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US Support to Baloch Separatists Exposed



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Feb 1, 2012
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Well we are shooting ourselves in the foot again as in 1971.

We kept on crying Indian support in East Pakistan but the world chose to ignore us.

Just by saying or even proving that the baloch insurgency is supported by USA/India etc. will have no effect. The establishment has lost its MORAL AUTHORITY over Balochistan since long.

One again we are resorting to whining about it rather than addressing the problem i.e., the colonial-like subjugation of the baloch ethnic minority.

Today it is a congrerssional hearing, tomorrow it might be a UN resolution. Does anybody think that our diplomats will stem that tide just by crying that outsiders are interfering in our province???????????

Once MORAL AUTHORITY is lost, sovereignty, constitution, law and even GEOGRAPHY becomes irrelevant.
In noon it was India and now it is United States who is supporting baloch insurgency.You bet tomorrow it is going to be Uganda.
I support Pakistan on Balouchistan issue, no external country should interfere in their internal matter.

I agree - thats not to say genuine concern from third parties cant come forward to offer advice and support - what is quite blatant is that there is a universal push from external forces to put pressure on Pakistan regarding the issues in Balochistan. These forces are becoming more blatant and apparent.

Indian T. Kumar (Left) and Pakistani Ali Dayan Hassan (Right) of Human Rights Watch.

Who invited that indian T. Kumar to the hearing. indians are too obsessed about Balochistan. Indians are the cause of the Balochistan crisis.

---------- Post added at 04:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:51 PM ----------

Well we are shooting ourselves in the foot again as in 1971.

We kept on crying Indian support in East Pakistan but the world chose to ignore us.

Just by saying or even proving that the baloch insurgency is supported by USA/India etc. will have no effect. The establishment has lost its MORAL AUTHORITY over Balochistan since long.

One again we are resorting to whining about it rather than addressing the problem i.e., the colonial-like subjugation of the baloch ethnic minority.

Today it is a congrerssional hearing, tomorrow it might be a UN resolution. Does anybody think that our diplomats will stem that tide just by crying that outsiders are interfering in our province???????????

Once MORAL AUTHORITY is lost, sovereignty, constitution, law and even GEOGRAPHY becomes irrelevant.

No army operation in Balochistan: Gen Kayani

ISLAMABAD – Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani on Saturday said that there is no military operation being carried out in Balochistan and not a single soldier is involved in any operation in the province.

Gen Kayani said this while talking to the media persons during a reception arranged by the Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani in the honour of Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

The rumours about military operation in Balochistan were mere propaganda while the Frontier Core (FC) was helping out the provincial government under the article 245. The situation that appeared after the murder of a Balochi leader Habib Jalib tells enough who was behind creating law and order situation, but unfortunately the blame has been put on to the army. To a question, he said Balochistan has a great strategic importance, particularly for the Central Asian States and Afghanistan.

Sources informed this scribe that insurgency is restricted to only three districts of Balochistan while major part of the province is in peace. Militant outfits, particularly Baloch Republican Army, Balochistan Liberation Front and Balochistan Liberation Army are actively involved in the insurgency. During last four years, insurgents have established various camps and arms are being supplied to them from Central Asian States, Afghanistan and India.

They said more than 400,000 residents of the province have been displaced while Kohlu garrison and many garrisons in Sui have been sealed, and about 70 percent schools too have been closed down throughout the province. Sources were of the opinion that a political vacuum is being severely felt and since the issue of Balochistan is political in nature, it must be resolved on political basis. The role of provincial police is limited and confined to particular areas while the general responsibility of security throughout the province has been put on the FC.

Due to insecurity and bad governance, development funds are also not being properly utilised, they added. They have further deplored that no serious efforts have been carried out so far to implement Aghaz-e Haqooq-e-Balochistan and residents have not bore any fruit from this support package.

However, despite the deteriorating law and order situation, various international firms are interested in working in the province but their primary demand is provision of security.

