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US Army begins relief missions in Swat Valley .Chinook in action

U.S. Army joins rescue, aid efforts in flood-stricken Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN -- The U.S. Army joined efforts Thursday to rescue and provide aid to some of the 4 million people affected by flooding that continues to cause massive devastation as it spreads across Pakistan.

U.S. helicopters -- four Chinooks and two Black Hawks -- helped evacuate 800 people who had been stranded in the northwest's Swat Valley, and the choppers' crews distributed 66,000 pounds of supplies, according to the U.S. Embassy here.

Although the relief missions are being coordinated with the Pakistani government, the presence of U.S. troops on the ground has the potential to cause controversy. U.S. motivations are widely mistrusted in Pakistan, where only a small number of American troops have been permitted in training and advisory roles. The addition of 84 service members could generate suspicion that U.S intentions go beyond providing humanitarian aid.

Still, on Thursday, the initial reaction was positive. "We appreciate any help from the world, including the U.S.," said Arbab Tahir Khan, spokesman for the ruling party in Pakistan's northwestern province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, which has been the hardest hit. "The devastation caused by the floods is beyond imagination, and the world is responding -- but slowly. They should speed up their response."

The United States leans heavily on Pakistan to cooperate in efforts to combat insurgents who operate along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, but it has frequently criticized the Pakistani military for not doing enough to go after certain militant groups. U.S. officials have been concerned in recent days that the flooding could destabilize the government and take resources away from its counterinsurgency campaign.

Pakistan's government has been widely assailed here for failing to formulate a coherent response to the floods. Pakistani officials insist that they are doing their best with limited resources.

Even as the flooding has torn through new areas and the number of affected people has soared, President Asif Ali Zardari has been out of the country all week, visiting his counterparts in France and Britain.

Zardari's allies have defended the trip, noting that the nation's prime minister is steering the flood response. But Zardari's political opponents have been relentlessly critical, arguing that the absence of the unpopular president reflects his detachment from the problems of the people.

On Thursday, authorities began evacuating half a million residents of the southern province of Sindh, where floodwaters are expected to crest in coming days.

The floods have done the most damage in Pakistan's restive northwest, but they have been moving south and east to Sindh and Punjab provinces. Dozens of villages in Punjab were inundated Thursday, and the overall death toll in Pakistan's flooding has risen to at least 1,500.

In addition to deploying helicopters, the United States said it would provide $35 million in disaster aid -- up from the $10 million previously announced.


Yummy - more free money and yet another thankless task for the US in Pakistan (well, that's not entirely the case, the politiicians and bureaucrats appreciate the free money the US can provide) Isn't Pakistani politicians "democracy" just grand? Just ask them, no, wait, they are in Europe, "working" on building a dynasty, did I hear you say, "lone ginman"?.

Let us also not be naive and blame the average Pakistani for the downfalls of this borderline-legitimate elected government. That is wrong and if the average Pakistani can barely pass a literacy exam what fault will we hold them responsible for the position and current low status of our nation. If anything the intellectuals like me and you are responsible.
Huh? What? No PPP govt is one that I would ever lay claim on nor hold legitimate -- status?

I'm not exactly sure what it is you are saying? If I understand you correctly you and I are responsible for what in the Pakistani media especially, has become mode, namely pandering for greater praise whoredom (even though the article above is from the Guardian) - have I understood you correctly? If yes, then I think you are completely mistaken about this - I don't know about you but I am in no responsible for this praise whore, victimhood that some in Pakistan wallow in (like a donkey in the dirt?)

Speaking for myself, I don't need praise for doing what I think is right -- and I certainly do not pander, demanding it.

See, True, when one's mind is enslaved the rest of the body follows, some people NEED to be praised like a dog does, it's part of the training -- and then there are others.

I hope I have expressed myself clearly and that I am understood.
I understand what you mean now, you do not care for the praise of others and will not bend national interest for such ends either. That I think is praise worthy.
well most of aid not will get to those who deserve these aids hope they have sent UN people to give these stuff who need them most what UN force is doing
Does Islam allow eating of Haram meat in a catastrophy like this? Thats a rhetorical question.

