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Like @Darmashkian said - it is not my business- but if I had the vote and I had to chose between Trump and Cruz - which is what the effective choice has boiled down to - then I would vote Trump.

Cruz is a snake! ...and these belligerent evangelicals who believe that man and dinosaurs co existed and close down abortion clinics need to be marginalized or forced to come to terms with the 21st century.

Trump caters to these people, but I don't think he believes it. He is a liberal New. Yorker at heart.
China is very disciplined. China is the opposite of a liberal country.
Discipline is great so long as it is fair and you are not at the receiving end.

The best discipline is that imposed on people we don't agree with. :-)
You mean fashion? That's the one that requires discipline. Trump is hardly a fashionista.

True. He'd have a hell of a time finding a good watch to go with his tiny, baby hands.


I can't tell what's more disgusting about him:unsure:. His policies? Or his hair and skin?
His policies?
which of his policies do you have a problem with ?

apart from his unenforceable 'muslim ban' thing, which I thought was a terrible thing, he's pretty good on foreign policy otherwise.

Trump dumps the Saudi royals, it'll be glorious
Muslim Americans Grapple With Implications of Donald Trump Victories

Can't wait for Trump to win it all. The amount of hatred and polarization that is going to take place is unimaginable. The amount of xenophobia that Trump's campaign has already awoken is simply put mindboggling. It is going to be a tough place being a Muslim in the US. Blacks, Mexicans, Muslims and other certain minorities are going to be in big big trouble in Trump's white America.

This is a war for America’s soul: Donald Trump reflects frustrations of an embittered white America - Salon.com

Democrats and Republicans alike are today reaping what they have sown for decades. Feeding war, invasion, economic stagnation and frustration to the common man. Look at them now. The pathetic, desperate and feeble attempts to scramble against and divert the masses from voting for Trump.

Donald Trump Must Be Stopped, Conservatives, Liberals Both Urge

Trump is the Frankenstein that the establishment has created and now they are unable to stop it from taking over their country. I can envisage wars and unprecedented bloodshed with Trump at the helm. It doesn't take Houdini to predict that.

Icing on top of the cake is his vicious and immensely deep seethed hate for Pakistan. I can't even begin to comprehend how low this relationship is going to sink after Trump's win of the White House. Imagine Trump aiding India against Pakistan which he clearly intends to do. An all out war. Hostility, suspicion and enmity at its height. The dangerous threats he has already delivered against Pakistan are clear as crystal. Let's see how the Noora's and other American puppets react to this very real possibility. Right now the American puppets are all hush and observant. I really hope Trump wins it and the ugly truth unfolds before our very eyes. One or the other day this was bound to happen. After all, the truth can only be disguised for so long.

Some Americans are seriously considering moving after Trump's possible win.

Anti-Donald Trump sentiment gives big boost to Canadian tourism - Business - CBC News
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This is Primary election, not General election. Democrats and Republicans are not going against each other, they are simply trying to get the best Rep./ Democrat candidate for the General Election.
Lol, I know, this is not general elections, but caucuses and primaries that the Democrat and Republican’s use to select their candidates for general election.

You may want to check some of my posts on this thread:

US Presidential Elections 2016 News and Views | Page 6

post 76

US Presidential Elections 2016 News and Views | Page 13

post 185

Why do Republicans require less than Democrats? Your comment makes no sense.
First of all, I did not make those numbers, they are from, AP and CNN, lol, and I’m little surprised that you don’t even know the very basics of the US election process?!

If I give you a detailed answer, it can take almost 5 pages, so I’ll try to be as brief as I can.

The reasons Republicans have fewer delegates than Democrats is because the way they award their delegates is different.

For example, Republicans let states decide how to allocate delegates, and that is quite complicated, since some states use a winner take all (delegates) rule, some use proportional rule and then there are others that use combination of both rules.

Democrats have a proportional rule, for example, candidates get delegates in proportion to their vote share in the states caucuses or primaries.

And then to make things more complicated, there are superdelegates, the Democrats superdelegates are free to vote for any Democrat candidate they want, on the other hand, the Republicans delegates are awarded to candidates based on primary and caucus results.

And because of these different rules, the Republicans have a total of 2,472 delegates, so to win the Republican nomination, a candidate will need 1,237 (more than 50%) delegates.

The Democrats have a total of 4,765 delegates, to win the Democratic nomination, a candidate will need 2,383 (more than 50%) delegates.

I hope I answered your question.

Here is a link for you, if you want to read more on the subject:

Everything you need to know about delegate math in the presidential primary - The Washington Post

Here are two websites (AP and CNN) that tracks delegate:

Associated Press Interactive



Challenges for Trump vs. Clinton: Favorability, Attributes and More (POLL)

A rougher road to his party’s nomination isn’t Donald Trump’s only challenge: He faces trouble in a hypothetical general election contest as well, trailing Hillary Clinton in personal ratings, facing 2-1 opposition on his signature policy issues and falling short in vote preference and expectations alike.


