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US, Russia to work on Pakistan, Afghan problems

Washington Hails Russia’s Contribution to Afghan Mission

The United States recognizes Russia’s contribution to building a better future for the Afghan people and hopes for further cooperation in providing security in the war-torn Centarl Asian state, the U.S. State Department said.

“We take note of the significant contribution to international security that has resulted from the arrangements between the United States and Russia – bilaterally and through NATO – to support ground and air transit into and out of Afghanistan,” said a fact sheet released on Monday after a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Barack Obama in Los Cabos.

“In accordance with these arrangements, over 2,200 flights, over 379,000 military personnel, and over 45,000 containers of cargo have been transported through Russia in support of operations in Afghanistan,” the fact sheet said.

Moscow also signed a $367.5 million deal in 2011 with the U.S. Department of Defense for 21 Mi-17V5 transport/attack helicopters to expand the fleet of helicopters in service with the Afghan army.

In addition, Russia will train 30 Afghan helicopter technicians in 2012 to “enhance the capacity of the Afghan security forces to keep their fleet of helicopters mission-ready as they assume greater responsibility for Afghanistan’s security.”

All NATO combat troops are scheduled to leave Afghanistan by the end of 2014.

Moscow is reportedly in talks with NATO on the so-called “multimodal” cargo transit from Afghanistan, which would “increase the efficiency of NATO withdrawal.

In line with the new scheme, cargos from Afghanistan would be delivered to the Russian Volga city of Ulyanovsk by plane, and then transferred to Europe by train.

Washington Hails Russia
Good to see US and Russia working together particularly on Afghanistan and Pakistan . USA and Russia may not see eye to eye on many issues like syria and Iran but on terrorism they stand together . Russia has faced much more terror attacks than USA .:tup:

US, Russia join hands on Pakistan, Afghanistan | DAWN.COM

I would have thought that they could have started by working on the Syrian issue which after all is more pressing to them
US-Russia together......"Ab Tera Kya Hoga, QAEDA":triniti:

Both countries along with China are concerned over Islamic extremists....if you have been following recent news.
I would have thought that they could have started by working on the Syrian issue which after all is more pressing to them
Now you realize that why it is important to understand the ground realities of this world?

If you will see the world through the lens of just souped up media sources, you will get a very narrow glimpse of it.
I have looked at other reports of their meetings they seem hardly to mention Pakistan if at all:

U.S., Russian leaders jockey for leverage on Iran, Syria in first meeting since Putin's return

By Anne Gearan, The Associated Press June 18, 2012

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U.S. President Barack Obama (R) listens to Russian President Vladimir Putin during a bilateral meeting in Los Cabos on June 18, 2012 on the sidelines of the G20 summit.

U.S. President Barack Obama (R) listens to Russian President Vladimir Putin during a bilateral meeting in Los Cabos on June 18, 2012 on the sidelines of the G20 summit.
Photograph by: Jewel Samad , AFP/GettyImages

LOS CABOS, Mexico — President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin need one another, an uncomfortable truth for the superpower leader waging a tough re-election campaign and the newly elected Russian leader who is deeply suspicious of the United States.

The two men will use their meeting Monday, the first since Putin returned to Russia's top job, to claim leverage. Much of the rest of the Group of 20 economic meeting will be devoted to the European fiscal crisis and the fate of Greece as a part of the euro zone. A pro-euro candidate is trying to form a Greek coalition government following elections Sunday, but the anti-austerity second-place party has refused.

"I expect that it will be a candid discussion, it will get down to business," White House deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes said ahead of the lengthy morning meeting between Obama and Putin.

"We'll be able to sustain co-operation in some areas, we'll have differences in other areas, and we'll work to try to bridge those differences."

Obama was also meeting German Chancellor Angela Merkel later Monday. Germany is playing a leading role brokering a solution to Europe's debt crisis.

