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Had the actual paper newspaper in hand. Read it twice and there was nothing that says either Clump or his organization DIRECTLY involved in some ways in the exhumations of those graves.

"Clump" haha. He's always had that uncanny ability to have someone else be the fall guy and never have it be him, no matter how solid the evidence is. Example is the Hollywood tapes with his voice saying what he said about grabbing women by their privates and yet he has millions of women who support him and who couldn't care less about that. Having that influential ability is frightening!

So if by accident or on purpose he surrounds himself with those who will take the fall and not him as well as have that influence to manipulate millions of people to blindly follow him, even to the capital and destroy their lives is scary beyond belief.

My friend of close to 35 years whom I thought I knew pretty well just had a huge argument with me the other day because he actually believes the elections were rigged! I was astonished since I've known him for a long time and he's a very bright individual and to see and hear him think that was mind boggling and scared the hell out of me. I never would've thought that he would think such a crazy thing like that.
President Joe Biden and his wife Jill went for a bike ride at a Delaware state park to celebrate the First Lady's 70th birthday.

Today is August 13. Some Trump MAGA idiot supporters believe that he will be reinstated today--- while others believe that he can’t be reinstated because he has been president this whole time. :lol:


Was Donald Trump Reinstated as President Today?

It’s August 13, and you know what that means: Mike Lindell and his legion of MAGA die-hards are waiting for the former president to take back the White House. There’s still time!

Friday was supposed to be a big day. “The morning of August 13 it’ll be the talk of the world,” Mike Lindell, the MyPillow impresario and purveyor of discredited conspiracy theories about a stolen presidential election, warned during a recent appearance on a conservative podcast. Lindell, who is being sued for billions in damages by Dominion, a maker of voting machines that the right-wing bedding entrepreneur has called fraudulent, promised a day of reckoning, when the “Communists” would be kicked out of power and Donald Trump would rightly reassume his place in the Oval Office. Trump, himself no stranger to barely intelligible theories of political change, was reportedly a believer, telling underlings that he would somehow be reinstated as president in August.

The day isn’t over yet, of course, but none of this has yet come to pass, and I feel fairly confident that it won’t. Instead, Lindell is once again left looking like a fool—that is, except in the eyes of MAGA die-hards, Q followers, credulous right-wing news hosts, and other fellow travelers who, ensconced in filter bubbles, have managed to finger-paint their own reality in which a series of ever-shifting prophecies will one day, somehow, lead to Trump’s restoration and the deaths of their enemies.

(This isn’t that unusual: The date the world is supposed to end has changed a lot over the years.) Despite the obvious absurdity of these beliefs, and despite content crackdowns on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, Q-style paranoid fantasies persist. It’s difficult to call the movement monolithic, given its fractured and proliferating narratives, but it’s clear that no amount of fact-checking or adversarial media coverage can break these people out of their epistemic prisons. This movement, this paradigm of wild and even violent political prophecy, is here to stay. Trump may be its worshipped figurehead, but for now, Lindell is its lead missionary—a born-again, bumbling millionaire salesman, his success as unlikely, and as indelibly American, as his confused political rantings. There seems little doubt that Lindell will continue to spread this deranged gospel for as long as he can—until, perhaps, Dominion’s lawyers seize his phone from his hands.
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WATCH LIVE: Biden speaks about Afghanistan collapse

Biden: "It is wrong to order American troops to step up when Afghanistan’s own armed forces would not."
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WATCH LIVE: Biden speaks about Afghanistan collapse

Biden: "It is wrong to order American troops to step up when Afghanistan’s own armed forces would not."

Biden is right here. The ANA didn’t even resist for a single moment.They had twenty years to create institutions like a government or an army. They failed on both accounts.

No point helping someone who can’t help themselves.
I feel sorry for Joe Biden. Am not saying that casually. Two weekends ago, I talked to a neighbor. She is a retired nurse and for the last two yrs of her career, she chose elder care, and said she is a Democrat. She said Biden have all the small signs of someone in early mental decline even before he chose to run for president.
I feel sorry for Joe Biden. Am not saying that casually. Two weekends ago, I talked to a neighbor. She is a retired nurse and for the last two yrs of her career, she chose elder care, and said she is a Democrat. She said Biden have all the small signs of someone in early mental decline even before he chose to run for president.

