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US Politics

The Republican party and its veteran stakeholders are in an angry and confused state of mind. It is a very bitter pill to swallow given that Trump was just a sideshow a couple of months ago. He was considered a circus act back then. Little did the senior Republican figures know that this "joker" was going to be their prime candidate. Today, the "joker" is a reality and he is passing statements at will. He stands in their faces and mocks them as he wishes. Everyone laughs with joy and votes Trump. Even the most ridiculous statements don't affect Trump anymore. He can say just about anything and his angry white supporters are remaining loyal to him. Trump is considered truthful and a strong leader for America. Someone who is willing to go one step further by creating more war and anarchy to enrich America. In Trump's own words, America doesn't win anymore.

Liar Ted, quite Kasich and little Rubio are all puzzled and getting their asses handed to them vote after vote. They try to mount meaningless and ineffective attacks against Trump. Yet, the man only seems to get stronger and more popular. Not only among white uneducated folks, but also the educated and even some minority groups. The election results don't lie.

Again, Trump is receiving a lot of thumbs up for speaking up against Mexicans and Muslims in particular. His ideas against these groups has attracted a lot of support among aggrieved white victims. The white folks truly believe that Mexicans and Muslims are the root of all problems in their country. Once these obstacle are removed and taken care of, US will prosper and rivers of honey will flow like never before. Trump has used this card brilliantly. As he puts it, time has come to not be politically incorrect anymore. The angry white folks are paying heed to this message. The white folks are in a rage and trance. The Trump rallies have become a place where black African Americans, Muslims and other protestors are beaten up and expelled from the festivity.

I predict that Trump is going to get more popular in the upcoming weeks and months. He is going sweep the GOP elections with such conviction that it is going to change the political landscape forever.

Bush has been humiliated and we saw how he parted ways by sobbing and shedding tears. Even his mama and brother couldn't save him from a vicious loss. Liar Ted, quite Kasich and little Rubio are next and nothing can stop Trump's momentum towards GOP nomination. This is a fact that everyone has to accept and deal with. Even if we disapprove and dislike Trump with every fiber in our body.
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The Republican party and its veteran stakeholders are in an angry and confused state of mind. It is a very bitter pill to swallow given that Trump was just a sideshow a couple of months ago. He was considered a circus act back then. Little did the senior Republicans know that this "joker" was going to be their prime candidate. Today, the "joker" is a reality and he is passing statements at will. Even the most ridiculous statements don't affect Trump anymore. He can say just about anything and his angry white supporters are remaining loyal to him.

Liar Ted, quite Kasich and little Rubio are all puzzled and getting their asses handed to them vote after vote. They try to mount meaningless and ineffective attacks against Trump. Yet, the man only seems to get stronger and more popular. Not only among white uneducated folks, but also the educated and even some minority groups. The election results don't lie.

Again, Trump is receiving a lot of thumbs up for speaking up against Mexicans and Muslims in particular. His ideas against these groups has attracted a lot of support among white aggrieved white victims. The white folks truly believe that Mexicans and Muslims are the root of all problems in their country. Trump has used this card briluantly. As he puts it, time has come to not be politically incorrect anymore. The angry white folks are paying heed to this message.

I predict that Trump is going to get more popular in the upcoming weeks and months. He is going sweep the GOP elections.

Bush has been humiliated and we saw how he parted ways with sobbing tears. Liar Ted, quite Kasich and little Rubio are next and nothing can stop Trump's momentum towards GOP nomination. This is a fact that everyone has to accept and deal with.
I would keep in mind that in America's unusual party system, only a small percentage of the population actually votes in primaries and even smaller percentage votes in caucuses, so when you say things like, "white folks truly believe that Mexicans and Muslims are the root of all problems in their country.", that really isn't true. Most Americans are opposed to illegal immigration for sure, because.......it's against the law, but they don't "hate" Mexicans. The town I live in right now, is 43% Hispanic, my local church is well over 50%, and there is no real racial tensions or hatred, anger, etc. Heck, how can there be when so many American families are so mixed race, that you can't tell anymore. Look at the people running for president; of the remaining candidates, Trump and Kasich are the only two white male Protestants among them. Clinton is female, Cruz and Rubio are both Hispanic, and Carson is African-American, as is the President that one of them will be replacing. And when Trump proposed banning Muslims from entering the country, the overwhelming majority of the American people were opposed to it in every poll.
I would keep in mind that in America's unusual party system, only a small percentage of the population actually votes in primaries and even smaller percentage votes in caucuses.

