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US suspends military aid to Pakistan. Military says it doesn't need it.

I think it will be more winning situation for Pakistan if Pakistan shows some "ghairat" & impose heavy tax for NATO convoys & supplies. But i doubt for these corrupt polititions.

They need to review these deals made with NATO for transit routes. Though, from both sides civil contractors are involved, tougher stance should be on Pakistani contractors.

As corruption is rampant, I'm positive the Pakistani contractors getting huge amounts subsidies on road tolls, patrol/gas from govt by paying them under the table.

You eliminate all those subsidies for these contractors plus hit them with more taxes and watch them work out tougher more expensive deals with NATO contractors. And watch money roll in in piles.

No need to be concerned about a billion dollar of american aid. Freggin remittance from oversees pakistanis is a billion dollars a month.
Lol, we'll see how long lasting that relationship is.

you dont need to see anything you yourself are an illegal occupation waiting to be wiped out...surrounded from all sides....muslims brotherhood in egypt.....mr erdogan will blockade the mediteranean.....mr asad is mad cause u are funding unrest in his country....hamas already has your corporal...iran is close to making a pure nuclear warhead...i dont see you going any further...
you dont need to see anything you yourself are an illegal occupation waiting to be wiped out...surrounded from all sides....muslims brotherhood in egypt.....mr erdogan will blockade the mediteranean.....mr asad is mad cause u are funding unrest in his country....hamas already has your corporal...iran is close to making a pure nuclear warhead...i dont see you going any further...

Cool story bro.
you dont need to see anything you yourself are an illegal occupation waiting to be wiped out...surrounded from all sides....muslims brotherhood in egypt.....mr erdogan will blockade the mediteranean.....mr asad is mad cause u are funding unrest in his country....hamas already has your corporal...iran is close to making a pure nuclear warhead...i dont see you going any further...

is that what the neighborhood maulvi told you? Read up on the six-day war...lol at your muslim brotherhood.
Pakistan's ISI Chief Leaves for US to Revive Ties

ISI chief Lt Gen Ahmed Shuja Pasha today left for the US in a bid to revive security ties affected by recent events, including the suspension of USD 800 million of military aid to Pakistan.

"Lt Gen Ahmed Shuja Pasha, Director General of Inter-Services Intelligence, has proceeded to USA for a day-long visit to coordinate intelligence matters," said a brief statement from the military. It did not give details.

Pasha embarked on the visit a day after the US Army's Central Command chief, Gen James Mattis, arrived in Pakistan in an apparent move to defuse tensions between the two countries over a series of incidents, including the suspension of military aid.

Senior American officials announced on Sunday that the US administration had suspended the payment of military aid as certain steps taken by Pakistan, such as the expulsion of military trainers, justified cancellation of the assistance.

The US made the decision after Pakistan expelled over 100 American military trainers. The move is also aimed at pressuring Pakistan to take more steps against militants.

The US media said Pakistan has refused visas to US military officers, which annoyed the Obama administration.

Pakistan's Defence Minister Chaudhry Ahmad Mukhtar yesterday warned that his government might withdraw troops from the tribal regions bordering Afghanistan as a response to the suspension of US military aid.

The military aid that has been held up includes USD 300 million to be paid as reimbursement to Pakistan for expenses incurred in the war on terror.

Mukhtar warned that the US move could harm Pakistan's campaign against Al-Qaeda and Taliban.

Following a meeting of the Pakistan Army’s Corps Commanders chaired yesterday by army chief Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, the military announced that it would fight terrorism "in our own national interest using our own resources".

US Central Command chief Gen Mattis met Pakistan's Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee Chairman Gen Khalid Shameem Wynne and discussed the regional security situation with special emphasis on the war on terror, a brief army statement said.

The statement did not give details but it is believed that tensions over the suspension of US aid prominently figured in the talks.

Mattis is the first top US commander to visit Pakistan after the suspension of military aid, which analysts believe may harm ties between the allies in the war against terror.

Relations between the US and Pakistan deteriorated after CIA contractor Raymond Davis was arrested in Lahore in January for shooting and killing two armed Pakistani men.

