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US Warns China on SCS Moves

Đảo Bạch Long Vỹ;3276737 said:
Listen to China's command and break the solidarity of ASEAN is not Cambodia's fault. Ok you win.
Do you know that Phil opposed the Joint Submission of Malaysia and Vietnam in SCS(east sea) ?? so who refused to unite with other ASEAN members here ??

Read carefully the link first, bro.
Notes Verbale of Philippines on Joint Submission of Malaysia and Vietnam and on Submission of Vietnam
On 4 August 2009 the Philippines submitted separate Notes Verbale to the UN Secretary-General in response to the Joint Submission of Malaysia and Vietnam[92]and on the Submission of Vietnam[93]. The Note to the Joint Submission states that the extended continental shelf claim by Malaysia and Vietnam lays claim on areas that are disputed because they overlap with that of the Philippines and “because of the controversy arising from the territorial claims on some of the islands in the area including North Borneo.” The latter objection is a reference to the historical claim of the Philippines to what is now the East Malaysian State of Sabah, which was formerly known as North Borneo.
The note of the Philippines further pointed out that given the existence of maritime disputes, the Philippines requests that under paragraph 1(5) of Annex I of the rules of procedure of the Commission, “in cases where a land or maritime dispute exists, the Commission shall not consider and qualify a submission may by any of the States concerned in the dispute.” The note then requested the Commission to refrain from considering the Joint Submission unless and until after the parties have discussed and resolved their disputes.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...nflict-cambodian-sources-2.html#ixzz22rSNELjc


China bully all the time, you know.

So your government don't want to tell you? How convinient for them.
They don't tell anyone on Earth.
Maybe they have told it to Mars alien, we will never know :rofl:

Let me help you with that with NY times interactive map then.
Territorial Claims in South China Sea - Interactive Map - NYTimes.com

That's what I have just posted :rofl:
See, they say: Vietnam claim is undefined.

Do you know that Phil opposed the Joint Submission of Malaysia and Vietnam in SCS(east sea) ?? so who refused to unite with other ASEAN members here ?
The problem is, do not avoid my point. You said that you are controlling Cambodia, so whatever Philippines do, Cambodia won't make a fuss in 45th Asean Foreign Ministers Meeting and won't accuse you for "bullying ASEAN over sea conflict" :rofl:
Đảo Bạch Long Vỹ;3278119 said:
China bully all the time, you know.

They don't tell anyone on Earth.
Maybe they have told it to Mars alien, we will never know :rofl:

That's what I have just posted :rofl:
See, they say: Vietnam claim is undefined.

The problem is, do not avoid my point. You said that you are controlling Cambodia, so whatever Philippines do, Cambodia won't make a fuss in 45th Asean Foreign Ministers Meeting and won't accuse you for "bullying ASEAN over sea conflict" :rofl:

What it is so hard or shameful for Vietnamese government to disclose its claimed boarder to anyone? If you don't say it at least, how does others know it is yours? You expect your neighbor to guess what your claimed boundry is?
Đảo Bạch Long Vỹ;3278119 said:
The problem is, do not avoid my point. You said that you are controlling Cambodia, so whatever Philippines do, Cambodia won't make a fuss in 45th Asean Foreign Ministers Meeting and won't accuse you for "bullying ASEAN over sea conflict" :rofl:
So why Cambodia in particular and ASEAN in general have to support Phil while she keeps agruing with other ASEAN members in SCS(east sea) ??

Will you help your neighbour while that one never help you and he only make trouble for you and other ones instead ?? if you still willing to help him even he may spit on your face again after that, then I have Nothing else to say with you.
What it is so hard or shameful for Vietnamese government to disclose its claimed boarder to anyone? If you don't say it at least, how does others know it is yours? You expect your neighbor to guess what your claimed boundry is?

Our claim is: Paracel, Spartly, EEZ from the coast.
The problem why there is no detailed map about our claim (like China's tongue line) is: We want to solve it peacefully with ASEAN members (whose claim are based on international laws), so we will discuss with them and then have that detailed Map about our claims together, called Joint Submission. We have done with Malaysia. Then after we have done with Philippines and Indonesia, you will see out detailed map about our claim.