This is a very important point that's conflagrating how much we can read into the support of an individual like Trump or Sanders.

The Republican parties caucuses and primaries are seeing record high turn out - leading to Trump being seen to have high support at the expense of Cruz and Rubio, though this may not be true during General elections when more people turn out.

Conversely, Sanders may be undershooting his support, or at least he's mis-estimating it. Part of his insurgent campaign platform is that he can galvanize the non-voters by being an outsider. At this point this platform seems unfounded as the Democratic primaries are seeing record low turnout.

So who's got the support and who doesn't? As always, the primarys and caucuses don't tell us anything. They are an anomaly that pumps up media coverage for some who do well, which is important as coverage can sway discussions and voter views, but we hardly get a complete picture of the US political landscape.

You mentioned you're a conservative, I'm on the other side of the equation, but where on the European scale of polics would you be? I say this because our scales are different. In the US Bernie Sanders is a radical, too far left from most in the US. But in Europe he'd be just another Labor party member. It's that common here.
This is a very important point that's conflagrating how much we can read into the support of an individual like Trump or Sanders.

The Republican parties caucuses and primaries are seeing record high turn out - leading to Trump being seen to have high support at the expense of Cruz and Rubio, though this may not be true during General elections when more people turn out.

Conversely, Sanders may be undershooting his support, or at least he's mis-estimating it. Part of his insurgent campaign platform is that he can galvanize the non-voters by being an outsider. At this point this platform seems unfounded as the Democratic primaries are seeing record low turnout.

So who's got the support and who doesn't? As always, the primarys and caucuses don't tell us anything. They are an anomaly that pumps up media coverage for some who do well, which is important as coverage can sway discussions and voter views, but we hardly get a complete picture of the US political landscape.

You mentioned you're a conservative, I'm on the other side of the equation, but where on the European scale of polics would you be? I say this because our scales are different. In the US Bernie Sanders is a radical, too far left from most in the US. But in Europe he'd be just another Labor party member. It's that common here.
Right. If I were Norwegian, I would still probably be Hoyre and not Progress Party-FrP, but both are probably to the left of the Republican Party on many issues.

The other factor is in the shrinking of American parties. Trump or Clinton will get way more votes from Americans who belong to no party, than they get from their own because both parties, especially the Republican Party has been getting smaller and smaller every year as more and more Americans become politically independent. There is less of a clear ideological make-up then there was several decades ago.
I would keep in mind that in America's unusual party system, only a small percentage of the population actually votes in primaries and even smaller percentage votes in caucuses, so when you say things like, "white folks truly believe that Mexicans and Muslims are the root of all problems in their country.", that really isn't true. Most Americans are opposed to illegal immigration for sure, because.......it's against the law, but they don't "hate" Mexicans. The town I live in right now, is 43% Hispanic, my local church is well over 50%, and there is no real racial tensions or hatred, anger, etc. Heck, how can there be when so many American families are so mixed race, that you can't tell anymore. Look at the people running for president; of the remaining candidates, Trump and Kasich are the only two white male Protestants among them. Clinton is female, Cruz and Rubio are both Hispanic, and Carson is African-American, as is the President that one of them will be replacing. And when Trump proposed banning Muslims from entering the country, the overwhelming majority of the American people were opposed to it in every poll.