The G-20 gathering is a natural forum for sideline discussions of the urgent crisis in Syria as well as diplomatic efforts to head off a confrontation with Iran. Russia is a linchpin in world efforts to resolve both crises, and to U.S. goals for the smooth shutdown of the war in Afghanistan. In the longer term, Obama wants Russia's continued co-operation in nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation.

Obama made a special project of Russia in his first term and arguably needs Moscow's help even more if he wins a second one. He is trying to avoid a distracting public spat with Russia during this election year, as suggested by an overheard remark to outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in March. Obama told Medvedev he would have more flexibility to answer Russian complaints about a U.S.-built missile defence shield in Europe after the November election.

Things got off to a rocky start with Putin, when Obama pointedly withheld a customary congratulatory phone call to Putin until days after his May election. Putin appeared to snub Obama by skipping the smaller and weightier Group of Eight meeting that Obama hosted later that month at Camp David.

The rescheduled Obama-Putin meeting comes the same day as Moscow hosts an international negotiating session with Iran. Russia has gone along with UN Security Council efforts to tighten some penalties against Iran because of questions about its nuclear weapons ambitions, but has blocked the harshest punishments. Still, the United States needs Russia's participation to lend legitimacy to the argument that Iran faces broad international condemnation. Iran usually paints the dispute over its nuclear program as a confrontation with the U.S. and its ally Israel.

Brutal attacks on anti-government protesters in Syria and the threat of civil war in the Mideast nation pose the most immediate crisis.

Diplomatic hopes have rested on Washington and Moscow agreeing on a transition plan that would end the four-decade Assad family rule. Russia, as Syria's longtime ally and trading partner, is seen as the best broker for a deal that could give Syrian President Bashar Assad political refuge. So far, Moscow has said no.

Pressure increased on Russia over the weekend, when the United Nations suspended its unarmed monitoring mission in Syria out of concern for the monitors' safety. The move was widely interpreted as a challenge to Russia to intervene with Assad to preserve a UN role Moscow sees as a brake on any armed foreign intervention.

The Interfax news agency reported Monday that two Russian navy ships were preparing to sail to Syria with a unit of marines on a mission to protect Russian citizens and a Russian naval base there. The report didn't give a give a precise date for the departure of the two amphibious landing vessels.

The United States has refused to arm anti-Assad rebels in part to avoid a proxy fight in which Iran, Russia and others arm one side and the U.S. and Sunni Arab states arm the other. Opposition groups estimate 14,000 people have died in violence that the U.S. fears is sliding into civil war.

Putin's campaign included some of the strongest anti-American rhetoric from Moscow in a decade and he openly accused Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton of inciting protests against him. The Obama administration mostly tried to shrug it off, but Putin's return to the presidency makes it more likely that any help Russia provides in Syria, Iran or other matters will come at a cost.

Russia's membership in numerous world bodies and its veto power at the UN Security Council give it leverage beyond its economic or military power. Obama holds far greater power and both leaders know it, but Putin can be a spoiler and irritant.

"President Putin clearly is somebody who can articulate where he has differences with the United States, but we can also articulate where we have differences with Russia," Rhodes said. "And I think our assessment is that being candid with one another and clear with one another is in the best interest of the relationship."

The White House tried to soften the blow of Clinton's accusation days before the G-20 meeting that Russia was equipping the Syrian government with attack helicopters that could be used against civilians. She later acknowledged they were only helicopters already owned by Syria that had been sent back to Russia for repairs, but Russia was already annoyed.

Russia insists that any arms it supplies to Syria are not being used to quell anti-government dissent that began more than a year ago, and has rebuffed efforts to impose an international arms embargo.

"Putin is in a petulant sort of mood," said Russia scholar Mark N. Katz of George Mason University. "He's got all these grievances about American foreign policy and he's looking for us to satisfy him, and I don't think we're going to do that. No amount of bonhomie or talking nicely is going to fix that."

