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US Army begins relief missions in Swat Valley .Chinook in action

hey bro...now u told the truth...thats what I wanted to hear from u ..:woot:
They will make us miserable ..then they will feed us giving Haraam meat and then show to the world that they so nice with Muslims saving their lives...and Muslims are stupid(nauzbillah) bite the same hand that feeds them..
and to tell u the truth I quoted the same words I heard from one of their guyz above..:lol:

What's your say about the phrase below...

Avoid eating Chicken, Beef and all meat prducts for at least one mont because the sale of dead aminals' meat is in high practice as we have seen it with our own eyes in Nowshera - people are dumping the dead ones. The flood has served a good turn to the butchers. A friend of mine working for an NGO, just told me this. I have forwarded this as text messages and wanted to let you all know as well. Take care of your family and spread this among your contacts.

Are we even considered as human beings? Patethic bunch of nation we are, that's why we see wraths from the sky every now and then, we do deserve all this.
People can say what they want but US has and is helping us in hard times as such .. :usflag::pakistan:
well thanx to United states of American for helping hands but chinkooks wont be enough they should have sended 10 to 20 flights of C 130 hercules for relief goods welll but they can also gift us these chinkooks we would be more than thankfulll
Are we even considered as human beings? Patethic bunch of nation we are, that's why we see wraths from the sky every now and then, we do deserve all this.
In every such tragedy, there are bound to be those who try to profit from others misery. However, you must look at what the majority is doing. In such situations, I can't think of another nation that gives as much as ours does. Seriously, I don't know of a single Pakistani here in Toronto that isn't doing something or the other to help out. It was the same with the Swat Crisis, and the same with the Earthquakes in Balochistan and Azad Kashmir.

Seriously, nothing makes me prouder than when I see Pakistanis helping other Pakistanis in times like these.
well thanx to United states of American for helping hands but chinkooks wont be enough they should have sended 10 to 20 flights of C 130 hercules for relief goods welll but they can also gift us these chinkooks we would be more than thankfulll
Firstly, the Chinooks and Black Hawks are required to transport goods from air-bases and collection centers to areas where access is difficult. You cannot do that with a C-130s.

Secondly, whenever goods are transferred from other countries, they arrive in the aircraft of that country. Hence, there is no need for more C-130s unless it's for troop transfer.

Lastly, why in the world would they "gift" us these Chinooks?
The americans have aided Pakistan a lot but at times their aid comes at a cost of undermining our strategical interests. BTW, where is China?? Being closer to border and a huge army they should have a lot of choppers too provided they are not busy in rescuing their own flooded as flash flood have been running around china as well.

Video: China sends 10 mln yuan of aid to Pakistan CCTV News - CNTV English

here are couple of pics



The americans have aided Pakistan a lot but at times their aid comes at a cost of undermining our strategical interests. BTW, where is China?? Being closer to border and a huge army they should have a lot of choppers too provided they are not busy in rescuing their own flooded as flash flood have been running around china as well.

most of china's choppers are not able to fly at high altitude:undecided:
China always sends support. But let me tell you that there is no factor greater than local support and efforts. Hats off to everyone who has been a great citizen for our people. Those who call us failed state hate to see us do so much good for ourselves, nothing will beat our own efforts. And word of advice : Do not let grass root efforts be hampered by the bureacracy...drive yourselves to these affected areas like a few have already done here and I will be doing soon or donate to people already mentioned in other threads. No need to involve too many parties, and this way everyone will be catered to. The military is also doing a great job.
U.S. Army joins rescue, aid efforts in flood-stricken Pakistan

By Griff Witte
Friday, August 6, 2010

ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN -- The U.S. Army joined efforts Thursday to rescue and provide aid to some of the 4 million people affected by flooding that continues to cause massive devastation as it spreads across Pakistan.

U.S. helicopters -- four Chinooks and two Black Hawks -- helped evacuate 800 people who had been stranded in the northwest's Swat Valley, and the choppers' crews distributed 66,000 pounds of supplies, according to the U.S. Embassy here.
Although the relief missions are being coordinated with the Pakistani government, the presence of U.S. troops on the ground has the potential to cause controversy. U.S. motivations are widely mistrusted in Pakistan, where only a small number of American troops have been permitted in training and advisory roles. The addition of 84 service members could generate suspicion that U.S intentions go beyond providing humanitarian aid.

Still, on Thursday, the initial reaction was positive. "We appreciate any help from the world, including the U.S.," said Arbab Tahir Khan, spokesman for the ruling party in Pakistan's northwestern province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, which has been the hardest hit. "The devastation caused by the floods is beyond imagination, and the world is responding -- but slowly. They should speed up their response."

The United States leans heavily on Pakistan to cooperate in efforts to combat insurgents who operate along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, but it has frequently criticized the Pakistani military for not doing enough to go after certain militant groups. U.S. officials have been concerned in recent days that the flooding could destabilize the government and take resources away from its counterinsurgency campaign.

