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US Planning to Snatch Pakistan's Nukes

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well one question pakistan has to ask what they gain after 1947 and answer is nothing just lost and loss

why just because of pakistan leaders and pakistan army .
well statistics and facts contradict you..
people i the pakistani region have not only got a independent identity but also have economically prospered much more than Muslims in india..even more than the general population of India..

the root of our problem is indicated by your profile picture..india and its unprovoked enmity to us..it forced us to get nuclear weapons and hugly militarize us..
best example is unprovoked war of 71..we learned our lesson from it.
We are discussing hypothetical scenarios here like nuking India, Israel, Gulf to stop US snatching Pakistani nukes.. I gave other options as well.. If you don't like it then very well ignore it but my reply was on topic and not troll in any sense. BTW, you are giving troll fatwa which is against forum rules and I hope mods will take action on it.

First of all you responded does that mean you were trolling since you took your time out to respond to my words unreal. Second we are not discussing Nuking india & israel for GOD's sake stop having pagla dreams and come back in to reality .. we are talking about US wanting to snatch Pakistani nukes which will never ever happend... third of all its people like you and other indians who hype up the thread with nonsense talking about bringing indian & israel in to it when there is no need for it .Last but not least my friend first learn what the word Fatwa means do you even know i don't think so ... and finially the damn thread is getting out of control because of some indians so what is that called if not trolls i was speaking in general to my fellow member not you if you aren't a troll then why you getting your head all worked up relax and the mods know what they are doing they will be watching you more then me and others like you i haven't done anythng wrong now don't write back to me either stick to the topic or ignore those you are right here .
Hoodhbhoy is someone who thinks Pakistan should "give up" its Nuclear deterrent & has publicly expressed his views. Him being part of this article shows that the article was designed to have maximum amount of mirch masala from the beginning.
I like how he dismisses all the good stuff said about Pakistan's nuclear security by saying "Oh its carefully worded". "Considerably Secure" should have been "State of the art secured".
Good Lord! Pakistan is now awash with nuclear material and more and more weapons grade stuff being produced by the day! Forget about an American/Israeli operation to neutralize these warheads (which is easier said than done!).

The question is, what would happen if there is an Earthquake or other natural disaster that could affect the nuclear power plants in a narrow geographical area like Pakistan? Remember what happened in Fukushima, Japan? That would be peanuts compared with what could happen in Pakistan. How many thousands would die of leaking radiation? How much of crop damage would ensue resulting in famine? And then there would be the danger of radiation spreading throughout the sub continent, depending of course, on the prevailing atmospheric conditions and the amount of damage to the reactors.

Playing with fire ain't a good idea! Amen!
Good Lord! Pakistan is now awash with nuclear material and more and more weapons grade stuff being produced by the day! Forget about an American/Israeli operation to neutralize these warheads (which is easier said than done!).

The question is, what would happen if there is an Earthquake or other natural disaster that could affect the nuclear power plants in a narrow geographical area like Pakistan? Remember what happened in Fukushima, Japan? That would be peanuts compared with what could happen in Pakistan. How many thousands would die of leaking radiation? How much of crop damage would ensue resulting in famine? And then there would be the danger of radiation spreading throughout the sub continent, depending of course, on the prevailing atmospheric conditions and the amount of damage to the reactors.

Playing with fire ain't a good idea! Amen!

Same can go for India or any other nuke power nation when mother nature strikes all the money and toys in the world can't do jack so whats your point ?
Same can go for India or any other nuke power nation when mother nature strikes all the money and toys in the world can't do jack so whats your point ?
The point is Pakistan is producing much more weapons grade nuclear material than required. What do you need so many bombs for? Are you guys thinking of a nuclear attack on America and Israel in addition to India?

Feed your poor first. Pakistan's poverty has started hitting new highs. There are now more Pakistanis below the poverty line today than were yesterday! Spending billions on something that's NEVER gonna be used is a bad idea. Period!
Technically and logically not possible ..... Military or any kind of action against Pakistan nuke will be (WW3) simple. Pakistan will not wait for anything and our first target will be INDIA either India will involve or not! simple!

THAT'S WHY INDIA WANT SOME GUARANTEE from last 10 years. Unfortunatly Americans don't have!
Technically and logically not possible ..... Military or any kind of action against Pakistan nuke will be (WW3) simple. Pakistan will not wait for anything and our first target will be INDIA either India will involve or not! simple!

THAT'S WHY INDIA WANT SOME GUARANTEE from last 10 years. Unfortunatly Americans don't have!
Stop talking nonsense like a third grade student. If Israel initiates action against Pakistan, why in the world would Pakistan target India? Unless the PA is out of their minds! Wake up and go smell the coffee.

Have you heard of nuclear TRIAD? No? Then go look it up and get educated. Nuclear war isn't going to be like the 4th of July fireworks. Those who talk of nuclear war with gay abandon need to get their heads examined. That's why they say, "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing."
same applies to you and your country fellows ....
but as Stealth said any thing is possible if Pakistan nukes are attacked.
we would make sure the security of our nukes.
So that cat is coming out of the hat now... the drama started from 9/11 and systematically it has came to the one and only thing.. Pakistan's Nukes!

I feel sorry to see that many literate ppl still believe 9/11 as drama done by USA... I am speechless...
Only a policy of parity is acceptable to Pakistan, & if the US doesn't want that, it's their own loss.

Parity has to be earned, and cannot just be demanded. If the US does not offer parity, then how is it their loss and not Pakistan's?
Technically and logically not possible ..... Military or any kind of action against Pakistan nuke will be (WW3) simple. Pakistan will not wait for anything and our first target will be INDIA either India will involve or not! simple!

THAT'S WHY INDIA WANT SOME GUARANTEE from last 10 years. Unfortunatly Americans don't have!

A gem of a post....WW3 and India vanished...LOL
Technically and logically not possible ..... Military or any kind of action against Pakistan nuke will be (WW3) simple. Pakistan will not wait for anything and our first target will be INDIA either India will involve or not! simple!

THAT'S WHY INDIA WANT SOME GUARANTEE from last 10 years. Unfortunatly Americans don't have!

TRULY ELITE POST....hats off !!
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