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BTW, I'm sure you know the delusional 28% of Republican air heads out there (and that is a HUUUGGEAH number of people by the way), and I mean with all their toxic belief and inner woohoo self, that the orange gaboon will be re-instated in August!!! LMAO!!! This is really incredible and actually, Rabzon, VERY SCARY stuff. I'll tell you why.

Early this morning (and I'm sure @Hamartia Antidote has already heard about this as it's big news around here and even on CNN, MSNBS. ABC, CBS etc.) that at 1:30 am this morning, just about 10 miles north of Boston on good ol' I-95, a pair of cars were pulled over the side of the road and one was swapping gas to the other that had run out and a state trooper pulled over behind them to find out if they were ok etc. He ends up doing the old cop routine, checking licenses etc. and in the process finds out that between all the people there, there were guns which we still don't know just yet what types and how massive the amo stock was etc, but as he called in reinforcement and was cuffing a few, others ran into the woods and there was a standoff for several hours. They ended up shutting the highway down, brought in SWATT teams and negotiators etc. until all the culprits gave up without any incident around 10 this morning.

Long story short is that this is a really bizarre event and I'm wondering if there is a connection to what I'm about to say. In Boston, we have one of the biggest 4th of July celebrations in the country as you can imagine with this city being a major part of the country's historical independence and so on.

So we don't know what the heck these 11 people who actually belong to a sovereign group (I forget their name) that is anti government in ways like they don't believe in certain laws and that Americans are more free than what the government imposes on them as so on and so forth, or if they are part of this gaboon conspiracy delusional support system and have plans for violence because of their absolutely ridiculous belief that Orange didn't lose the election? Maybe they have nothing to do with that and are their own thing, but when you listen to those freaks that support that clown, you can't help but think there is a possibility because of what I'm about to mention.

What scares me a bit is this video of the Young Turks and what they're talking about, which goes back to the delusional nitwits supporting the orange gaboon but not only that, the fact that they think he will be reinstated by mid-August OR ELSE, there will be a rise in the militia and a civil war! Mind you, 28 percent of Gaboon supporters is not a small number of people and we know how crazily delusional they are to believe in something that doesn't exist in our US democracy where a legitimately elected president can just be replaced looool. It's funny, but at the same time very frightening as we don't know the extent of what will happen after January 6th. If they had the balls to do what they did on that day to the CAPITAL of the United States of America, what will they do when their baboon is not even mentioned in August?! And what were these 11 members of this Sovereign society doing today carrying guns and headed to Boston on the weekend of the 4th of July? Are they connected to this movement that thinks they're going to make changes in the US political system by inciting violence and even taking it a full step further?

Check out this video and tell me you don't think these people are crazy!? And is Senk right about something big coming? That these freaks will take up arms because they are delusionally convinced that the left is not only ruining this country and their freedoms, but that the gaboon actually WON?!?!?

Let me know what you think.

MAGA Warns A "Civil War Is Coming" - YouTube

BTW, that Jeff Tiedrich tweets some great lines.

He's not going to be reinstated and he'll be lucky to still be alive in 2024.

The guys were from out of state probably heading to some kooky prepper meeting in Maine.

Glad the cops called the SWAT. Too bad when they ran into the woods onto somebody's property to escape they didn't get mowed down by another kooky prepper thinking he was being invaded, Would have been the ultimate irony and an excellent Darwin Award story.
He's not going to be reinstated and he'll be lucky to still be alive in 2024.

It's frightening the way this guy believes in his own lies and worst, the way he rallies his supporters in duping them into thinking and doing what he wants! I'm telling you, we haven't seen the worst out of this guy just yet. It's worrisome, bro.

The guys were from out of state probably heading to some kooky prepper meeting in Maine.

Were they going north or south? I thought they were coming into the city. I really hope they were just some fringe group and not related to the real quacks with guns and political agendas!

