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US Report: Chinese cruise missiles could pose biggest threat to U.S. carriers



Piece of cake. Our B-2s flew from CONUS to Yugoslavia and back.


The above is going to happen to PLAAF's airbases.
How about you fly B-2 into Iran and see if your so called stealth is undetectable because one thing we do know, Iran radar can track down your LM RQ-170 Sentinel stealth UAV and land unharmed. LOL
How about you fly B-2 into Iran and see if your so called stealth is undetectable because one thing we do know, Iran radar can track down your LM RQ-170 Sentinel stealth UAV and land unharmed. LOL
No, gambit will come in and say Iran has far superior technology than China, world beating anti-stealth radar and true 5th gen fighter jet like Qaher-313. That is why they are able to take down Sentinel while China is sitting duck. :lol:

Iran is a bigger threat to US than China. :lol:
How about you fly B-2 into Iran and see if your so called stealth is undetectable because one thing we do know, Iran radar can track down your LM RQ-170 Sentinel stealth UAV and land unharmed. LOL
Back in Yugoslavia, supposedly an errant bomb from a B-2 fell on the Chinese embassy there. We said it was an accident, but many people believe that since China was helping Milosevic, they said it was a lesson to China.

So how do you know our B-2s have not crossed into Chinese airspace ? You do not.

If China detected our B-2s, China will say nothing about it, because unlike clueless Internet Chinese who believe that a Song class submarine can trail a US aircraft carrier, the Chinese generals know that what they have is vital national security secret.

If our B-2s penetrated Chinese airspace undetected, we would not say anything about it, the same way we said nothing about the SR-71 penetrated Soviet airspace, because we do not want the PLA to know what we are truly capable of doing.

Bottom line is this: You believe what clueless Internet Iranians say, I believe what my experience led.

USAF has never face S-300 Air defense in real life action. Not to mention our improved HQ-9 based on S-300 which will be more deadly. Even USAF commander admitted they are fortunate not meeting the threat of S-300 in Gulf and Kosovo War. Now we got Bull American nationalist bragging about how they can easily penetrate China air defense. :lol:
And the PLA had never faced the USAF, except when a Chinese pilot was so clumsy he flew into a lumbering four engines prop jobber...:lol:
Back in Yugoslavia, supposedly an errant bomb from a B-2 fell on the Chinese embassy there. We said it was an accident, but many people believe that since China was helping Milosevic, they said it was a lesson to China.

So how do you know our B-2s have not crossed into Chinese airspace ? You do not.

If China detected our B-2s, China will say nothing about it, because unlike clueless Internet Chinese who believe that a Song class submarine can trail a US aircraft carrier, the Chinese generals know that what they have is vital national security secret.

If our B-2s penetrated Chinese airspace undetected, we would not say anything about it, the same way we said nothing about the SR-71 penetrated Soviet airspace, because we do not want the PLA to know what we are truly capable of doing.

Bottom line is this: You believe what clueless Internet Iranians say, I believe what my experience led.

And the PLA had never faced the USAF, except when a Chinese pilot was so clumsy he flew into a lumbering four engines prop jobber...:lol:

Hey Gambit
What you mean USA is your country? Do you actually born and have birth certificate in USA? if you just have the citizen green card, you are not American born, you are immigrant shelter in second country. Lol get it, so stop call ours USAF. So embarrassed.

Please explain the missile over California and missile over Los Angeles. Does US know it from china? Or the US radar cannot detect non stealth missile from other country? China sub undetected during military drill, so meaning USA warship has no radar at all only empty ship?

China is making U.S. stealth technology obsolete - YouTube
Hey gambit did you know it recently happen, and did USA gov't tell you this?

November 22, 2013

War Fears Rise After China Missile Tests Over Oregon

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers





The Ministry of Defense (MoD) is reporting today that the Vityaz early-warning radar system deployed along the entire Russian border has confirmed the Republic of China Navy (ROCN) launching from their Type 092 Xia-class nuclear ballistic-missile submarine (SSBN) of two atomic JL-2 missiles off the Northeast American coastline near the State of Oregon on Wednesday 30 October and Wednesday 20 November.

