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US Politics

BTW, have you or @RabzonKhan or @VCheng or anyone else hear of the Republicans running fake 'Democratic' candidates in certain states (I believe Florida & Rhode Island) and these are phantom candidates designed to be super liberal and to take votes away from the legitimate Democratic candidate to reduce their total votes and make the Republican candidate win? I just saw this on he news and it will become a bigger story and once it does I'll post more about it but I bet Rabzon has heard of it and the scary part about it is that it tethers on the brink of being legal and not fraudulent except they will certainly put a stop to it because it has affected at least 2 races that they know about by taking votes away from the legitimate Democratic candidate and giving them to this "Ghost" candidate created by a republican group! This might explain why the orangutan has been screaming about fraudulent elections for a while since he was aware of his own party's shenanigans! lol

I can see this happening in Florida, but not in Rhode Island, which is a very strong Democratic state like Massachusetts. I don't know if the GOP puts up phantom candidates or just secretly support them through other means, like donations and social media.

Then again there is a war within the Democratic party between the progressives and moderates, where the former when went after the latter.
I don't know if the GOP puts up phantom candidates or just secretly support them through other means, like donations and social media.

Oh they definitely did. This was a 50-something fella who lived in a nice, upscale home and neighborhood and they even went to his house to confront him and they asked him "are you so & so" and he said yes, and answered a few questions and politely declined the rest and shut the door. It seemed like he was aware that he wasn't doing anything illegal but just didn't want to give too much information.

But then how ironic is it that the top of the GOP is screaming about fraud and all this phantom garbage and here they are pulling off these scams lmfao! Unbelievable the nerve. It's a CNN segment I'm sure it's on YT when I have a little time I'll look for it and post it.

Then again there is a war within the Democratic party between the progressives and moderates, where the former when went after the latter.

And that's what they're taking advantage of. If the candidate they want to destroy is a moderate, then this made-up candidate will be a progressive to lure those votes away from the actual candidate who is legitimately running and that only helps the Republican candidate win. Wouldn't it be funny if it actually backfired and the phantom candidate actually wins! lmfao!

US is already in a civil war.

Where?!?! I don't see anything of the sort happening in my state or any of the other 49 states. Can you point exactly where this civil war is happening so I can take some pics?
I've never heard of that particular scheme or seen of it used in any of the elections until this special on CNN which was truly incredible because they mentioned that there was actually no illegalities to it which I find super hard to believe. Crazy world we live in.

Let us just wait for January 20 and wash the orange tinge off many things over time, this being one of them, I suspect.
Let us just wait for January 20 and wash the orange tinge off many things over time, this being one of them, I suspect.

You mean that left over spaghetti meat sauce at the bottom of the pan that he uses as a substitute for tanning cream he puts on his face? :lol:
You mean that left over spaghetti meat sauce at the bottom of the pan that he uses as a substitute for tanning cream he puts on his face? :lol:

Nothing as complex as that. He is a simple man. It must be Cheetos. :D

Back on topic, do you think he will show up at the Inauguration?
There won't be any civil war. Those conservative geardos always brandish their tacticool AR-15's and military gear but when it actually comes to "protecting confederate statues from anarchist marxist feminist mobs" with weapons as they always threat... suddenly those patriots have disappeared.

Maybe those "true patriots" should find better hobbies than walking around looking like Vanilla ISIS.
The USA is in a heavy Civil War right now. I mean a really heavy civil war. Please assist us
The USA is in a heavy Civil War right now. I mean a really heavy civil war. Please assist us
Oh there is a civil war being waged for precious resources alright - against usurpers of resources and the less astute. Those resources are called PS5s and Graphic cards.
Oh there is a civil war being waged for precious resources alright - against usurpers of resources and the less astute. Those resources are called PS5s and Graphic cards.

Don’t forget about Xbox series Xs :lol:
The Mother of all Snubs! :lol: Republican Arizona Governor Doug Ducey ignored a phone call from (most probably) Trump on life TV while certifying Joe Biden as the winner of the state.