I have read somewhere that if you have been without food for three days, then everything is halal for a Muslim. Could somebody please confirm this with a reference from quran/hadith?
well can't say anything on this but well if they have sent live stock of goats so we have slaughtered them in islamic way and they became HALLAL
And still we are hated by you although we help you in every case!
we never hated USA but the jews policies been adopted by USA and helping israel even after you know thewy are killing innocents and also helping anti islamic govts around the world we are against american policies not common american people we like americans and respect them and their help
Pakistan's worst flash floods in decades, which have left more than 1,500 people dead, have provided an opportunity for the Obama administration to repair the tattered image of the U.S. with a crucial ally.

U.S. officials on Wednesday spelled out the administration's efforts to help those affected by the natural disaster.

"We've been working hard over the past year to build a partnership with the people of Pakistan, and this is an essential element of that partnership: reaching out and helping each other in times of need," said Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The U.S. has committed $10 million in aid and sent humanitarian relief workers to Pakistan.

Six Army aircraft — four CH-47 Chinook helicopters and two UH-60 Black Hawk utility helicopters — arrived at Ghazi air base in Pakistan on Wednesday. The aircraft are lifting hundreds of people out of danger and providing critical supplies.

The helicopters were sent at Pakistan's request and will be operated in partnership with the government in Islamabad.

A Pew Global Attitudes Project survey released last week found that President Obama received the lowest ratings in Pakistan than in any other nation polled this year. Only 17 percent of Pakistanis had a favorable opinion of the U.S. and 61 percent had a negative view of Americans.

In a sign of respect to Muslim sentiments, the Obama administration is providing hundreds of thousands of halal meals to those affected by the floods.

The U.S. also has provided boats to help with search-and-rescue missions, water purification units and temporary bridges to replace those damaged by the floods.

"This represents just the start of our efforts," Mrs. Clinton said. "We will continue to help Pakistan in the days and weeks ahead."

- Washington Times

I like to thank the ummah nation for all there help oh wait it is not the ummah helping its the bloody infidels.This is probably a nightmare scenario for mullahs and ummah sympathizers how they are going to turn this into an ummah kissing American bashing.
And still we are hated by you although we help you in every case!

Incredible! your first post and you're already tilting at windmills :no:
We share a complex relationship with Pakistan, there is historic baggage.
The hatred if it exists, the extent and justification is best understood in conversation with Pakistani member here. I urge you to defer judgement until you've had a chance to better understand ground realities.

And yes please don't forget to introduce yourself in the members section.
Bro justice is done on the base of witnesses...if u dont find witness that has seen anything happening even the pplz who r running the shops(for selling meat) then what u gnna say...Im not just saying on the ground of hearsay..bro ...u can check ureself..
I just found from somebody in Indiana State that they have a slaughterhouse anybody can go overthere and perform the Zabeeha HALAL... based on the witness there...there is big majority of Muslims in Indianapolis city.,.
So this means somewhere u can find HALAL but shold not go just on the HALAL stamped meat...gotta be vigilant...There is another thing in US they also stamp meat for HALAL means that it is not pork...but it doesnt mean that this has been Zbeehah HALAL(slaughtered by Muslim on the name of Allah(SBWT))
Another thing the shopkeepers told me that if u wanna make sure that it is Zahbeehah HALAL then just dont buy the HALAL stamped meat from the market cuz nobody knwz who is selling it and where it is coming from..and shopkeepers dont give its guarantee.
Some shopkeepers who gurantees their meat(be Zabeehah Halal) cuz they perform their own Zabeehah in the slaughter houses. themselves as they dont trust the market available meat...:agree:
If we dont care about Haraam and Halal then Allah(SBWT) will not care about us. and we cannot expect mercy from him cuz we not sincere to him..

Ladies and gentleman this man and likes him are the reason Pakistan is not going any where billion % hypocrites there help includes throwing stones at the people who are helping the people in need.
Here is the picture of the Halal MRE:
These appear to be re-labeled shelf-stable kosher meals. link I've always found their stuff kind of spicy. I like the cheese tortellini best.

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