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Biden Signs Juneteenth Bill, Saying ‘All Americans Can Feel the Power of This Day’
Last Updated
June 19, 2021,

President Biden on Thursday signed legislation to make Juneteenth a federal holiday, the day after the House voted overwhelmingly to enshrine June 19 as the national day to commemorate the end of slavery in the United States.

The Senate rushed the measure through with no debate earlier this week after clearing away a longstanding Republican objection, and the House approved it on Wednesday by a vote of 415 to 14, with 14 Republicans opposed. Mr. Biden said signing the law was one of the greatest honors he will have as president.
Ms. Harris also signed the legislation in her capacity as President of the Senate, an administration official said.

“Throughout history, Juneteenth has been known by many names: Jubilee Day, Freedom Day, Liberation Day, Emancipation Day and, today, a national holiday,” Ms. Harris said at a White House ceremonial bill signing. National holidays, Ms. Harris said, “are days when we as a nation have decided to stop and take stock, and often to acknowledge our history.”

Mr. Biden called it “a day of, in my view, profound weight and profound power,” noting it was the first new national holiday established since Martin Luther King Day in 1983. By making it a federal holiday, Mr. Biden said, “all Americans can feel the power of this day, and learn from our history, and celebrate progress and grapple with the distance we’ve come but the distance we have to travel.”

The law goes into effect immediately, making Friday the first federal Juneteenth holiday in American history. The federal Office of Personnel Management announced on Thursday that most federal employees would observe it on Friday, since June 19 falls on a Saturday this year.

Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery. Its name stems from June 19, 1865, when Maj. Gen. Gordon Granger in Galveston, Texas, issued General Order No. 3, which announced that in accordance with the Emancipation Proclamation, “all slaves are free.” Months later, the 13th Amendment was ratified, abolishing slavery in the final three border states that had not been subjected to President Abraham Lincoln’s order.

Mr. Biden singled out Opal Lee, an activist who at the age of 89 walked from her home in Fort Worth to Washington, in an effort to get Juneteenth named a national holiday. The president called her “a grandmother of the movement to make Juneteenth a federal holiday.”

He also framed the holiday as part of his administration’s efforts to address racial equity throughout the federal government.

“The promise of equality is not going to be fulfilled until we become real, it becomes real in our schools and on our main streets and in our neighborhoods,” he said. He pressed Americans to celebrate the new holiday as a day “of action on many fronts.”
Let's talk about the reaction to Juneteenth....

Watch Candace Owens, Charlie Kirk, & Tucker Carlson FREAK OUT Over Juneteenth Federal Holiday!

Former Vice President Mike Pence is brutally booed and heckled as a "traitor" in front of a conservative crowd at a Faith and Freedom Coalition event by Trumpists.

Former Vice President Mike Pence is brutally booed and heckled as a "traitor" in front of a conservative crowd at a Faith and Freedom Coalition event by Trumpists.

lol, Julianni just got his Lawyer's license suspended by the City of New York Bar association or something like that because of his involvement with the orange gaboon and especially for peddling the falsehoods of a fraudulent election. Lawyers are held to a much higher standard as far as their conduct and he just lost his mind once the gaboon took him as a legal adviser. Some of the crap he was spouting on TV and the Trump Network ooops, I mean FOX lol was like listening to an old man with early or mid-stage dementia and Alzheimer's and some other unknown disease. He was going off the hook. That whole election thing was just way over the top and scary how many delusional people in high positions are convinced of such lies.
Some of the crap he was spouting on TV and the Trump Network ooops, I mean FOX lol was like listening to an old man with early or mid-stage dementia and Alzheimer's and some other unknown disease.
Along with Eyeballs Popping-- Boot Polish Dripping pictures. :lol:




And you know, another BS Michigan’s Republican election investigation uncovered no evidence of fraud.

According to the report: "Our clear finding is that citizens should be confident the results represent the true results of the ballots cast by the people of Michigan." The report, which was released Wednesday, concludes there is no proof of dead voters or “fractional voting,” no evidence of a fraudulent “ballot dump” in Detroit and no proof any Michigan precincts had more than 100 percent voter turnout. Source

Former attorney general describes break with Trump on election fraud
"It was all bulls---," William Barr told The Atlantic.

William Barr said he believed it was his obligation to publicly state that there was no evidence of voter fraud in 2020 no matter how angry it made then-President Donald Trump, the former attorney general is quoted as saying in an article published in The Atlantic.