Agencies add: The worrisome situation in Balochistan is not restricted to local conditions and vested interests as foreign powers are behind it that want to advance their objectives in view of the location of the area, well-places sources have said.

They said the authorities failed to bridge the gulf, created after the army was called back from Balochistan, through political process. The law enforcement institutions were under pressure as they are neither well-educated nor adequately trained. Sixty five percent of the personnel are under-Matric and the security forces have been made target of well-organised and constant propaganda that they have established a state within the state.

The sources revealed that extremists are provided training in camps set up in Afghanistan and then sent to Balochistan with enough funds and arms. They said that Brahamdag Bugti, Harbiyar Marri, Javed Mengal and Dr Allah Nazar were leading four groups of miscreants. First three of them are presently in Europe while Dr Allah Nazar is active in the mountains of Khuzdar. They said the roots of all the problems in Balochistan are in Afghanistan.

They said the political decisions taken in the past have also added to the worsening of the situation. They pointed out that Chamlang coalmines are providing jobs to 75,000 people since 2006 but Khair Bakhsh Marri and Mir Biyar Marri are trying to close down the coalmine.

According to figures, 1,476 incidents of terrorism were reported in Balochistan in 2011. These included 36 bomb attacks, 68 explosions and 134 attacks on gas pipelines. There were 116 attacks at railways tracks and 20 on electricity installations during the year.

The sources further said that during the year 117 rockets were fired and 215 landmine exploded and 291 people were kidnapped, and only last month 38 security personnel were martyred. They said attacks on FC personnel have intensified in 2012.

They pointed out that law enforcement agencies were providing security for development projects, gas and electricity installations and railway tracks but they are not provided cooperation by the province’s security apparatus, even though most of the security in Quetta too is being taken care of by the FC.

The sources said that a former student leader Dr Allah Nazar was now a days active in hitherto most peaceful areas of Turbat and Makran. He is being provided funds and arms by the Indian intelligence agencies and whoever opposes his acts of terrorism is killed.

The sources pointed out that every member of the provincial assembly gets Rs250 million development funds in addition to those given to national assembly members and senators but there is no sign of any development in the province.

During the previous government, all the ‘B Areas’ were closed but the present government withdrew that decision and as a result today only 7% area is in ‘A’ category and remaining 93% is B Area, which is controlled by Levies. Personnel of the Levies are not trained and most of them work hand-in-hand with the militants. To add to the problems, political leaders in the province are least interested in the problems of the people and no one openly opposes the militants.

They said the proposal to talk with the estranged Baloch leaders some six months back has not been implemented and there are no basic facilities for the people. Seventy percent of schools in the province are closed and there is no doctor or medicine in the hospitals. In addition there are no assistant commissioners and other officers in Tehsils.

The sources said that influential people are behind acts of kidnapping and theft and when the security institutions take action against them, a well-orchestrated campaign is launched against them through political leaders and media. They pointed out that the situation is disturbed in only five districts out of thirty in the province.

The sources strongly denied involvement of security institutions in the kidnapping of people. They pointed out that in addition to US, India, Iran and Gulf states, European countries too were playing games to protect and advance their vested interests. They said there is no presence of Jandola and there has been no complaint from Iran in the last seven months in this connection.

No army operation in Balochistan: Gen Kayani | The Nation

Now this is the Chief of Army Staff saying this. My fellow Pakistanis, put your trust on the Pakistan army. Indians and other people from other countries hate the existence of Pakistan and hate that Pakistan is given such a strategic place on earth, if you care about Pakistan put your trust on the Pakistan Army. If there is no Pakistan, then there are no Pakistani wherever we are in the world.
US congressional hearing on Balochistan 'ill-advised' move: Sherry Rehman

WASHINGTON: Taking a strong exception to a United States Congressional hearing on Balochistan this week, Pakistan has termed it an “ill-advised” move that would be detrimental to the trust between Pakistan and the United States of America.

A Pakistan Embassy spokesman in Washington said that Pakistan’s Ambassador Sherry Rehman raised the issue of an exclusive hearing on Balochistan by US House Committee on Foreign Affairs in her meetings with the members of congress and senior officials of the US administration.

