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US must 'get used to China's rise'

To put things into perspective. ;)

Brand Expert Interview: 'The Chinese Have the Necessary Vision'

A Haier factory in Qingdao in northern China's Shandong province.

Twenty years ago, China exported six cars. Last year it exported a million. Marketing expert Nirmalya Kumar speaks to SPIEGEL about the impending global ascent of brands from emerging economies.

SPIEGEL: Professor Kumar, in your recent book, you predict the breakout of future world brands from emerging markets, particularly from China. Are you not a bit premature? Even in Asia, the newly rich prefer Western brand icons like Apple or Armani to cheap local labels.

Kumar: If I had told you 25 years ago that South Korean brands like Samsung or Hyundai would successfully enter Germany, you would have called me crazy. However, now the Chinese, too, are on the advance. The Germans should take care in order not be caught off guard like in the past by the offensive of Japanese camera makers.

SPIEGEL: The advantage of the Chinese has long been in their cheap labor costs. German producers, on the other hand, stand for quality. Are they not well prepared for advances from the East?

Kumar: Chinese brands like Haier follow the same strategy as Toyota did: The Japanese automaker first produced in its own country, then it built factories throughout the world as well as bases for research and development in central markets. Finally, it also attacked in the luxury segment -- with the "Lexus." To be sure, Chinese car makers still lag behind, but they are slowly catching up, especially in the emerging markets. Twenty years ago China exported six cars, last year it exported one million cars.

SPIEGEL: Does this mean we have to be concerned about BMW or Mercedes?

Kumar: These brands are alive primarily thanks to China's growing market. There, they are adapting to the needs of their customers. BMW and Mercedes remain relevant as luxury brands. Relatively, however, the balance will shift -- in favor of new brands from the emerging markets.

SPIEGEL: And why haven't the Indians moved ahead with global brands?

Kumar: Indian companies face much higher barriers than Chinese ones: In order to make your brand known to Western customers you have to invest a lot of money in advertisement. The Chinese have the necessary vision and they have a home market which is four to five times as big as the Indian market. Profits generated in the domestic market finance their global offensives. What is more important, however: China is the only emerging market that has the ability to produce world class products. The Chinese produce for Bosch, for Apple, for Ericsson. But when they want to develop their own brands, they only have to put their own label on it.

SPIEGEL: Or they just buy Western brands. How important are brands still as a tool for consumers to judge products? Jaguar and Land Rover, for example, once stood for British tradition; now both brands belong to the Indian Tata group.

Kumar: Brands are not being defined by their country of origin any longer. Of course, if I market champagne, the country of origin still plays a role. However, if you buy an iPhone from Apple you don't think "Made in China." And if you drive a Jaguar or Land Rover you don't care about its Indian owner Tata or that the CEO of Jaguar Land Rover Automotive is a German. What matters to the consumer is whether the brand keeps what it promises.

SPIEGEL: Still, Western consumers are still skeptical when they see "Made in China" written on a product.

Kumar: Sure, during the past 40 years China defined itself by the cheap label "Made in China." In the coming 30 years, however, the world will more and more define itself by the label "Owned by China." China will own many global companies and important resources across the world.

Interview: Expert Nirmalya Kumar on Rise of Emerging Market Brands - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Western arrogance towards China will be the undoing of the west in the long term. The western mentality of 'China can't do this, China can't do that' will come back to bite them on the backside one day. Chinese companies are now emerging in every sector of every industry and the western brands are being challenged in the domestic Chinese market. Once Chinese companies control the domestic market, then they will expand into other developing and emerging markets in Asia, Latin America and Africa. Then they will start to challenge western brands in western markets.

China has large market size which gives Chinese brands a great advantage as they can thrive just in the domestic market without having to go to foreign markets just to survive. China has the capital, markets, management and increasingly the technology too.
Nope. I disagree with you. Muslim nations should be united under NATO frame work look like. We can be a good friend of China, but in an equal relationship.

The biggest difficulty with Muslim nations is that collectively we have a lot, manpower, land and resources, but they are distributed in many different countries. We do not have a single nation among Muslim majority countries that is or going to be a core country soon and is large enough compared with China or India in terms of population:

World-systems theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you cannot fight them, join them. Following this principle, in a few decades, both South Korea and Japan I believe will get closer to China. So China together with Japan and Korean peninsula, may become the new Asian core.