“My attitude was: It was put-up or shut-up time,” Barr
told Jonathan Karl in the article headlined "William Barr Speaks."

Barr added: “If there was evidence of fraud, I had no motive to suppress it. But my suspicion all the way along was that there was nothing there. It was all bulls---.”

The former attorney general told Karl that he knew Trump would push him to conduct investigations and confirm the president's frequently stated belief that the 2020 presidential election had been stolen from him — and that Barr suspected from the get-go that no widespread fraud had taken place.

He also said that Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell — understandably concerned about upcoming Senate runoffs in Georgia — encouraged him to speak out about the integrity of the election.

Barr's conclusion that there was no widespread fraud, which he shared with an Associated Press reporter at the start of December, drew the wrath of Trump, who spoke of himself in the third person.
“You must hate Trump. You must hate Trump," Barr quoted Trump as saying in a subsequent meeting.

Karl wrote: "Barr thought that the president was trying to control himself, but he seemed angrier than he had ever seen him."

Barr said he also told Trump that the president had undermined his own efforts by launching a scattershot, incoherent legal team ("a clown show") to challenge election results — something which he said Trump did not disagree with.
Trump organization charged with fraud and tax crimes.

The New York State prosecutors described a 15-year tax scheme, charges include 15 felony counts, including a scheme to defraud, grand larceny, conspiracy and falsifying business records. They said they have grand jury testimony, bookkeeping records, digital drives, tax records and statement of witnesses.

Trump reminds me of crooked Zardari. His corruption is on a scale unseen in American history. Without any doubt, Trump is hands down the most corrupt president in American history. CFO Allen Weisselberg is the latest in a string of Trump employees who have been charged and convicted for the dirty work they did for and with Trump.

Looks like this time Weisselberg will be the fall guy. All he had to do was cooperate with NY prosecutors and most probably he could have gone free for his involvement. But unfortunately, so far, he has refused to cooperate with the prosecutors. Doesn’t look like it’s going well for him.


This is very bad news for Donald Trump
by Jennifer Rodgers 20 hrs ago

For months -- years, even -- legal observers have been waiting for the Manhattan District Attorney's Office to conclude its investigation of Donald J. Trump and his family business with the filing of criminal charges. Finally, the wait is over. But, in part because the indictment does not charge the former President as an individual and partly because many segments of the investigation apparently continue, these charges may raise as many questions as they answer.

Thursday's charges were brought against Allen Weisselberg, the longtime chief financial officer of the Trump Organization, and against certain corporate components of the company itself, based on what is described as a 15-year scheme to evade taxes on executive and employee compensation. According to the indictment, the Trump Organization provided part of its compensation in the form of rent-free apartments, car leases, cash bonuses and private school tuition, but failed to properly account for this income, and did not pay required federal, state and local taxes on it. Weisselberg, a recipient of these benefits, allegedly also failed to pay personal taxes on this income, as part of the conspiracy.

Weisselberg and the Trump Organization pleaded not guilty to the charges. The Trump Organization further called the prosecution a political ploy, saying Weisselberg was being used as a "pawn in a scorched-earth attempt to harm the former president."

But now that this long-awaited indictment has been unsealed, what does it tell us about these charges and about the possibility of charges for additional crimes and against additional defendants?

First, the charges are more serious than prior reporting suggested. Stories in the last few days undersold the case by describing it as one about fringe benefits, of the sort rarely prosecuted. While it is true that this is a case about unreported income and the failure to pay taxes on it, its scope is greater than many expected, for a few reasons. The scheme charged is a 15-year conspiracy to evade taxes, described as involving numerous Trump Organization executives and employees, only one of whom has been charged so far.

The indictment alleges the commission of other crimes in addition to the scheme to defraud in the first degree, namely grand larceny in the second degree -- the second most serious white-collar crime available to state prosecutors in New York -- along with various charges for falsifying records. And District Attorney Cyrus Vance has alleged that defendant Weisselberg not only evaded New York State and New York City taxes, but also evaded federal taxes, increasing the potential tax loss amount significantly. (While state authorities cannot charge the federal crime of evading federal taxes directly under state law, they can use the federal loss amount in charging the intended scope of the scheme to violate state law, as they have done here). All of this means that this is a bigger case, and a bigger headache for Trump and his company, than what was first believed.