So why Cambodia in particular and ASEAN in general have to support Phil while she keeps agruing with other ASEAN members in SCS(east sea) ??

Will you help your neighbour while that one never help you and he only make trouble for you and other ones instead ?? if you still willing to help him even he may spit on your face again after that, then I have Nothing else to say with you.

The problem not because Cambodia support Philippines claim or not, the problem is: they accuse Vietnam and Philippines for "bullying ASEAN over sea conflict", in spite of the fact that China is the real bully, just because China is Cambodia's commander. If you, Nice Guy, controls them, why they accuse our country of "bullying"?
Every newspaper outside Cambodia say that Cambodia is the one who break the Meeting.
The Philippines, according from the Chinese a mosiquito, has the capability to bully an elephant (China)? With what? A 40-year old cutter with almost no weapons that will not even scare the Chinese maritime and fisheries ship? Just weird.
Đảo Bạch Long Vỹ;3279082 said:
Our claim is: Paracel, Spartly, EEZ from the coast.
The problem why there is no detailed map about our claim (like China's tongue line) is: We want to solve it peacefully with ASEAN members (whose claim are based on international laws), so we will discuss with them and then have that detailed Map about our claims together, called Joint Submission. We have done with Malaysia. Then after we have done with Philippines and Indonesia, you will see out detailed map about our claim.

The problem not because Cambodia support Philippines claim or not, the problem is: they accuse Vietnam and Philippines for "bullying ASEAN over sea conflict", in spite of the fact that China is the real bully, just because China is Cambodia's commander. If you, Nice Guy, controls them, why they accuse our country of "bullying"?
Every newspaper outside Cambodia say that Cambodia is the one who break the Meeting.

Why Spartly? It seems to be that Philippines has more claim to it than Vietnam. Also since you like to talk about international law and UNLOS yuou should know that you can not claim EEZ as your territory, your territory water is only 12 miles(3 mile in 1970) from your coast. US has problem with the 12 miles radius and refused to sign it. Now tell me are those islands within the 12 miles radius of Vietnam?
Why Spartly? It seems to be that Philippines has more claim to it than Vietnam. Also since you like to talk about international law and UNLOS yuou should know that you can not claim EEZ as your territory, your territory water is only 12 miles(3 mile in 1970) from your coast. US has problem with the 12 miles radius and refused to sign it. Now tell me are those islands within the 12 miles radius of Vietnam?
Hey genius, 12nm is territorial waters. No foreign entity should be there without permission. 200NM EEZ is not territorial waters but the owner of that EEZ has the sole right to exploit everything there including the wind.
Hey genius, 12nm is territorial waters. No foreign entity should be there without permission. 200NM EEZ is not territorial waters but the owner of that EEZ has the sole right to exploit everything there including the wind.
The exception is when there is overlaping EEZ. Until the dispute is resolved here, each country has its own interpretation of its own EEZ. In reality for everyone else who is not directly involved in this dispute including UN the EEZs of SCS is undefined. So you can rant all you want here, and nothing will change the fact that until each states to delineate the actual maritime boundaries, this is still a disputed area by any mean in front of others. Since it is disputed anyone who claims those islands as its own is legimate or illegimate as the next guy.
Đảo Bạch Long Vỹ;3279082 said:
The problem not because Cambodia support Philippines claim or not, the problem is: they accuse Vietnam and Philippines for "bullying ASEAN over sea conflict", in spite of the fact that China is the real bully, just because China is Cambodia's commander. If you, Nice Guy, controls them, why they accuse our country of "bullying"?
VN took 2 villages from Camb, and she said Nothing, so everyone can understand that her accusation against VN for "bullying ASEAN over sea conflict" is just a Trick.

losing 2 villages are more important than the matter in SCS(east sea) .Just like losing your yard in front of your house is far more important to you than the disputed among your neighbours.
Every newspaper outside Cambodia say that Cambodia is the one who break the Meeting
Google and you can see No VN famours newspaper said:"VN is disappointed with Cambodia", hope you can read VNese. Only BBC and some blog said something about it:coffee:
VN 'thất vọng vì không có tuyên bố chung' - BBC
http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-...mese/world/2012/.../120713_asean_reax.shtml13 Tháng Bảy 2012 – Ngoại trưởng Việt Nam thất vọng sau khi Asean không thể đưa ra tuyên ... Philippines công khai phê phán nước chủ nhà Campuchia về bế tắc ...
13.07.2012 - BBC Vietnamese - VN 'thất vọng vì không có tuyên bố ...