Ducey said in July that his cell phone is set to play “hail to the chief” when receiving a call from Trump or Pence. On life TV Ducey was signing the documents to certify Biden as the winner of the state, the song can be heard before he is shown pulling a phone out of his coat pocket and putting it on his desk.

Trump said the stock market would crash if Biden won. The Dow just had its best month since 1987. :lol:

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The Mother of all Snubs! :lol: Republican Arizona Governor Doug Ducey ignored a phone call from (most probably) Trump on life TV while certifying Joe Biden as the winner of the state.

The Governor confirmed today that the call was indeed from Trump. :D
I've never heard of that particular scheme or seen of it used in any of the elections until this special on CNN which was truly incredible because they mentioned that there was actually no illegalities to it which I find super hard to believe. Crazy world we live in.

Except this is a phantom candidate! He doesn't even actually exist in the sense that he's a viable and real candidate running for the position just as a spoiler. This is a name of an individual who is real so that there is a SSN and a birth certificate etc. only he really isn't running and is created by the GOP as a democratic candidate and they'll list his policies based on whomever the REAL and ACTUAL democrat candidate who's running in that particular election and the policies are designed to appeal to another side of Democrats that might not like what they see in the actual one running, hence stealing votes from him/her in order to propel the Republican candidate to victory. That is so sleazy and hard to believe there is any legality in such a slimy move.
After the recount, the Republican won with 39 votes, the fake "Democrat" won more than 6000 vote. I hope something good will come out of the investigation.

I like this Republican Congressman, looks like there are still Republicans who put country before a Conman.

Libya, Syria & made Iraq worse, "arab spring"... Iraq & Afghanistan... Kosovo, blue dress and cigar

and a muslim cheering these scoundrels, how pathetic
First of all, there is no need for personal attacks. I can understand why you may think I am X,Y, and Z, but that has nothing to do with our discussion.


first president since Carter to not start a major war
You don’t think war with Iran is a major war?

Israeli Arab peace deal
I support that.

Kosovo Serbia peace deal
President Clinton is the one who saved Kosovo from Russian supported Serbian terrorists.

Dialogue with DPRK
That was just a circus!

Wiped out ISIS
Yes, he completed what Pres. Obama had started. Good!

No regime change in Syria
That was also Pres. Obama’s policy.

The fact of the matter is that Trump campaigned in both the Republican primaries and the general election to end the “forever wars”. So far, he has failed to deliver on his promise, in fact, he escalated almost every conflict he inherited. He has conducted drone strikes in Afghanistan, Somalia and Yemen at a far higher rate than Obama.

Even when he had the opportunity, he choose war over peace, he vetoed a bill passed by Congress to end support for the brutal Saudi-led war in Yemen.

By recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and giving Netanyahu a green light to annex illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank, he destroyed whatever little chance there was for a viable Palestinian state.

He shamelessly expressed support for the internment camps when Chinese leader Jinping explained in a private meeting his solution to combat disturbances in Xinjiang.

He unilaterally withdrew from the US Iran nuclear deal and killed a top Iranian general at the behest of neocons and Netanyahu. Few days ago, Israel killed one of Iran’s top nuclear scientists. These provocative and dangerous actions have put the US and Iran on the path to war. It clearly looks like a coordinated effort by Trump, neocons and Netanyahu to undermine President-elect Biden, who has repeatedly said that he will reenter Iran nuclear deal without new conditions.

In summary,

Trump is not a man of peace:

He destroyed any hope of Israeli-Palestinian peace.

Vetoed to end brutal Saudi led war in Yemen.

Supported Uighur camps.

Started a war with Iran by killing their top general.
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Maybe it’s just me, but it seems like almost every other day that goes by, Trump Has another one of his lawsuits thrown out of court.

Which is why I think he’s Starting to concentrate his efforts on the court of public opinion.

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