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US is a global dictator: Ahmedinejad

Soviets collapsed by themselves you never actually fought them.
No need to actually militarily engage them. What was it that Sun Tzu said about winning without fighting...???

When you DID fight militarily... you lost to Vietnam, you lost to North Korea, you are failing in Afghanistan to a few poorly armed insurgents.
Then if the US is soooo militarily incompetent, China should have been the dominant military power a long time ago with many alliances worldwide. Why not?
I have no need to give you any 'polls'. My argument was not based upon 'polls'. But I do understand that since you could not argue against reality, the one that we see on the daily news on how Iraq is making progress, that clearly indicate ordinary Iraqis, while they do not like US being there, is far from supporting an insurgency, that you have to resort to demanding 'polls'.

So basically you have NO evidence at all?

I had the manners to find some evidence and polls from reliable sources (e.g. BBC) to support what I said. You haven't.
No need to actually militarily engage them. What was it that Sun Tzu said about winning without fighting...???

Then if the US is soooo militarily incompetent, China should have been the dominant military power a long time ago with many alliances worldwide. Why not?

Historically China has done well, Asia has controlled the LION'S SHARE of world GDP for most of recorded history.

Here is the evidence from the Economist Magazine =

In the last 200 years we have done very badly. This is because of the Qing Emperors who were corrupt and weak, and saw us lose 20 million civilians to the Japanese army who committed genocide against us.

Then Chairman Mao was even worse, through incompetence he caused millions of Chinese people to starve to death.

Then in 1970's we had CAPITALIST reforms and we are slowly emerging back onto the correct path that we have taken throughout history. Hopefully we can get over our suffering and become a stable world power, just like we were historically.
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So basically you have NO evidence at all?

I had the manners to find some evidence and polls from reliable sources (e.g. BBC) to support what I said. You haven't.
Yer right...Iraq is still a terrible place. The US is carting off one oil barrel after another. And the Iraqi population is in a massive armed revolt against the US occupation forces...:rolleyes:
Ah you're talking about COMMUNISM not China.

I agree that Communism is terrible and has killed many people, mostly in the Soviet union but plenty of people in China too.

However, China has been CAPITALIST since the 1970's market reforms. We are now the number one exporter in the world.

If you want to say Communism is bad then I agree with you 100% but look at modern China and our export-based culture, it is clearly Capitalism.

China has been capitalist since the 1970's.... how did you NOT know this? Where do you think all the exports come from?

You still have the same goverment that killed a 100 million of its own people.
You still have the same goverment that killed a 100 million of its own people.

100 million people are you just inventing numbers again? :rofl:

You need to read more on Chinese history.

Chairman Mao (who was responsible for the bloodshed) was PURGED from the Party by Deng Xiaoping and in the 1970's we had capitalist reforms.

Our modern Government is made up of the people who opposed Chairman Mao. Deng Xiaoping in particular was the biggest opponent of Mao.

Yes I am unhappy about the deaths of my fellow countrymen due to Chairman Mao, however I find it hard to believe that you somehow "care" about the deaths of innocent Chinese people given your anti-China stance.
Gambit, Sir,

These Chinese patriots are not worth debating. They really know nothing factual about the outside world, or, for that matter their own country. They have grown up on STATE-controlled media. The majority of the ones on the internet are creatures of their "system". Especially the ones with the aggressive names. They aren't worth your time and energy.
Gambit, Sir,

These Chinese patriots are not worth debating. They really know nothing factual about the outside world, or, for that matter their own country. They have grown up on STATE-controlled media. The majority of the ones on the internet are creatures of their "system". Especially the ones with the aggressive names. They aren't worth your time and energy.
The way I see it, for every person that participate, there are 100 who are undecided and seeks information and opinions to help them formulate their own. It is they that I target and unlike the Chinese members who shares their government's desire for controls, I welcome their opposing opinions.
These Chinese patriots are not worth debating. They really know nothing factual about the outside world, or, for that matter their own country.

Thanks for the insult to all the Chinese people.

We know "nothing factual"? :rofl:

I grew up in Hong Kong, there is NO state-controlled media there. So you clearly don't know what you're talking about.
Historically China has done well, Asia has controlled the LION'S SHARE of world GDP for most of recorded history.

Here is the evidence from the Economist Magazine =

Video from the "Economist" Magazine

In the last 200 years we have done very badly. This is because of the Qing Emperors who were corrupt and weak, and saw us lose 20 million civilians to the Japanese army who committed genocide against us.

