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US SEAL team was to surrender if surrounded by Pak troops

Sure, would love, though I am not military expert, and just a student but I will give my best to answer your questions.

1) How come no one in America or Pakistan even distantly acknowledged this? -
Dude did you hear what Obama said in his very first speech?, he in his clear words praised the pakistani authority's assitance in the raid.

2) Why did the seal team had to be so secretive that it needed to sneak into Pakistan in dark and under radar cover?
Read @FaujHistorian's earlier reply, this questions of your contradicts with the facts that Pakistan high command had knoweldge of it. Even the residents of the area were out of their homes. So it wasn't so secretive was it?

3) Why was Afridi caught and jailed for 33 years and is being called a traitor if all he did was identify OBL's location to the CIA? Tried to double cross his daddy's that why, I am not sure but CIA might wanted to confirm the identity on their own and doublecross isi.
i will leave it for @FaujHistorian to answer it better.

4)Why was the Pakistani's red faced and could not utter a word after the operation?
Mate did you bother reading Washington Post for 3rd May 2011. THe President of Pakistan wrote an article in it. I suggest you read it and then ask questions.

5) why is Pakistan still being subjected to reprimands by all when it could very well reveal it's part of the operation? Again you are going in circles and asking same
question again and again. read my earlier reply to you.

6)Why did it take all of 5 years to take him out? Ask CIA and ISI, why asking me? CIA with their so high tech satellites were not able to find him. And it all came down to the heads of ISI personnel to track him down. Do i need to remind you of the report by US, where a green pass was give to Pakistani Establishment in clear words?
Why did all Pakistani leaders kept claiming that OBL was either dead or was in hiding in Afghanistan?

7)Why is all the accounts revealed by the seal team and the CIA and the operational team there was no mention of any Pakistani involvement in the operation? Why you keep asking the same questions I don't get it. please read above. Wasn't it CIA who said Iraq had WMD?. Wasn't it them who gave a pass to 9/11 attacker? Wasn't it the CIA who allowed the Jordaninan Doctor to enter the base without clearence so he could blow up the vehicle laden with explosives?

8)why when number of members of the seal team have come out with the facts of the events that unfolded, when there was no soldier or ISI guy from Pakistan who came forward and declared that they were part of the operation too?
Why would me just shoot in our own foot.

I hope my answers were satisfactory.....let me know if you have any doubts. I guess my answers were clear enough

Yeah - answered like a student - how old are you btw?
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Very realistically a 6 men force surrounded by an army would surrender. It's logical. They're the top commondos no doubt but they're human beings too. If Obama'd wanted to rain hell on Pakistan then that'd be a very, very bad move because the Pakistanis would then openly side with the Terrorists and it's not possible to eradicate 180 million people.
Yeah - answered like a student - how old are you btw?
Is that the best you could come up with when you have nothing to reply with?
As i have said we are going in circle, you are asking same questions again and again. You keep on ignoring the truth.
Am 23 years old, student of MSc in Oil and Gas Enterprise Management at University of Liverpool......happy now :)
Yeah - answered like a student - how old are you btw?

Oh btw forgot to answer your question, Pakistani authorities never claimed he is not in pakistan , they always said if he is in pakistan please come up with an evidence, don't show up with your lousy face at our door.....
Oh btw forgot to answer your question, Pakistani authorities never claimed he is not in pakistan , they always said if he is in pakistan please come up with an evidence, don't show up with your lousy face at our door.....

I don't think the Americans ever claimed he was in Pakistan - they always doubted that he hid in the border regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan - and that was the normal statement given out by Pakistanis as well. The Americans doubted it till the last moment that it was actually OBL who was in the mansion - they gave a probability of 70% that it was really him - they even had to do a DNA test to prove that the corpse was really his - Obama took a risk in sending in the team fully aware that it would blow back on him if the people in that mansion were not OBL and his family - but he was ready to take that risk - his sheer tension can be gauged by that photograph of his during that operation.

The US went to great length's to not let the Pakistani's even get a hint of what they were venturing to do - and also were prepared to face any blow back if the operation got screwed in any way. CIA worked on a hunch and a lot of people's careers were on the line. It proved to be a resounding success in the end.
why is Pakistan still being subjected to reprimands by all when it could very well reveal it's part of the operation?

Looks like you are planning to write a PhD Dissertation on Ben Fing Laden and his demise (like a little rat).

and that's OK. You could and you should.

But do not use this esteemed forum to do the work for you ;)


Afridi was moving in whole bunch of different circles. Talib-bozos? He was their "friend". Ben fing Laden, well he tried to get into his compound. He is traveling through badlands of Wazirastan and then suddenly shows up in Abbot-Abad.

Thus trampling on the grounds of so many different agencies good and bad, that he should thank his lucky stars that he still alive.

Look at the Khawaja Saeed and Col retarted Iman. Where are they now?