The sentiment obviously varies from place to place. Although, one cannot deny the huge support that Trump is receiving from mainly disgruntled white folks because of his anti-Muslim and anti-Mexican rhetoric which definitely is striking a chord. One can already gauge the ugly and sinister mood when people cheer and celebrate the ban on Muslims entering the US. Mexicans are openly branded as rapists and criminals which are sent by the Mexican government according to Trump. Protesters who happen to be Muslims and black Americans are scolded and beaten up during Trump rallies by white angry folks. It is happening right infront of our TV screens and I'm not making this up. Your town is just one place. The US is a huge country. We have to take into account the sentiment across all regions in the US. It doesn't look rosy. Besides, how would you explain Trump's victories and popularity among many white Americans? It is an inconvenient truth that many Americans are acting like bigots. Their support and vote for a bigot is enough proof. Trump is winning because he has the support of bigots like him.

Don't underestimate Trump's ability to win the general elections. Not so long ago, Trump wasn't even considered an outsider in these GOP elections. Today he is sweeping one state after the other and we see the Republicans sweating like a beaver.
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and that's why Trump would be great, he's called out both Bush and Obama/Clinton for their poor handling of the middle east, talked about the Saudi hand in 9/11 (15/19 hijackers were saudi nationals),and that supporting these so called rebels in Syria is a bad idea and he would rather work with Putin and clear the jihadists than start WW3 over Syria.

A bunch of cavemen with some old AK-47's is not enough to start WW3. Unless they manage to detonate a nuke or something which is highly unlikely.

And of-course, Putin would want Trump to be in power. The man's ex-KGB ;)

I'm amazed a US presidential candidate is talking about stuff like this, a republican no less, and he's resonating with the people !

The GOP were trying to increase its voter spectrum. Trump did quite the opposite.

Bottom line is that if a candidate cannot address a broad demographic spectrum during US elections, getting a hold of the power would be unlikely.

As for me and putting the Middle East aside, I cannot fathom the consequences in the after-math of a power vacuum. And to be honest, countries like Bangladesh, Vietnam and others do not have the kind of money in one of Trump's weird trade theories. I don't know about India, but you better starting thinking about it too.

The muslim ban thing was very unpleasant and completely disgusting imo but that was just him playing to the far right to get that vote and carve a hardcore niche for himself.... but I don't think he's a racist, politics is ugly but the stakes are the highest when it comes to US politics.

Muslims are not a race.

He's a very smart guy, think he might surprise a few people.

Smart, yes. One thing is for certain is that he has brought about the worse in America. The GOP elders are in panic mode. Are these people stupid?

The Republican party and its veteran stakeholders are in an angry and confused state of mind. It is a very bitter pill to swallow given that Trump was just a sideshow a couple of months ago. He was considered a circus act back then. Little did the senior Republican figures know that this "joker" was going to be their prime candidate. Today, the "joker" is a reality and he is passing statements at will. He stands in their faces and mocks them as he wishes. Everyone laughs with joy and votes Trump. Even the most ridiculous statements don't affect Trump anymore. He can say just about anything and his angry white supporters are remaining loyal to him. Trump is considered truthful and a strong leader for America. Someone who is willing to go one step further by creating more war and anarchy to enrich America. In Trump's own words, America doesn't win anymore.

Liar Ted, quite Kasich and little Rubio are all puzzled and getting their asses handed to them vote after vote. They try to mount meaningless and ineffective attacks against Trump. Yet, the man only seems to get stronger and more popular. Not only among white uneducated folks, but also the educated and even some minority groups. The election results don't lie.

Again, Trump is receiving a lot of thumbs up for speaking up against Mexicans and Muslims in particular. His ideas against these groups has attracted a lot of support among aggrieved white victims. The white folks truly believe that Mexicans and Muslims are the root of all problems in their country. Once this obstacle is removed and taken care of, US will prosper and rivers of honey will flow like never before. Trump has used this card brilliantly. As he puts it, time has come to not be politically incorrect anymore. The angry white folks are paying heed to this message. The white films are in a rage and trance. The Trump rallies have become a place where black African Americans, Muslims and other protestors are beaten up and expelled from the festivity.

