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USA wants report on Sri Lanka from India

And who are you to say that ??

by the way what's your authority ???????

Why are you doing big talk :blah::blah::blah:

Sri Lanka is a very tiny nation and don't have any other neighbor near it on thousand kilometers.

So don't take our friendship for granted, the messacare of tamils in lanka and the human rights etc. are not small issue. Also, the situation can be changed again in a day if India wants don't be in illusions that LTTE or some other group can't pop up again.

WOW! What a mighty India looms ghostly in front of Sri Lanka. :lol:

Oh yeah? Without a big India the people of a “very tiny” Sri Lanka can’t live on themselves? The fact is: without an imperialistic India and Indians like you, Sri Lankan can only live in a better life: they wouldn’t have been harassed by Tamil Tiger terrorists supported by Tamil of India. They won’t be spied and reported to another country…

Now please furl up your defeated banner of “big” and “friendship” and quit Sri Lanka!

What? Human rights? Feed your malnutrition, fix your illiteracy, and quench your communal violence before pointing your feeble fingers to others. :disagree:

BTW, his authority is definitely not a very big Indian official. :lol:
1) To love India, you don’t have to hate Pakistan.
2) To love India, you don’t have to hate China.
On topic now:
3) To love India, you don’t have to report to USA on SL.

Wont you be actually happy if your govt has asked us over CIA to report on SL politics/, I dont know how far its true, but you should be favoring your govt.

US asked us to make such report, we didnt go and ask US.
So you should rather complain US for the mistrust, not us.
Questionable source, quoting a BLOG, eh?

A blog authored by Mr. Shahid R. Siddiqi

Apparently, education is wanting someplace else.

Sure you can question the source. But you can’t question the iron facts:

Since your independence, have you made any material progress with China in land disputes? None!

Have you made any progress with Pakistan on land disputes? None!

Have you fixed border with Nepal? None!

Have you fixed your border with BD? No!

This is what I called your failed foreign policy. :tdown:
Sure you can question the source. But you can’t question the iron facts:

Since your independence, have you made any material progress with China in land disputes? None!

Have you made any progress with Pakistan on land disputes? None!

Have you fixed border with Nepal? None!

Have you fixed your border with BD? No!

This is what I called your failed foreign policy.

See we wont resolve it until two parties come togather, its simple and its not failed policy. its the same policy that has protected us even with all the disputes.

All the countries above think that that our land is theirs, they are fools.
But we say our land is ours, so if you want it, then come and get it.

Now all I can say is you are talking out of knowledge, have you had knowlede then you wont speak like this.
the view of this article doesn't represent that of mine.

how can it?It misses many critical points deemed important by you like low Indian IQ,India's imperialistic designs,2 million children dying in India everyday etc etc :lol:

Just move on,most of your ever-green audience on this forum is replaced by more intellectually sound Chinese members.Tch! Tch!

Irrespective of delivering Sri Lanka human rights reports to either US or UN.

India will go on with it.even if ties with Sri Lanka will be affected,because more important is the voice of our domestic Tamil community.
Sri Lanka being a sovereign state is free to do whatsoever it pleases.

PS:I find some of the Indian members having a contemptuous tone relating to Sri Lanka,please refrain from doing so.

Don't forget during the Cuban missile crisis a tiny Cuba forced a behemoth, USA, to go for DEFCON3.
Sure you can question the source. But you can’t question the iron facts:

Since your independence, have you made any material progress with China in land disputes? None!

Have you made any progress with Pakistan on land disputes? None!

Have you fixed border with Nepal? None!

Have you fixed your border with BD? No!

This is what I called your failed foreign policy. :tdown:

You seem to be an ill informed person to me.....

Regarding China:Have you heard about about the Nathu-la pass and opening of the famous silk route??the current trade volume between India and China stand at around US $ 60 billion.

Regarding Nepal: We have an open border and a healthy and friendly relation...What were you thinking???

Regarding Bangladesh:On September 8, 2010, India and Bangladesh finalized a railway link agreement to improve connectivity. The link will reduce the distance between Agartala and Kolkata via Guwahati from an arduous 1200 km to just 519 km.
There is also the proposed 13 km long Akhaurah-Agartala railway link, 5.4 km of which would be in the Indian territory. It is to be financed by India. This was agreed upon during the last visit of Sheikh Hasina in January 2010.
Apart from that multiple projects are going on to increase connectivity like road construction and bridges.