Read more: U.S., Russian leaders jockey for leverage on Iran, Syria in first meeting since Putin's return
I am so torn on this issue, if I was an advisor, I would recommend the status quo, but in my gut I feel for the rebels (even though they are likely to be more anti-American, and fundamentalist). This has to be one of the hardest choices the State Dept. (foriegn ministry) has to make. (particularly in view of our support for idiots like the Shah)
looking for us to satisfy him, and I don't think we're going to do that. No amount of bonhomie or talking nicely is going to fix that."

Read more: U.S., Russian leaders jockey for leverage on Iran, Syria in first meeting since Putin's return

That's cute, as always. You only see what you want to see. Journalists not-concerned with south-Asian affairs don't really care about the statements and discussions regarding the same. Meanwhile, those that do, listen intently for exactly that. Now that both Indian and Pakistani sources have confirmed it, we can safely assume the news is real and therefore a very positive signal for India.
I would have thought that they could have started by working on the Syrian issue which after all is more pressing to them

As I said they don't quite agree on Syria and Iran . Russia believes in engagement whereas USA wants to go cowboy on Syria . There also there is basic agreement between the two that Killings in Syria must stop .

However , if you don't agree on the procedure of one thing does not mean you can't agree on other things as well . As I said they find a lot of common ground on terrorism particularly from those terrorists based in Afghanistan and Pakistan .Russia has faced a lot of terrorism from Chechens and a lot of them were trained in Afghanistan and Pakistani tribal areas . You can always count on Russia to do the right thing .
In fact out of 5 articles I have read there is no mention of Pakistan. Go and google the meeting. This is probably one that what the OP and the writer of that article would have liked them to focus on.

Here is another one no mention of Pakistan:
Russia & US: life after reset: Voice of Russia

Pakistan and Russia are on the same page as far as terrorism goes we are against it. We are also on the same page in that we do not want American presence to be extended for another 10 years in Afghanistan. Bollacks article typical Indians trying to make mileage out of nothing.

Now you realize that why it is important to understand the ground realities of this world?

If you will see the world through the lens of just souped up media sources, you will get a very narrow glimpse of it.

tell that to the OP
I see a certain Pakistani is in denial about the report even though the major publications of the two major South Asian countries are reporting it . Anyway , I can understand , till sometime back they were expecting Russia would fight USA for them along with China.

We kept telling them neither China , nor Russia was going to help much except perhaps diplomatically but they defiantly wouldn't listen .Back to reality I guess .
That's cute, as always. You only see what you want to see. Journalists not-concerned with south-Asian affairs don't really care about the statements and discussions regarding the same. Meanwhile, those that do, listen intently for exactly that. Now that both Indian and Pakistani sources have confirmed it, we can safely assume the news is real and therefore a very positive signal for India.

We always knew that Russia and USA were co-operating on Afghanistan and Pakistan. This may be news for some other people on this forum . But everyone else pretty much knew . The only thing the Russians have an issue with is the permanent presence of American bases in Afghanistan .
In fact out of 5 articles I have read there is no mention of Pakistan. Go and google the meeting. This is probably one that what the OP and the writer of that article would have liked them to focus on.

Here is another one no mention of Pakistan:
Russia & US: life after reset: Voice of Russia

Pakistan and Russia are on the same page as far as terrorism goes we are against it. We are also on the same page in that we do not want American presence to be extended for another 10 years in Afghanistan. Bollacks article typical Indians trying to make mileage out of nothing.

tell that to the OP
My advice is for you only.

Once again! You have narrowed down your judgement on the basis of some media reports that suit you. You should learn to think outside the box.

US-Russian cooperation on Afghanistan is not a new thing. In fact, it gets overlooked.

Northern routes are functioning with the blessings of Russia.

Russia and even China desire a stable Afghanistan. None of these nations are fond of Islamic fundamentalists.

And current US mission in Afghanistan is a long term plan. Mark my words.

I do not think that Russia and China would want to plunge Afghanistan back in to chaos just to counter US presence in this country.

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