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Poll: Trump more unpopular than anyone but David Duke in last 30 years of presidential elections

By NICK GASS 04/14/16

Donald Trump is the most unpopular top-tier presidential candidate over more than three decades of ABC News/Washington Post polls, except for former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke. That's according to the results of the latest national ratings released Thursday, which did not carry too auspicious results for Trump's two Republican opponents, either.

Two in three Americans surveyed in the poll — 67 percent — said they held an unfavorable view of Trump, while just 31 percent said they saw him favorably and only 2 percent said they had no opinion of him. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's favorability rating was marginally higher, at 36 percent, while 53 percent said they had an unfavorable view of him and 11 percent said they had no opinion. Ohio Gov. John Kasich made out the best in the poll, with 39 percent each responding that they had a favorable and unfavorable opinion of him, but 22 percent said they had no opinion either way.

Trump's 67 percent unfavorable rating is nearly as low as the 69 percent of Americans who said they had a negative view of Duke in a February 1992 poll.

Trump declared winner in Missouri and racks up 12 delegates. Delegates update.

Trump 758

Cruz 538

Kasich 145

So far Trump has won 758 and his opponents have won 863 delegates, it does not look like that Trump will get 1,237 delegates to win the Republican nomination, therefore, most probably it’s going to be a brokered convention and if the GOP has its way, than Trump will be history.

William Johnson, the host and the organizer, is the chairman of the so-called American freedom party.

The so-called American freedom party was initially established by racist skinheads that aims to deport immigrants and return the United States to the white rule.

Now the question is, how come all hard-core racists, KKK, Nazi party of America, American freedom party and scumbags like David Duke support Trump, what could be the reason? :rolleyes:
Time to deport illegals back to where they came from. Let Shia deal with IS families.
It’s easier said than done! The American action forum, a right-leaning Institute has done a indepth study on illegal immigrants and how much it will cost to deport them. To remove the illegals could cost the government around $600 billion. Will shrink the labor force by 11 million and reduce the real GDP by $1.6 trillion, and it can take almost 20 years to complete the task.

In other words, it is not feasible. It would be a useless cat and mouse game and we as taxpayer cannot even afford that.

Building walls and deporting them will not solve the issue.

The best solution is to make strict laws, anyone who hires illegal immigrant will not only face heavy fines, but repeat offenders, will also face jail time, and their businesses could either be shut down or the government can auction their businesses.

No offence taken. The thing is, I am NOT a moderate Republican but I largely agree with you. I am a traditional conservative who believes in an optimistic message. ("Our best days are ahead of us, not behind us!" -Reagan). But this has basically been happening since the election of 1992 and the end of the Cold War. The fight against the Soviet Union and communism was the glue that held the conservative movement together. Once it ended, the GOP and conservatives, started to come apart. Everything drifted further and further into bizarreness. I knew we were in deep trouble when we spent four years talking about Obama's birth certificate instead of entitlement reform or finding conservative solutions to health care coverage. The party is smaller and whiter now, then it has ever been in it's history. We no longer win in a single major urban area of the country and we act as if that's a good thing. We have become the party of the angry white male and that is a very, very, bad thing. Besides the moral reasons, it's just plain suicidal politically. With every passing day, the country become less and less white, Christian, rural, and socially conservative. If the GOP is not willing to fight for new voters who match that, it will go the way of the first two conservative parties and disappear into history.
GOP knows that, and it’s not like they did not try, but unfortunately, one after the other GOP supported candidates flopped.
Trump's 67 percent unfavorable rating is nearly as low as the 69 percent of Americans who said they had a negative view of Duke in a February 1992 poll.

Unfavorable is only relative. Congress has an favorable rating of less than 10%. Hillary has a favorable rating of less than 10%.
William Johnson, the host and the organizer, is the chairman of the so-called American freedom party.

The so-called American freedom party was initially established by racist skinheads that aims to deport immigrants and return the United States to the white rule.

Now the question is, how come all hard-core racists, KKK, Nazi party of America, American freedom party and scumbags like David Duke support Trump, what could be the reason?
It's great to finally see a candidate who's looking out for the interests of White Americans, which is why millions of Whites have voted for him and support him in droves, besides the hundreds of thousands minorities who also support Trump. Whites have a collective interest too and they should have the right to voice their concerns and look out for their racial interests just as any other racial/ethnic group is doing.
Watched last night's democratic primary debate. Went in as a Hillary supporter, came out being on Sanders' side.

Hillary, though great sounded too much like furthering obama's policy. Too many times she stated that a certain policy is good because president obama also endorses it. It seemed like she doesn't bring too much of her own to the table and we'll get another four years of Obama from her.

Bernie on the other hand seemed to be firing on all cylinders. The minimum wage increase to 15 bucks. Free college for the middle class kids, free healthcare for the elderly, cutting back on carbon emission, calling out Israel on their extreme overreacting in Gaza and some other things that escape my mind right now.