Regarding Myanmar:Senior General Than Shwe, Myanmar's head of State recently visited India to bolster economic ties and trade,his second time in 6 years.You can surely understand which way the wind is blowing.

Regarding Srilanka:India is the biggest trading partner of Srilanka.Trade has gone significantly higher after the signing of the FTA which went effective in 2000.
Since a bilateral free trade agreement was signed and came into effect in 2000, Indo-Sri Lankan trade rose 128% by 2004 and quadrupled by 2006, reaching USD 2.6 billion.Between 2000 and 2004, India's exports to Sri Lanka in the last four years increased by 113%, from USD 618 million to $1,319 million while Sri Lankan exports to India increased by 342%, from $44 million to USD $194 million.Indian exports account for 14% of Sri Lanka’s global imports. India is also the fifth largest export destination for Sri Lankan goods, accounting for 3.6% of its exports
Definitely we cant have bad relations and good trade in the same time....What do you think???

Regarding Bhutan:Again we have an open border and a friendly relation.India is financing projects to build dams in Bhutan that will supply electricity to both the nations.We have student exchange programs.The Royal Bhutan Army trains along with the Indian army and have fought alongside the Indian army.

Regarding Pakistan:We indeed have severe issues with Pakistan,which is quite understandable due to the long history starting from partition,4 wars numerous skirmishes,and not to mention,application of terrorism as a state policy.

But indeed we tried to resolve our issues.But that effort has to be from the other side as well and I must add, a sincere one.When Indian PM Vajpayee went to Pakistan to resolve the issues,he went there with a clear conscience.But when he came back he had to face the infiltration issues in Kashmir.That tells so much about the Pakistani intention.
But,the architect of Kargil,Pervez Musharraf was again allowed to set his foot on Indian soil,to talk peace.That tells so much about the Indian intention.

But that does not mean that trade does not exist between India and Pakistan,which has stands at a little more than US $ 2 billion.

An Indian company even has a market for motor vehicles in Pakistan.
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You seem to be an ill informed person to me.....

Regarding China:Have you heard about about the Nathu-la pass and opening of the famous silk route??the current trade volume between India and China stand at around US $ 60 billion.

Regarding Nepal: We have an open border and a healthy and friendly relation...What were you thinking???

Regarding Bangladesh:On September 8, 2010, India and Bangladesh finalized a railway link agreement to improve connectivity. The link will reduce the distance between Agartala and Kolkata via Guwahati from an arduous 1200 km to just 519 km.
There is also the proposed 13 km long Akhaurah-Agartala railway link, 5.4 km of which would be in the Indian territory. It is to be financed by India. This was agreed upon during the last visit of Sheikh Hasina in January 2010.
Apart from that multiple projects are going on to increase connectivity like road construction and bridges.

Regarding Myanmar:Senior General Than Shwe, Myanmar's head of State recently visited India to bolster economic ties and trade,his second time in 6 years.You can surely understand which way the wind is blowing.

Regarding Srilanka:India is the biggest trading partner of Srilanka.Trade has gone significantly higher after the signing of the FTA which went effective in 2000.
Since a bilateral free trade agreement was signed and came into effect in 2000, Indo-Sri Lankan trade rose 128% by 2004 and quadrupled by 2006, reaching USD 2.6 billion.Between 2000 and 2004, India's exports to Sri Lanka in the last four years increased by 113%, from USD 618 million to $1,319 million while Sri Lankan exports to India increased by 342%, from $44 million to USD $194 million.Indian exports account for 14% of Sri Lanka’s global imports. India is also the fifth largest export destination for Sri Lankan goods, accounting for 3.6% of its exports
Definitely we cant have bad relations and good trade in the same time....What do you think???

Regarding Bhutan:Again we have an open border and a friendly relation.India is financing projects to build dams in Bhutan that will supply electricity to both the nations.We have student exchange programs.The Royal Bhutan Army trains along with the Indian army and have fought alongside the Indian army.

Regarding Pakistan:We indeed have severe issues with Pakistan,which is quite understandable due to the long history starting from partition,4 wars numerous skirmishes,and not to mention,application of terrorism as a state policy.

But indeed we tried to resolve our issues.But that effort has to be from the other side as well and I must add, a sincere one.When Indian PM Vajpayee went to Pakistan to resolve the issues,he went there with a clear conscience.But when he came back he had to face the infiltration issues in Kashmir.That tells so much about the Pakistani intention.
But,the architect of Kargil,Pervez Musharraf was again allowed to set his foot on Indian soil,to talk peace.That tells so much about the Indian intention.

