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Let's talk about Trump, the Supreme Court, and the Constitution....

Let's talk about Trump, concession, and decisions....
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An interesting article worth reading:


Trump and GOP thought that SCOTUS would give them preferential treatment on their lawsuit to overturn the election, but they voted 9-0 against him. Their loyalty is to the Constitution, not him. Bravo!

I never understood why Texas filed a lawsuit against the results of other states. Such challenges should be made by the state themselves. SCOTUS saw the lawsuit for what it was, a frivolity.
The Texas Atty. Gen. the guy who filed the case is under FBI investigation for bribery and abuse of his office to help a campaign donor. He also has been under indictment for securities fraud charges. So maybe he was trying to get a presidential pardon by pleasing President crook.
Electoral College affirms Biden's presidential win. :usflag:

Electoral College vote


Trump’s evil strategy to remain in power once again has failed. He was seeking the help of state Republicans who control legislatures in critical states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan and Pennsylvania to intervene on his behalf to select Electoral’s who would vote for him rather than Biden who has won the popular votes in their states.

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trump tried to steal it
Republican states tried to steal it
soon congress is gonna try to steal it.

cia chimping out continues
Who would have thought that a red state like Georgia would become a battleground state in the 2020 election. It seems every election cycle we are surprised.
Who would have thought that a red state like Georgia would become a battleground state in the 2020 election. It seems every election cycle we are surprised.

Democrats are “counting on demographic changes” to turn the state of Georgia blue through mass immigration, specifically from Asia, according to the New York Times.

A report by the Times notes that the growing number of Asian American voters, many foreign-born, via the nation’s mass importation of more than 1.2 million legal immigrants every year has led to rapid changes to the electorate in Georgia.

Democrats, the Times reports, are relying on these changes to flip the state blue as they have successfully flipped Gwinnett County, Georgia, for Democrats over the last two presidential election cycles:

The emergence in Georgia of Asian-American voters is a potential bright spot for a Democratic Party counting on demographic changes to bring political wins across the country. Asian-Americans are the fastest-growing segment of eligible voters out of the major racial and ethnic groups in the country, according to the Pew Research Center; their numbers, nationally and in Gwinnett County, more than doubled between 2000 and 2020.
[Emphasis added]

Today, Asian immigrants have reached a critical mass and their children, entering their 30s and 40s and many of them educated in the United States, are pushing for representation. In Gwinnett County, about 12 percent of people are of Asian heritage, according to William Frey, senior demographer at the Brookings Institution. [Emphasis added]

Exit polling from Georgia’s 2018 gubernatorial race, as noted by the Times, reveals that 78 percent of Asian Americans voted for Democrat Stacey Abrams against Republican Brian Kemp. As with Hispanic Americans, though, varying groups within the Asian American community vote vastly differently.

Vietnamese immigrants, for example, are more likely to vote for Republicans, while immigrants from Bangladesh are much more likely to vote for Democrats, according to data published in the Times.

As Breitbart News reported recently, the nation’s legal immigration system has drastically altered the electorate in multiple swing states including Georgia and North Carolina.

The number of foreign-born voters and their voting-age children in Georgia has boomed by 337 percent between 2000 to 2020. Meanwhile, the native-born voting-age population in Georgia has increased by just 22 percent over that same period.

The drastic “demographics changes,” as described by multiple establishment media outlets, has made the electoral map increasingly easier for Democrats.

The Washington Post, New York Times, the Atlantic, Axios, the Los Angeles Times, and the Wall Street Journal have all admitted that rapid demographic changes because of immigration are tilting the nation toward a permanent Democrat dominance.

“The single biggest threat to Republicans’ long-term viability is demographics,” Axios acknowledged last year. “The numbers simply do not lie … there’s not a single demographic megatrend that favors Republicans.”

If legal immigration levels are not reduced, the U.S. will have imported about 15 million new foreign-born voters by 2040. Those 15 million new foreign-born voters include about eight million who will have arrived through chain migration.