Though the two sides hammered out a deal to release Davis, military and intelligence cooperation came to a standstill after the covert US raid that killed Osama bin Laden in Abbotabad on May 2.

The Pakistani military was also angered by a series of leaks to the American media by US officials about its alleged closeness to certain militant groups like the Haqqani network.

Recently, US Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen said he believed the Pakistani government had "sanctioned" the recent killing of journalist Syed Saleem Shahzad.

The ISI has denied allegations that it was involved in the abduction and murder of Shahzad.
FILED ON: JUL 13, 2011

news.outlookindia.com | Pakistan's ISI Chief Leaves for US to Revive Ties
Pakistan's ISI Chief Leaves for US to Revive Ties

ISI chief Lt Gen Ahmed Shuja Pasha today left for the US in a bid to revive security ties affected by recent events, including the suspension of USD 800 million of military aid to Pakistan.

"Lt Gen Ahmed Shuja Pasha, Director General of Inter-Services Intelligence, has proceeded to USA for a day-long visit to coordinate intelligence matters," said a brief statement from the military. It did not give details.

Pasha embarked on the visit a day after the US Army's Central Command chief, Gen James Mattis, arrived in Pakistan in an apparent move to defuse tensions between the two countries over a series of incidents, including the suspension of military aid.

Senior American officials announced on Sunday that the US administration had suspended the payment of military aid as certain steps taken by Pakistan, such as the expulsion of military trainers, justified cancellation of the assistance.

The US made the decision after Pakistan expelled over 100 American military trainers. The move is also aimed at pressuring Pakistan to take more steps against militants.

The US media said Pakistan has refused visas to US military officers, which annoyed the Obama administration.

Pakistan's Defence Minister Chaudhry Ahmad Mukhtar yesterday warned that his government might withdraw troops from the tribal regions bordering Afghanistan as a response to the suspension of US military aid.

The military aid that has been held up includes USD 300 million to be paid as reimbursement to Pakistan for expenses incurred in the war on terror.

Mukhtar warned that the US move could harm Pakistan's campaign against Al-Qaeda and Taliban.

Following a meeting of the Pakistan Army’s Corps Commanders chaired yesterday by army chief Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, the military announced that it would fight terrorism "in our own national interest using our own resources".

US Central Command chief Gen Mattis met Pakistan's Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee Chairman Gen Khalid Shameem Wynne and discussed the regional security situation with special emphasis on the war on terror, a brief army statement said.

The statement did not give details but it is believed that tensions over the suspension of US aid prominently figured in the talks.

Mattis is the first top US commander to visit Pakistan after the suspension of military aid, which analysts believe may harm ties between the allies in the war against terror.

Relations between the US and Pakistan deteriorated after CIA contractor Raymond Davis was arrested in Lahore in January for shooting and killing two armed Pakistani men.

Though the two sides hammered out a deal to release Davis, military and intelligence cooperation came to a standstill after the covert US raid that killed Osama bin Laden in Abbotabad on May 2.

The Pakistani military was also angered by a series of leaks to the American media by US officials about its alleged closeness to certain militant groups like the Haqqani network.

Recently, US Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen said he believed the Pakistani government had "sanctioned" the recent killing of journalist Syed Saleem Shahzad.

The ISI has denied allegations that it was involved in the abduction and murder of Shahzad.
FILED ON: JUL 13, 2011

news.outlookindia.com | Pakistan's ISI Chief Leaves for US to Revive Ties

I thought Mike Mullen was coming to Pakistan? :what:
I thought Mike Mullen was coming to Pakistan? :what:

No James is here he met Shamim Wain yesterday.

---------- Post added at 11:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:45 AM ----------

LOL so much for chest thumping and talks about ghairat etc, expect an operation in NW soon

And what is chest thumping here? its a normal preocedure.

and US has yet to pay us the money we spend on US war on terror.
And what is chest thumping here? its a normal preocedure.

and US has yet to pay us the money we spend on US war on terror.