According to the spokesman, Rehman said that the government of Pakistan strongly rejects the purpose and findings of the hearing and considers it an “ill-advised and ill-considered” move that will have serious repercussions for Pakistan-US relations.

“Balochistan is an integral part of the Pakistan,” the ambassador said. “Pakistan is a democracy conducting itself in accordance with the international law.”

Sherry said that the elected parliament, the Balochistan assembly, the independent judiciary, a vigorous media and a thriving civil society are avenues for expression and seeking redress of political and economic grievances.

“The government is strongly committed to protecting the fundamental rights and freedom in all parts of Pakistan, including Balochistan, and has initiated an extensive programme of constitutional and other reforms to empower all citizens in the continuing consolidation of democracy,” she said.

She said that the hearing was marked by a “blatant disregard for the history of the issue and manipulated selective facts”.

“It is deeply regrettable that the legislature of a country that calls itself a friend of Pakistan allowed itself to be used as a platform for advocating the dismemberment of Pakistan and provided justification to terrorists attempting to hold Balochistan, and Pakistan, hostage,” the envoy said.

“Pakistan views this hearing with a serious concern and considers it unacceptable. “This kind of an exercise constitutes interference in Pakistan’s internal affairs. The hearing will be detrimental to mutual trust and confidence,” the envoy said.

US congressional hearing on Balochistan ‘ill-advised’ move: Sherry Rehman – The Express Tribune
What do you people expect? It would be a huge strategical advantage to both India and US if Pakistan is broken up. This way Pakistan would no longer be able to interfere in whatever they plan.

Think about it logically, is there any reason or advantage in keeping Pakistan intact and all brotherly for either of these 2 nations?

"It's better for us if they keep killing each other and diving the land among themselves, let's add oil to the fire!", it's probably what US heads in Washington and the Pentagon are thinking in this exact moment.

India and the US know just how important Balochistan is for us, and if they manage to break us apart, then from there it would be easy governance on Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan by sitting in Gwadar, and keeping tabs on China as a bonus aswell.
Its nature of out side power to destroy the smaller. How the smaller power survive , its the name of the game. Wait till 2014 and coming election.
Its obvious all this insurgency is getting outside support. Otherwise such insurgency doesn't survive for long time. Money, weapon and training is coming from outside. Its is undeniable fact.Think how these feudal lords running the show from outside. ?..
Two ultimate target outside power wants to achieve, One to reach out Baluchistan minerals, Second to contained Chinese wish to use gawadar port.
May be Americans are supporting Zardari Government to tackle Musharraf. Because it was in Musharraf's regime that army was moved into Balochistan.
Stoking the Balochistan fire

In what is obviously the beginning of a full-blown campaign, a Subcommittee of the US House of Representatives' Committee on Foreign Affairs convened a congressional hearing on Balochistan, complete with its hypocritical breast-beating over the human rights abuses in the province. Our Foreign Office conveyed its concerns to the US government and was apparently satisfied by its assurance that it had nothing to do with the hearing. Pakistan's Ambassador to the US termed it an ill-advised move that would be detrimental to building trust between Pakistan and the United States, and Pakistani Senators lambasted the US for meddling in our internal affairs. Meanwhile, as if on cue, the foot soldiers of US strategy infesting our civil society, media and so-called intelligentsia have gone into top gear to parrot and reinforce the narrative being pushed by the US establishment. Along with some Baloch militant groups, who have welcomed the dubious hearing, they think that their Uncle Sam will set things right. The question is:
What can Pakistan do to stop this growing campaign?

Not many are fooled by the selective concern for human rights championed by the US, which is guided more by its global strategy than any real desire on its part to work for an end to the abuses. Not long ago, the badmash superpower was pressurising the Pakistan government to allow it to use its drones to bomb targets in Quetta, not some far-flung tribal area, but the capital of Balochistan. It has a track record of killing innocent civilians all over the world on the pretext of protecting them. Recently, we witnessed the US-led Nato masterminding and commandeering the massacre of innocent Libyans, avowedly to protect their human rights. Somehow, the conscience of the US is not even pricked by the far more blatant and persistent human rights abuses perpetrated by states that it favours, whether it is India, Israel or monarchies in the Middle East allied to it.