Glad the cops called the SWAT. Too bad when they ran into the woods onto somebody's property to escape they didn't get mowed down by another kooky prepper thinking he was being invaded, Would have been the ultimate irony and an excellent Darwin Award story.

I'll tell you what, even though I'm not a huge fan of Mass State police, they did a great job here as they deescalated the situation and took all 11 into custody without a single shot being fired. Granted they got a lot of help from Wakefield police and even a few truck haulers got on the highway to block the lanes. But that standoff was 9 hours long.

EDIT: I just saw the clip on CNN of them holding their half Moroccan flag? and some other group in that flag and they're black folks! They were also all dressed in military attire and claimed they weren't antigovernmental! This is crazy lol.
There is no Mechanism for him to be reinstated. Most rational people of course know this.

It’s all about the grift, he just wants to give his cult followers some hope so they keep filling his Coffer

August will come and go, and nothing will happen. Then the my pillow guy will just move the goalposts and name another date For him to be magically reinstated.
EDIT: I just saw the clip on CNN of them holding their half Moroccan flag? and some other group in that flag and they're black folks! They were also all dressed in military attire and claimed they weren't antigovernmental! This is crazy lol.

Mason said the men were wearing camouflage jackets, bulletproof vests and body cameras. They carried long rifles, pistols or a combination, he said. Members of the group told police they were traveling from Rhode Island to Maine for “training.”

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Mason said the men were wearing camouflage jackets, bulletproof vests and body cameras. They carried long rifles, pistols or a combination, he said. Members of the group told police they were traveling from Rhode Island to Maine for “training.”

My first reaction was "what the F is this country coming to." But then I thought that it's actually always had groups like this and there has always been dissention among certain groups of the public despite new groups like BLM and Antifa or whatever they are and QAnon etc. etc., it's just they were never exposed to the world in real time because of the day and age we live in and the information super highway we currently possess. We're much more knowledgeable about everything out there in real time and that's the difference and not necessarily that things are changing. Although I do think that there is a certain percentage of that as well.

I thought they were coming into the city. But good thing they got caught and were going north.
There is no Mechanism for him to be reinstated. Most rational people of course know this.

It’s all about the grift, he just wants to give his cult followers some hope so they keep filling his Coffer

August will come and go, and nothing will happen. Then the my pillow guy will just move the goalposts and name another date For him to be magically reinstated.

Of course there's no mechanism. But that's what's scary, is that these people truly believe that there is, or at least should be! And if not, they're threatening violence. Violence that we have seen the gaboon have no problem instigating and then backtracking for his own good. These people will die for him and I find that the most bizarre form of loyalty ever. Usually dishonest and corrupted lying billionaire gaboons like this donkey are NOT liked! But the race he represents along with certain ideologies appeals to this rather large group. 28% of Republican supporters believe in this August reinstatement, my friend. If they don't get it, they might do something crazier than the January 6th capital insurrection.

Did you hear what that clown said in the first 5 minutes of that video? That doesn't make you think something is terribly wrong, here?
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My first reaction was "what the F is this country coming to." But then I thought that it's actually always had groups like this and there has always been dissention among certain groups of the public despite new groups like BLM and Antifa or whatever they are and QAnon etc. etc., it's just they were never exposed to the world in real time because of the day and age we live in and the information super highway we currently possess. We're much more knowledgeable about everything out there in real time and that's the difference and not necessarily that things are changing. Although I do think that there is a certain percentage of that as well.

I thought they were coming into the city. But good thing they got caught and were going north.

Of course there's no mechanism. But that's what's scary, is that these people truly believe that there is, or at least should be! And if not, they're threatening violence. Violence that we have seen the gaboon have no problem instigating and then backtracking for his own good. These people will die for him and I find that the most bizarre form of loyalty ever. Usually dishonest and corrupted lying billionaire gaboons like this donkey are NOT liked! But the race he represents along with certain ideologies appeals to this rather large group. 28% of Republican supporters believe in this August reinstatement, my friend. If they don't get it, they might do something crazier than the January 6th capital insurrection.