Then Chairman Mao was even worse, through incompetence he caused millions of Chinese people to starve to death.

Then in 1970's we had CAPITALIST reforms and we are slowly emerging back onto the correct path that we have taken throughout history. Hopefully we can get over our suffering and become a stable world power, just like we were historically.

I honestly belive that Chinese Economic expansion is not only a good but a great thing, that the world will a better place when every one has a better standard of living then I am all for it. The growth of China does not make the US less because China does well. I wish every one could grow economically like India and China.

I use to be a member of a club called the Rotary:
They had something called the 4 way test I have allways tried to apply it especially in business.

Of the things we think, say or do

1.Is it the TRUTH?
2.Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4.Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

I dont want to do business with you if its not to your benefit as well as mine.
I honestly belive that Chinese Economic expansion is not only a good but a great thing, that the world will a better place when every one has a better standard of living then I am all for it. The growth of China does not make the US less because China does well. I wish every one could grow economically like India and China.

I wish others shared these views... but when I read Indians and Americans talking on this forum it is almost always anti-China.

Read the Indiatimes and see how many people who comment on the article call us "chinks" and same in America too.

Since I joined this forum I have felt nothing but ill-will from Indians and Americans. Sorry but this is how I perceive it.
americans are heroes for like 5 yrs, aft that, they gonna sink to pacific

I guess while we are on the subject, this table might be interesting.l

Figures and Tables
Forward (by Irving Louis Horowitz)
1. 169,202,000 Murdered: Summary and Conclusions [20th Century Democide]

2. The New Concept of Democide [Definition of Democide]
3. Over 133,147,000 Murdered: Pre-Twentieth Century Democide

4. 61,911,000 Murdered: The Soviet Gulag State
5. 35,236,000 Murdered: The Communist Chinese Ant Hill
6. 20,946,000 Murdered: The Nazi Genocide State
7. 10,214,000 Murdered: The Depraved Nationalist Regime

8. 5,964,000 Murdered: Japan's Savage Military
9. 2,035,000 Murdered: The Khmer Rouge Hell State
10. 1,883,000 Murdered: Turkey's Genocidal Purges
11. 1,670,000 Murdered: The Vietnamese War State
12. 1,585,000 Murdered: Poland's Ethnic Cleansing
13. 1,503,000 Murdered: The Pakistani Cutthroat State
14. 1,072,000 Murdered: Tito's Slaughterhouse

15. 1,663,000 Murdered? Orwellian North Korea
16. 1,417,000 Murdered? Barbarous Mexico
17. 1,066,000 Murdered? Feudal Russia
References Index

IMPORTANT NOTE: Among all the democide estimates appearing in this book, some have been revised upward. I have changed that for Mao's famine, 1958-1962, from zero to 38,000,000. And thus I have had to change the overall democide for the PRC (1928-1987) from 38,702,000 to 76,702,000. Details here.
I have changed my estimate for colonial democide from 870,000 to an additional 50,000,000. Details here.

Thus, the new world total: old total 1900-1999 = 174,000,000. New World total = 174,000,000 + 38,000,000 (new for China) + 50,000,000 (new for Colonies) = 262,000,000.

If you want to look at where he is getting his figures from copy and paste it to google or any search engine,,,, But you never learned this in school in china.

And how many native Indians were murdered by the brave americans? Where is that figure?
I wish others shared these views... but when I read Indians and Americans talking on this forum it is almost always anti-China.

Read the Indiatimes and see how many people who comment on the article call us "chinks" and same in America too.

Since I joined this forum I have felt nothing but ill-will from Indians and Americans. Sorry but this is how I perceive it.

I am a pretty average american and to be honest I hardly ever hear China being discussed but I never hear the world chinks used, really its considered in poor tastes to call people chinks, whops, micks, japs etc. some people do that kind of thing when they are upset and you do flame some, but so do I.
I am a pretty average american and to be honest I hardly ever hear China being discussed but I never hear the world chinks used, really its considered in poor tastes to call people chinks, whops, micks, japs etc. some people do that kind of thing when they are upset and you do flame some, but so do I.

Unfortunately it seems that we will never be on the same page on this issue.

As before... I am more concerned than you are about the millions of deaths that took place in China under Chainman Mao's leadership. To me it is absolutely horrific and I curse the name of Chairman Mao for what he has done to those innocent people.

However, I'm not sure why you're using it as a method of point-scoring against me.... since I think it was absolutely horrific, same as you do.

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