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US Planning to Snatch Pakistan's Nukes

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yeah our nuclear weapons and their delivery systems are all assembled and consolidated conveniently and waiting for outsiders to come scoop them up at ease

and with reports like these coming out since years and years, National Command Authority has just totally kept a closed eye and wants to make the "snatching" an easy process for foreign hostile entities :laugh:

the Armed Forces, and even the people will just sit idly while we are "de-fanged" and no longer have a credible deterrent against any possible eastern-enemy aggression

maybe they'll have a better time "selling" this idea over in Hollywood California. . .or even Bollycrap in your financial capital
The most US can do is destroy the sites using Bunker-busters,which too cannot penetrate into mountains effectively.

If an assault is conducted,it would require ground support at a large scale,because Pakistan army can simply surround the area and shoot down the Helis.Also,they will have to take care of PAF,which will be rushing to these areas.

Given the above scenario,it is simply impossible to snatch Pakistani nukes without risking a full-scale war...unless some corrupt leaders decide to give them up themselves.

US have been masters of covert operations and CIA is highly efficient in performing such operation along with Navy SEALS and other commando units if required....... They have electronic attack air-planes which can jam the whole radar network of PAF....... they have stealth halos which don't even make much sound....... technology wise you can't win......

And the element of surprise must not be undermined here with....... It would well be just another day when the Radar was switched off/ The operator was sleeping and the security forces rushing only in the morning to pick up the rubbles of the crashed helicopter, dead bodies of guards etc.....
US have been masters of covert operations and CIA is highly efficient in performing such operation along with Navy SEALS and other commando units if required....... They have electronic attack air-planes which can jam the whole radar network of PAF....... they have stealth halos which don't even make much sound....... technology wise you can't win......

And the element of surprise must not be undermined here with....... It would well be just another day when the Radar was switched off/ The operator was sleeping and the security forces rushing only in the morning to pick up the rubbles of the crashed helicopter, dead bodies of guards etc.....

I think I may have seen that movie already! :P

Seriously though, this is not a realistic scenario at all.
US have been masters of covert operations and CIA is highly efficient in performing such operation along with Navy SEALS and other commando units if required....... They have electronic attack air-planes which can jam the whole radar network of PAF....... they have stealth halos which don't even make much sound....... technology wise you can't win......

as seen on 2nd May, and as confirmed by PAF officials --yes that is true.....however a specific hit & run op is much different from "disabling" or "sabotaging" the ENTIRE nuclear arsenal (the worlds fastest growing one, incidentally) of Pakistani nation.

these 100 or so (all speculation) weapons are not assembled; fissile cores are likely stored separately from non-nuclear explosives packages, and the warheads are stored separately from the delivery systems.....not that they cant be assembled quickly whenever needed, but it isnt that they are just conveniently in one underground bunker or even four.....we're talking SEVERAL different locations which are, my guess, not accesible even by spy satellites.

the people who work at these most sensitive facilities ---their families --- even their pet dogs and goldfish -- are monitored EXTREMELY closely by the intelligence agencies; job rotations take place quite regularly, sometimes spontaneously

And the element of surprise must not be undermined here with....... It would well be just another day when the Radar was switched off/ The operator was sleeping and the security forces rushing only in the morning to pick up the rubbles of the crashed helicopter, dead bodies of guards etc.....

i have absolutely no idea what you're trying to say here; in fact after a few days, Pakistani themselves handed over the scrap metal to the Americans ---for whatever that was worth

you can recall that in 1980s, French "diplomats" sent by the CIA on a fact-finding mission were caught red-handed trying to spy on "sensitive installations" --- and that was 1980s; and that was before we were even having weapons grade nuclear capability

since then, you can imagine that NCA is preparing for the worst; especially now with all this jingoistic language by enemies and even some irresponsible allies alike.

Am i doubting NATO/American military prowess? Hell no.

but I'm just saying, you people are living in a total fool's paradise if you think Pakistan would sit idly. A nation where even some civilian populated areas are heavily armed
US have been masters of covert operations and CIA is highly efficient in performing such operation along with Navy SEALS and other commando units if required....... They have electronic attack air-planes which can jam the whole radar network of PAF....... they have stealth halos which don't even make much sound....... technology wise you can't win......

And the element of surprise must not be undermined here with....... It would well be just another day when the Radar was switched off/ The operator was sleeping and the security forces rushing only in the morning to pick up the rubbles of the crashed helicopter, dead bodies of guards etc.....

Did I mention ASFC and SPD has its own independent troops to guard these sites?

US doesn't know which sites are fake and which ones are real...we are talking about way too much invovlement of military here...as we have been saying before,the Abottabad raid was a lesson for us,which we have learned...I know PAF can be disabled...

But can they disable ground troops?...Pakistani army simply has to be ready for such an event...when the helis come,surround the area and let nobody get in or out...and we are talking about raiding dozens of sites including fake/dummy ones.
I think I may have seen that movie already! :P

Seriously though, this is not a realistic scenario at all.

I mean..... there were 2-3 USN CVBG near Pakistani coast electronic attack planes ready on afghan border and ACs..... and V-22 once again violating Pakistani air space in the morning to ferry OBL's dead body over Baluchistan to an AC..... still its a movie...... I don't see a more realistic scenario when you have more planes present at your coast.... which would actually be the thrice of PAF and technologically superior.... what more of a realistic scenario remains to be seen..... they were ready and a single bullet fired by Pakistani security agencies and the whole world would have seen the movie and that too with pop corn.....:pop:
Thanks god for saving Israel from Pakistani wrath..

we have never gone to war with israel and have no reason or need to, unless of course they would want to join this "imbroglio" which I don't think they would want to do; given they have enough enemies as is (albeit weak ones)

nope! just india :)
they were ready and a single bullet fired by Pakistani security agencies and the whole world would have seen the movie and that too with pop corn.....:pop:

i'm sure there were people even in the naxal belt in india, popping popcorn when Anantha Narayanan went missing? Or when workers at your nuclear facilities were stealing computers with important information on them and managing to escape with them?