Among key attributes, while just 37 percent of Americans see Clinton as honest and trustworthy, that goes even lower for Trump, to 27 percent. Trump essentially remains there (25 or 26 percent) on other items -- understanding the problems of average Americans, possessing the kind of personality and temperament it takes to serve effectively as president and having the right experience. Clinton, by contrast, advances to 49, 58 and 66 percent on these, respectively.



Trump’s challenged, as well, by the fact that Americans by 63-33 percent oppose his suggestion to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the country, and by 61-36 percent disagree with the mass deportation of undocumented immigrants. Those views are closer among registered voters, but still with majorities opposed, 60 and 58 percent, respectively.

No, Trump, Islam Doesn’t Hate America

Mar 10 2016

The Donald told CNN that Islam hates America. Like the Muslims who fight and die for, and otherwise serve, this country? Outrageous.

Donald Trump took his anti-Muslim jihad to a new, bone-chilling level on Wednesday night. That’s when he declared to CNN’s Anderson Cooper that “[URL='http://www.cnn.com/2016/03/09/politics/donald-trump-islam-hates-us/index.html']Islam hates us
.” Trump is wrong, but let me blunt. I hate Trump. Not because he demonizes Muslims, but because he’s a threat to our nation’s soul.

If Trump truly thinks “Islam hates us,” then he should tell that to the families of Muslim Americans who have died for our country. I doubt Trump has the balls to tell the family of U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan, who received the Purple Heart and is buried in Arlington National Cemetery after being killed in Iraq in 2004. And let’s see Trump tell that to the family of Corp. Kareem Khan, who also received the Purple Heart and is buried in Arlington after giving his life in 2007 in defense of our nation.

Does Trump even have the courage to tell the Muslims who have volunteered to serve our nation, including my cousin who served in the U.S. Marines, that they hate America? In fact, almost 6,000 Muslims are currently serving in our armed forces fighting to ensure that all Americans—not just ones of certain faiths—have the same rights.

Will Trump tell the Muslims serving in our Congress, Keith Ellison and Andre Carson, that they hate America? Will he say that to the thousands of Muslims serving as police officers, paramedics, judges, schoolteachers, and others in professions designed to help the people of our nation?

Nah, Trump won’t ever do that because bullies are cowards. But what Trump despicably did during his interview on CNN was to paint all Muslims as potential threats to our country. “It’s very hard to define” and “very hard to separate” the good from the bad Muslims, “because you don’t know who’s who,” Trump stated.

I want you to think about what Trump is saying here. The GOP frontrunner is telling Americans to fear every single Muslim because any one of them might be plotting to kill you and your family. If you believe Trump’s words, what’s the next likely step? Trump has already proposed policies to discriminate against Muslim Americans, which polls show his supporters overwhelmingly support. What could be in store next for American Muslims?

Maybe because I recently read an article saying that Trump, according to his ex-wife, kept by his bedside a book of Hitler’s speeches that the Fuhrer gave during his ascent to power, I couldn’t help but wonder, What did Jews living in Germany when Hitler first sought office think? Did they dismiss his extreme rhetoric as nothing more than political talk to get the support of people? Or were they frightened, like many Muslim Americans are today?

To be clear, I’m am in no way saying that if he became president, Trump would be like Hitler, seizing emergency powers and worse. But perhaps we need to pause as a nation when Anne Frank’s stepsister, Eva Schloss, an Auschwitz survivor, warned us in January that Trump “is acting like another Hitler by inciting racism.”

But Trump’s hate has not just been about Muslims. His campaign from Day One can best be best summed up as putting minorities back in their place. That’s why we have seen white supremacists flock to Trump’s side. For example, the vile white supremacist leader Jared Taylor, a man who publicly endorsed Trump and has made robocalls on Trump’s’ behalf, wrote a few months ago: “Donald Trump may be the last hope for a president who would be good for white people.”

And Trump has given these hatemongers exactly what they have been dreaming of for years. He has stirred up hate versus Latinos, implying that they were coming to rape your wives and daughters. He has defended his white supporters in November beating up a Black Lives Matter protester and calling the man a “monkey” and the n-word. And we just saw Trump refuse to denounce the support of former Klan leader David Duke.

But let’s return to Trump’s comment that Islam hates us. Are there a fraction of Muslims who hate our nation? No doubt. Is that because of Islam, a religion that came into being over a thousand years before America was founded? The counter-terrorism experts I have spoken to have made it clear that the anger directed against our nation is generally grounded in foreign policy grievances or personal issues such as wanting to join an organization that makes them feel a sense of self worth. But there are a fraction of radical religious leaders who will try to teach younger Muslims that somehow America is a religious-based enemy. We must be united to countering their hateful message, not divided along religious lines as ISIS hopes we become.