Kelly Loeffler carries her self like a robot.
Kelly Loeffler carries her self like a robot.

When the head turns simultaneously with the upper body and appear to be tied at the neck........yup! That's exactly what she looks like she's doing.

BTW, anyone heard the latest with this phone call from Trump to the Georgia officials? There are some incredibly juicy things in there and it's basically a shakedown. Not sure how this is going to turn out, but man, the desperation this guy is going through is like none other we've seen ever.

I think he might be in trouble on this one. I know we've said that before about many of the stupid things he's done, but this is just crazy beyond belief and he might've overdone himself here. He's on tape basically shaking down the Georgia officials telling them things like "find votes" to change the outcome of the election. Just crazy stuff.

This is going to be bad for him. All living former defense secretaries condemn efforts to deny election results and reject talk of military use.

And here's the audio of him shaking down the secretary of state for Georgia. Wow, this has to be the nail in the coffin.

Here's a part of what he says that is probably the most damning in the entire conversation, but I haven't heard the whole thing yet but there is more after where he threatens the secretary of state. Absolutely crazy and sickening.

Audio: Trump’s full Jan. 2 call with Ga. secretary of state
January 3, 2021 | 3:33 PM EDT
In a one-hour phone call on Saturday, Jan. 2, 2021 with Georgia election officials, President Trump insisted he won the state and threatened vague legal consequences if the officials did not act. This audio has been edited to remove the name of an individual about whom the president makes unsubstantiated allegations.
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When the head turns simultaneously with the upper body and appear to be tied at the neck........yup! That's exactly what she looks like she's doing.

BTW, anyone heard the latest with this phone call from Trump to the Georgia officials? There are some incredibly juicy things in there and it's basically a shakedown. Not sure how this is going to turn out, but man, the desperation this guy is going through is like none other we've seen ever.

I think he might be in trouble on this one. I know we've said that before about many of the stupid things he's done, but this is just crazy beyond belief and he might've overdone himself here. He's on tape basically shaking down the Georgia officials telling them things like "find votes" to change the outcome of the election. Just crazy stuff.

This is going to be bad for him. All living former defense secretaries condemn efforts to deny election results and reject talk of military use.

And here's the audio of him shaking down the secretary of state for Georgia. Wow, this has to be the nail in the coffin.

Here's a part of what he says that is probably the most damning in the entire conversation, but I haven't heard the whole thing yet but there is more after where he threatens the secretary of state. Absolutely crazy and sickening.

Audio: Trump’s full Jan. 2 call with Ga. secretary of state
January 3, 2021 | 3:33 PM EDT
In a one-hour phone call on Saturday, Jan. 2, 2021 with Georgia election officials, President Trump insisted he won the state and threatened vague legal consequences if the officials did not act. This audio has been edited to remove the name of an individual about whom the president makes unsubstantiated allegations.

He legitimately could be charged with extortion.
Democrats are “counting on demographic changes” to turn the state of Georgia blue through mass immigration, specifically from Asia, according to the New York Times.

A report by the Times notes that the growing number of Asian American voters, many foreign-born, via the nation’s mass importation of more than 1.2 million legal immigrants every year has led to rapid changes to the electorate in Georgia.

Democrats, the Times reports, are relying on these changes to flip the state blue as they have successfully flipped Gwinnett County, Georgia, for Democrats over the last two presidential election cycles:

Exit polling from Georgia’s 2018 gubernatorial race, as noted by the Times, reveals that 78 percent of Asian Americans voted for Democrat Stacey Abrams against Republican Brian Kemp. As with Hispanic Americans, though, varying groups within the Asian American community vote vastly differently.

Vietnamese immigrants, for example, are more likely to vote for Republicans, while immigrants from Bangladesh are much more likely to vote for Democrats, according to data published in the Times.