Pakistan's government has been widely assailed here for failing to formulate a coherent response to the floods. Pakistani officials insist that they are doing their best with limited resources.

Even as the flooding has torn through new areas and the number of affected people has soared, President Asif Ali Zardari has been out of the country all week, visiting his counterparts in France and Britain.

Zardari's allies have defended the trip, noting that the nation's prime minister is steering the flood response. But Zardari's political opponents have been relentlessly critical, arguing that the absence of the unpopular president reflects his detachment from the problems of the people.

On Thursday, authorities began evacuating half a million residents of the southern province of Sindh, where floodwaters are expected to crest in coming days.

The floods have done the most damage in Pakistan's restive northwest, but they have been moving south and east to Sindh and Punjab provinces. Dozens of villages in Punjab were inundated Thursday, and the overall death toll in Pakistan's flooding has risen to at least 1,500.

In addition to deploying helicopters, the United States said it would provide $35 million in disaster aid -- up from the $10 million previously announced.

U.S. Army joins rescue, aid efforts in flood-stricken Pakistan

Wales begins task of helping Pakistan flood survivors

Aug 6 2010 by Lisa Jones, Western Mail

As survivors of the floods in Pakistan continued to count the cost of the humanitarian disaster, work started thousands of miles away in Wales to help its victims. Lisa Jones reports

FLOOD survivors loaded down with possessions fled for their lives in Pakistan yesterday as the scale of the humanitarian crisis facing the nation started to become apparent.

Flood warnings were still being issued for Punjab province in Pakistan’s east and Sindh province in the south, where rivers were rising to dangerous levels.

More than 1,500 people have been killed by floods in the country over the last week and three million others affected.

In Wales, efforts have been rapidly mobilised to send aid to stricken parts of the Asian country.

Pakistani communities in Wales have begun the task of organising aid for the millions of people affected by the crisis.

The deluge, which has worst affected the north-western region of the country, in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province, has been described as the worst flood in Pakistan’s history.

And the threat of more rain looks set to spread the misery southwards across the country.

In the aftermath of the floods there is a serious risk to survivors from potentially deadly diseases which will spread as a result of contaminated surface and drinking water.

Food, clean drinking water, tents and medical services remain the biggest priorities for aid.

Two doctors who worked to raise thousands of pounds when a massive earthquake hit Pakistan in 2005 are in the process of organising how best to target their experience for the millions whose lives have been devastated by the water.

Doctors Nawab Khan and Tayyab Tahir, who work in Penarth and Cardiff, are part of South Asian Immediate Action Network (SIAN) Cymru, which helped raise more than £50,000, which was channelled to help victims of the earthquake.

In conjunction with the Khanbahadur Lallbibi Welfare Trust (KLWT), they helped arrange the delivery of tents, blankets and medical aid to the remote Bhunja Valley, in the north-western Frontier province.

But the scale of the flood has meant the need for careful consideration on how people can best be helped, said Dr Tahir.

He said: “We are negotiating with other people to find out what they are doing and see what we can do to support them.

“We are trying to think of something to support the work that we did in 2005.

“The death toll is much bigger this time and the area affected is much larger. The magnitude is huge. Lots of villages and cities have been totally flattened. We’re trying to assess what people are doing over there and then we’ll decide if we want to pick one area as it would be very difficult to respond in a huge way.

“We have to think carefully of a viable project that we can sustain.”

Dr Ayaz Khan, programme director of KLWT, based in Islamabad, which channelled funds raised by Echo readers directly to those who needed it, said the trust was funding volunteers on the ground.

A medical and relief camp was being set up on the outskirts of the city of Nowshera, around 27 miles from Peshawar, by local doctors. Help was also being given to people in Dera Ismail Khan and Attock, which have also been devastated.

He added: “The existing situation in the area is very drastic and a lot of damage has been reported. Some people are missing and most are displaced from their homes to the open areas; there is a loss of livestock and damage to agricultural land, besides infrastructure damage.

“We are working in collaboration with others and are doing what we can to support their efforts on ground.”

In Newport, around 100 members of its Islamic Society for Gwent have already flown over to north west Pakistan, to help look for families swept away by the flood.

Chairman Latif Mohammed said the society was hoping to raise more than the £30,000 it collected for the earthquake appeal in 2005, as well as dispatching medicines, tents, blankets and clothing.

Chairman Naseem Babur said: “It usually happens every year but not like this. We haven’t seen anything like this since 1972.”

Mr Babur, whose brother and sister live in the Bahawalpur area of Pakistan, added: “Let’s hope that it dies down and that the world comes to the aid of these people.”

Ashgar Ali, a Cardiff councillor and chairman of Madina mosque in Cathays, Cardiff, said its members would begin raising funds for those affected in Pakistan this evening.

He added: “We will be collecting money constantly and will send the money to a non-governmental organisation called the EDHI Foundation, which is staffed by volunteers. Our members are really worried about their families in Pakistan but you can’t go there and stop the flood, so there’s nothing you can do except collect money and send it over to help.”

