , presidents and chief's mouth that "USA will not be allowed to strike inside pakistan." but the reality is they bombed pakistan even on 14th august 2010.

those were in reference to joint combat operations in FATA to take out foreign Al Qaeda militants. When a US helicopter strayed into Pakistani territory (mistakenly or unmistakenly I dont know), the orders were given to open fire on it --forcing it to go back.

I suggest that you do proper research next time. Don't be sloppy.

as for drone strikes on militants, again those are mandated. It's a controversial topic in Pakistan, but then again the government seems to be quite controversial too. Me personally, i'd prefer all our ministers to leave the country and go settle in some God awful outskirts of kerala or banglaore or something. But maybe that's just me.

in parliament your health minister said that air bases under US control were not given access for even flood relief. check it again. even pakistan army was not allowed there, there were news about it.

yes i'm sure the HEALTH MINISTER is well versed on subjects far beyond his field

maybe in the meantime, Minister of Ports and Shipping should join the bandwagon too?


and did you see the rebuttal from the AVM perhaps? :rolleyes:

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