Did you hear what that clown said in the first 5 minutes of that video? That doesn't make you think something is terribly wrong, here?

Hmm...a bunch of armed black men going to Maine...like the Whitest state in the US with a high prepper count..that's an interesting place to go.

I have a prepper friend up there somewhere. He keeps bouncing between VT,NH, and Maine.

I'd tell my friends that I keep declining invitations to go up there because I don't feel like him challenging me to a "most dangerous game" on his probably house of horrors property.

Yeah, that's Doug
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Hmm...a bunch of armed black men going to Maine...like the Whitest state in the US with a high prepper count..that's an interesting place to go.

Apparently they're part of a group called the ‘Rise Of The Moors’ . There's some affiliation or connection with Morocco, I think, which makes it even more bizarro. One of the dudes held up an all-red flag with a small yellow star in the middle and there was mention of the wester African country somewhere. Strange world we live in, my friend.

Hey BTW, the Blue Angels are performing at Boston Harbor on the 10th of July just FYI if you're interested. Been a while since they've come up this way.
Apparently they're part of a group called the ‘Rise Of The Moors’ . There's some affiliation or connection with Morocco, I think, which makes it even more bizarro. One of the dudes held up an all-red flag with a small yellow star in the middle and there was mention of the wester African country somewhere. Strange world we live in, my friend.

Hey BTW, the Blue Angels are performing at Boston Harbor on the 10th of July just FYI if you're interested. Been a while since they've come up this way.

4th July Fireworks above Boston Common this year...not sure why.

My father had an office on Atlantic Ave back in the days when the fireworks were over the harbor. It even had an outside balcony.

I had a nice harbor view office on State Street but no fireworks to watch as the buildings between the Charles blocked the view.
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Biden rips Trump's 'big lie' in voting rights address

President Biden on Tuesday decried inflammatory and false claims from former President Trump and his allies about the 2020 election and broader efforts to restrict access to the ballot in a major speech on voting rights.
Biden blasted efforts from Trump and others to sow doubt about the election months after it concluded, which have spurred action from GOP-led state legislatures to push new elections laws that would limit absentee voting and make it more difficult for certain groups to vote.

“It's clear, for those who challenge the results or question the integrity of the election, no other election has ever been held under such scrutiny or such high standards. The Big Lie is just that, a Big Lie,” Biden said at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia.

Biden pointed to the dozens of court challenges thrown out by federal judges, including some appointed by Trump. He noted Wisconsin, Arizona and Georgia confirmed his victories in each state through audits and recounts.
Just hours before Biden spoke, Trump issued a statement calling for Pennsylvania to conduct an audit of the 2020 results, in which Biden won the state by roughly 80,000 votes.

"In America, if you lose, you accept the results,” Biden said in a clear shot at Trump. “You follow the Constitution, you try again. You don't call facts 'fake' and then try to bring down the American experiment just because you're unhappy. That's not statesmanship, that's selfishness."

The president sought to warn of the perilous consequences of Trump’s rhetoric in a long-awaited speech on voting rights. He delivered remarks as Texas lawmakers fled the state to block passage of a new elections law and as federal voting legislation has hit a brick wall in Congress.

Texas is one of several states that have introduced restrictive new voting laws following the 2020 election. Georgia, Florida, Arizona and other GOP-led states have pushed for changes to their elections laws.

“The 21st Century Jim Crow assault is real, it’s unrelenting, and we’re going to challenge it vigorously. While this broad assault against voting rights is not unprecedented, it is taking on new and pernicious forms,” Biden said.

Biden described the ongoing attacks on election integrity from Trump and others, paired with state-level laws tightening ballot access, as an existential threat to democracy.

“We’re facing the most significant test of our democracy since the Civil War,” Biden said. “I’m not saying this to alarm you, I’m saying this because you should be alarmed.”