But that does not mean that trade does not exist between India and Pakistan,which has stands at a little more than US $ 2 billion.

An Indian company even has a market for motor vehicles in Pakistan.

Appreciate your effort but he is right about the part that we haven't solved our border issues with our neighbors.
Sure you can question the source. But you can’t question the iron facts:

Since your independence, have you made any material progress with China in land disputes? None!

The BJP govt actually made significant progress with Chinese officials in settling land disputes which actually proposed serious concessions from India in light of settling the dispute.

But in 2003 a coalition government led by the Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party—which in 1998 had cited the Chinese threat to justify its decision to test a nuclear bomb—launched an impressive bid for peace. For the first time India declared itself ready to compromise on territory, and China appeared ready to meet it halfway. Both countries appointed special envoys, who have since met 13 times, to lead the negotiations that followed. This led to an outline deal in 2005, containing the “guiding principles and political parameters” for a final settlement. Those included an agreement that it would involve no exchange of “settled populations”—which implied that China had dropped its historical demand for Tawang.

It has been China with its redrawn maps, references to AP as South Tibet, Investments in Indian disputed land of P-O-K, stapling visas to Kashmiris and refusing visas to Indian Generals that have soured all the progress we have made.....

It takes two to clap and we dont need to bend over backwards like some of our neighbors to please china....We will settle the dispute on our own terms.....Not based on the size of their military or economic clout....Capiche!

Have you made any progress with Pakistan on land disputes? None!

Really....was India the one that illegally attacked Kargil in violation of the Simla agreement? Did terrorists from India attack Pakistani cities and kill civilians?

Its very easy for you to tell us to "settle" a dispute with a neighbor that has been scratching at our wounds and supporting policies that only now the world and especially your country the US has realized has global implications......

Secondly.....what the hell makes you think India will settle to compromise when the lives of Thousands of Indians has been spent to maintain our sovereignty after being attacked by our neighbor?
Why dont you ask Pakistan to compromise?

Have you fixed border with Nepal? None!

Is there even a problem?

Dont try to make wars where there are none!

Have you fixed your border with BD? No!

Well I suppose India provides a 1Billion dollar credit to its enemies right.....?

This is what I called your failed foreign policy. :tdown:

You're what I call a failed Poli-Sci student......
Why can't we Indians be man enough to accept realities for god sake? that guy is right, we haven't settle any land dispute with our neighbors, thats a damn "Fact" but we can work on that in the coming future, but by denying facts with craps arguments only make us looks bad.

Aksai Chin would probably never our's in future. But, would you like giving up on J&K?
Why can't we Indians be man enough to accept realities for god sake? that guy is right, we haven't settle any land dispute with our neighbors, thats a damn "Fact" but we can work on that in the coming future, but by denying facts with craps arguments only make us looks bad.

We will solve our disputes on our terms. If it takes 100 years, so be it. If we have to kill in millions, so be it. It we have to die in tens of millions, so be it. Numbers don't matter, interests of our country do. With the kind of neighbors we have, solving disputes is not that easy. Internet forums are no place to decide national interests. India and indian interests are supreme and that's all that matters in the world. I give a damn how we 'look' to some. My country and its interests are first and foremost.
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Why can't we Indians be man enough to accept realities for god sake? that guy is right, we haven't settle any land dispute with our neighbors, thats a damn "Fact" but we can work on that in the coming future, but by denying facts with craps arguments only make us looks bad.

First off....I am providing my POV....with examples of why I feel this way.....so no need to call my line of thinking "crap"...you dont have to buy it....

Im going to tell you what I told him.....

We are trying...But it takes two to clap....

If we havent made any efforts....its a different story...but we clearly have....

If we cant come to a settlement, its because both parties dont agree to the solution....
Why should we settle on an agreement that is disadvantageous to us?

Lastly....I respect you for your independent thought and ideas....so I believe you should do the same....
Why can't we Indians be man enough to accept realities for god sake? that guy is right, we haven't settle any land dispute with our neighbors, thats a damn "Fact" but we can work on that in the coming future, but by denying facts with craps arguments only make us looks bad.

The reality is that to solve border disputes,both sides have to make compromises.Do you think India along with South Asian nation is mature enough,you think if we make any compromises our domestic populations won't erupt?.It"ll be another 20 years until our domestic population is mature enough to trust our Govt decisions however weak they may seem.So until then its just Status quo.
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