I like my popcorn with a touch of butter, and 3 teaspoons of salt. So go bring it for me.. :pop:
Stick to the topic please - one has to reference 'using nukes' when talking about 'deterrence'. The US and USSR did not maintain a Cold War detente by 'not threatening to nuke the other nation and its allies', the threat of 'nuking the other nation and its allies' was always there. The fact that each could do it to the other was what kept the two largely away from any major direct confrontation.

The references to 'nuking the Gulf Oil infrastructure, Israel, India, US bases in the region' is solely meant as a hypothetical exercise to illustrate the level of losses to the Western (Global) economy in case of an unprovoked military assault to 'neutralize Pakistan's nukes'. It has nothing to do with 'pure hate' (we obviously have no major beef with the Gulf nations whose oil infrastructure we would be destroying) - it is solely about finding targets that would hurt a potential Western enemy the most, and therefore perhaps deter that enemy from 'crossing Pakistan's red lines'.
as seen on 2nd May, and as confirmed by PAF officials --yes that is true.....however a specific hit & run op is much different from "disabling" or "sabotaging" the ENTIRE nuclear arsenal (the worlds fastest growing one, incidentally) of Pakistani nation.

these 100 or so (all speculation) weapons are not assembled; fissile cores are likely stored separately from non-nuclear explosives packages, and the warheads are stored separately from the delivery systems.....not that they cant be assembled quickly whenever needed, but it isnt that they are just conveniently in one underground bunker or even four.....we're talking SEVERAL different locations which are, my guess, not accesible even by spy satellites.

the people who work at these most sensitive facilities ---their families --- even their pet dogs and goldfish -- are monitored EXTREMELY closely by the intelligence agencies; job rotations take place quite regularly, sometimes spontaneously

i have absolutely no idea what you're trying to say here; in fact after a few days, Pakistani themselves handed over the scrap metal to the Americans ---for whatever that was worth

I agree with you...... Taking out 100s of nukes which would be possibly distributed in about couple of dozen locations would well be an unprecedent event in the whole word and would be near a miracle if fulled out effectively how ever.... It is quite possible with the technological and military muscle they have got...... add on top of that the influence of CIA and its decades of experience in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The second part quoted by you was one the side factors such as bribing concerned officers...... Generals with every possible lucrative item and make them do the work in their favor...... I won't go deep..... being a professional you know better how a superior enemy uses his purchasing power to serve their goal.
we have never gone to war with israel and have no reason or need to, unless of course they would want to join this "imbroglio" which I don't think they would want to do; given they have enough enemies as is (albeit weak ones)

nope! just india :)

The Israelis have significant influence over US policy makers through their lobbyists, can't leave them out. Pakistan has no beef with the Israelis, at the moment, just like it has no beef with the Gulf states.

The threat to 'nuke Israel and the Gulf' in case of unprovoked aggression against Pakistan by the West, would be, IMO, to ensure that these parties bring their own influence to bear on the US/West to prevent an 'unprovoked assault on Pakistan'.

Other than that I am in full favor of a gradual normalization of ties with Israel - especially if they come to a land swap agreement resulting in a Palestinian State.
i'm sure there were people even in the naxal belt in india, popping popcorn when Anantha Narayanan went missing? Or when workers at your nuclear facilities were stealing computers with important information on them and managing to escape with them?

I like my popcorn with a touch of butter, and 3 teaspoons of salt. So go bring it for me..

I have seen naxals...... been with them...... my house is very near to their belt..... and let me tell you they are no where near to what people think about them here !!

I can give a full detail how they get their arm, how they get their finance etc..... their ideology is totally different..... they are more of a violent demonstrators against the state policies which are capitalist to them in nature......
Did I mention ASFC and SPD has its own independent troops to guard these sites?

US doesn't know which sites are fake and which ones are real...we are talking about way too much invovlement of military here...as we have been saying before,the Abottabad raid was a lesson for us,which we have learned...I know PAF can be disabled...

But can they disable ground troops?...Pakistani army simply has to be ready for such an event...when the helis come,surround the area and let nobody get in or out...and we are talking about raiding dozens of sites including fake/dummy ones.

If you were a military planer keeping in mind the modern technological advancements etc...... you would understand what US can do !!(neither am I but I can still think on their terms up to a little extent at least...:P)

A question for you "What would Pakistan do if 3-5 of its nuclear site is taken out by US commandos tonight ??"
Other than that I am in full favor of a gradual normalization of ties with Israel - especially if they come to a land swap agreement resulting in a Palestinian State.

well, they did toy with the idea of housing their bomber aircrafts in hindustan --- a move which would have provoked an all out war against them (or at least their assets) and of course the enemy country housing those aircrafts..

you have to understand the strategic importance that our nuclear weapons program provides to Pakistan --especially in the face of existential threats by large, more financially-endowed enemy countries

as for israel and Pakistan today -- yes if the Palestine issue were resolved, Pakistan should be first in line to recognize them.....as the raison d'etre of both countries, and the times of their founding were very similar indeed.

actually, i PERSONALLY think we should establish some behind-the-scenes contact with them on a purely professional level.....even if there is mistrust (which there would be, most likely)

in Pakistan's case, it is immediate neighbours who are proving to be the most troublesome.....Pakistan also needs to come to grips with the fact that this isn't the time for political bickering. We shouldnt take threats from ANYONE lightly...whether its terrorists coming in from Afghanistan or whether its even "friendlys" talking about "snatching" our prized assets
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