We also know from Thursday's indictment and related proceedings that, as has been previously reported, Weisselberg is not cooperating with the investigation. And, given his central role in the charged scheme and other aspects of the Trump Organization's business that are still reportedly under investigation, he almost certainly still has a chance at a cooperation deal -- and many a defendant has changed his tune when the relatively vague notion of a potential criminal case is replaced by the cold, hard, reality of being arrested, handcuffed, fingerprinted and taken to court.

But I think that Weisselberg's importance as a cooperator may not be as great as it previously seemed. Particularly given the language in the indictment pointedly describing other participants in the scheme, it appears at least possible, if not likely, that other charges will be forthcoming whether or not Weisselberg cooperates, because prosecutors either have other important witness testimony, or they can make their case using documentary evidence, or a combination of both.

One thing that was not clarified Thursday is whether the other parts of the ongoing investigations will ever result in charges. Vance, the Manhattan district attorney, and New York State Attorney General Letitia James have been investigating bank fraud and tax fraud related to inflating and deflating assets, as well as the hush money payments to adult movie actress Stormy Daniels. The indictment did not shed light on these issues.

While many unknowns persist, there is certainty on one point: as Trump's strong reaction to these developments demonstrates, Thursday's indictment is very bad news for the former president, with potentially much more bad news to come.

BTW, I'm sure you know the delusional 28% of Republican air heads out there (and that is a HUUUGGEAH number of people by the way), and I mean with all their toxic belief and inner woohoo self, that the orange gaboon will be re-instated in August!!! LMAO!!! This is really incredible and actually, Rabzon, VERY SCARY stuff. I'll tell you why.

Early this morning (and I'm sure @Hamartia Antidote has already heard about this as it's big news around here and even on CNN, MSNBS. ABC, CBS etc.) that at 1:30 am this morning, just about 10 miles north of Boston on good ol' I-95, a pair of cars were pulled over the side of the road and one was swapping gas to the other that had run out and a state trooper pulled over behind them to find out if they were ok etc. He ends up doing the old cop routine, checking licenses etc. and in the process finds out that between all the people there, there were guns which we still don't know just yet what types and how massive the amo stock was etc, but as he called in reinforcement and was cuffing a few, others ran into the woods and there was a standoff for several hours. They ended up shutting the highway down, brought in SWATT teams and negotiators etc. until all the culprits gave up without any incident around 10 this morning.

Long story short is that this is a really bizarre event and I'm wondering if there is a connection to what I'm about to say. In Boston, we have one of the biggest 4th of July celebrations in the country as you can imagine with this city being a major part of the country's historical independence and so on.

So we don't know what the heck these 11 people who actually belong to a sovereign group (I forget their name) that is anti government in ways like they don't believe in certain laws and that Americans are more free than what the government imposes on them as so on and so forth, or if they are part of this gaboon conspiracy delusional support system and have plans for violence because of their absolutely ridiculous belief that Orange didn't lose the election? Maybe they have nothing to do with that and are their own thing, but when you listen to those freaks that support that clown, you can't help but think there is a possibility because of what I'm about to mention.

What scares me a bit is this video of the Young Turks and what they're talking about, which goes back to the delusional nitwits supporting the orange gaboon but not only that, the fact that they think he will be reinstated by mid-August OR ELSE, there will be a rise in the militia and a civil war! Mind you, 28 percent of Gaboon supporters is not a small number of people and we know how crazily delusional they are to believe in something that doesn't exist in our US democracy where a legitimately elected president can just be replaced looool. It's funny, but at the same time very frightening as we don't know the extent of what will happen after January 6th. If they had the balls to do what they did on that day to the CAPITAL of the United States of America, what will they do when their baboon is not even mentioned in August?! And what were these 11 members of this Sovereign society doing today carrying guns and headed to Boston on the weekend of the 4th of July? Are they connected to this movement that thinks they're going to make changes in the US political system by inciting violence and even taking it a full step further?

Check out this video and tell me you don't think these people are crazy!? And is Senk right about something big coming? That these freaks will take up arms because they are delusionally convinced that the left is not only ruining this country and their freedoms, but that the gaboon actually WON?!?!?

Let me know what you think.

MAGA Warns A "Civil War Is Coming" - YouTube

BTW, that Jeff Tiedrich tweets some great lines.

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