I wasn't taking about Pakistan, I meant forum members (Go through the thread) the fact remains that US can have Pakistan on the mat without even firing a single bullet, so it's in Pakistan's interest to deal with US tactfully instead of showing off false bravado

ps: So you agree your army is fighting somebody else's war taking money?
Shuja Pasha won't go for smoothing ties, nor can he do anything about it. My expectation is that he will go and sever ties, the sort of person he is.
I wasn't taking about Pakistan, I meant forum members (Go through the thread) the fact remains that US can have Pakistan on the mat without even firing a single bullet, so it's in Pakistan's interest to deal with US tactfully instead of showing off false bravado

ps: So you agree your army is fighting somebody else's war taking money?

Then properly address the members and not my country.

2. What US can do and what is Pakistan's position a bharati can not understand it hence i dont think so bharati notion even apply here.

3. someone's else was was imposed on us. and what money? we had spend it and we have right to get our money back.
Shuja Pasha won't go for smoothing ties, nor can he do anything about it. My expectation is that he will go and sever ties, the sort of person he is.

How much you can endure a Demanding and Bossy Person who likes to dictate ? At some point Person calm wears out and he become emotional Sire
No James is here he met Shamim Wain yesterday.

---------- Post added at 11:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:45 AM ----------

And what is chest thumping here? its a normal preocedure.

and US has yet to pay us the money we spend on US war on terror.

Clearly the customer is not satisfied with the services and the performance on the objectives delivery. So they are with holding the money. That would simplify a lot of things and also explain the sabre rattling. Sort of what you have referred to as chest thumping (as being normal procedure!?)
Shuja Pasha won't go for smoothing ties, nor can he do anything about it. My expectation is that he will go and sever ties, the sort of person he is.

The way in which he got after Nisar with the laptop information blackmail may really not work in US. So I am sure that he will try something else and sanity will prevail. He must have evidently a lot of exposure in dealing with such situations so hopefully there is going to be a better end result and a better comprehension of the US's requirements. That should make things look up for Pakistan and US relationship.
ps: So you agree your army is fighting somebody else's war taking money?

1.That is an interesting point you bring out - but we should discuss it in a separate thread. What has changed for us soldiers in SA post-47? The wars and battles pre-47 including the slaughter we suffered in every part of the globe fighting for somebody else duped by injected values of "nimak halal' and loyalty and 'kasam', etc to an alien - do these not continue? Don't they continue in other colors?
a.For instance, together we from SA have been providing almost the entire force to protect somebody else's diamond mines/trade and other interests.
b. We have been protecting oil regimes compliant to major powers.
c. Genocides, HR issues, WMD issues, etc covertly created by these powers see our soldiers guarding interests of others we have never known before.
c. We nave been fighting among ourselves, and cannot solve our differences because of interference from the powers that, in the first place, had intentionally left these problems to make us fight for ever. Therefore, we need to go back to these colonial thugs, who should in fact be our enemy #1, everyday seeking diplomatic assistance and arms.
2. We did not sign for most of these ops in the first place. But our political leaders send us anyway to please somebody or to keep us engaged. And we are paid beyond imagination.ARE WE ARE REALLY NOT MERCENARIES - all of us?
3. Supposing tomorrow at a SAARC Summit they announce to pull out all Mission troops. The White Man will collapse in no time.
1. What US can do and what is Pakistan's position a bharati can not understand it hence i dont think so bharati notion even apply here.

2. someone's else was was imposed on us. and what money? we had spend it and we have right to get our money back.

Sure, we are not at ground zero to comment on what is happening in Pakistan, but as a neighbour, we face the potential threat of militants crawling and ruling most of the tribal belt of your nation and there is a posibility of another 26/11. Thats the reason that we comment on the current status of Pakistan.
You say that some one imposed the war on Terror on you. but you have to realize that the Pakistani High command sould have taken a firm stand on the Afgan war, that you'll only be a silent sepctator and the US and colition forces can use your country only on paying tax. and most importantly you sould have deployed your reserves in your western border so as to make sure that the fleeing Talibs don't endup in your door steps.

If the above has been done at the right time, Pakistan's missery would have not unfolded. but now, its no choice for you to withdraw, you entered the arena with closed doors and you have a tiger(Talibs) to face, so make sure you survive by killing the tiger and do not try to sign agrement with a tiger as it does not understand humanity and peace.
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