In his remarks, Biden did not announce a new position on the Senate filibuster, which many progressives have said should be scrapped or altered in order to pass voting rights legislation like the For the People Act, a sweeping Democratic bill that would overhaul federal election laws.

Instead, Biden sought to project a sense of urgency around the need for voting rights protections. He raised his voice as he spoke of the legacy of the late Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), the civil rights icon whose name is attached to a voting rights bill stalled in Congress.

“Last month, Republicans opposed even debating, even considering the For The People Act. Senate Democrats stood united to protect our democracy and the sanctity of the vote. We must pass the For The People Act, it’s a national imperative,” Biden said.

Republicans vehemently oppose the For the People Act, calling it a blatant power grab by Democrats. The wide-reaching bill would mandate a federal threshold for certain voting rights, such as universal by-mail voting, early voting and same-day voter registration. It also addresses gerrymandering and campaign finance reform.

Biden on Tuesday urged Republicans to support voting rights legislation. Read more
Throughout the 2020 presidential election, Trump repeatedly claimed the stock market would crash if Biden won. :lol:

Stock market from November 6, 2021 (Biden declared winner by AP) to July 27, 2021.

S&P 500:

3509.44 (Nov 6)

4401.46 (July 27)

Dow Jones:






Trump takes two punches from GOP

It's been a tough week for former President Trump.

Trump's preferred candidate in a special House election in Texas lost on Tuesday to another Republican who was likely boosted by some protest votes against the former president. And on Wednesday, 17 Senate Republicans voted to advance a bipartisan infrastructure deal that Trump spent weeks railing against.

While Trump remains a towering figure in the GOP, the back-to-back blows have led some to question whether his influence may have started to wane since he left office.

“Trump has not had a big win in quite a while,” Alex Conant, a Republican strategist, said. “I think without wins, his political capital is depleted.”

“Donald Trump does not have a post-presidential strategy,” he added. “He is overexposed at the same time that he’s not getting enough attention. He’s giving lots of speeches and traveling the country, but other than his narrow base no one’s really paying attention and I think that limits his influence.”

Trump received a blow to his endorsing power this week when Susan Wright, his candidate of choice in a runoff election for Texas’s 6th Congressional District, lost to fellow Republican Jake Ellzey.

One former Trump adviser dismissed the idea that Wright’s loss on Tuesday and the Senate’s infrastructure vote had dealt a blow to the former president’s influence over the GOP, blaming the upsets on Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and the conservative Club for Growth, which had encouraged Trump to endorse Wright.

“It’s absurd to think that you can take anything away from the Texas race or the Senate vote,” the adviser said. “There are a million issues at play here and it’s got nothing to do with President Trump.”

Trump himself disputed Wright’s defeat will damage his reputation in primaries, arguing the GOP won the race regardless.

One former Trump White House official similarly downplayed the long-term significance of Wright’s defeat, but acknowledged Trump must be careful in rushing to endorse candidates. The official said some allies have pushed the former president to endorse early in competitive contests like the Ohio Senate race but that doing so could backfire.

Some Republicans are already worried that could be the case in Georgia, where Trump has thrown his weight behind former NFL player Herschel Walker.

Others have expressed similar concerns in North Carolina, where Trump has endorsed Rep. Ted Budd in a hotly contested GOP Senate primary. Budd is up against two high-profile challengers, including former Gov. Pat McCrory, who has a better fundraising record than Budd — and a track record of winning statewide.

Trump’s grip over House Republicans remains solid, those close to the former president say. House GOP members regularly travel to meet Trump at his properties in Florida and New Jersey, and the caucus has largely purged itself of Trump critics.

But the same cannot be said about the Senate, where Republicans appear more willing to move on from the former president.

A Wednesday vote by the Senate to advance a sweeping infrastructure package only served to deepen questions about Trump’s influence. The former president had lobbied against the deal for weeks, issuing half-a-dozen statements urging Republicans to abandon negotiations with Democrats.

