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It seems another effort of Trump camp to stop Biden becomes the President of the USA has backfired.


Supreme Court denies request to stop certification of Pennsylvania vote
The Supreme Court on Tuesday turned back an effort by Republicans to reverse President-elect Joe Biden’s victory in Pennsylvania. The decision was announced in an order with no noted dissents. The court’s order read, “The application for injunctive relief presented to Justice Alito and by him referred to the Court is denied.” Experts and officials have said there has been no evidence of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 US elections.
Photo via @YahooNews

He should take a page out of the Our Great Dear Democratic Leader Mariam Nawaz whose fight for democracy has left the establishment peeing in their pants.

Raula pai rakho bas.
I will miss Trump saying CHINA CHINA CHINA. Pompeo? Not so much he will be terminated along with Trump
Time magazine names President-elect Joe Biden, Vice President-elect Kamala Harris as Person of the Year


President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris were collectively chosen as Time's 2020 Person of the Year on Thursday night.

The honor was announced by Bruce Springsteen during an hourlong TV special on NBC.

Biden was elected the 46th president of the United States in November, defeating incumbent Donald Trump after an especially contentious election season. He served as vice president under Barack Obama, Trump's predecessor.

“This moment was one of those do-or-die moments," Biden told the magazine of the outcome of the election. "Had Trump won, I think we would have changed the nature of who we are as a country for a long time.”
Donald Trump Labelled 'Loser of the Year' by Europe's Biggest News Magazine :lol:

German magazine Der Spiegel names Trump 'Loser of the Year'

Prominent German news magazine Der Spiegel on Thursday named President Trump its "loser of the year," the same day Time magazine named President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris its "Person of the Year."

In an article titled "Der Verlierer des Jahres," which translates as "The Loser of the Year," the publication's Washington bureau chief Roland Nelles and Berlin-based correspondent Ralf Neukirch described Trump as "a man who ... was never concerned with the common good, but always with one thing - himself."

"Nothing is normal under Trump," the article added. "He refuses to admit defeat. Instead, he speaks of massive electoral fraud, although there is no evidence for it. The whole thing is not surprising. Trump's presidency ends as it began. Without decency and without dignity." Source

The Texas lawsuit shows Republicans went from fighting Democrats to fighting democracy
How can a Democratic president function when a majority of House Republicans now support a lawsuit that would overturn our system of government?

Dec. 11, 2020, 11:39 AM PST
By Robert Schlesinger, author, "White House Ghosts: Presidents and Their Speechwriters"

President-elect Joe Biden has long argued that the Republican Party was one presidential loss away from a “fever-break[ing]” moment of “epiphany” from which it would emerge ready to work (if not always agree) with a Democratic president. But neither Biden’s 7 million vote national margin nor the 306 electoral votes he rang up — a figure which Trump touted as a “massive landslide” when he achieved it — has broken that aforementioned GOP fever. Instead, it has spiked — to 106.

That, after all, is the number of Republican members of the U.S. House whose names were on an amicus brief filed on Thursday supporting a ludicrous lawsuit that Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed with the Supreme Court asking it to simply invalidate the election results in four swing states which Biden won. (Another 20 names — supposedly omitted in a "clerical error" — were added on Friday.) This “Kraken Caucus” represents a clear majority of the House GOP and includes members of its leadership, such as House Whip Steve Scalise. (Republican attorneys general of 17 other states have also joined Paxton’s quixotic bid.)

Trump, undoubtedly delighted at the prospect of a shortcut to the high court after going 1-for-55 in lower courts in his attempt to stymie the democratic process, declared Paxton’s case “the big one” which will deliver the Oval Office back to him.

The case and the Republican House members’ support of it illustrates the biggest problem Biden will face in office — and one that will inform or impede his ability to deal with the towering crises of the Covid-19 pandemic and our precarious economic situation: How can a U.S. president govern, let alone solve major problems, if one of our political parties is openly hostile to our entire political system?

The suit’s rapid evolution from risible pardon-bait from a politician who is currently the subject of ongoing FBI corruption investigation to a cause around which a majority of Republican House members and a supermajority of Republican attorneys general are rallying is just the latest, starkest illustration of a dangerous trend in conservative politics. Too many Republicans have gone from being anti-Democratic — that is to say, hostile to the liberal political party — to being anti-democratic — that is to say, hostile to the liberal political system and antagonistic to the idea that the will of the people should prevail — and unwilling to accept political defeat.

This trend represents an existential threat to our system.

It is, in part, a result of the Republicans' increasing willingness to abuse anti-majoritarian safeguards in our political system, and to use big government to sustain themselves. They benefit from the advantages accorded to small states in the Constitution — take Trump’s 2016 Electoral College victory despite his popular vote loss, for example, or the fact that 17 percent of the electorate can install a Senate majority — while using redistricting and restrictive ballots laws to shape and cull the electorate.

Those Republicans then abetted Trump as he attacked our political system as rigged and corrupt. You could see it four years ago, when he claimed both that primary elections he lost and the general election he won were rigged and rife with fraud; he was hardly challenged, and was often supported in his wild pronouncements. And then, when the pandemic meant that voters would cast an unprecedented number of absentee ballots, Republicans in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania refused to permit officials to start counting absentee ballots before Election Day, guaranteeing an early, illusory Trump lead Nov. 3 whose dissipation he could blame on fraud.

Since the election, the party has only more fully warmed to Trump’s demagogy, moving from the uncomfortable passivity that Republicans used to adopt in the face of his provocations to downright enthusiasm for overturning a free and fair election.

The fact that no serious person thinks the Texas suit has a chance of succeeding only makes this folly more cynical and destructive. House Republicans and state attorneys general are not low-information voters who have stewed too long in the Trump/conservative-media miasma of mendacity to know any better. As political and legal professionals, they must know that no evidence has been produced of voter fraud and that Trump’s post-election litigation campaign has been repeatedly laughed out of courts across the country.

The Texas suit, in fact, “essentially throws in the towel on proving fraud,” The Washington Post’s Aaron Blake noted Thursday.

These Republicans are instead embracing a “seditious abuse of the judicial process,” (as Pennsylvania’s response to Paxton’s suit termed it) for cynical political reasons, again exposing themselves as bereft of any core values beyond a desire for power and, perhaps, tax cuts. These preening strict constructionists who have long styled themselves as originalist defenders of federalism and states’ rights against big government overreach are now asking Uncle Sam to disenfranchise tens of millions of voters in violation of the core principles of the Constitution.

And that Trump is simultaneously flirting with political violence — “We will soon be learning about the word ‘courage’, and saving our Country,” he tweeted this week amidst ongoing threats and harassment directed toward state election officials of both parties — while his most rabid devotees offer up their lives to his cause doesn’t seem to bother them either.

All of this brings us back to Biden’s dilemma: He wants to be a president who can reach across party lines to solve our nation’s looming problems — and that’s laudable because it’s how our system is designed to work. But achieving it will require understanding of the extent to which the very idea is anathema to a party that no longer respects the fundamental basics of our democratic process — voting and the peaceful transfer of political power — let alone good governance.
An interesting article worth reading:


Trump and GOP thought that SCOTUS would give them preferential treatment on their lawsuit to overturn the election, but they voted 9-0 against him. Their loyalty is to the Constitution, not him. Bravo!

I never understood why Texas filed a lawsuit against the results of other states. Such challenges should be made by the state themselves. SCOTUS saw the lawsuit for what it was, a frivolity.

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