According to this report, these two latest sub-launched nuclear ballistic tests by China off the west coast of the United States were preceded by a similar test conducted on Monday 10 November 2010 when a Chinese Navy Jin class ballistic missile nuclear submarine, deployed secretly from its underground home base on the south coast of Hainan island, launched an intercontinental ballistic missile from international waters off the southern California coast in full view of Los Angeles.

As the Pentagon and their US mainstream media sycophants covered up the 10 November 2010 China missile launch, this MoD report continues, they have likewise labeled the 30 October missile launch as a fireball-meteor and the 20 November one as ‘maybe’ another fireball-meteor or contrail.

Important to note, Russian intelligence analysts in this report say, was that China cryptically warnedthe US about its planned 30 October launch test when on Sunday 27 October the world was given a rare glimpse into China's nuclear-powered submarine fleet, with State-owned media carrying extensive coverage of the previously mysterious strategic deterrence force.

The unprecedented revealing of the underwater fleet was a demonstration of China's confidence in its sea-based nuclear strike capability and serves as a deterrent to any attempted provocation amid the changing geopolitical situation, said military observers.

Starting on Sunday 27 October, China Central Television carried serial coverage two days in a row on the submarine force of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy's Beihai fleet in its flagship news program Xinwen Lianbo.

The People's Daily, the PLA Daily and the China Youth Daily on Monday all carried front-page stories, features and commentaries on the submarine force, applauding its achievements since the launch ofChina's first nuclear-powered submarine in December 1970.

To the most chilling warning to the Obama regime from China regarding these missile tests the Washington Times News Service further reports:

“Chinese calculations for nuclear attacks on the U.S. are chillingly macabre.

“Because the Midwest states of the U.S. are sparsely populated, in order to increase the lethality, [our] nuclear attacks should mainly target the key cities on the West Coast of the United States, such as Seattle, Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego,” the Global Times said.

“The 12 JL-2 nuclear warheads carried by one single Type 094 SSBN can kill and wound 5 million to 12 million Americans,” the Global Times reported.

China also has developed land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles — notably the DF-31A, which has a range of 7,000 to 7,500 miles.

“If we launch our DF 31A ICBMs over the North Pole, we can easily destroy a whole list of metropolises on the East Coast and the New England region of the U.S., including Annapolis, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Portland, Baltimore and Norfolk, whose population accounts for about one-eighth of America’s total residents.”

All the state-run press reports stressed the point that the PLA’s missile submarines are now on routine strategic patrol, “which means that China for the first time has acquired the strategic deterrence and second strike capability against the United States.”

Though the American people themselves have been kept in near total ignorance of the coming war between them and China, the same cannot be said of the rest of the world, including Doug Saunders of The Globe and Mail, Canada's leading newspaper, who reported in its 15 July edition that the United States and China have been preparing for an all-out war and which we, in part, quote from The Nation News Service:

“Both the Pentagon and the People's Liberation Army are building up their military strategies. It appears that a global war is in the making.

Saunders wrote that the Pentagon is proceeding with war preparations without oversight from the White House or Congress. This gives the impression that the Pentagon is operating as an independent state within the state. The Pentagon is relying on the AirSea Battle strategy, in which the US Army and Air Force will stand ready to support 320,000 military personnel in a simultaneous land and air attack against China in the event of a spillover war in the South China Sea or surrounding areas.

President Obama has spoken of a pivot to Asia, followed by the US Defence Department's plan to move most of the US naval capability to the Asia Pacific to counter the rise of China. We can feel that the US military, in spite of the turmoil in Syria, Egypt and the Middle East, is re-asserting its influence in the Asia-Pacific. The US and China are now engaging in a full-scale currency war. A physical war could be the inevitable course. A rise of China threatens the US dollar as the world's reserve currency and the US supremacy.

On China's side, we can assume that the Chinese leadership has ordered a full preparation for a war with the United States. China has secretly built up its military capability, with modern weapons and sophisticated technology. China said it is ready to develop an anti-AirSea Battle strategy. China's President has urged the military to prepare for the war and to fight to win.”

