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US soldier shoots nine children dead in rampage that kills 16 civilians

Disgusting and shameful act by a coward soldier , afghans should lock him bagram or any other **** hole prison with AQ and Taliban men
Wow. I have never defended any of these actions, please quote me.
I just think it's stupid to generalize. You think so too you just do not want to agree with me.

Your chosen words suggest where your loyalties lie. Your problem is you cant see things with an open mind. You come to the table of reasoning with preconcieved ideas. You are not prepared to see the fact that the events desribed above, along with others, has resulted in the USA being generally hated by most sane people.
The fact of the matter is there are too many events like this and the Americans in power havent been forthcoming in their condolences hence we make our minds about how we feel about the American hierarchy. Of course it would be naive for anyone to generalize and we dont - we just believe most of them and in particular their policies are scum.
By the way - to you its more important to say repetitively "dont generalize" - than to actually sure respect for the innocent parties involved. You are harping on about this American (lowest form of human) soldier and his nation - yet gloss over the consequences of his actions and the loss of innocent lives. You either are very dim or you have a shameful mindset - il let you chose.
you just do not want to agree with me.

No Jamie dear no one wants to agree with you

Well you've just proved yourself as stupid as you say the Americans are.

On the contrary Jamie as usual you have clearly not been to the fountain of knowledge this morning.

So this guy had a breakdown, he is not mentally well. He should be placed in an asylum for his own and everyone else's safety.
But to label all Americans as brutal animals etc. is silly.

Why not if the cap fits?
Your chosen words suggest where your loyalties lie. Your problem is you cant see things with an open mind. You come to the table of reasoning with preconcieved ideas. You are not prepared to see the fact that the events desribed above, along with others, has resulted in the USA being generally hated by most sane people.
The fact of the matter is there are too many events like this and the Americans in power havent been forthcoming in their condolences hence we make our minds about how we feel about the American hierarchy. Of course it would be naive for anyone to generalize and we dont - we just believe most of them and in particular their policies are scum.
By the way - to you its more important to say repetitively "dont generalize" - than to actually sure respect for the innocent parties involved. You are harping on about this American (lowest form of human) soldier and his nation - yet gloss over the consequences of his actions and the loss of innocent lives. You either are very dim or you have a shameful mindset - il let you chose.
Whatever bro, I obviously cannot discuss with you. If me not generalizing is being narrow minded and you guys branding all Americans as racist is open minded then whatever, I'm narrow minded.
Good night.
Sad thing is its difficult who to blame more the American animals or the people like Jamie who come to try to make excuses and mitigate the crimes committed by these animals
No Jamie dear no one wants to agree with you

On the contrary Jamie as usual you have clearly not been to the fountain of knowledge this morning.

Why not if the cap fits?
You genuinely think they are all evil? I pity you.
Whatever bro, I obviously cannot discuss with you. If me not generalizing is being narrow minded and you guys branding all Americans as racist is open minded then whatever, I'm narrow minded.
Good night.

What do you expect with American antics around the world. This is hardly an isolated incident. You know that yet you still try to defend AIPAC sponsored regimes militia's tactics

The American army is no longer fit to be called an army. Soldiers do not piss on enemy combatants, Soldiers do not kill allied troops.

The only description for these animals is animals
Sad thing is its difficult who to blame more the American animals or the people like Jamie who come to try to make excuses and mitigate the crimes committed by these animals
Again. Please quote me where I have said such things. All I have really said is do not treat everybody the same.
I've talked to many Americans about the Human Rights Violations in Afghanistan, and every time I thought they were about to burst and just accept it; one answer came out: Remember 9/11. This is the American ideology.
You genuinely think they are all evil? I pity you.

and we all pity you. Thank you for showing the utmost respect for the innocent vicims. Thank you for you constant off topic rant insinuating that we generalize about Americans. For the record - if you read my posts you would understand we dont generalize - there are good and bad - its just the fact that there is a fresh wound of anger at the moment and this will take time to heal. Now do me a favor and stop being that mouse that goes round and round on that wheel and give it a rest - we know what you mindset is and it includes showing no respect for any the victims of this horrible crime. Good night (again).
You genuinely think they are all evil? I pity you.

Pity yourself. You have the intellectual prowess of a bumble bee and you come here trying to defend American actions which are indefensible. Stop trying to make it look like an isolated case of the odd soldier going mad etc. We are fed up of hearing about American animals behaviors every other day.

You want us to forget this??

What about pissing on the dead???

What about killing of innocent Pakistani soldiers

What about deaths of Muslims all around the world-oh that's just collateral. You retard that collateral damage is someones brother, father, son etc.

Oh and American response to 9/11 was and is inappropriate and disproportionate. Any moral high ground was lost a long time ago
A US soldier in Afghanistan is reported to have killed a number of Afghan civilians after walking off his base in the southern province of Kandahar.

The soldier - who surrendered to the US military authorities - is thought to have had a breakdown, reports the BBC's Quentin Sommerville in Kabul.

Nato said it was investigating the "deeply regrettable incident".

Local tribal leaders said women, children and men were among the dead in Panjwai district.

The governor of Kandahar province, Tooryalai Weesa, confirmed there were casualties, but said the exact number of dead and injured would be made known later.

The Nato-led International Security Assistance Force (Isaf) said in a statement that US officials in Afghanistan would work with their Afghan counterparts to investigate what happened.

"This is a deeply regrettable incident and we extend our thoughts and concerns to the families involved," Isaf added.

Our correspondent reports sources in Kabul as saying the soldier had some kind of breakdown just before leaving the base and opening fire on civilians.

The incident comes as anti-American sentiment runs high in Afghanistan following the burning of copies of the Koran by US soldiers at a Nato base last month.

US officials apologised, but the incident sparked a series of protests and attacks that killed at least 30 people and six US troops.

BBC News - US soldier kills Afghan civilians in Kandahar

A apology will do nothing, the Afghan and Pashtuns in particular believe in Badal,

Don't forget what happened to the british:

Anglo Afghan wars (british invaded 3 times and were defeated all 3 times)



Afghan Pashtun Warrior Frontier Tribesmen armed with their Jezails, Anglo Afghan War


Pashtun Tribesmen following their Amir towards battle


British Punjab Cavalry happily fighting for the British Generals.


British cavalry charging to kill Pashtun resisters


Punjabi soldiers under command of British


Afghan Pashtun Tribesmen butchering British Punjab regiment on its retreat to india


The last british survivor of a 16,500 strong british army contingent : 'Remnants of an Army' by Elizabeth Butler portraying William Brydon arriving at the gates of Jalalabad as the only survivor of a 16,500 strong evacuation from Kabul in January 1842.
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