To donate to the DEC Pakistan Floods Appeal, visit DEC or to donate to other NGOs, visit KLWT: Khanbahadur Lallbibi Welfare Trust or Edhi Foundation - Home.

WalesOnline - News - Wales News - Wales begins task of helping Pakistan flood survivors
U.S. announces $ 25 million for Pakistan flood relief work

The U.S. has announced $ 25 million aid for the flood relief work in Pakistan, taking the total humanitarian fund to the inundation ravaged nation to $ 35 million.

“The need for response to this disaster is urgent, and even as we triple our financial commitment we remain flexible so we can meet new needs as they arise,” said USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah.

“We remain committed to working in support of the Government of Pakistan to identify gaps in assistance where USAID can be of assistance,” he said.

The assistance includes a $ 15 million contribution to the U.N. World Food Programme - primarily for the local and regional purchase of food aid and the dispatch of food from USAID’s prepositioning site - and $ 10 million to expand existing emergency and aid programmes that address needs identified by the Government of Pakistan.

At a special news conference held at the Foggy Bottom headquarters of the State Department, Dan Feldman, the Deputy Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, said the U.S. is also actively working to mobilise other nations to join in this effort.

“We have already started receiving a number of significant contributions from the European Commission, from the U.K., from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Japan, many others, which we’re just at the beginning of the process in coordinating,” Mr. Feldman told reporters.

The State Department is also engaging local Pakistani community in this regard including the private sector, the Pakistani-American business community and other Pakistani-American organisations throughout the U.S.

“As one example, the Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent of North America, APPNA, has received $5 million in pledges,” he added.

The Coca-Cola corporation for Pakistan and Afghanistan has announced a $ 500,000 donation.

“We’re going to be there for a long time. You will see our response to this crisis is a robust one. At some point, the relief phase will end, and we will get into a longer-term reconstruction effort,” said Mark Ward, Acting Director, Office of Foreign Direct Assistance, USAID.

So far, six U.S. Army helicopters have begun humanitarian assistance operations.

The four CH-47 Chinook helicopters and two UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters are operating in partnership with the Pakistan Government throughout the flood-impacted areas to deliver much-needed relief supplies and provide transport to people who urgently need emergency assistance.

An estimated 1,500 people have been killed in the floods over the past week.

Yesterday they evacuated more than 800 people from Kalam to Khwazakhela and transported 66,000 pounds of relief supplies. U.S. helicopters assigned to the Pakistani Ministry of Interior’s 50th Squadron are continuing their operations and have rescued 983 people and airlifted 30,973 pounds of supplies.

More than 436,000 halal meals from U.S. stocks in Afghanistan and elsewhere in the region have been delivered to civilian and military officials in Pakistan, a contribution of $ 3.25 million dollars.

Twelve pre-fabricated steel bridges have been made available as temporary replacements for highway bridges damaged by flooding in Peshawar and Kurram Agency.

Four Zodiac inflatable rescue boats with power motors and two water filtration units-which provide pumping, purification, and distribution of potable water for up to 10,000 persons daily-are being provided for use in the affected area.

A second consignment containing four additional water treatment units, 14 Zodiac boats with motors, 10 water storage bladders with distribution systems for drinking water and 30 concrete-cutting saws has been shipped to Peshawar for the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA).

A 25kw generator was provided to the Frontier Scouts-KPk to support their flood relief efforts

The Hindu : News / International : U.S. announces $ 25 million for Pakistan flood relief work
Yummy - more free money and yet another thankless task for the US in Pakistan (well, that's not entirely the case, the politiicians and bureaucrats appreciate the free money the US can provide) Isn't Pakistani politicians "democracy" just grand? Just ask them, no, wait, they are in Europe, "working" on building a dynasty, did I hear you say, "lone ginman"?.
U.S. Dispatches Helicopters For Flood Relief Assistance

August 4, 2010

Islamabad - Six U.S. Army aircraft consisting of four CH-47 Chinook helicopters and two UH-60 Blackhawk utility helicopters arrived at Ghazi Airbase in Pakistan today, as part of the United States Government's continued assistance to Pakistan during humanitarian relief operations from the monsoon floods.

The helicopters were dispatched to Pakistan in response to the Government of Pakistan's urgent request for flood relief assistance. The helicopters will be operating in partnership with the Pakistan government throughout the flood-impacted areas to deliver much-needed relief supplies and provide transport to people who urgently need emergency assistance there.

The United States responded immediately to Pakistan's call for assistance following the tragic and devastating floods, consistent with our humanitarian values and our deep commitment to the people of Pakistan.

Additional assistance will be provided based on the Government of Pakistan's assessments of humanitarian needs.


The United States will deploy four U.S. Army CH-47 “Chinook” helicopters to support flood rescue and relief operations in Pakistan. The “Chinook” helicopter is a large and powerful aircraft and can carry a load of 19,500 pounds (nearly 9,000 kilos).

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