I was moved by a lot of things he had to say. On the guns hillary came out on top but overall I think I'm keeping my mind open about sanders.

New York primary is on April 19th. In the latest NBC/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll, Hillary has 57% to Bernie’s 40%. New York is a very crucial state for both candidates, it has 291 delegates up for grabs. New York is home to both candidates, Bernie was born in Brooklyn and Hillary was twice elected as New York Sen.

Hillary has the upper hand, since it is a close primary, that means, only registered Democrats can vote, that is a plus for Hillary, so far, she has won all close primaries with diverse population.

Hillary also has the support of New York Gov. and NYC Mayor. New York Times, New York daily news and Newsday, all very important newspapers of New York have endorsed her.

CNN Democratic Debate April 14,2016 | Bernie Sander & Hillary Clinton

It's great to finally see a candidate who's looking out for the interests of White Americans, which is why millions of Whites have voted for him and support him in droves, besides the hundreds of thousands minorities who also support Trump. Whites have a collective interest too and they should have the right to voice their concerns and look out for their racial interests just as any other racial/ethnic group is doing.
Do I have to remind you that US is not some third world Banana Republic. US has come a long way, a majority of Americans do not judge fellow Americans based on their race or ethnic background.

Trump is not a representative of white people, so let’s not exaggerate, the fact is, majority of whites have not voted for Trump, or try to prove me wrong.

This is from the link you provided:

"Based on his past statements, it doesn’t appear highly credible that he has changed his effusive allegiance to Donald Trump,” Brian Levin, a former New York police officer who is director of the Centre for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University in San Bernardino, told the Telegraph. “The timing seems suspect. I think this is a function of not wanting to undermine the Trump campaign.” :enjoy:
Bernie is a coward and a joke. He only joined the Democratic party the day he started running because he knows independents have no chance. He spent decades as an independent spewing garbage about democrats. No way he gets Democratic nomination.
It's great to finally see a candidate who's looking out for the interests of White Americans, which is why millions of Whites have voted for him and support him in droves, besides the hundreds of thousands minorities who also support Trump. Whites have a collective interest too and they should have the right to voice their concerns and look out for their racial interests just as any other racial/ethnic group is doing.

Do I have to remind you that US is not some third world Banana Republic. US has come a long way, a majority of Americans do not judge fellow Americans based on their race or ethnic background.

Trump is not a representative of white people, so let’s not exaggerate, the fact is, majority of whites have not voted for Trump, or try to prove me wrong.
Then why are there racist minority organizations like "La Raza" (literally "The Race") which is a hispanic supremacist organization that has endorsed Obama, as well as the Black Panthers, who also endorsed Obama, as well as the Black Lives Matter organization, which advocates terrorist attacks against Whites. Clearly, race is an issue in America, and White Americans who BUILT the ideological foundations of the American Republic, have as much right to racially organize as any other racial/cultural/ethnic group in this country.

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar endorses Hillary Clinton

In a column for The Washington Post published online Saturday, Abdul-Jabbar — the NBA’s all-time leading scorer — says Americans have a choice "between hell and reason.”

“We are in a defining battle between the resurgence of the irrational, and all the horrors that have historically gone with it — violence, bigotry, fascism — and reason, with all the advances that have accompanied it — justice and freedom for all, regardless of ethnic background, social status, gender or sexual orientation,” he writes.

Abdul-Jabbar said that Clinton “possesses that rare but crucial combination of idealism and pragmatism.”

Of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, Abdul-Jabbar said the leading Republican candidates have rejected “foundational ideals in favor of a hellish chaos of lies, misdirection, attacks on the Constitution and, most harmful to the country, a rejection of reason."

And Rosie is back. :D

Rosie's comeback: O'Donnell slams Trump in new interview

The Rosie and Donald show is back.

In her first comments since being ridiculed by Donald Trump in the Republican presidential primary debates, Rosie O’Donnell blasted the businessman for representing the worst of “what the United States is or could be.”

Harry Potter books and referred to him as an “orange person” in an interview that aired on WABC Radio on Sunday.

“I think it’s an epic battle worthy of a new ‘Star Wars’ movie. You have to decide. Are you going to be with the force or are you going to be on the dark side? It’s your choice. Just like Harry Potter, he’s like Lord Voldemort. You know stay away from the dementor.”

When asked by host Rita Cosby whether Trump is qualified to be president, O’Donnell said “he’s not even qualified to run a game show.”

O’Donnell also predicted that Hillary Clinton would win the New York primary and that Bernie Sanders, after the loss, would concede.

“She will ask him to help her to get to the White House, which is the goal that will protect all of humanity as well as the nation’s reputation,” she said. Read more

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