I predict that Trump is going to get more popular in the upcoming weeks and months. He is going sweep the GOP elections with such conviction that it is going to change the political landscape forever.

Bush has been humiliated and we saw how he parted ways by sobbing and shedding tears. Even his mama and brother couldn't save him from a vicious loss. Liar Ted, quite Kasich and little Rubio are next and nothing can stop Trump's momentum towards GOP nomination. This is a fact that everyone has to accept and deal with. Even if we disapprove and dislike Trump with every fiber in our body.

I doubt that Trump actually believes in even half of the things he says. He is a self made person and successful too.

Muslims aside, build a wall and make Mexico pay for it? Make Japan and ROK to pay for being allies? Is he doing these for the media? Or is he a closet democrat out to annihilate the GOP?

There now rumors that the GOP may even split into two.

The sentiment obviously varies from place to place. Although, one cannot deny the huge support that Trump is receiving from mainly disgruntled white folks because of his anti-Muslim and anti-Mexican rhetoric which definitely is striking a chord. One can already gauge the ugly and sinister mood when people cheer and celebrate the ban on Muslims entering the US. Mexicans are openly branded as rapists and criminals which are sent by the Mexican government according to Trump. Protesters who happen to be Muslims and black Americans are scolded and beaten up during Trump rallies by white angry folks. It is happening right infront of our TV screens and I'm not making this up. Your town is just one place. The US is a huge country. We have to take into account the sentiment across all regions in the US. It doesn't look rosy. Besides, how would you explain Trump's victories and popularity among many white Americans? It is an inconvenient truth that many Americans are acting like bigots. Their support and vote for a bigot is enough proof. Trump is winning because he has the support of bigots like him.

He appeals mostly to rural, non-college educated and older people. And the areas where he gets support aren't that populated with narrow demographic spectrums.

The core of Trump's support are people who are frustrated by struggling for the past two decades in regards to job security, health care and wages. They feel that they cannot go up the social class ladder. Most importantly, they are uncertain about their and their children's future. In other words, they are poor people. They feel tired about politics as usual and feel that their system is failing to meet their needs. We all have our little dreams.

I mean let's ask ourselves, would a poor villager in South Asia have time or even comprehend global geopolitics? And if he does, we have seen what happens when we give them that undeserved attention on a global scale. Trump's core support is just that. But still, different.

Poverty, intolerance, illiteracy come in all shapes and sizes. So, let's not bring out the Muslim card ourselves. Let them say whatever they want to say. The more conspiracy theories, the better.

Trump is just being...well, Trump.
I doubt that Trump actually believes in even half of the things he says. He is a self made person and successful too.

No exactly. He born rich. He inherited most of his wealth from his father and deprived his brother in doing so. I am not sure if this guy would make a good president. USA may be waiting for dooms day.
A bunch of cavemen with some old AK-47's is not enough to start WW3
one would hope not but just look how the Syria thing is escalating, its scary

The GOP were trying to increase its voter spectrum. Trump did quite the opposite.
the GOP have already increased their base with Trump drawing in gazzilions of people to rally behind him, but then he's gone after them pretty viciously with attacking bush, mccain, lindsey graham and the neo cons, and rightfully so, bush and cheny/rumsfeld etc were a disaster for the world.

Trump gets full marks for that afaic

I don't think anyone has him figured out yet, the guy is an anomaly, maybe because he speaks the truth no mater what ?