It wasn’t just Trump’s Republican detractors who broke with him on the infrastructure deal. Among the 17 Republicans who voted to take up debate on the proposal were some of his most ardent allies, including Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.). Several GOP incumbents facing reelection next year also voted to advance the proposal.

The Wednesday infrastructure vote was also seen as a major win for President Biden, bringing him one step closer to fulfilling a crucial piece of his agenda. That in itself is a knock against Trump, who has openly teased he may run for president in 2024.

Cramer told reporters on Thursday that Trump’s frustration may stem from his inability to get a similar agreement during his four years in office. Asked what effect Trump’s efforts to derail the deal seems to have had, Cramer indicated it didn’t move the needle much.

“I think it’s on the minds of some people, particularly people in cycle thinking about primaries, I suppose,” said Cramer, who is up for reelection in 2024. “But this is one where I think people know intuitively and by research that the American public, including the majority of Republicans, really do support a reasonable, robust infrastructure package.”

Conant, the Republican strategist, noted that Trump’s opposition to the infrastructure deal may carry more water in the House, where loyalty to the former president runs deeper among GOP members.

“Trump spends so much time attacking Senate Republicans, we shouldn’t be surprised when they ignore him on big votes. Why would Mitch McConnell, who Trump belittles on a weekly basis, care what Trump says about anything?” Conant said. “The House is slightly different. A lot more of those members are a lot more loyal to Trump, but they’re also the minority, so they have less influence.”

Trump lashed out at Senate Republicans on Thursday morning, blaming McConnell and so-called RINOs — Republicans in name only — for capitulating to Democrats and costing the GOP closely watched elections in Arizona and Georgia.

He also urged Republicans to back away from the bipartisan infrastructure package, saying that “no deal is better than a bad deal.”

“Fight for America, not for special interests and Radical Democrats,” Trump said in a statement. “RINOs are ruining America, right alongside Communist Democrats.”

Trump had endorsed a $2 trillion infrastructure bill with Democratic leaders in 2019, then revived the idea in 2020. But he called off talks the first time around, and no such bill ever materialized last year amid the pandemic.

“Infrastructure week” became a recurring punch line during the Trump presidency as lawmakers and administration officials frequently discussed hopes for a deal, only to see it fall through or overshadowed by the latest controversy.

Since leaving office in January, Trump has been fixated on maintaining his hold on the GOP. His ability to do so will prove important not only for his legacy, but also for his political future. He has repeatedly floated a potential 2024 presidential campaign and maintaining the loyalty of Republicans will play a critical role in securing the party’s nomination yet again. Read more
Breaking news from the New York Times, which has uncovered never-before-seen documents linking Donald Trump to a conspiracy with Republican lawmakers to pressure the Department of Justice to “declare the election results corrupt.”

Breaking news from the New York Times, which has uncovered never-before-seen documents linking Donald Trump to a conspiracy with Republican lawmakers to pressure the Department of Justice to “declare the election results corrupt.”
I would be careful in taking this seriously.

Last yr, WaPo had a full page spread on how the Trump Organization 'MAY' have been involved in an Indonesian hotel partnership where graves were exhumed/moved to make room for the hotel. Everybody got worked up. Graves exhumed? Bump is ended.

I read the WaPo article twice. Am old fashioned. Had the actual paper newspaper in hand. Read it twice and there was nothing that says either Clump or his organization DIRECTLY involved in some ways in the exhumations of those graves. All that the Trump Organization had was a branding partnership. But WaPo did a full page spread. The insinuation was there but the evidence? Real actual evidence that would stand in the court of law? None.

I do not like Chump, but I always try to be fair when it comes to charges of any kind, even outside the court of law. It was that WaPo article that finally convinced me that the American media is truly 'out' for Bump. Irrationally. When you have something as morally offensive as grave desecration, in a Muslim dominated country, and for financial gains, get your facts straight. The Trump Organization was not exactly 'exonerated'. The accusers simply let the issue fizzle out. The moral smear was what they wanted.

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