I think it will be advantageous for Muslim nations of the world to get closer to the Asian core rather than the Western core. The only exception will be Turkey, which is already a part of NATO and if it can become a part of EU, then that will seal the fate for Turkey for its future destiny.
Some asian countries thought china will act like a big brother and they are acting like imature small child with gun in their hand
Some asian countries thought china will act like a big brother and they are acting like imature small child with gun in their hand

What nonsense. We are the big brother. We fought alongside North Korea against US aggression. We fought alongside Vietnam against US aggression. We have opened our markets to regional economies, we provide aid, we provide financing, we provide investment, we provide goods & services, we transfer technology we are self-sufficient in, we are the country opposing the US empire when rest of Asia is siding with a non-Asian empire to dominate Asians like slaves. Without China, Asia would be a mess like the middle east where the US kills anyone that opposes their hegemony. China and Russia are the only countries with independent foreign policies that opposes US hegemony.
What nonsense. We are the big brother. We fought alongside North Korea against US aggression. We fought alongside Vietnam against US aggression. We have opened our markets to regional economies, we provide aid, we provide financing, we provide investment, we provide goods & services, we transfer technology we are self-sufficient in, we are the country opposing the US empire when rest of Asia is siding with a non-Asian empire to dominate Asians like slaves. Without China, Asia would be a mess like the middle east where the US kills anyone that opposes their hegemony. China and Russia are the only countries with independent foreign policies that opposes US hegemony.
As big brother china should have cleared its brorder problem rather than letting it a open wound
India,russia,vietnam,japan etc
When a strong man protects himself from attacks by a sickly loser he is not a bully. You may find a dignified and restrained defense threatening and alien to your psyche but that is not a condemnation.

You are after all the nation where young boys are beaten ten times into their graves for looking at a high caste girl. So China's light treatment after your imperial adventure in 1962 must have not only been confusing but interpreted as a sign that nothing has been done wrong at all.

Keep pushing it and you will get the "Dalit special". Your ambitious policies from hostility and scheming have made you the Untouchable of Asia.

Instead of worrying about our Dalits you should worry about the Uighurs who are being butchered by your army or the Tibetans who are fighting against the Chinese imperialism. And you could do only that much by backstabbing us in 1962, you can't pluck a single hair now, in fact you tried to play hard again in 1967 & 1987 and got a bloody nose both the times.

Now stay on the topic instead of poking your nose in our internal matters.

I'd be surprised if any of your shoddy weapons made it past the Himalayas. Chinese people do like to gamble.

Then go and gamble instead of foaming in your mouth here.
Instead of worrying about our Dalits you should worry about the Uighurs who are being butchered by your army or the Tibetans who are fighting against the Chinese imperialism. And you could do only that much by backstabbing us in 1962, you can't pluck a single hair now, in fact you tried to play hard again in 1967 & 1987 and got a bloody nose both the times.

Now stay on the topic instead of poking your nose in our internal matters.

Then go and gamble instead of foaming in your mouth here.

Show me proof of whatever happened in 1967 and 1987?
As big brother china should have cleared its brorder problem rather than letting it a open wound
India,russia,vietnam,japan etc

I don't know if you have access to a world map but since when does China share a border with Japan? Also you should learn some facts, China and Russia have no border conflicts, nor is there one between China and VN.
In fact, China always monitor any militant movement of Russia near border, and vice versa ...
Same to India, Vietnam ... same to Japan vs China in East China Sea ...
What if the people in the North East do it by themselves? All China need to do is provide covert support through third parties like Myanmar rebel factions, a connection that cannot be proven, just like there was no proof of Russian support in Eastern Ukraine. Will you nuke the North East in that case?

It of course depends on what the people of North East want, whether they want to stay with India or break free. You can hardly suppress 6 million Kashmiri's with 800,000 security personnel, imagine what it will be like if 40 million people decide to fight India, if they think they have a realistic chance to go at it.

Keep believing that....they can see the tibetan refugees and what happened to their culture.N-E has its issues but not ones to unite with china.China india will maintain peace.
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