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US & Pakistan Dispute and Tensions over Haqqani group

Because exclusive interests hid in Panetta, Mullen's statement, which didn't emphasis security of Afghan people.

Both of them would argue that the US forces are there for security of Afghan people so security of US forces automatically ensures security of Afghan civilians :)
Pakistan Interior Minister: Rehman Malik: We have proofs of Indian Involvement in Balochistan

Reaction: Critics laugh off and Indian Public makes fun of everthing and call Pakistanis India-centric and not looking among themselves for the culprit and the focal point of their argument. If there is a evident why not put on the table?

American Un-nammed sources or Some Low level Diplomat: We have proof of Pakistani involvment in Attack

Reaction: Crtitics dearly believe them. Indian public blindly follows the word of American Un named or Named sources, even the evidence is not put on the table. No one suggest Americans then, that instead of Putting all blame on Pakistan, Why not put your own house in order first by controlling the border? No one calls Ameican, Pakistan centric, and Pakistan bashing at once start

Feel the Difference
Pakistan Interior Minister: Rehman Malik: We have proofs of Indian Involvement in Balochistan

Reaction: Critics laugh off and Indian Public makes fun of everthing and call Pakistanis India-centric and not looking among themselves for the culprit and the focal point of their argument. If there is a evident why not put on the table?

American Un-nammed sources or Some Low level Diplomat: We have proof of Pakistani involvment in Attack

Reaction: Crtitics dearly believe them. Indian public blindly follows the word of American Un named or Named sources, even the evidence is not put on the table. No one suggest Americans then, that instead of Putting all blame on Pakistan, Why not put your own house in order first by controlling the border? No one calls Ameican, Pakistan centric, and Pakistan bashing at once start

Feel the Difference

LOL.. The American Ambassador to Pakistan is a low level diplomat..?? Do you know by saying this you are actually ridiculing Pakistan that USA sends a low level diplomat as an ambassador to your country :D

btw, To your other point, Pakistan has not shown existence of Terrorists attacking Pakistan in India.. On the other hand, USA has killed dozens of Taliban and Al Queda leaders with in Pakistan thru drone attacks and Spec forces ops (OBL).. Thats why the 2 examples you gave can not be compared..
There are people who are Armchair warriors, and there are people who don't need even an arm chair to prove naive. If you think America is going up or they are winning against Afghanistan and Pakistan.. I wish you good luck with your life. :agree:
There are people who are Armchair warriors, and there are people who don't need even an arm chair to prove stupid. If you think America is going up or they are winning against Afghanistan and Pakistan.. I wish you good luck with your life.

I thought American was fighting against Taliban.. Or are one of those who wish for a Taliban rule (AT in Afghanistan and TTP in Pakistan) in the region?? Looks like a Freudian slip to me ;)
Nou you are actually right.. I didn't consider the fact that Taliban are actually Martians.
Pakistan, still playing it's active role in being a paid scapegoat, for American foreign policy blunders. I think America is just on a campaign of sabotage and destruction, and when they run out of money they have Pakistan to point the finger at. As Imran Khan said "There is no way to fight an idea with conventional weapons. You have to fight an idea with ideas."

If you look at the bigger picture and reflect, you can see that terrorism has not decreased, but increased. America is losing in Afghanistan. America created sectarian violence and just a complete mess in Iraq. I don't think they've gained support with Pakistani citizens either, after continuous drone strikes on "suspected militants" while killing civilians in the process. America needs to re-think their foreign policy, and stop spending money on pointless wars. Their economy needs much work, and so does the Pakistani economy.
On the other hand, USA has killed dozens of Taliban and Al Queda leaders with in Pakistan thru drone attacks and Spec forces ops
Sticking to the US, the US itself admits that it carries out 'dozens of raids' every night in side Afghanistan - NATO military operations in Afghanistan dwarf the limited ops carried out in Pakistan by the US, which in itself is a clear indication that the larger insurgent threat lies in Afghanistan, not Pakistan, and that the Taliban in Afghanistan have not yet been subdued.

Add in the fact that Pakistan has had to deal with dozens of cross-border attacks out of Eastern Afghanistan, often comprising hundreds of Taliban fighters, killing hundreds of security personnel and civilians, and it becomes even more clear that the the larger Taliban problem lies in Afghanistan, not Pakistan.
American ultimatum to Pakistan: End ISI's proxy war
WASHINGTON: Accusing Pakistan's military-run ISI of using the Haqqani network to carry out a "proxy war", US has warned Islamabad to cut ties with the terror group and help eliminate its leaders or it will act unilaterally.

In what amounts to an ultimatum, the US administration have indicated that the US will act unilaterally if Pakistan does not comply, 'The Washington Post' daily reported.

Quoting officials, the paper said the message was delivered in high-level meetings and public statements over the past several days reflecting Washington's view that the year-long strategy of using persuasion and military assistance to influence Pakistan's behaviour has been ineffective.

According to the Post, White House officials and defence secretary Leon Panetta are said to be adamant in their determination to change the approach.

The report comes as chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen told a meeting here on Tuesday night that in his discussions with Pakistan army chief Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, he had pressed Islamabad to end its links with the terror group.

"We covered a full range of issues focusing on the danger of the Haqqani network, the need for the Haqqani network to disengage...the need for the Haqqani network to disengage, specifically the need for the ISI to disconnect from Haqqani and from this proxy war that they're fighting," he said during his address at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace here.

He added, "The ISI has been doing this - working for - supporting proxies for an extended period of time. It is a strategy in the country and I think that strategic approach has to shift in the future."
Sticking to the US, the US itself admits that it carries out 'dozens of raids' every night in side Afghanistan - NATO military operations in Afghanistan dwarf the limited ops carried out in Pakistan by the US, which in itself is a clear indication that the larger insurgent threat lies in Afghanistan, not Pakistan, and that the Taliban in Afghanistan have not yet been subdued.

Add in the fact that Pakistan has had to deal with dozens of cross-border attacks out of Eastern Afghanistan, often comprising hundreds of Taliban fighters, killing hundreds of security personnel and civilians, and it becomes even more clear that the the larger Taliban problem lies in Afghanistan, not Pakistan.

That may very well be true and I dont have a strong stand either way on which out of Pakistan and Afghanistan have larger number of terrorist setups. However I do believe that the problem exists in dangerous proportions on both sides of the Durand Line,
Looks like the American patience with Pakistan's duplicity in WOT is running out finally.
Predict some worse times for Pakistan in the near future.
Looks like the American patience with Pakistan's duplicity in WOT is running out finally.
Predict some worse times for Pakistan in the near future.
And the US will do what exactly to accomplish what exactly, as its 'patience runs out finally'?
Embargo us, that's the best they can do at the moment publicly, other covert things include creating unrest , more than present, and mass scale mobilization of people to the streets through media.

Although, in reality, none of this ain't gonna happen.
Embargo us, that's the best they can do at the moment publicly, other covert things include creating unrest , more than present, and mass scale mobilization of people to the streets through media.

Although, in reality, none of this ain't gonna happen.
Well, sure, they can do all that, but what is the end goal they are hoping to achieve?

Destabilize the country and weaken the economy and conventional military - that would only make it easier for religious extremism to spread and for religious extremists to gain power, and none of the above would make it any harder to support the Haqqani network (if indeed Pakistan is supporting them) since they are largely financing themselves through the drug trade, donations from the Gulf, smuggling and other criminal activities.

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