To how soon open warfare between China and the US will break out this report doesn’t say. However, it does note that China’s “bombshell move”against the US Dollar this week makes its likelihood much sooner than later.

In further reporting on China’s move against the US Dollar the dissident American website InfoWars.com states:

“China just dropped an absolute bombshell, but it was almost entirely ignored by the mainstream media in the United States. The central bank of China has decided that it is “no longer in China’s favor to accumulate foreign-exchange reserves”. During the third quarter of 2013, China’s foreign-exchange reserves were valued at approximately $3.66 trillion.

For years, China has been systematically propping up the value of the U.S. dollar and keeping the value of the yuan artificially low. This has resulted in a massive flood of super cheap products from across the Pacific that U.S. consumers have been eagerly gobbling up.

And now China has apparently decided that there is not much gutting of our economy left to do and that it is time to let the dollar collapse.”

November 22, 2013 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

Link source here War Fears Rise After China Missile Tests Over Oregon
Back in Yugoslavia, supposedly an errant bomb from a B-2 fell on the Chinese embassy there. We said it was an accident, but many people believe that since China was helping Milosevic, they said it was a lesson to China.

So how do you know our B-2s have not crossed into Chinese airspace ? You do not.

If China detected our B-2s, China will say nothing about it, because unlike clueless Internet Chinese who believe that a Song class submarine can trail a US aircraft carrier, the Chinese generals know that what they have is vital national security secret.

If our B-2s penetrated Chinese airspace undetected, we would not say anything about it, the same way we said nothing about the SR-71 penetrated Soviet airspace, because we do not want the PLA to know what we are truly capable of doing.

Bottom line is this: You believe what clueless Internet Iranians say, I believe what my experience led.

And the PLA had never faced the USAF, except when a Chinese pilot was so clumsy he flew into a lumbering four engines prop jobber...:lol:
So your argument is since US's B2 accidental bomb was drop on Yugoslavia's Chinese embassy, it means we do not have radar to detect it. LOL Are you freaking joke? Did anybody see his logic? LOLOL How do you know we do not know whether it was intentional or not? LOL

Do we have our radar system install in Yugoslavia to detect B2? LOL

No, I only believe in logical fact, not on your poor made assumption and hilarious connecting the dot. It has no relevancy. Truth is, Iran did take down a stealth UAV which is harder to detect than manned stealth aircraft. Fact is fact. Another fact that people don't realize, the US never engaged F-22 in active combat. LOL
So your argument is since US's B2 accidental bomb was drop on Yugoslavia's Chinese embassy, it means we do not have radar to detect it. LOL Are you freaking joke? Did anybody see his logic? LOLOL How do you know we do not know whether it was intentional or not? LOL

Do we have our radar system install in Yugoslavia to detect B2? LOL

No, I only believe in logical fact, not on your poor made assumption and hilarious connecting the dot. It has no relevancy. Truth is, Iran did take down a stealth UAV which is harder to detect than manned stealth aircraft. Fact is fact. Another fact that people don't realize, the US never engaged F-22 in active combat. LOL

The guy is a joke as he is loyal to the country that killed millions of his people.

He is more entertainment value than anything else.
So your argument is since US's B2 accidental bomb was drop on Yugoslavia's Chinese embassy, it means we do not have radar to detect it. LOL Are you freaking joke? Did anybody see his logic? LOLOL How do you know we do not know whether it was intentional or not? LOL

Do we have our radar system install in Yugoslavia to detect B2? LOL

No, I only believe in logical fact, not on your poor made assumption and hilarious connecting the dot. It has no relevancy. Truth is, Iran did take down a stealth UAV which is harder to detect than manned stealth aircraft. Fact is fact. Another fact that people don't realize, the US never engaged F-22 in active combat. LOL
Do you even have any level of critical thinking skills at all ?

The argument from many fools here is that since one F-117 was shot down in Yugoslavia, 'stealth' is defeated. That was my point in bringing up the B-2 in Yugoslavia.

In order to detect a low radar observable body, especially functional ones like the F-117, F-22, F-35, and the B-2, you should have at least a working body that is comparable to those functional ones. Should have, not must have. But if you do not have, then whatever claims you made are nothing more than speculations about your capabilities.