► 0:08► 0:08
13.07.2012 - BBC Vietnamese - VN 'th
13 Tháng Bảy 2012 - 8 giây - Tải lên bởi TuDoBaoChiChoVietNam
Ngoại trưởng Việt Nam Phạm Bình Minh bày tỏ sự thất vọng sau khi ... Philippines công khai phê phán nước chủ nhà ...
Video khác cho viet nam thất vọng về campuchia »

Campuchia trở thành con ngựa thành Troie & Vị đắng Việt Nam đồng.
tranhung09.blogspot.com/.../campuchia-tro-thanh-con-ngua-thanh.ht...17 Tháng Bảy 2012 – Ông nói về sự thất bại của khối, dù vẫn hy vọng tìm được 'điểm chung' .... Trong quan hệ với Campuchia, Việt Nam đã có nhiều kinh nghiệm, ...
Trung Quốc gây áp lực làm ảnh hưởng tới sự đoàn kết trong khối ...
changevietnam.wordpress.com/.../trung-quoc-gay-ap-luc-lam-anh-hu...19 Tháng Bảy 2012 – Ông Phat Kosal, một nhà nghiên cứu tại Ðại học Southern California, nói rằng Việt Nam thất vọng vì Campuchia đã về phe Trung Quốc, phá vỡ ...
Việt Nam 'thất vọng vì không có thông cáo chung' - www.daoduytinh.vn
http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-...m-‘that-vong-vi-khong-co-thong-cao...13 Tháng Bảy 2012 – Bộ trưởng Ngoại giao Việt Nam bày tỏ thất vọng ... Philippines công khai phê phán nước chủ nhà Campuchia về bế tắc ngoại giao chưa từng ...
We defined ours. It overlapped with theirs. We talk to find a sound resolution and not point guns at each other. Civilized people do that, you know.
Last time I checked China is not sending its coast guard let alone its navy into the disputed area. So who is pointing the gun right now?
Last time I checked China is not sending its coast guard let alone its navy into the disputed area. So who is pointing the gun right now?

Dude, what your saying is different from what I meant by the Philippines and Vietnam talk like a true gentlemen when it comes to the overlapping claims and not point each others gun. That shoal is within our EEZ and way way way beyond yours. We have all the rights in the civilized world to police it with whatever we want to use. For all we care on what you think about us sending a naval ship to capture those chinese poachers. It is our EEZ not yours. That naval ship just happened to be a couple of hours away from the shoal and was the closest one. They're not there to declare war. They're there to stop those Chinese fishermen from illegally capturing the turtles and other marine life there. I dont need to lecture you on what EEZ supposed to mean for everyone in the world.

It was not disputed. It became one when your country thought we will back down. We did not. Whatever you bring to the table against our country's claim to our own EEZ, you'll lose. There's a reason why your government, with all the 2000 year old history to back their claims, still wont go to war with us in the international court. And there's also a reason for the US' Asia Pivot.

You lose.
Dude, what your saying is different from what I meant by the Philippines and Vietnam talk like a true gentlemen when it comes to the overlapping claims and not point each others gun. That shoal is within our EEZ and way way way beyond yours. .
Correct, all we need is your co-operation with VN and Malay in SCS (east sea). When Phil agree with the Joint Submission of Malaysia and Vietnam , then I'm sure that Cambodia will take back all accusations from that meeting and turn into supporting us :cheers:
I heard that the rebel force of Philippines just won battle somewhere and crumbled the government army . Their spokeman should appear on TV in some neighouring countries saying that the PH government and government army had massacred citizens while UN should concern over the PH violence event.
Sooner or later MR Annan will take up his post again as an envoy calling for an end to the use of heavy weapon ,the free passage of aid, freedom of Media and demonstration and for a PH-LED political process to address the aspirations and concerns of PH people.
And Security Council will vote resolution as China ...............TO BE CONTINUED
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