As for me and putting the Middle East aside, I cannot fathom the consequences in the after-math of a power vacuum. And to be honest, countries like Bangladesh, Vietnam and others do not have the kind of money in one of Trump's weird trade theories. I don't know about India, but you better starting thinking about it too.
not worried, it'll be business as usual

Muslims are not a race.
I'm aware of that, but it still was the one thing that kind of left a real bad taste, that was not a nice thing to say, big -ve but his +ves still trump the bad stuff

Smart, yes. One thing is for certain is that he has brought about the worse in America. The GOP elders are in panic mode. Are these people stupid?
who elders ? bush, mccain, cheney, rumsfeld et all ?

yes, they're a bunch of stupid *** war criminal thugs who gave the world ISIS, these people are very stupid imo
No exactly. He born rich. He inherited most of his wealth from his father and deprived his brother in doing so. I am not sure if this guy would make a good president. USA may be waiting for dooms day.

From what I read, he started off with $1 million from his father. He became a millionaire to a billionaire. So that makes him a self-made person. Correct me if I'm wrong though.
A bunch of cavemen with some old AK-47's is not enough to start WW3. Unless they manage to detonate a nuke or something which is highly unlikely.

And of-course, Putin would want Trump to be in power. The man's ex-KGB ;)

The GOP were trying to increase its voter spectrum. Trump did quite the opposite.

Bottom line is that if a candidate cannot address a broad demographic spectrum during US elections, getting a hold of the power would be unlikely.

As for me and putting the Middle East aside, I cannot fathom the consequences in the after-math of a power vacuum. And to be honest, countries like Bangladesh, Vietnam and others do not have the kind of money in one of Trump's weird trade theories. I don't know about India, but you better starting thinking about it too.

Muslims are not a race.

Smart, yes. One thing is for certain is that he has brought about the worse in America. The GOP elders are in panic mode. Are these people stupid?

I doubt that Trump actually believes in even half of the things he says. He is a self made person and successful too.

Muslims aside, build a wall and make Mexico pay for it? Make Japan and ROK to pay for being allies? Is he doing these for the media? Or is he a closet democrat out to annihilate the GOP?

There now rumors that the GOP may even split into two.

He appeals mostly to rural, non-college educated and older people. And the areas where he gets support aren't that populated with narrow demographic spectrums.

The core of Trump's support are people who are frustrated by struggling for the past two decades in regards to job security, health care and wages. They feel that they cannot go up the social class ladder. Most importantly, they are uncertain about their and their children's future. In other words, they are poor people. They feel tired about politics as usual and feel that their system is failing to meet their needs. We all have our little dreams.

I mean let's ask ourselves, would a poor villager in South Asia have time or even comprehend global geopolitics? And if he does, we have seen what happens when we give them that undeserved attention on a global scale. Trump's core support is just that. But still, different.

Poverty, intolerance, illiteracy come in all shapes and sizes. So, let's not bring out the Muslim card ourselves. Let them say whatever they want to say. The more conspiracy theories, the better.

Trump is just being...well, Trump.

That is exactly all Trump requires. A working middle class consisting of mainly white folks who are looking to vent their anger and frustration one or the other way. Trump doesn't care whether the voters are poor or rich. All he needs are voters and thus far he got plenty. A working middle class that can be mislead into believing that Muslims and Mexicans are part of the problem. A working middle class that is loyal and undeterred. He has all the right ingredients in place to gather as much support as he can. Trump is on course of GOP nomination.

Don't make a mistake. This is the same mindset which supported Bush during the Iraq war.
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The sentiment obviously varies from place to place. Although, one cannot deny the huge support that Trump is receiving from mainly disgruntled white folks because of his anti-Muslim and anti-Mexican rhetoric which definitely is striking a chord. One can already gauge the ugly and sinister mood when people cheer and celebrate the ban on Muslims entering the US. Mexicans are openly branded as rapists and criminals which are sent by the Mexican government according to Trump. Protesters who happen to be Muslims and black Americans are scolded and beaten up during Trump rallies by white angry folks. It is happening right infront of our TV screens and I'm not making this up. Your town is just one place. The US is a huge country. We have to take into account the sentiment across all regions in the US. It doesn't look rosy. Besides, how would you explain Trump's victories and popularity among many white Americans? It is an inconvenient truth that many Americans are acting like bigots. Their support and vote for a bigot is enough proof. Trump is winning because he has the support of bigots like him.