I swear to the Heavens...Maintaining my bike give more intellectual challenges than debating the Chinese members here...:lol:

The guy is a joke as he is loyal to the country that killed millions of his people.

He is more entertainment value than anything else.
Then am in good company as there are plenty of German-Americans, Japanese-Americans, Chinese-Americans, and Korean-Americans in the US.

But I guess like the Chinese members here, the idea of a non-white American must be painful to you. Proof that the US is the better country than whatever hellhole you came from.
Do you even have any level of critical thinking skills at all ?

The argument from many fools here is that since one F-117 was shot down in Yugoslavia, 'stealth' is defeated. That was my point in bringing up the B-2 in Yugoslavia.

In order to detect a low radar observable body, especially functional ones like the F-117, F-22, F-35, and the B-2, you should have at least a working body that is comparable to those functional ones. Should have, not must have. But if you do not have, then whatever claims you made are nothing more than speculations about your capabilities.

I swear to the Heavens...Maintaining my bike give more intellectual challenges than debating the Chinese members here...:lol:
You just got busted and this is all you can make a come back with? Weak is the word that pop up in everyone mind, my friend. LOLOL

Again, I only like to talk fact. Not assumption. It is not my style to engage in assumption basis argument. LOL
Do you even have any level of critical thinking skills at all ?

The argument from many fools here is that since one F-117 was shot down in Yugoslavia, 'stealth' is defeated. That was my point in bringing up the B-2 in Yugoslavia.

In order to detect a low radar observable body, especially functional ones like the F-117, F-22, F-35, and the B-2, you should have at least a working body that is comparable to those functional ones. Should have, not must have. But if you do not have, then whatever claims you made are nothing more than speculations about your capabilities.

I swear to the Heavens...Maintaining my bike give more intellectual challenges than debating the Chinese members here...:lol:

Then am in good company as there are plenty of German-Americans, Japanese-Americans, Chinese-Americans, and Korean-Americans in the US.

But I guess like the Chinese members here, the idea of a non-white American must be painful to you. Proof that the US is the better country than whatever hellhole you came from.
I enjoy your post immensely. Thank You.

Tell me something, can new generation aircraft like the F22 be picked up by IRST equipped aircrafts?

Thank You!!
You just got busted and this is all you can make a come back with? Weak is the word that pop up in everyone mind, my friend. LOLOL

Again, I only like to talk fact. Not assumption. It is not my style to engage in assumption basis argument. LOL
Then what 'fact' do you have that says China can detect the B-2 ? Remember, the Serbs 'defeated stealth'. :lol:
Then what 'fact' do you have that says China can detect the B-2 ? Remember, the Serbs 'defeated stealth'. :lol:
That question you need to ask yourself. Do you believe the story that F-35 radar and performance capability is compromised by our hacking group? If it is true, then it is seriously questioning the B-2 stealth invincibility. Just fact and logic only, my friend. Remember fact only.
That question you need to ask yourself. Do you believe the story that F-35 radar and performance capability is compromised by our hacking group? If it is true, then it is seriously questioning the B-2 stealth invincibility. Just fact and logic only, my friend. Remember fact only.
Right...So you have no fact at all.

So here are the facts we have so far...

- The US is only country that fields PROVEN low radar observable, aka 'stealth', aircrafts.

- China and Russia are at least one, but more like two, generation behind.

But hey...What are facts when you have 'Chinese physics'....:lol:
Right...So you have no fact at all.

So here are the facts we have so far...

- The US is only country that fields PROVEN low radar observable, aka 'stealth', aircrafts.

- China and Russia are at least one, but more like two, generation behind.

But hey...What are facts when you have 'Chinese physics'....:lol:
What is your estimation that we will field a 5th gen aircraft. Give us a number, a year, so to speak so you don't backtrack like you always do with your nonsense. LOL
I enjoy your post immensely. Thank You.

Tell me something, can new generation aircraft like the F22 be picked up by IRST equipped aircrafts?

Thank You!!
I don't think that IRST is half as reliable as an AESA Radar.
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