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US requests NATO supply route from Iran.

May be economic sanctions that Hillary used to say be enforced.

May be.....'cause the Americans won't have to worry about NATO supply any more no-matter what they do to Pakistan.....
Thousands of people will lose jobs in Pakistan but atleast at the end of the day, our MAHAAAAN leader Imran khan will sleep like a baby. What a shame, this man has never used his brain and rather resorted to arguments and fighting and threats instead of using diplomacy and thinking for once for the sake of Pakistan. Oh well. I hope Imran khan is happy now.

Time will tell how much we were actually earning from this so called nato supply income and how much we were paying for it. For now, I am sure this is a great news for Pakistan and every sane Pakistani will be happy now. Except some patwaries who are obviously dying for a handful dollars even at the cost of national pride and sovereignty.
go to google earth and check the big container terminal at Qila Saif Ullah Afghanistan..-.... Indians feel happy making fool out of Iran loyalists.
India already receiving goods from Afghanistan via Chabahar. What do you want to say ?

Its not like you can keep US containers within Pakistan for a long time. You think you can pressurize US for a long time ?
The Iran- US nuclear deal has many Geo political consequences for this whole region, just wait and see how it plays out. India despite all odd continued its oil supplies from Iran going it was too not without any reason. This will have both positive and negative effects on Pakistan too depending upon how there diplomats plays out there policy now inwards although they have been found wanting on many occasions
I guess it's not good news for Pakistan.....if NATO supply takes the Iranian route, Pakistan will lose its only leverage against the drone strikes.....U.S will start bombing Pakistan more vigorously….
use doesn't have guts to do that. i think pakistan would respond if that was the case.
our sad pathetic government only attacks weak countries like iraq and libya. but they leave north korea even though that country threatened to bomb the use many times.
Ah, I knew it.
We all knew it. US was getting pissed of Pakistan's double games and idiotic foreign policy.

US will offer Iran something that Iran doesn't give gas to Pakistan.

They are going to make such an offer that they can't refuse. :big_boss:

use doesn't have guts to do that. i think pakistan would respond if that was the case.
our sad pathetic government only attacks weak countries like iraq and libya. but they leave north korea even though that country threatened to bomb the use many times.
North Korea doesn't have Oil of amount of Iraq and Libya, and is neighbor of China.

US is smart, not emotional.
lol iran will suffer the same as pakistan is suffering now, bcz iran is still a hard nut to crack, pakistan has become soft, but if that happens, iran will have serious consequences,
The source is a "Islamist Newspaper" which is published by a sect that considers Shia as "Non Muslims" and Iran as the "Worst country on the face of Earth" . no other source so far

Any such development though would be good for the region . But it may not undermine the significance of Gawadar port and Gawadar-Kasghar proposed rail road

b/w Is Chahbahar a deep water port ?

Umat is considered as unofficial representative of Jamat-e-Islami in local political matters, Jamiat and Iran enjoy healthy relations via diplomatic channels, their delegations regularly visit Iran for Iran's revolution day celebrations ...... Hikmatyaar the leader of Hisb-e-Islami a closed allied of Jamat in Afghanistan was in asylum in Iran during Taliban rule.... so my dear do not term every other as sectarian outfit .....

On topic i don't see any harm in this development ...... 'American needs secure passage' that's it nothing more .....
We all knew it. US was getting pissed of Pakistan's double games and idiotic foreign policy.

US will offer Iran something that Iran doesn't give gas to Pakistan.

They are going to make such an offer that they can't refuse. :big_boss:

North Korea doesn't have Oil of amount of Iraq and Libya, and is neighbor of China.

US is smart, not emotional.

yes US is smart... ungal ke Vietnam and @ last spending $$$ wastage run from Vietnam like barking dogs... again in Iraq.. after spending $$ thn kick of from Afghanstan.. now spends trillion of $$ in Afghanistan today stuck inside kabul bunkers lol where as 70% area control by Talibans and now again as usual runing from their... look how smart US is :cheesy:
I think its good for Pakistan as well to get away from this WOT and Americans

Agreed ....

Pakistan will get chance to play safe in Afghanistan and slow but silent game changer .... :dance3::dance3::nana::nana::pakistan:

'no this time no game would be played in Afghanistan' venue has changed.
Umat is considered as unofficial representative of Jamat-e-Islami

So you want to say That JI is not sectarian ?? They are the one who consider Hakimullah Mehsud a "Shaheed" and question the shahadat of Jawans of Pak Army , They are the representatives of TTP (Because of same ideology and SECT), The same TTP that kills Shia and bomb their Imam Bargahs , The JI centres in cities serve as "safe havens" for TTP terrorists ,............ How can you trust a report in a JI daily , sympathizing with TTP , and portraying Iran and US in negative light ??
JI had good relations with other sects under the leadership of respected scholars like Maududi , But that was before the rise of TTP, which has now encouraged the bigots of JI (Munawwar etc. )to show their real face
TTP terrorists won't have reason to fight Pakistan. As of now they accuse Pakistan of fighting American war. A win win situation for Pakistan, Iran & US.

They never had a reason to begin with. What reason justifies bombing of civilians? Terrorists don't honor reason. They make it up as they go along.
JI had good relations with other sects under the leadership of respected scholars like Maududi , But that was before the rise of TTP, which has now encouraged the bigots of JI (Munawwar etc. )to show their real face

Since when did Mulla Maududi become respected? He hated Quaid-e-Azam Jinnah and opposed the formation of Pakistan.

Here is what he said about Jinnah:

Which translates as:

1. “The establishment and birth of Pakistan is equivalent to the birth of a beast.”
2. “Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s place is not on the throne of leadership. He deserves to face trial as a traitor.”
3. “There were three actors in the partition of India. Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s performance proved to be most unsuccessful.”
4. “It is haraam to vote for the Muslim League.”
5. “Muhammad Ali Jinnah is the founder of fool’s paradise.”
6. “Pakistan is a fool’s paradise and an infidel state of Muslims.”
7. “Pakistan is filled with millions of robbers, thieves, murderers, adulterers and uncouth wrongdoers.”
8. “An election campaign is a race of hounds.”
9. “The Muslim League is an unrighteous and immoral party that has made our collective environment filthier than the lavatory.”
10. “The Mohajirs are deserters and cowards, who fought a national battle, but when the time came to pay the price, they took the path of escape.”

Hardly the words of a person worthy of respect?
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