Thanks to all this upheavel in Pakistan, so many of these people have setup their own little "intelligence agencies", their own little dark worlds that they too have become state within a state.

And no state in the world including Indians, chinese, or Americans like their citizens to create state within states.

Do you think Indians will jumping with joy and giving madels to Indian citizens who are working with international spy agencies at their own, with no permission or knowledge of RAW or police or Feds?

I don't know about you, but if I was in India I'd not allow such "state within a state" activity.

Moreover every Pakistani agency works with Americans with permission of the government, like NADRA, ISI, FIA, and even local police.

Then Afridi types should not setup their own business separate from all these agencies.

Unless you like Indian citizens to be working as state within a state, do not expect Pakistani gov to be doing the same.

Thank you
Looks like you are planning to write a PhD Dissertation on Ben Fing Laden and his demise (like a little rat).

and that's OK. You could and you should.

But do not use this esteemed forum to do the work for you ;)


Afridi was moving in whole bunch of different circles. Talib-bozos? He was their "friend". Ben fing Laden, well he tried to get into his compound. He is traveling through badlands of Wazirastan and then suddenly shows up in Abbot-Abad.

Thus trampling on the grounds of so many different agencies good and bad, that he should thank his lucky stars that he still alive.

Look at the Khawaja Saeed and Col retarted Iman. Where are they now?

Thanks to all this upheavel in Pakistan, so many of these people have setup their own little "intelligence agencies", their own little dark worlds that they too have become state within a state.

And no state in the world including Indians, chinese, or Americans like their citizens to create state within states.

Do you think Indians will jumping with joy and giving madels to Indian citizens who are working with international spy agencies at their own, with no permission or knowledge of RAW or police or Feds?

I don't know about you, but if I was in India I'd not allow such "state within a state" activity.

Moreover every Pakistani agency works with Americans with permission of the government, like NADRA, ISI, FIA, and even local police.

Then Afridi types should not setup their own business separate from all these agencies.

Unless you like Indian citizens to be working as state within a state, do not expect Pakistani gov to be doing the same.

Thank you
The reply was waiting for.....thanks sir.....i knew about afridi being a bad guy and invloved with talibans..i. don't know why i didn't look at it this way as you have....
Yeah, otherwise the 30 Rangers and a couple of squadrons of F-18's taking off from well within our strike range would have annihilated Pakistan. Very intelligent.

They would have been to hold their own. I think 45 guys with CAS and 30,000 troops across the border would definitely be a threat.
Sometimes we buy in too well into the superhuman myth of special forces, especially western forces, especially US special forces.

If US special forces were truly super human, Sergeants Randall David Shughart and Gary Gordon of the so named Delta Forces would still be alive today, and not with well deserved, and bravely won, but posthumous Medals of Honor, killed by a ragtag militia.

Mind you, the Seal team operation on Laden was brilliantly conceived and executed. And I don't for once believe that the Laden raid was given the go-ahead by ISI/ PA. IMO, the two institutions were well and truly caught on the back foot.

But if you think that the Seal team would have survived more than a few hours against a properly led (and supported) battalion of any competent army, I've got a bridge in Manhattan to sell you. Sure they could have created some havoc with their night vision equipment, comm, and weaponry. But one mortar round on their position would be all it'd take to finish them.

US air support or not, special equipment or not, in the end the PA, in fact an competent unit of any competent army, would have gone through them like a chainsaw.
Looks like you are planning to write a PhD Dissertation on Ben Fing Laden and his demise (like a little rat).

and that's OK. You could and you should.

But do not use this esteemed forum to do the work for you ;)


Afridi was moving in whole bunch of different circles. Talib-bozos? He was their "friend". Ben fing Laden, well he tried to get into his compound. He is traveling through badlands of Wazirastan and then suddenly shows up in Abbot-Abad.

Thus trampling on the grounds of so many different agencies good and bad, that he should thank his lucky stars that he still alive.

Look at the Khawaja Saeed and Col retarted Iman. Where are they now?

Thanks to all this upheavel in Pakistan, so many of these people have setup their own little "intelligence agencies", their own little dark worlds that they too have become state within a state.

And no state in the world including Indians, chinese, or Americans like their citizens to create state within states.

Do you think Indians will jumping with joy and giving madels to Indian citizens who are working with international spy agencies at their own, with no permission or knowledge of RAW or police or Feds?

I don't know about you, but if I was in India I'd not allow such "state within a state" activity.

Moreover every Pakistani agency works with Americans with permission of the government, like NADRA, ISI, FIA, and even local police.

Then Afridi types should not setup their own business separate from all these agencies.

Unless you like Indian citizens to be working as state within a state, do not expect Pakistani gov to be doing the same.

Thank you

I don't think Afridi even knew what he was venturing into or that the target suspect was Bin Laden - he was asked to collect blood samples and to describe and videograph with a spy cam most of the individuals in that mansion - specially the male occupants and to reconnoiter the grounds.

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