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There are alot of racist Chinese on these forums, like that sino-pakistan member who goes around posting in every thread about how much he hates white people and how white people are responsible for all the rape and murder in the world, according to him.

Isn't Australia the country with all the racist attacks against Indians?
OK I see what you mean there but what about the "Tea party movement".... and John McCain presidential candidate who referred to us as "gooks"?

He was a presidential candidate so it's not just a renegade website?

What about the commentators on India times who happily refer to us as "chinks"?

As before we Chinese do not even have a WORD to racially abuse American people in the English language.

So it's strange that people claim that Chinese are hostile towards Americans, we haven't even invented a word that is equivalent to "chink" to use against Americans. So why do you think we are hostile? If anything it's the other way around.

McCain was a very old man and if I had went thru what he went thru in prison camps in Vietnam I am sure I would have bad things to say too and to be honest you seem pretty hostile to me.
I cant speak for India but you got a 1.3 billion of them so you will I am sure hear every thing, same for 300 million americans.

Have you heard any thing like we are going to sink a Chinese Air Craft carrier and kill 5000 chinese sailors lately..and I am off to bed and I think you have been throughly defeated and humilated enought for one day.
Have you heard any thing like we are going to sink a Chinese Air Craft carrier and kill 5000 chinese sailors lately..and I am off to bed and I think you have been throughly defeated and humilated enought for one day.

Yes General MacArthur said he was going to "nuke" Chinese cities.

That was after they nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Yes you've "apparently" humiliated me by wrongly claiming that 100 million people died, what a joke. :rofl: Next time do your research and you won't be embarrassed.
. .
Yes General MacArthur said he was going to "nuke" Chinese cities.

That was after they nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Yes you've "apparently" humiliated me by wrongly claiming that 100 million people died, what a joke. :rofl: Next time do your research and you won't be embarrassed.

I have allready agree with you that it was only 76 million,, do we need to really need to argue about the other 24 million and I thought we were talking about now. Your getting desperate and I dont remember any complaints from China when we nuked Japan. If we had not you might just be speaking Japanese right now.
. .
I have allready agree with you that it was only 76 million,, do we need to really need to argue about the other 24 million and I thought we were talking about now. Your getting desperate and I dont remember any complaints from China when we nuked Japan. If we had not you might just be speaking Japanese right now.

Of course we will complain when you commit genocide towards another people.

Read your history, when the nukes were dropped, the Japanese were almost completely off the Chinese mainland ALREADY.

So for you to claim you were "helping us" is nonsense, you just wanted revenge against the Japanese.
Of course we will complain when you commit genocide towards another people.

Read your history, when the nukes were dropped, the Japanese were almost completely off the Chinese mainland ALREADY.

So for you to claim you were "helping us" is nonsense, you just wanted revenge against the Japanese.
That is not the point, which is that since when did China became soooo concerned for Japan over the A-bombs?
That is not the point, which is that since when did China became soooo concerned for Japan over the A-bombs?

If you think Chinese people hate Japanese people you are completely wrong.

We grow up watching Japanese TV shows, buy Japanese gadgets and ride in Japanese cars. The old generation might still hold grudges but the younger generation don't care at all.

Every Japanese person who committed war crimes is ALREADY dead and has been for decades... so why should we hold a grudge towards Japanese people?
If you think Chinese people hate Japanese people you are completely wrong.

We grow up watching Japanese TV shows, buy Japanese gadgets and ride in Japanese cars. The old generation might still hold grudges but the younger generation don't care at all.

Every Japanese person who committed war crimes is ALREADY dead and has been for decades... so why should we hold a grudge towards Japanese people? The younger generation of Japanese people are not guilty at all.
Then you have no case in bringing up the A-bombs as rhetorical ammunition against US regarding 'genocide'.
[报价=开局; 988379 ]这不是重点,这是因为中国在什么时候成为日本关注的A -炸弹? [ /报价] soooo

Personal point of view be different, but most Chinese people do agree on Japan's nuclear explosions. From emotional rather than rationally.
Then you have no case in bringing up the A-bombs as rhetorical ammunition against US regarding 'genocide'.

I brought it up in a response to another question and was primarily referring to General MacArthur's comments, I did not bring it up as an example of genocide but I replied along that path.

You're Vietnamese, the American Government killed up to 5 million innocent Vietnamese during the Vietnam war with a massive indiscriminate bombing campaign. And still they lost the war.

So I find it very strange to see you've put your flag as American, especially since they failed in their strategic objective to stop communism coming south, not to mention all the unnecessary killing of Vietnamese civilians using napalm weapons.
[报价=开局; 988379 ]这不是重点,这是因为中国在什么时候成为日本关注的A -炸弹? [ /报价] soooo

Personal point of view be different, but most Chinese people do agree on Japan's nuclear explosions. From emotional rather than rationally.

I agree with this.
You're Vietnamese, the American Government killed up to 5 million innocent Vietnamese during the Vietnam war with a massive indiscriminate bombing campaign. And still they lost the war.
Just from this alone, I can see that you know nothing about the Vietnam War, other than what you selectively chose to know.

So I find it very strange to see you've put your flag as American, especially since they failed in their strategic objective to stop communism coming south.
Am also a US citizen and an anti-communist. You have no idea how many Viets oppose communists and supported the US involvement in SE Asia. You think it is 'strange' because you are stuck in the mindset that cage people in the color of their skin and their ethnicities.
The war deaths in Iraq were not the result of the US intending to violate any one's 'human rights'. Human rights violations are usually state sponsored and specifically targeted as a method to control a population, like how the communists became very good at it.

I do not agree, the micro might not be, but from a macro point is. Expected to reduce the large numbers of people, the U.S. policy makers is to understand. The war will bring a significant reduction in the population, the U.S. government should be blamed.

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