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US requests NATO supply route from Iran.

Hardly the words of a person worthy of respect?

He is respected as a "scholar" .. His Quranic Exegesis "Tafheem ul Quran" is one of the best in original urdu .. He is author of a few excellent books on religion . That is what makes him "respected" among scholars . He was against the idea of creation of Pakistan and he had his explainations
'no this time no game would be played in Afghanistan' venue has changed.

let us all not play these games anymore and focus on our own development and prosperity....this time
let us all not play these games anymore and focus on our own development and prosperity....this time

"yah tou rondi hai yar" !!! We have been "fielding" for over a decade now and when its our turn to "Bat" , You guys want to quit the Game !!! :nono: :devil:
Good for Pakistan - Infect, Afghanistan should do all trade through Iran - We will get ride of drugs & logistic support and excuse for terrorists, not to mention huge losses in custom duties and local industry because of smuggled goods. And anyone who think it's not happening now or was not happening before lives in fools paradise.
"yah tou rondi hai yar" !!! We have been "fielding" for over a decade now and when its our turn to "Bat" , You guys want to quit the Game !!! :nono: :devil:
When you can become rich and fix the whole game then why to wait for batting or bowling or kicking ......both the countries should now focus more on development as both the countries have potential to be developed
So you want to say That JI is not sectarian ?? They are the one who consider Hakimullah Mehsud a "Shaheed" and question the shahadat of Jawans of Pak Army , They are the representatives of TTP (Because of same ideology and SECT), The same TTP that kills Shia and bomb their Imam Bargahs , The JI centres in cities serve as "safe havens" for TTP terrorists ,............ How can you trust a report in a JI daily , sympathizing with TTP , and portraying Iran and US in negative light ??

JI had good relations with other sects under the leadership of respected scholars like Maududi , But that was before the rise of TTP, which has now encouraged the bigots of JI (Munawwar etc. )to show their real face

yar you want me to comment about Munawar Hassan or sectarianism or Jamat ..... I don't no you have observed or not but I never comment about person or his personal believes ....... As far as Jamat as a political organization I have my reservation but on the basis of this I would not take the leverage to call them sectarian organization....... Non of Jamati Leader ever claimed to be a follower of any particular sect or how many Mufti or Alim of any 'particular sect' you have noted in Jamat ..... in fact Jamati have their own Madarsa sys.

In my analysis their TTP sympathizing attitude is because some political compulsions rater then sectarian as Mullah of that sect do not love to have Jamati among them.
let us all not play these games anymore and focus on our own development and prosperity....this time

this was said in larger context ...... not just India Pakistan scenario
this was said in larger context ...... not just India Pakistan scenario
even i meant for a larger context....look at iran...obviously there is a development factor too tatz why we saw iran-us deal a few days back...so tatz wat i meant...all of SA and others should stop playin these games and focus on themselves
even i meant for a larger context....look at iran...obviously there is a development factor too tatz why we saw iran-us deal a few days back...so tatz wat i meant...all of SA and others should stop playin these games and focus on themselves

to abstain or to stop this game is beyond the power of any country of this region alone ..... a complex and cruel game play it or get eliminated .....
Good news for Iran.

Pakistan is quite disturbed over the reports that Delhi was also a key but behind-the-scene player in the U.S.-Iran deal. There is a firm likelihood that Iran can provide U.S. and NATO forces a much safer and cheaper supply line than Pakistan. Such a situation will also damage Pakistan’s strategic position as the only route to connect Afghanistan and the Central Asian republics to the Arabian Sea.

Iran’s strong infrastructure, railway system and land routes could prove much better and safer routes than those of Pakistan. The Iranian port of Chahar Bagh, 72 kilometers from Gwadar, can open new and shorter trade routes between India and Iran. This situation could result in a strong India-Iran-Afghanistan troika in the region that could obviously pose a serious threat to Pakistan’s strategic interests.

It is time Pakistani leadership wakes up and changes its priorities, in view of the fast changing regional situation. Banking only on the strategic importance and allowing the slogans of closing down NATO’s supply route may not prove fruitful any more under the prevailing circumstances.

to abstain or to stop this game is beyond the power of any country of this region alone ..... a complex and cruel game play it or get eliminated .....

yeah lets play the game at the cost of lives of beautiful and innocent people of all the countries in this region...these people have got nothing to do with these games....all they want is prosperity for their family and in the end for their nation.....and if nations fail to take this responsibility then well....these nations will be always humiliated as third world nations

congratulations .....:cheers:

but what is your point ....... :coffee:

yeah lets play the game at the cost of lives of beautiful and innocent people of all the countries in this region...these people have got nothing to do with these games....all they want is prosperity for their family and in the end for their nation.....and if nations fail to take this responsibility then well....these nations will be always humiliated as third world nations

over what issue are you debating dear.....???
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