What is even more disgusting is the fact that the US actually funds and creates conditions in targeted countries that are conducive to human rights abuses, thus giving it an excuse to meddle in their affairs. The list of countries where it has funded and armed dissident groups, fomenting unrest and militancy, is long. This diminishes the chances of any political solution to the grievances of these dissident groups, forcing the targeted countries to tackle them militarily. In Balochistan's case, the Pakistan government has been protesting to the US over the support extended to militant groups from US-occupied Afghanistan. Activities of Mossad under CIA cover in Balochistan, involving the funding and arming of militant groups, have been reported. Militant Baloch nationalists have been given refuge by the US allies and moderate nationalists working for a political solution within the state of Pakistan eliminated.

The same US Congress that is now shedding crocodile tears about the woes of Balochistan allocated over $400 million for promoting freedom in Iranian Balochistan. One wonders, how much of it was used on our side of the border and what was it used for? Were some of those millions used for arming dissident groups and funding hyper-nationalism? Can we be sure that money was not paid to mercenaries to target the non-Baloch ethnic groups to create divisions, something that has been condemned by even the most diehard Baloch nationalists. The recent campaign is clearly the phase two of a strategy that has been in place for years. After all, Balochistan is not only important for its treasure of natural resources. Fomenting unrest in the province would also stop China from using Gwadar and bury the Iran-Pakistan pipeline project that the US can't stand.

While there should be no doubt about the US game plan in Balochistan, that should be no excuse for not putting our own house in order. Successive governments have failed to address very real grievances of the people. The present government's initiative has been a non-starter and the law and order situation in the province has gone from bad to worse. The Interior Minister has been criticised by senior and respected PPP leaders from Balochistan for playing a sinister role in the province, but this criticism has fallen on deaf ears in the corridors of power. Instead of further curbing the US influence in the country, the government seems eager to normalise its relations with the two-faced badmash and reopening the Nato supply routes, providing it the foothold and the opportunity to further stoke the fire in Balochistan as in the rest of the country.

Members of the traditional provincial elite have exploited shortcomings on part of the government and put a nationalist spin on genuine grievances of the people. They would like to convince their poor people that they are poor because they are Baloch in a state that is against them. Of course, members of this traditionally privileged Baloch elite do not like to talk about the exploitation of Baloch people at their own hands, the rigid tribal hierarchical structure and the resistance of numerous tribal sardars to development in their areas. Like traditional elites elsewhere in the country, they would not like to talk about changing colonial power structures that are the biggest hurdle in pro-people governance, as that would result in sacrificing their own bloated privileges. They would not like their people to join the struggle of people from other provinces to change the status quo.

So how do we tackle the challenges in Balochistan? Disregarding the history of US intervention in other countries, the foot soldiers of the US in Pakistan look towards their Uncle Sam for the solutions. The same lot would like the badmash to save them from the extremists. They would like to choose the path to hell. What we need to do instead is to bring an end to its nefarious meddling and clandestine activities not just in Balochistan, but in the rest of the country as well. The government must replace its ineffective and shady point men for Balochistan with credible and sensible political leaders from the province to initiate a genuine political dialogue with the nationalists. Such leaders are there. All we need is sincerity on the part of the government.

The writer is a freelance columnist.
Email: hazirjalees@hotmail.com

Stoking the Balochistan fire | The Nation

Indian T. Kumar (Left) and Pakistani Ali Dayan Hassan (Right) of Human Rights Watch.

Who invited that indian T. Kumar to the hearing. indians are too obsessed about Balochistan. Indians are the cause of the Balochistan crisis.

He attended not on behalf of India but Amnesty International.
T. Kumar is the Director, International Advocacy for Amnesty International USA
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