I told @RabzonKhan this about 10 pages ago but I used the old line that most Trump supporters use and that is the lack of cognitive ability which is clearly declining with age and probably speeding up with something else he might have such as the onset of dementia or something along those lines. My friend did not appreciate it because he only thought I was touting the same line as the Dump supporters, but as an individual who supports Joe and Kamala's ticket, I used that terminology because it actually fits perfectly. This is NOT the Joe Biden from even the early Obama presidency years and certainly not that of earlier times that that and now he's president?!?!? Even Reagan at a much riper age was much more on top of it than what we're seeing from Biden. This is a major problem, my friend.

What is your opinion, Rabzonkhan?

At the time, we didn't care because the system is set up for the next in line to take control should anything happen to him God forbid and that would be the good looking Kamala Harris which I wouldn't have a problem with at all. I think she would sent 20,000 troops into Afghanistan after the drones target the ever living daylights out of this newly formed ISIS-K? What is K, Kabul? lol. But they need to be eradicated immediately and yes, I'm with you, Gambit. He might not make his full term and we didn't care about his problem even though we knew about it back then because we just wanted the orange baboon out of there at ANY COST and it worked. Now he screwed up the evacuation BIG TIME and has been labeled Saigon John by many here as well as many around the world and deserves it for what has happened. So Kamala needs to take over the reigns as soon as possible and Joe needs to sit and watch because he's getting worst and worst and I do feel bad for him. 3+ more years of this will destroy him and I pray God helps him get out of the mess he's in, politically but especially physically.
I feel sorry for Joe Biden. Am not saying that casually. Two weekends ago, I talked to a neighbor. She is a retired nurse and for the last two yrs of her career, she chose elder care, and said she is a Democrat. She said Biden have all the small signs of someone in early mental decline even before he chose to run for president.

It's going to be an interesting mid-term election. It's going to be an interesting 2024 election as well.
I told @RabzonKhan this about 10 pages ago but I used the old line that most Trump supporters use and that is the lack of cognitive ability which is clearly declining with age and probably speeding up with something else he might have such as the onset of dementia or something along those lines. My friend did not appreciate it because he only thought I was touting the same line as the Dump supporters, but as an individual who supports Joe and Kamala's ticket, I used that terminology because it actually fits perfectly. This is NOT the Joe Biden from even the early Obama presidency years and certainly not that of earlier times that that and now he's president?!?!? Even Reagan at a much riper age was much more on top of it than what we're seeing from Biden. This is a major problem, my friend.
I said Biden 'chose' to run for president, but I misspoke.

I said on this forum before that Biden wanted out of participatory politics. He wanted the easy, and financially profitable, life of being the 'elder statesman' of US politics on the news and speaking circuit, like the Clintons and the Obamas. Biden wanted to advocate policies without living their out consequences. But the Democraps have no one else palatable enough to run against Frump so it is the Democraps who actually chose Biden to run for president. In my opinion, Biden was not mentally strong enough to refuse. He probably was sentient enough to know what he wanted, which was out, but also was too weak willed due to mental decline, to say no. And now, the US is suffering the consequences.
I said Biden 'chose' to run for president, but I misspoke.

I said on this forum before that Biden wanted out of participatory politics. He wanted the easy, and financially profitable, life of being the 'elder statesman' of US politics on the news and speaking circuit, like the Clintons and the Obamas. Biden wanted to advocate policies without living their out consequences. But the Democraps have no one else palatable enough to run against Frump so it is the Democraps who actually chose Biden to run for president. In my opinion, Biden was not mentally strong enough to refuse. He probably was sentient enough to know what he wanted, which was out, but also was too weak willed due to mental decline, to say no. And now, the US is suffering the consequences.

Interesting, I wonder if though he would win the primary. In the beginning, Biden looked like he had no chance. Elizabeth Warren was leading for a while but scared a lot of people away with her socialist ideas. Nobody wanted Bernie Sanders either. Biden became the safe choice. Remember the whole campaign was about getting rid of Trump, not about ideas or policies.

Now the Democrats are in a pickle about what to do.

I would like to say some things about the US withdrawal from Afghanistan:

  1. The US withdrawal from Afghanistan was the right thing to do. Whatever you may think of Trump, it was the best decision he ever made as POTUS, in my honest opinion. He knew that war was unwinnable, that the Afghan government was useless, and the ANA even more so.
  2. Credit to Biden for sticking to the withdrawal. Yes, he handled the evacuation rather poorly, and this is on him.
  3. Will the fall of Afghanistan impact the Democrats in the mid-term elections. A little. I think other issues like CRT and Democrats' leftist policies could lead the Republicans to control one of the two houses. This is just my theory.
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