Perhaps Trump is simply making the remarks about Muslims now because the GOP race is tightening and he knows bashing Muslims plays well with the GOP base. Trump noted as much after Ben Carson stated in October that no Muslim should be president of the United States, and he got a big boost in the polls. Trump then remarked, Carson’s “been getting a lot of ink on the Muslims… I guess people look at that and they probably like it.” Within weeks Trump began first using Muslims as a scapegoat.

Or perhaps Trump’s info comes from Frank Gaffney, whose poll Trump read from on the campaign trail about alleged hatred of Muslims. Gaffney is a discredited figure whom the Southern Poverty Law Center recently listed as the leader of an Anti-Muslim group. And Gaffney has also been a supporter of the very same White Supremacy leader, Jared Taylor, who has been campaigning for Trump. As the SPLC notes, Gaffney invited Taylor on his radio show and has heaped praise upon his work that promotes “anti-Black and anti-Latino racists.”

No, Islam doesn’t hate America. But Trump clearly hates American values.


How the world sees Trump, in cartoons

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Bulgaria, Christo Komarnitski

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UAE, Paresh Nath/The Khaleej Times

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Australia, David Rowe/Financial Review

download (19).jpg

Ireland, Dan Murphy

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Scotland, Brian Adcock/The Independent,

One after the other endorsing Trump... Muslim hating dream team in the making.
Hillary Clinton has won the Democratic caucus on the Northern Mariana Islands. The U.S. territory located in the Pacific Ocean near Guam held its vote Saturday. Clinton received 54 percent of 189 votes cast to earn four of the six delegates at stake. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders picked up two delegates.

Heading into a batch of delegate-rich states on Tuesday, Clinton now has 766 delegates to Sanders’ 551, based on primaries and caucuses alone.

When including superdelegates — party leaders who can support any candidate — Clinton’s lead is even bigger: 1,227 to Sanders’ 576.

The Northern Mariana Islands is one of five U.S. territories that help choose the Democratic nominee, even though they don’t get a vote in the November general election. It has a population of 52,000.

One after the other endorsing Trump... Muslim hating dream team in the making.
I’m not surprised at all, a religious fanatic hater endorse a racist fascist hater.

I blame Trump’s divisive hateful rhetoric for violence in his rallies, at one of his rallies, he told his supporters to “knock the crap out of” a protester, and at another, he said “I’d like to punch him in the face, I tell ya”, the point is, why there is no violence in Hillary, Rubio, Bernie, Cruz and Kasich rallies?!

As I have been saying, this man is a bigger threat to our country than our enemies.

Our greatest strength is our diversity, our enemies like it or not, but without any doubt, United States truly is a melting pot, we cannot allow a fascist to destroy our greatest strength.

Almost all the presidential candidates have criticized Trump for the violence:

Hillary Clinton is charging Republican front-runner Donald Trump with encouraging "violence and aggression," saying his heated political rhetoric is "wrong and it's dangerous."

Clinton called heated protests last night at his rally in Chicago "deeply disturbing." She says voters must stand up to "this tide of bullying and bigotry and blustering that is going on in our political strategy."

She is telling campaign volunteers in St. Louis on Saturday morning: "If you play with matches, you're going to start a fire you can't control."

John Kasich (KAY’-sihk) seems to be running out of patience when it comes to Donald Trump.

The Ohio governor blames Trump for creating what Kasich calls ‘ “toxic environment” in the presidential race.

Kasich is suggesting he may not support Trump should the businessman become the GOP nominee.

He says during a stop in Cincinnati that there’s “no place for a national leader to prey on the fears of people.”

Rubio says that some of the blame for what happened Friday night in Chicago lies with the protesters, but he says much of the divisiveness is in Trump's hands.

Rubio says Trump is feeding into some voters' anger and bitterness and is manipulating that for votes.

Ted Cruz of Texas said on Friday that Donald J. Trump bore responsibility for “creating an environment” that encourages violence at his events.

Bernie Sanders denounced Donald Trump as the head of a “vicious movement” At a press conference inChicagoon Saturday morning, the Democratic candidate for president said the Republican frontrunner had stoked racial enmity for political gain.

“What the Trump campaign has been about is insulting Mexicans in a very crude way, it’s been about insulting African Americans,” he said.
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It was Bernie Sanders' supporters who caused the violence, Trump cancelling the event stole the media spotlight and he was able to reach far more people on tv than he would have through the event itself, The Donald wins again :partay:

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