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US must 'get used to China's rise'

These little countries will eventually back down, they have too much at stake to maintain long term hostilities with China. The only country that will not back down is Inda, the country with imperial dream, but not the means or ability.

What China should do is help North East States under India's colonial occupation to become independent.

Obviously attempting to destroy indian territorial integrity will lead to nuclear war..and end of the chinese dream as well.
Must be lost in the sea of proverbs about killing Injuns and treating blacks like subhumans

Must be. And I've never killed even one Injun or owned me a black. What am I missing, Mr.Truth ?:usflag:
Must be. And I've never killed even one Injun or owned me a black. What am I missing, Mr.Truth ?:usflag:

You just lick the balls of the people who did and pretend it never happened.

Obviously attempting to destroy indian territorial integrity will lead to nuclear war..and end of the chinese dream as well.

I'd be surprised if any of your shoddy weapons made it past the Himalayas. Chinese people do like to gamble.
I proposed a similar idea here:
Sun Tzu Doctrine for Asia

But that was then, I need to revise that. I no longer believe in smaller regional unions in Asia. China must establish itself as the undisputed leader, helped by its allies, while entire Asia should be directly under Chinese control, no more sub regions for Asia.

Don't be silly. China is not going to over-extend itself in attempting to control Asia, not even Southeast Asia, as that would be far too costly and counter-productive. Deterrance against other major powers to act against Chinese interest in the region is more realistic as a goal.
The rise of USA and the rise of China is strikingly similar. Even in regional geopolitics, it is extremely similar. Think of Latin Country relation with America and the Southeast Asia with China.

Cuba - Philippines
Venezuela - Vietnam
Argentina - Malaysia
Brazil - Indonesia
Mexico - Myanmar
Columbia - Thailand

If history repeats itself and the funny thing is history does tend to repeat itself, then the future of Southeast states will have a similar economic effect like those of Latin America when they face a big heavyweight like USA.
Good to know that China is showing its true colors.

Learn your history again. The Texans won its independence from Mexico and approved by Santa Anna and asked to be part of the U.S. Most of our territories we bought from France, Spain, and Russia. Besides the conflict with Mexico. Oh I forgot to include that even though we defeated Mexico, we still paid for those territories as well.

I know US history and frankly, I don't really see any difference between what went down between US, Canada and Mexico and today's situation in South China sea, except that China is a lot less aggressive and didn't start the nation by massacring the native inhabitant.
That's pretty much how nations worked throughout history. One country is growing faster and becomes stronger than its neighbors and the neighbors have to either find a way to catch up or accept it and bend over. That's really how every empire, superpower came about.

hahaha, how can you catch up when your enemy is trying to invade you at the same time, idiot.
Tibetans may disagree.:china:

Yes, Tibetan would most definitely disagree (with you, that is) since the Tibetan population today is three times of what it was. The native Indians on the other hand...

hahaha, how can you catch up when your enemy is trying to invade you at the same time, idiot.

For vast majority of the nations? They don't. The world isn't really all that fair. However, it also doesn't mean it is impossible. China was way behind in the early half of 20th century and we caught up just fine.
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