Don't underestimate Trump's ability to win the general elections. Not so long ago, Trump wasn't even considered an outsider in these GOP elections. Today he is sweeping one state after the other and we see the Republicans sweating like a beaver.
I know you're not making it up and yes, sentiments can vary from town to town, but lets just take one thing you said,

"One can already gauge the ugly and sinister mood when people cheer and celebrate the ban on Muslims entering the US."

I assume you mean, Trump's idiotic proposal of a ban as their is of course, no ban on Muslims entering the USA, but besides that point, Trump was not only roundly condemned by virtually all of the country's leaders, the American people in poll after poll, overwhelmingly opposed any such ban. Now lets look at another statement statement,

"how would you explain Trump's victories and popularity among many white Americans?"

It's explained again, in understanding that it is not "white Americans". It's a small percentage who happen to be "white Americans". You know who the next candidate is who's followers are disproportionately white compared to his opponent? Socialist/Liberal Bernie Sanders! It's Bernie's biggest problem, so you can't just generalize. Of course there are Americans who are bigots, and there are jackasses who act out in their bigotry, just as in your country, but you won't get the true nature of the country by generalizing. A hidden camera TV show that has a series of interesting experiments, this one about anti-Muslim bigotry. Probably a better representation of the American people than a Trump rally...

The core of Trump's support are people who are frustrated by struggling for the past two decades in regards to job security, health care and wages. They feel that they cannot go up the social class ladder. Most importantly, they are uncertain about their and their children's future. In other words, they are poor people. They feel tired about politics as usual and feel that their system is failing to meet their needs. We all have our little dreams.

I wonder how true that is though? Massachusetts voted for Trump - huge margin. MA is one of the richest and most liberal states with low rates of unemployment . Trump won Nevada - very high Hispanic vote.

I don't know what's going on but I don't think the angry white rural folk explanation really fits anymore.

Maybe Trump got this far because-

1. Trump communicates differently to the other politicians. He uses simple language, he is entertaining (made for TV), he does not bore people with complicated ideas - " I will replace obamacare with something terrific" No details or difficult ideas or explanations just simple fantasy building.

He isn't smooth or suave the way most politicians are. And through long experience nobody trusts smooth and suave anymore.

2. His opponents underestimated him and so didn't go after him early enough. Everyone just assumed he was a clown and would fizzle out, so they didn't do the necessary work. The republicans have been undermining Hilary for years now, they never gave a fraction of that attention to Trump. They just sat back and laughed at him. The establishment was as entertained by him as everyone else now they are panicking and it may be too late.
Massachusetts voted for Trump

Massachusetts Republican Primary voters voted for Trump. Again, you have to take into account that in America's political system, only a small percentage of voters actually cast ballots in primary elections or causes. They are political party affairs in essence, and attract only the most politically active. What that means is, that while Mr. Trump won Massachusetts' Republican Party primary handily, it is not reflective of Massachusetts voters in general. So in liberal Democrat Party majority Massachusetts, Mr. Trump's total vote tally was only about 4.4% of the state's population.
Massachusetts Republican Primary voters voted for Trump. Again, you have to take into account that in America's political system, only a small percentage of voters actually cast ballots in primary elections or causes. They are political party affairs in essence, and attract only the most politically active. What that means is, that while Mr. Trump won Massachusetts' Republican Party primary handily, it is not reflective of Massachusetts voters in general. So in liberal Democrat Party majority Massachusetts, Mr. Trump's total vote tally was only about 4.4% of the state's population.
True, very tiny percentage of total population, but would I be right to assume these are the "high end" well educated Bain Capital type republicans - not angry rural folk.

I was wondering if there are now conservative establishment types voting for Trump?

Here is a verbatim quote from an American friend who is a financial type in NY. " at least Trump has done something, not like Cruz - that guy has spent a lifetime stopping anything from getting done".

Maybe some well educated people are seeing Trump as a better alternative to Cruz?

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