As Breitbart News reported recently, the nation’s legal immigration system has drastically altered the electorate in multiple swing states including Georgia and North Carolina.

The number of foreign-born voters and their voting-age children in Georgia has boomed by 337 percent between 2000 to 2020. Meanwhile, the native-born voting-age population in Georgia has increased by just 22 percent over that same period.

The drastic “demographics changes,” as described by multiple establishment media outlets, has made the electoral map increasingly easier for Democrats.

The Washington Post, New York Times, the Atlantic, Axios, the Los Angeles Times, and the Wall Street Journal have all admitted that rapid demographic changes because of immigration are tilting the nation toward a permanent Democrat dominance.

“The single biggest threat to Republicans’ long-term viability is demographics,” Axios acknowledged last year. “The numbers simply do not lie … there’s not a single demographic megatrend that favors Republicans.”

If legal immigration levels are not reduced, the U.S. will have imported about 15 million new foreign-born voters by 2040. Those 15 million new foreign-born voters include about eight million who will have arrived through chain migration.

You are so right. Check out this article:


Asian Americans help turned GA blue. Which says a lot, if you think about it. The GOP's anti-immigrant stance is alienating traditionally conservative voters and making them vote Democrats. The GOP better change its ways or it will be reduced to a party of disaffected, bitter white people.
He legitimately could be charged with extortion.

The desperation in that phone call is really something. The difficulty is making the distinction between the position and the individual. We can certainly see this guy going that route and doing something and sounding that abusive and pathetic. But it's not something you would expect from the position of the President of the United States. He's already viscously butcherer that view and standard anyway lol.

You would also think the guy learned his lesson from the Ukraine phone call that led to his impeachment to the more recent Bob Woodward interview which also got him in a lot of trouble as far as opinions of the public. Those who were tittering on the edge of uncertainty as to how he handled the virus in the beginning and if they knew early enough to do something or not, were quickly convinced by that phone call and I'm sure that had an effect in the elections.

And speaking of being charged with extortion, I just found out that he could still be impeached again, even after he leaves office and if the senate votes in favor of impeachment this time, he would be disqualified from running for office again.

I suppose if he was charged and convicted of extortion, that would pretty much have the same effect!
The desperation in that phone call is really something. The difficulty is making the distinction between the position and the individual. We can certainly see this guy going that route and doing something and sounding that abusive and pathetic. But it's not something you would expect from the position of the President of the United States. He's already viscously butcherer that view and standard anyway lol.

You would also think the guy learned his lesson from the Ukraine phone call that led to his impeachment to the more recent Bob Woodward interview which also got him in a lot of trouble as far as opinions of the public. Those who were tittering on the edge of uncertainty as to how he handled the virus in the beginning and if they knew early enough to do something or not, were quickly convinced by that phone call and I'm sure that had an effect in the elections.

And speaking of being charged with extortion, I just found out that he could still be impeached again, even after he leaves office and if the senate votes in favor of impeachment this time, he would be disqualified from running for office again.

I suppose if he was charged and convicted of extortion, that would pretty much have the same effect!
I listened and read the entire call and as much as I detest Clump as a president, what he said in the call is legally problematic, as in difficult to prosecute. What he said could be interpreted several different contexts.

Frump is not a sophisticated man, even his supporters, in and out of Fox News, knew that. His speech usually repeats the same idea or argument in different ways, typical of a bullying method, as if the speaker believes saying the same thing but in different ways means presenting different arguments. His vocabulary at his current age is far less than when he was younger and we can find the differences plenty online. But unfortunately for the Democrats, Dump's crudeness of speech now works in his favor as it will be difficult to convince a neutral jury that he meant to instigate a crime.

For the long term, assuming Bump will escape relatively unscathed other than more dirt on his image, Repugnicants will be reluctant to attach themselves to him for fear of even being tainted with crimes because of how he talk. The best way to get rid of Lump is to impeach him again so that he cannot run in '24.

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