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US must 'get used to China's rise'

There will be no war between China and America. It's a silly notion found only on internet forums and among political extremists, where reality doesn't exist. The truth is that China and America have a very intertwined relationship based on mutual benefit and trade. To read some of the posts here by some people, one would think China and America are mortal enemies on the verge of conflict. GO to China and you will see thousands of American, (And European, Asian, etc.) companies and executives, working shoulder to shoulder with their Chinese friends. Go to any good American university and you will see thousands of students from China, who are friends with Americans and often decide to stay in America and make a new life. Sure, we have areas of conflict and America is not going to roll-over or abandon our relationship with South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines, etc., but China for one, is not going to engage in hostilities for one simple reason. It's bad for business. Why would a store owner shoot his best customer?
At this moment, what Xi said about one Asia, nearly meaningless with Vietnamese average people, they tend to follow Japan and USA, France ...
Taiwan has some votes of Vietnam. to Vietnamese people feeling now, China is the most ugly neighbor

Looks like China /Vietnam relation is going the way of US/Venezuela, which is understandable. At this point, there is no point for China to mend the relation as the dispute will be on going. China however do need cement relationship with the other states in Indo-China to keep the whole place from turning into "the Latin America" of China.
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You could argue it was US which helped manufacture China's rise.
Countries don't 'help' countries out of charity.

Mainland China got investment and technology from Taiwan and Hong Kong.
The US media has brainwashed the world into thinking China's rise was due to US. US refused to transfer technology and it's accumulated investment is small compared to others. US opened its markets but so did every other country. Chinese exports to the US only account for 18% of total Chinese exports. China is now an economy that is driven by investment. 50% of the economy is investment and 60% of the GDP growth comes from investment.
Also after 1989, China was on its own. Arms embargo from all the western countries
Sooner or later China will develop its own version of the Monroe Doctrine to keep the US out of Asia, and this looks like the very begining of things yet to come.

I proposed a similar idea here:
Sun Tzu Doctrine for Asia

But that was then, I need to revise that. I no longer believe in smaller regional unions in Asia. China must establish itself as the undisputed leader, helped by its allies, while entire Asia should be directly under Chinese control, no more sub regions for Asia.
Being working for 200 years for the Americans. It'll work.

After what happened in Vietnam, nah it won't work. Each country is different.

They invaded Mexico in 19th century, now problems are done.

So which country are you going to invade first? Vietnam to take some of its territory so it can't claim it owns part of SCS?

Looks like China /Vietnam relation is going the way of US/Venezuela, which is understandable. At this point, there is no point for China to mend the relation as the dispute will be on going. China however do need cement relationship with the other states in Indo-China to keep the whole place from turning into "the Latin America" of China.

No no, keep doing what you do best. Maintain the course. Teach those little countries that they need to accept the reality of China as the dominant power in Asia. Need to move more oil rigs into those waters and take those little rocks from the other countries.
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So which country are you going to invade first? Vietnam to take some of its territory so it can't claim it owns part of SCS?

We will defend our employees from being slain by Vietnam people, we will protect the operations of our oil rig in China's territory. You are the largest imperialists on this planet, you just feel ashamed to admit your inhumanity in all the wars USA initiated.
We will defend our employees from being slain by Vietnam people, we will protect the operations of our oil rig in China's territory. You are the largest imperialists on this planet, you just feel ashamed to admit your inhumanity in all the wars USA initiated.

Well you failed in the first part since many Chinese were killed and forced to evacuate and didn't do anything about it.

So if we are the largest imperialists, you must be the smallest imperialists. And I don't feel ashamed by the wars most countries have initiated with the U.S.
So which country are you going to invade first? Vietnam to take some of its territory so it can't claim it owns part of SCS?

These little countries will eventually back down, they have too much at stake to maintain long term hostilities with China. The only country that will not back down is Inda, the country with imperial dream, but not the means or ability.

What China should do is help North East States under India's colonial occupation to become independent.
After what happened in Vietnam, nah it won't work. Each country is different.

No no, keep doing what you do best. Maintain the course. Teach those little countries that they need to accept the reality of China as the dominant power in Asia. Need to move more oil rigs into those waters and take those little rocks from the other countries.

The Monore doctrine is about keeping other great powers away from the west hemisphere, or so called the American backyard. The Cuban missile crisis is the best illustration of the monore doctrine in the modern age, while Vietnam War has nothing to do with it. That's rather interventionalism gone wild.

There are alot of countries in the Southeast Asia that is not involved in the dispute in South China Sea. China can certainly develop very positive relation with those, Laos, Cambodia, Burma, Thailand, Indonesia, etc. And those that are involved in the dispute, I think China should first settle with Brunei who has no control over any island, and whose EEZ claimed has rather small overlap with China's. Delimit EEZ between the two are very achievable, and China can certainly sweeten the deal by allowing mutual access & development in each other's EEZ as well as backing Brunei's EEZ claim vs others claimees. Negotiation with Malaysia is also possible, although harder. But since the islands Malaysia claims are in not China's but Vietnam's hand, there are alot more room for China to manuver. As far as Vietnam and Philippine are concerned, think of them as Venezuela and Cuba for the US, economic isolation is the best way to go there.
That's a sugercoated word for 'bullying'.

When a strong man protects himself from attacks by a sickly loser he is not a bully. You may find a dignified and restrained defense threatening and alien to your psyche but that is not a condemnation.

You are after all the nation where young boys are beaten ten times into their graves for looking at a high caste girl. So China's light treatment after your imperial adventure in 1962 must have not only been confusing but interpreted as a sign that nothing has been done wrong at all.

Keep pushing it and you will get the "Dalit special". Your ambitious policies from hostility and scheming have made you the Untouchable of Asia.
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